From the start


Yuri (SNSD)  = 16 years old, single, creative, talks to herself, Seohyun's BFF

Seohyun (SNSD)  = 15 years old,  in a relationship, is very gullible

Jeohyun (Made Up)   = 16 years old, smart and funny, loves Seohyun, and live with his parents

Min Ho(SHINee) = 17 years old, Seohyun's BF, is a tricky dicky, and is very nice

Jonghyun (SHINee)  = 18 years old, Show-off, jealous,threatens to break people up


                   Im Jeohyun, a 16 year old child who lives with his parents and is enjoy highschool. But what he cant handle is the social death that you endure during highschool. The other day, i let a gas pass and everyone started laughing and i got soooooo embarrassed that im pretty sure i will have to move schools if i want my reputation back. Im known as the smart and funny guy in my school, but now im pretty sure, i am known as fartacuss now..... >:(. To make it worse, this will totally ruin my chances to be known by my crush. Her name is Seohyun. I have been trying for over a year trying to get her to notice me and try to make her like me. I tried chocolates in her locker, love notes, comedy and even presents, but none of then worked, and now her boyfriend is that tricky dicky  Min Ho. Also he's very nice so like, i might never get my chance to get her to notice and be inlove with me. Sometimes i think i try to hard to make her love me. One time, in class, i tried an experiment to make a bubble into a heart for her, but instead the chemicals reacted and exploded and i got a scar on my right cheek. Seohyun is like the cutest girl in our school and she hangs with the iest girl in our school. YURI. Yuri is Seohyun's BFF and protects her from basically any harm and they always gossip and makes people regret what they've done by blackmail and deadly secrets. Then there's Jonghyun, he used to be a cool nice guy until the beginning of highschool. That is when he got his first girlfriend and then she totally dumped him infront of the whole school. Then he got so embarrassed that he started to break up other people's relationships by telling one person false information about the other person. For example, he told one girl that her BF was secretly dating her sister and is planning to break up with her the next day. (end of foreward)


SO YA THIS IS MY 1ST FANFIC SO TELL ME WUT U THINK OF THE BEGINNING IM GOING TO ADD MORE CHAPTERS TOMORROW. ALSO IF U WANNA READ GOOD FANFICS... MAKE SURE U SUBSCIBE TO anniex3  or i will hunt u down.... lol jk so ya, more chp comming up tomorrow and remember, stop being a noob and start drinking the bubble tea :D.


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