Can't Love, Wanna Love


Publicly recognized characters(these characters will not play the roles as you know they do in real life)

Jung YunHo, born 1986, aged 26

Park SunYoung (a.k.a T-Ara's Hyomin), born 1989, aged 23 (I chose her because her appearance fits the lead female character I'm trying to portray. Since she won't be an idol singer in this story, just think of her as an OC if you don't like the coupling. I don't like putting _____ as a character in my story)

Kim JaeJoong, born 1986, aged 26 - owner of Kim Jewel Co., married to YunHo's older sister

Park Yoochun, born 1986, aged 26 - Director of Legal Affairs in Jung Inc.

Kim JunSu, born 1987, aged 25 - Creative Director of GLAM Magazine

Shim ChangMin, born 1988, aged 24 - World-renowned South Korean male supermodel

Jung JiHye, born 1988, aged 24 - YunHo's younger sister (I decided to put her under this category because let's face it, all YunHo's fans know who she is)

...and few others



Original characters:

Jung KwangHo, born 1956, aged 56 - YunHo's father, Chairman of Jung Inc.

Lee SooJin, born 1960, aged 52 - YunHo's mother

Jung HyeRi, born 1984, aged 28 - YunHo's older sister

Park SangMin, born 1959, died 2007

Han JiHyun, born 1987, aged 25 - YunHo's lover (at least that's what she thinks)

...and few others




This is a typical arranged marriage story... but not quite.





Can't Love, Wanna Love ©2012 eviltwin

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. Please don't plagiarize and/or put this story on other sites without my permission (I'm not flattering myself but apparently this happens a lot).



The Jung Family is the founder and owner of Jung Incorporation, a multinational conglomerate holding company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. Jung Inc. oversees and manages a number of subsidiary companies and affiliated businesses; the biggest being Jung Development, a real estate development and management company, and J-Enterprise, the biggest publishing company in the country, home to GLAM Magazine. 



Jung YunHo is someone you would define as 'the perfect man'. Graduated top of his class in Business Management Degree at London School of Economics, at the age of 26, Jung YunHo has landed the position of CEO in Jung Inc. He's got the brains, the looks, and as a cherry on top of the sundae that is his life, he's got money; loads of money.



Park SunYong is the exact opposite of Jung YunHo. She's far from rich; not really poor, but definitely the kind who has to work her off just to fulfil her daily needs. Her mother passed away barely a year after she was born, while her father died from cancer a few months after she turned eighteen. Ever since the death of her father, SunYoung has been living alone and working two jobs, not having the luxury to continue her studies after she graduated high school.  



Jung KwangHo and Lee SooJin fell in love with Park SunYoung years ago after Park SangMin, SunYoung's father, saved KwangHo from an accident. Tired of their son's acts of fooling around with girls, they decided to marry him off to the best girl in their eyes. Who would be better than the daughter of the man who practically brought YunHo's father back to life, right? To old Mr & Mrs Jung, nothing could go wrong if their son married the beautiful and sweet SunYoung. Or so they thought.



What would happen when two people from two different worlds get tied down in a marriage?

Would there be more than meets the eye?

Would they be happy? Or would everything fall apart?



Their story began in September 2012, on the very first day of autumn. People always say that Autumn is the season of love, but every so often, people can be wrong. Extremely wrong.







1. I love writing in details. So, if you don't like reading stories with detailed plot, this might not be you cup of tea,

2. This story is written in third-person narrative mode. There won't be any POV changes, but to make it easier, the words written in italics are the characters' thoughts,

3. Korean words are thrown here and there, but only simple ones, which I assume you all understand. When necessary, I will translate a few of more complex words in the footnote, and 

4. I will indicate when parts of a conversation are meant to be spoken in languages other than Korean.



Finally updated Chapter 2! Kyaaa~ It felt like an achievement LOLz


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Dani1414 #1
Chapter 2: asdsdasdsd You have to update!!! asldkjasdlks PLEASE!!! Its sooooooo awesome!
ilovekhj #2
I think i'm going to like this. :) Super! The premise of the story is good. I'll be waiting for your update. :)
youngminchoi #3
well i hope he will be melted by watching her crying
@hyunaepark: hello! thank YOU for reading, I'm glad u had fun ^^
@CassieCiel: hey fellow Cassie! thanks for reading :)
@playfulkissbof: you think so? happy to hear from happy reader :3
@cassidy: will update as soon as possible, and thanks for stopping by ^^
@hana_0002: aww, thank you :)
@AlmighTeeAlice: meanie Yunho is a lot different from sweet Jiyong in Vita Dolce Moderato, isn't it? It's like my guilty pleasure :P

Everyone, thanks for reading and commenting. It means a lot :) I'm in the middle of writing the next chap, so please wait for a bit, k? See youuu <3
Finally the hard cold ice barrier of yunho's heart is melting, slow but sure. Wait and see yunho, you'll love sunyoung in no time. Just kill the jerk within will you? I know you're a good man..
hana_0002 #6
This is so good!
Please update soon. :)
I cant wait to read it. Update more!
so interesting .I had fun reading thanks
CassieCiel #9
your fic is so interesting... i wanna know yunho and Sunyoung marriage life.. update soon please