
Falling in Love with your Blind Date


Ugh, I can't believe he's flirting with her, I thought, making a face. Some random guy just went up to me and my best friend, actually only to my best friend, and started talking to us. He's such a playboy, I thought to myself. He was all smiling and giving her this weird grin that seemed to be working. And Tiffany! She was playing right into his hands.


Yes, Tiffany's my best friend since first grade. She's funny, loyal, kind, blah blah blah. But most of all, she's a diva. She's the queen of divas. She's the queen of queen of divas. I don't how I can stay as her best friend. I guess I'm immune to her diva-ness. You should never get in a fight with her. She's gonna beat you like your nothing. When she speaks in her diva mode, you should cover your ears because all the stuff that comes out of can scar you for life. I only heard it once and it left me a deep impression. She has this aura around her that says, Yes, I know I'm hot. You didn't know? She dated almost of all the guys in our school making her like a , , and other things I shouldn't mention.


My name is Park Roxy. My parents decided to give me an American name because after I was born they moved to California. I lived here my entire life but it was hard having a tan. Maybe it was my Korean blood. DX Private High was my high school. It was a joint school between America and Korea. The school consisted of only pure Koreans and Americans. The only languages that were spoken were either Korean or english. You could speak both or learn one of the languages. The school was split into 2 sections, one for art major and the other one science. Me and Tiffany were both in the art section. I wanted to be a dancer when I grow up so I never wore girly clothes.


Anyway, the first time I met Tiffany was in the first grade. And even then she was already a diva. Every time a person would have an argument with her, she would throw a tantrum and turn on her diva mode. It was a funny sight till she did it to me. But I didn't get care. Like I said, I was immune to her diva-ness. Once she knew that it didn't affect me, she quickly became my friend.


She's also the most popular girl in all of DX Private High; I was second. I know, hard to believe right? But I was every girl's enemy and every guy's perfect girl. Tiffany's popular in a girly way, like the cheerleading way, but she's not one. It's similar, but mine's different. I was just popular without any effort. I didn't dress like those annoying girly girls. I dressed like a tomboy and like a girly girl at the same time. I dressed with comfort but with style. Like today, I was wearing all green, cargo pants and a green tank top that shows off my curves. I know I looked hot, with all those guys staring at me. Suddenly, the random guy finally decided to talk to me.


“Hey, wanna go on a double date with us?” he asked me. I smirked. Blind date? Hmm, interesting.


“Who's the guy?” I asked, tilting my head to the side innocently.


He smiled. “Secret. He's a great guy. That's all I can say. Hence the phrase blind date,” he answered.


“What's your name?” I asked.


“JiHoo. Lee JiHoo. You're friend here will tell you all the details,” said JiHoo. “See you later.”


He waved goodbye and left. I turned to Tiffany. “What did he want, besides a date?” I asked her.


“Nothing! Just a double date, Roxy! I can't wait. He seems like a great guy! And we have a lot in common!” Tiffany exclaimed, bouncing up and down. Her eyes shone as she thought about JiHoo. Did Tiffany fall in lo...? Nah, it's probably just a mistake. She wouldn't dare fall in love with anybody. It'll ruin her reputation of being the girl who ****** almost every guy in our school.


“What about Connor? Your BOYFRIEND?” I glared at her.


“Connor's just a boy toy, Roxy. Chill. He's using me too so it's no big deal.” She dismissed me with her hand. “Come on, let's go to the cafeteria. I'm craving for ice cream.”


Tiffany grabbed my hand before I even had a chance to say no and dragged me to the huge blue building. There were so many people in there, groups of people sitting close to each other and couples everywhere. It was gross, seeing them kiss and do stuff I don't wanna see. I mean, it's sweet and all but I don't wanna see it in public.


“Stay here and wait for me,” Tiffany demanded, giving me a glare. I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, sure. Whatever.”


She gave me another one of her glares and sauntered off, making guys stop and look at her . Gross, I thought. Guys these days are so stupid. She'll never fall for you.


I sat down on a vacant seat and got out my iPod. I waited there for just one minute and suddenly all the students started to get up. I forgot to look at the time. I realized that the first bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and got up. I looked around, trying to find Tiffany, but she was nowhere to be seen. I ran towards the cafeteria door and suddenly, BAM! I fell on the floor, hard. My opened backpack was on the floor, books halfway out. I looked to the right, noticing the person I bumped into. I guess he fell down hard too because he was rubbing his with a pained face. He stood up and tried to help me up but I refused the offer. I stood up and dusted off my pants. I quickly looked at his face. I grabbed my backpack, aware of somebody's eyes on me, checking me out. I smirked. Good luck getting in my pants, buddy, I thought. It's never gonna happen.


I decided to be nice so I grumbled, “Sorry.” My still hurt from the fall but I it in, running towards my first class.




All throughout science class, I couldn't help but think about him. His face was ingrained in my brain. He probably knows me by now, I thought. I was half-awake during the whole period, so I could only catch a few words from the teacher. Something about frogs and pigs. Maybe we're dissecting one. Yuck but cool.


The bell finally rang. I thought my life was gonna be over when the teacher kept going on and on and on. Mr. Johnson was so boring. Mostly every class he teaches sleeps or play around. I felt bad for him because no one likes him. I was about to walk out the classroom but a dark shadow blocked my exit .


“Hey,” a deep, husky voice said. Ugh, not him again, I thought. Should have ran out of the classroom faster.


“What do you want, Gabe? I don't have time for you right now,” I scowled.


“Come on, babe. Let's go somewhere else more private so we can catch up on things,” he said as he s his arm around my waist. I immediately tensed up, anger rising up. I couldn't believe he said that. Catch up on things? Is he serious? My face started to scrunch up, my head thinking evil thoughts, but I calmed down. If he wants it, then I'll give it to him, I thought.


I smiled up at him. “You really want it? Then here it is.” His mouth almost turned into a smile until I brought my leg to his balls, hitting it hard. His face immediately changed, feeling pain down there. He held his scream in, trying to act like a man. I smirked. “Serves you right for making me late.”


I walked around him, ignoring the stares everybody was giving me. I know. I just kicked a guy in his balls. He does deserve it for making me late for my next class: math. I managed to slide in the classroom before the late bell rang. I dozed off the entire period, dreaming about numbers chasing me around the school. It was a weird nightmare and I woke up before the numbers reached me.


Everybody was standing up and running out of class. Oops, I slept throughout the whole period and didn't hear the bell ring except in my dream. It was weird how the teacher didn't catch me sleeping in her class. I grabbed my backpack and went to look for Tiffany since I didn't have any classes with her.


I decided to ask her about the date since she didn't give me a chance to ask her and ran off to get ice cream. I swear that girl probably cares more about ice cream more than our friendship. I looked around the area and scanned each face and saw that none of them was Tiffany. Suddenly, hands pushed me from behind and startled the hell out of me.


“BOO!” shouted a girly voice. I turned around, seeing it was Tiffany and she had this silly grin on her face.


“YAH! Don't ever do that to me again or I swear I'll rip out your eyes,” I growled with menace.


Tiffany instantly backed up. I probably had a scary face on right now because she looked terrified. My expression softened, going back to normal. Tiffany relaxed, knowing that the evil aura around me disappeared.


“Sorry, Roxy. It was just a joke. Sorry,” she apologized with a sincere face. I smiled sheepishly.


“Sorry, Tiffany. I couldn't help it,” I mumbled.


“It's okay. I'm kinda used to it by now. Besides, I know you're curious about the date,” Tiffany said with a small smile.


I rolled my eyes. “I am not curious! Okay, maybe I am. Maybe he's a great guy and I can finally settle down to just one guy. Going on blind dates every single day is too tiring.”


Tiffany smiled sympathetically. “Then maybe this will work. JiHoo's gonna pick us up so be ready by 6:45 pm. Wear something y because we're going to a club. I think it was called Sweet Lust or something.”


I nodded. “Anything else?”


Tiffany shook her hand. I sighed. This better work or else. The recess bell rang. Students stood up and walked away to their classes, leaving me and Tiffany in a deserted campus. She was staring at a distance, her eyes glazed. She was thinking about something, or someone? Again that question popped up in my head again. She wouldn't fall in love with that guy, right? Suddenly, she shook her head and smiled.


“Let's go, Roxy,” she said softly. “We're gonna be late for our classes.” She walked away, leaving me wondering if my question was right.


School went by fast actually. I slept through almost all of my classes. I really didn't care if I studied or not. It's a secret and only my family knows but I have photographic memory which means one look at something or someone, it's stuck in my head forever. It's a bad thing and a good thing. I prefer to think it's a good thing, because I never have to study and just pass.


I got my keys out and walked to my car. Having my own car (actually I have 10) makes everything so much easier. It was already 3:30 and I have less than 4 hours to get ready. I'm still a girl and it takes a long time for me to be all hot and pretty. I drove my car until the speed limit, never going past the limit. Even though I'm rich, I still don't wanna pay a ticket. My parents are gonna freak out and start having lectures and blah blah blah.


I reached my house—mansion, actually—and went inside. It was dark and empty. Usually, I would get scared but I was used to it. Used to my parents leaving me all alone in this big house and go on vacation or work.


I quickly went up to my bedroom and started to pick my clothes. It took a long time to even decide which shirt I was going to wear. I was debating whether to wear black shorts, a black lacy tube top, my Vans, and my favorite hat OR gray skinny jeans, a blue tank top that makes my chest bigger and fuller, and my favorite black heels. I decided to wear the gray skinny jeans, the blue tank top, and Vans. Wearing a hat would cover my face and wearing heels were bad for dancing where there's a lot of people.


By the time I finished choosing and changing, it was already 6:47. I grabbed my keys and purse and went downstairs. I left the empty house and waited outside. Suddenly a car stopped in front of me. Tiffany and JiHoo were in the front seats. I nodded at them. I opened the car door and got it, enjoying the warmth of the car. We got there before 7:00. It wasn't a good sight, with people lounging outside and disgusting smells all around me. Why did JiHoo choose this place anyway? I asked in my head. We got out of JiHoo's car and walked towards the building. Through the windows, I could see many people dancing and drinking. Yuck, I thought, making a face.


JiHoo opened the door for us, and I walked in.


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