This is it.


"Hey GuiGui, we're coming over now, so don't change out of your-" Aaron was cut off as him and Jiro were sitting in the taxi

"Aaron. I want... to wait. Until I walk through the hall, for you to see. Is... that okay?" GuiGui softly spoke into her phone and Aaron blinked once

"Um.. okay. So.. we'll be over soon. I'll see you then." they said goodbye to eachother and hanged up

"Why doesn't she want you to see her in the wedding dress? Most couples do that, don't they? I mean, you are going to have a photoshoot...." Jiro raised his eyebrow

Aaron shrugged. "Don't know. But the photoshoot is after the wedding remember, we didn't have enough time. Maybe... she just wants to surprise me?" Aaron fiddled with his hands in the taxi

"Hmm... okay then. I can't wait to see her, I bet she's just as nervous as you are." Jiro nudged Aaron, who looked away trying to hide his red cheeks


*knock knock*

Genie turned her head to the door and smiled at GuiGui

"GuiGui, they're here. We'll be outside okay?" Genie opened the door, letting Aaron inside.

"Hey GuiGui, I want to se-" Jiro lifted his hand to wave but Genie pushed him out of the door before he could finish his sentence

Genie shut the door from the outside after smiling to GuiGui.

"Hi." GuiGui stood up and took normal paced steps towards Aaron. She slipped her hand down her shoulder bag strap as she closened in to him. her fiancee.

"Hello." Aaron smiled and let out his hand

GuiGui put her soft hand in his and he led her lightly to the balcony of the wedding dress store. They sat on it, leaning on the bars. The sun was shining beautifully and two blue birds just flew by.

Aaron sat down and let GuiGui sit infront of him so she could lean into him. He wrapped his arms around her as they admired the beautiful view.

"GuiGui... this will be out last day as a simple couple." Aaron put his head closer to GuiGui's as he spoke

"Mm... will you... miss this?" GuiGui made a little sigh

"I will." Aaron noticed GuiGui's expression and leaned in closer

"Do you think... we're ready? For... all this? We're only just about to be 20 soon Aaron..."

Aaron thought seriously for a bit

"Are we? Maybe GuiGui's right... even if we wanted to get married, we don't have to do it now. Maybe wait until we are older." Aaron thought to himself, then nodded

"GuiGui, do you want to not... get married now?"

GuiGui lifted her head and looked at him with her big eyes

"" she looked down and asked, very sad to say those words to him

"Well... I will marry you one day. It doesn't have to be tomorrow. It doesn't have to be one year from now. It doesn't have to be ten years from now. Marriage isn't what will hold us together. To me, as long as we're together, it doesn't matter if we are married or not. Yeah, marriage is a sign of locked love, but I believe our love is strong enough, and I will never let you. I'll still love you to the end of time, even if it is as your boyfriend forever." Aaron's words flowed out from his heart and GuiGui had a tear run down her face

She turned around and hugged him

"Aaron.... I'm sorry... if I wasn't so immature we wouldn't have to worry about stuff like this." she sobbed as Aaron her hair

"Silly, it's fine." Aaron grabbed out his phone and started to text Jiro, when GuiGui's hand suddenly grabbed his arm


She smiled sincerely

"No. Let's... get married."

Aaron tilted his head


"I know. Sorry. I was just a bit sad to be married so early because I thought I would lose some young freedom, but now I know I was wrong. As long as I'm with you... I will always be free. Free in your arms." she smiled brightly as Aaron moved her hair out of her face

"GuiGui, you don't have to force yourself, we don't have to-"

"But I want to. I know marriage is simply a lock of love, but I want it. I want it. It might sound childish, but I want to have that. The signed papers with our names on it. Saying our vowes to eachother. Promises to eachother. Our love... I want to hold onto it tightly. I want to marry you Aaron, I won't be so hesitant anymore." she spoke seriously and Aaron smiled then nodded

"Okay. Then... let's enjoy this last day couple day together, shall we?" Aaron stood up and let his hand out for her to take

"Yes sir!" GuiGui went back to hyper mode and took his hand.


Aaron gave the two tickets to the lady and led GuiGui into the huge carriage. It was pink and red with white polka-dots.

"I've never been on a ferris wheel outside the amusement park before. This one is huge Aaron!! I really like it." GuiGui tightened her grip around Aaron's arm

They sat inside. The lady closed their door, locking it, then started the slow yet peaceful ride.

怎麼辦 我越來越愛

zen me ban wo yue lai yue ai

kuai gei wo da sheng gong gao bai

ai jiu ai ma shang yao jing cai

bu yao cai pai
為你哭 為你笑 為你down 為你high

wei ni ku wei ni xiao wei ni down wei ni high
不抵抗 不耍賴 不悔改

bu di kang bu shua lai bu hui gai

guan ta de qing hong huo zao bao

zhi yao dui ni chong bai

[Fahrenheit - Love You More And More chorus]

The joyful music played as our ride got more and more enjoyable.

The sun seemed to set a lot earlier today, and GuiLun watched the beautiful sun go down.

GuiGui, in Aaron's arms, smiled happily like no other.

Aaron, his arms around the lovely GuiGui; his smile also couldn't leave. He was also especially happy that his song was being played. GuiGui could hear his voice.

After a while Aaron started to hum along to his song and GuiGui swayed left and right while watching him act cool.

When the song ended GuiGui clapped and Aaron posed proudly

"Yay!!!! Encore! Encore!" GuiGui cheered, then Aaron sang the whole song again for her without the music

His voice mesmorized her so much and she just sat straight and listened this time, with her eyes closing now and then

"I love it. I really do." She said after he finished singing

"You mean the song... or...??"

"All of it. The song... and... the singer." GuiGui blushed, and Aaron chuckled, slightly blushing also

"Thankyou Aaron... this is a great way... that I want to remember us. It really is." GuiGui nodded as she spoke sincerely and Aaron closened in, putting his hand on hers

"I'm glad you like it. GuiGui.... promise me something?"

"Hmm? What is it?" GuiGui hmmed softly to him as she looked him in the eyes

Aaron smiled. "That you'll always smile. As long as you always smile, I will be contented. No matter what happens, as long as you smile, I know that you can get through anything, and that will get me through anything."

GuiGui's tears fell again as she smiled and nodded

Aaron smiled again then laid his lips on hers.

Right at the same time the ferris wheel stopped to let other people off, and they were at the very top.

The romantic smiles on their faces wouldn't leave and the romance in their kiss spread around the strawberry like carriage. The perfect spot for this strawberry love.


update :D sorry it was so long, I couldn't come on AFF last month since the 21st, but I'm back now :D

the next chapter will be the last... wow... saying goodbye to GuiSchoolLun... >< ... pls support!!

and thankyou to everyone :D




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peasantcarrot #1
aaron and gui gui, can't wait to read this omg it's been too long
AaronGuiGuiforever #2
Chapter 21: URg.... I love the story so much it almost made me cry like i was watching a very very romantic drama with aaron and guigui and the song too (sniff) Ahhh, I loved it!
Chapter 21: Yeah~~ You wanna kill me before your next chapter comes?? >.<
GrosHH!!!! How could you write something cheesie like that??
The whole chapter Gui&Lun are cuddling, sweet love here and there ... Eyyyy GOSH~~ this gave me goosebumps and NOW I am melting like an ice-scream coz too mush guilun sweet moments Hahahahaha XDD
Love your update ^_^
PS: miss you so much ><"
Chapter 20: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUILUN is getting married ^___________________^
GOD!! I totally can imagine how they look like right now xDD
Aw~~ such a cute and perfect couple on earth :D
Hahaha .... they are cute, right?? ehehehe
CAn't wait till their wedding day comes ^^
Wooooo!! update soon XDD
MMS19981999 #5
Chapter 18: so sad that wangzi left very fast...then I will not see Aaron jealous again....hehehe
I wonder what would happen next to GuiLun...
anyway thxs for the update
please update ASAP if you can....
Chapter 16: so sweet,like it very much..:)
tinygui #7
Chapter 14: Awe aaron being jealous is so cute
alinaidk #8
this story is amazing!upd new chapter please ! i cant wait for it!:)
MMS19981999 #9
Whoa,Aaron is jealous
your story line is interesting please update
bubblygal #10
awe aaron is so cute always want to stick by gui gui
only if this was true in real life