Bloody War of Love


Trillions of years ago, before Earth even existed. There was one huge kingdom, named the Perexoric Bales. Everything ran smoothly..that is until the city council got into an arguement. Half of the council wished to let humans run free on their own, while the other half said that humans should bow down to them. The arguement continued on for 12 years. Until finally, the side that was against it spoke up and declared they were leaving Perexoric Bales. They gathered all of their followers and left to another planet. They named themselves Harean World. While the remaining people named themselves EXO world. EXO world continued to make humans and watched in anticipation as the humans went on their journey. While Harean World scowled at them. Now both sides have decided it is time for war. Each have trained 12 of the best inhabitants on their planets for centuries. They shall send each group down to Earth to conquer the world . EXO World named their 12 EXO, while Harean named theirs Hareana. They have to make their Worlds proud. But what if they fall for eachother while on Earth?? 

But unfortunately...there is no turning away from the Bloody War of Love.


**Sorry for the crappy description I at those**      


To get to a specific chapter in the actual story follow the below plan.

Chapter 1~~What are their plans??

Chapter 2~~ Really? School with them???

EXO Warriors 


Power: Teleportation

Human Age: 18

Personality Briefing: Kai is a very self-confident person. He loves to tease girls and show off. Whenever called conceited he always looks 'surprised'. Cocky, Vain, and Self-Confident, Kai knows what he is capable of and will show it.





Power: Time Control

Human Age: 19

Personality Briefing: Tao has always had an interest in Human Martial Arts so as he watched them he learned Wushu. Although he has a cold appearance, Tao is actually very quiet and somewhat warm. With his power he goes back in time and watches humans overcome challenges. His fellow EXO members come to him when they need someone to listen to them.


Power: Flame/Fire

Human Age: 19

Personality Briefing: Despite his big eyes and adorable face. Chanyeol is actually very cold and weird at times. He rarely likes things. And when he does he gets attached very quickly. EXO uses him to decieve and capture enemies with his strong icy grip. Chanyeol is somewhat the exact opposite of his appearance.

Xiu Min 

Power: Frost/Ice

Human Age: 22

Personality Briefing: Xiu Min is one of the most caring of EXO. He has a warm heart and loves to hand out advice to the other members. Out of all of them Xiu Min eats the most. Eating up to 24 plates of food in an hour. They love to call him the Black Hole because no one knows where all that food goes.


Power: Earth

Human Age: 19

Personality Briefing: The EXO members call D.O the 'Deceptor' because of his decieving appearance. On the outside his cute face makes him look like the most innocent thing in the world. But really D.O loves violence, blood, and war. He is always ready and excited to kill.


Power: Healing

Human Age: 20

Personality Briefing: Lay is one of the most mature of them. But mess with him and he will get back at you. When the others are messing with him he just simply sits still and waits. When they get hurt he just turns his head like he doesn't know what to do. Lesson of the day.. Never mess with Lay.


Power: Light

Human Age: 20

Personality Briefing: Baekhyun is one of the immature ones. He is Kai's partner in crime. They often are getting in trouble and doing idiotic things. Baekhyun loves to manipulate Light to his advantage. Which often gets him scolded.


Power: Telepathy

Human Age: 22

Personality Briefing: Luhan is definently the most sympathetic and kind member of EXO. He can tell when someone is upset and sad. Often he will go over and try to help as best as he can. Luhan is sometimes softspoken and leniant.

Su Ho 

Power: Water

Human Age: 20

Personality Briefing: Although he is not the oldest, Su Ho is still one of the two leaders of EXO. He is very serious at times and can easily snap the other members out of their immatureness with a quick water slap. Su Ho may seem mean but on the inside he cares alot for EXO.


Power: Flight

Human Age: 21

Personality Briefing: Kris is the other leader of EXO. He is very leniant and quiet. But if the others act up too much and tick him off he will give them the scaring of a lifetime. He is very intelligent and many members go to him when they are upset. He is a very good leader.


Power: Wind

Human Age: 18

Personality Briefing: Sehun is the youngest of all the EXO members. But he definently does not let them bully him. He is quick on his feet and can give you a glare that sends shivers down your spine. Sehun is rarely seen smiling but he does smirk quite a bit. He loves to play jokes on the other members, as he is a very good liar.


Power: Lightning

Human Age: 19

Personality Briefing: Although he may look very kind and shy, Chen is one of the loudest members of EXO. He loves to mess around and play pranks. Him and Lay are often together which sometimes baffles others because of their personality difference.

Bloody War of Love: First chapter is now out!! QUICK go read!!!!!!


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Chapter 20: Hurray, lovely chapter! The camping trip sounds exciting. >w< I wonder what sort of mischief EXO will get into, haha!
Hope things are going well for you!
WOOHOO School trip! xD
I can't wait for the D.O-Chunhei couple to develop! They're too cute >>.<<
The preview really got to me, I wonder what's gonna happen.. >>.>>
Glad you're all better now ^^
School trip! :D
DO is so cute. XD
Loved the chapter and can't wait to see how the trip is. ^_^
Gosh, I hope you're better and I'm curious as to what happens next. :)
Fighting!~ <3
_Seul-Ki #5
you need not apologize for being sick. (:

big change?! I WANT I WANT. :D can't wait for it. -uses time machine to escape to the future-
update soon!
i love the preview. :)
Awwww I hope your all better now!!
It's not as bad as you think x3
CHANYEOL! You flamethrower, you. XD
Burning Jikyung's flowers and calling her 'fat head', eh? Naughtyyy.
Srsly tho, it wouldn't have happened if the teacher didn't assign them as partners. Tsk. LOL.
And "To Kill A Mockingbird" is one of my favorite classics EVER! I loved the reference! :))))

D'AWWWWWW! Adorable Xiuminnieeeeee! Kyaa. >//<
I wonder how V manages to ignore him. If I was her I would've pinched his cheeks...
... and died from his cuteness. Hahahaha.
I especially loved the part where he pesters V at the cafeteria! :)))
"I thought me and her were friendsss." Don't worry, Xiumin, she'll get around.

Baekhyun's so cute! Asking for Seul Ki's permission if she wanted to be his partner.
I just hope he doesn't have any ulterior motives. :(
And Kai, erted and cocky as always. Aigoo. I kinda feel like you're hopeless.
Yurin's so awesome! "Babe my ." HAHAHA. Nice one, gull. XD
They're both so crass. And I'm loving it! :)))

Great update, author-nim! I'm sorry I wasn't able to comment once this got out.
School's hectic lately. :( Nevertheless, I'll still read and try to comment!
HWAITING~! ♥ :))) x
Rude, Chanyeol, rude! No burning the flowers, tuttut! Having all these classes where they have to play nice must kill them, haha. I hope we can see the other members being like "... wait a minute, shouldn't we hate each other and take them out while we can?"
Kyaaaa, I'm so ready for the field trip! XDD