Starting Over

Im Inlove With You

The Flight New York City to Korea is finally arrived at Incheon Airport. The Handsome man take his luggage and finally walk at the entrance of the airport.

"Finally Im back. Ahhh after 10 years I miss this." He remove his sun glass and grab his phone from his pants he dials someone's number.

"Hello?" answer the other line.

"Su whats up?" the man smiled after hearing those words.

"Hyung! Your Back? Oh my God. Where you? Do you want me to pick you up?" the othes excite tone.

"hahaha. Your not change Su. No No need I take a cab instead to get home. You where you?"

"You know me Hyung. Im here at my Shop so many customer today Hyung. Im sooo exhausted"

"Oh my Su. Im sure youre tired. What time you'll going home? I want to see you."

"6pm Hyung. I want to see you too. Dont worry after this I'll be going home."

"ok ok. I'll wait for you. I love you Su."

"Ok. I love you too Hyung. Bye take care"

"Take care too Su. Bye." He turn off his phone and put it back to his pants and take a cab to his mansion.






He finally arrived at Kims Mansion. After he rang the doorbell someone open and greet him with a wide smile.

"Young Master Jaejoong. Welcome back. Hows your flight?" Butler Hwang greet Jaejoong.

"Hi Butler Hwang. Nice to seeyou. Its fine little bit tired." He answer and proceed to huge living room and give his thing to the maid.

"That what I thought. You want to go to your room Young Master?"

"No. Later I think. Umm wheres Umma and Appa?" he ask and scanned his surroundings.

"at their study room Young Master. I'll call them for you."

"No need Butler Hwang we are here." someone voice from behind. Jaejoong turn his head and smile.

"Umma. Appa." He get up and hug his parents with a teary eyes.

"Omo hows my little boy? I missed you." Mrs. Kim hug her son and cry. Also her husband to the same.

"I missed both of you too sooo much." Jaejoong released the hug.

"Hows New York? Your study? Are they treat you well?" Mr. Kim ask his son and motion them to sit.

"yes Appa. Im enjoyed staying in New York. All the people their are nice and so responsible." he answer.

"thats good baby. You looked good too baby more handsome when I last saw you in Webcam." his Mother said while carresed Jaejoong face.

"haha thank you Umma. You too youre still and more beautiful thats why Appa loves you." jaejoong teasing his parents.

"haha I know right. Thats why he still by my side and never leave me because he never find someone as beautiful as me right hon?" she looked at her husband while laughing also Jaejoong.

"haha ofcourse hon. Your the only one that I love and the most beautiful woman I saw in my entire life." Mr. Kim said and hug his wife.

"haha oh so sweet of you two. Thats why I love both of you" he hug his parents.

He talk to his parents and shared about his experience in NewYork. After an hour he go to his room, he scanned the room and a wide smile written to his face. His room still the same the way he left still the same. He take a bath and dressed his normal wear and take a sit at edge of his bed. He missed his house so much. He missed his parents his brothers also his friends its been a year since they see them. He also missed his bestfriend in Newyork and his last relationship their he never forget that. He wants to forget about his relationship with Yoochun but he can't. Thats not easy to do he thought to his self he give all for Yoochun but thats not enough and Yoochun leave him easily. Some small tear creeping in his eyes when he remember about him and yoochun.




"chun-ah are you wait long? Im sorry my prof suddenly give me some paper so I need to finish it first." Jaejoong said while sitting infont of Yoochun in their Favorite cafe in New york.

"No Jae. I understand. Are you hungry? Do you want to order now?" yoochun ask and grab Jaejoong hands. Jaejoong blush about yoochun action. And he nodded his head. After their eat they walk to the park hand and hand. That day is the happiest day of his life for Jaejoong he finally met his soulmate Park Yoochun. He loves everything about him and he never ever ruined their relationship.

They seat at the park. "i love you Jaejoong." yoochun kissed jaejoong cheeck.

"i love you too chun ah" they lips parted each other.






Jaejoong jump in surprise when someone suddenly barge the door it was his lovely brother.

"Hyung!" his brother shouted and run to him and jump at him and they laid at jaejoong bed.

"Yah! Junsu ah youre heavy. Haha"

"Jae Hyung. I missed you so much. You dont missed me?" junsu pout.

"haha omo my baby is pouting. Haha ofcourse baby junsu I missed you too did I said that earlier?"

"I just want to make sure hyung." he smiled to his brother.

"so whats new?" jae ask.

"my shop is more larger and more famous hyung. Im very happy thanks to your help." he lean his head to Jaejoong chest and hug his brother.

"anything to you Su. I'll do anything." he hug junsu and held junsus hand.

" hyung lets eat. Im hungry." Junsu grab Jaejoong wrist and their down stairs to the dining room.

The Kim family eat happily the whole dinner time. Shared everyone story and jokes. Jaejoong missed this moment 'I hope this never ends. I wish I survive all the trials I been facing.' Jaejoong thought and smile to his family.



-----* This is it. I know the first Chapter is boring. Please bear with that and continue reading. The next chapter is getting more interisting. I apologize for the typing error and grammar Im just using my phone. Thank. --mamabear :)

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