Chapter 17

Ticket To Heaven

“What about that guy?” questioned Danson.

“Guy?” Selina repeated confused.

“Yea the one who was with you the other day,” Danson told. “I saw you two together before you crossed the street.”

“Oh…him,” Selina said going quiet. “His name is Jiro.”

“Is he your boyfriend or something?” questioned Danson.

Selina bit her lip thinking for a long time, “My husband.”

“Husband?!” Danson asked loudly that everyone turned to look at them.

Selina made a face and quickly apologized, “What about your girlfriend? Didn’t you say something about a girlfriend?”

“We broke up,” Danson explained. “Family matters. You know parents push their past onto their children. It kinda .”

“Split up?” Selina asked then her face became grave. “I guess that happens to anyone.”

“Something wrong?” asked Danson.

Selina bit her lip and spilled everything about the past few days to Danson. When she stopped he looked at her surprised.

“Wow, is that a lot,” Danson commented. “It must have been hard for you to keep it in.”

“I don’t know,” Selina replied. “It’s just…I’m confused right now.”

“Though I gotta say that’s a lot of change in a short amount of time,” Danson said. “So when this girl came into the picture Jiro just all of a sudden forgot about you somehow…”

Selina shrugged, “No one’s willing to tell me anything. I guess I’ll just have to wait for things to come out slowly.”

“Well then I guess you’ll have to wait,” Danson agreed. “The air seems to be getting kind of cloudy in here lets get out.”

“But there’s no clouds in here,” Selina said looking about the room.

“It’s an expression, lets go get your head cleared up,” Danson explained.

“Huh?” Selina questioned lost.

Danson laughed, “Lets get out of here.”

Selina frowned and followed after Danson and her surprise, as well as amusement, he took her to an amusement park. After going on a few rides Selina ended up throwing up by the ice cream stall. Laughing at the incident Danson decided to take Selina to get some cooler air by going to the mall. Going from store to store they played with all the accessories and clothes for hours. When they finally got out of the mall the sky was dark.


After work Jiro decided to make a short stop at the hospital to check up on Mod. He felt bad seeing her in that kind of condition and felt even worse knowing that he was the one that had caused her to become like that. Still he wanted to be by her side until she felt better but fact was that he was married and it’d be wrong to do that to Selina and after all he still loved his wife very much.

When Jiro looked into the hospital room he found that Mod was sitting up and looking out the window. The scene looked like a little picture scene from a story before she turned around and smiled as he entered the room.

“I’m getting out tomorrow,” Mod told. “I was wondering if you could help take me to my house.”

‘It’d hurt her if you deny’ Jiro told himself.

He smiled, “Sure.”

“I was thinking of our favorite place,” she told, “I haven’t been there for a long time now. The flowers must be lonely. You remember that small pine tree we planted together? It’s bigger now.”

Guilt and more guilt filled Jiro. It felt as if he was carrying half the hospital on his shoulders.

“I have to say you look as good as the last time I’ve seen you,” Mod complimented with a full smile.

‘She looks so weak’ Jiro thought.

“Did you eat?” asked Jiro.

Mod became silent and answered a few seconds later, “No. It didn’t feel right eating without you.”

“I’ll get something for you,” Jiro offered and walked out of the room.

He came back with a tray of food.

As Mod took a few bites she looked at Jiro, “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“You eat first. After you get your strength back I’ll give you a present,” Jiro told.

“A present?” Mod questioned excited. “First you promise that you won’t leave without telling me and you’ll stay with me.”

“Ok,” Jiro agreed.

Mod looked at him one more time and continued to eat. Jiro had ended up staying longer than he had  intended to. After Mod fell asleep Jiro turned the lights out and walked out of the hospital. The sky became dark as he made his way home anxious to get back because he hadn’t been home a lot the past few days. It made him wonder if Selina was lonely. ‘I shouldn’t make her wait any longer. I still owe her trips around town’ he thought to himself.

To Jiro’s surprise none of the lights were on when he got back home. After closing the door behind him he the lights to find the house neat and clean but no sign of Selina. Jiro walked around a bit, made a trip upstairs, and came back down.

“Where is she?” Jiro asked. “I’ll make something first.”

After an hour of cooking Jiro sat down to relax happily knowing that Selina would enjoy the food. The food started to get cold as another hour passed by and then another. Jiro looked at the time, it was nearly 11. He walked to the front of the house and looked through the window for any sign of her. Worried he slumped down in one of the couches to wait. It wasn't until another hour later when he heard a car stop outside that he quickly glanced out the window again. Selina got out of a car, a big smile on her face. She waved to whoever was in the car and headed up the stairs. Jiro quickly sat back down on the sofa and waited for the door to open and close.

As Selina walked passed Jiro said, “Don’t tell me you were out taking a stroll this late at night.”

Selina turned surprised. She hadn't expected him to be back.

“You’re home,” Selina said expressing her surprise through her voice because she really didn't have anything else to say.

“Am I not supposed to be?” Jiro asked with a hint of annoyance and anger in his voice.

“I just didn’t think you’d be…” Selina replied.

“Who was that?” Jiro questioned ignoring what she’d said.

Selina looked toward the door as if Danson would come running in any second then turned back to Jiro whose eyes did not leave her face.

“A friend,” Selina replied.

“A friend eh?” Jiro asked. “Your boyfriend you mean?”

Selina frowned, “Did something happen? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?”

“It’s past midnight and you’re out on the streets with guys doing who knows what,” Jiro said half confused with his anger.

“Jiro!” Selina suddenly heard her own vocie become louder. “I didn’t do anything! He was just being nice!”

“Nice? What guy cares about a girl without a reason?” questioned Jiro.

Selina bit her lip, “If you’re angry because of something else don’t use it on me like this.”

Jiro rolled his eyes, “I’m angry at you Selina!”

“For what? What did I do wrong?” Selina asked. “I stayed home, I cleaned the house, I waited for you. It’s up to you whether you want to come back or not. I waited for you the other night and you came back later than I did and did I yell at you?”

“I didn’t ask you to wait,” Jiro pointed out. “You did it yourself. Whatever, forget it.”

Selina watched as Jiro stomped up the stairs and closed the door. Taking a deep breath she rubbed her forehead and walked into the kitchen to find plates of food set on the table ready to eat. She bit her lip feeling a little sorry for having yelled at Jiro just now understanding why he must have been so mad. She cleared the table up and put the food into the fridge. After doing so she got a cup of water and sat at the table soon falling asleep.

In the morning Jiro awoke to find Selina nowhere in sight. He quickly hurried downstairs and went into all of the rooms finally going into the kitchen. When he noticed Selina’s head on the table in her arms he calmed down. Jiro walked toward her pushing the hair off her face so he would be able to take a look at her. Jiro felt a little happier seeing her sleeping face then felt his heart sink. He’d caused the fight yesterday because he was being ridiculously jealous over one small thing Selina had done. Jiro stepped back and headed upstairs to change and headed out for work without saying anything to her.

After Jiro’s shift ended at noon he decided to go to a buy a treat for Selina in high hopes of cheering her up, but before he even entered the store he remembered something. Yesterday he’d told Mod that he’d help her back to her house and recalling that he’d never kept any promises to her in the past maybe now would be the time to make it up to her. Jiro stood around standing a few feet from the entrance to the store debating on what to do. Biting his lip he hailed for a taxi.


Selina awoke with a painful soreness in her neck. Rubbing it as she sat up she wondered if Jiro had come down yet and if he did how come she didn’t hear him? Selina headed upstairs to find the room empty and stared into the room remembering when they were still living back together at the hut. Jiro was there for her everyday waiting but now thinking back to it Selina wondered why she had disliked it. Sometime soon eventually he would forget her and move on just like how she had forgotten him. Would Mod become the female version of Calvin?

Selina bit he lip, “What a dumb joke Selina, that wasn’t even funny.”

Even as she said that she didn’t feel so confident about having Jiro by her side anymore. Why was it that she was beginning to miss him more than usual?

Selina had been washing dishes in the kitchen when her cell phone rang. On the small screen the name Jiro was flashing. A smile crept over her face as she answered the phone.  

“Hey Sel, I’m sorry I might be coming home a little bit late,” Jiro apologized, “also for last night I apologize. I didn’t mean to yell at you I was just frustrated with myself.”

“Yea…I’m sorry too,” Selina said.

“I promised to show you around town, right?” Jiro asked. “I have some free time tonight.”

“Really?” Selina asked her voice becoming excited.

“Wanna meet me by the food stalls tonight?” Jiro questioned.

“Ok,” Selina answered.

“I’ll meet you there at 7, bye,” Jiro told.

After they hung up Selina clutched onto the phone happily.


Mod was sitting in her hospital room out of her hospital clothes clutching tightly onto her purse. When Jiro came to the door she quickly jumped up her face bright and clear of worries.

“I thought you weren’t coming!” Mod quickly said clutching Jiro’s arm.

Jiro glanced at her hands around his arm and said, “I’m here.”

Mod’s smile quickly disappeared, “Did you not want to come? You seemed a little bothered.”

Jiro quickly faked a smile, “I kept my promise. The first one.”

“That’s right,” Mod agreed.

“You wanted me to take you back home right?” Jiro asked. “Are you still staying in Taiwan?”

Mod nodded a yes, “But before that lets go out to get something to eat.”

“You want to eat out?” Jiro questioned.

“Aren’t you happy?” Mod asked. “It’s alright if you don’t want to.”

Jiro forced himself to remember that he was doing this for Mod’s well being. Her health would get worse if he didn’t play along. Deciding this he quickly pushed the thought of Selina away promising that he’d be there early to meet her.

“No, lets go,” Jiro said.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
The first story on the website that is completed
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Just stopping by to read the oldest stories on this site I'll try to read when I have time ♡
Thanks for writing it back in 2009 ❤️❤️❤️
This is literally the oldest one
Visiting old fics!
just visiting!