Romance Interrupted


 Epilogue Added -In which Kyuhyun and Yeusng visit Paris and Kyuhyun makes interesting plans, but so did Donghae and Siwon.


I'm Back!!!! Lol

This is my  27th story...yeah...that is just amazing.

Finally was able to write something out of my continuum. This long oneshot was written especially for miss2l, who won my little game. It was supposed to be a request but  it eneded up being a challenge.  It was interesting to say the least and I can only hope that I made her proud. The story is as its title suggested, consisting of interupted would be romantic moments....all I can say is be ready! It is all a 41K one shot. I will split the story for easier reading. I am too sleepy now to post the rest just as yet, so consider  the first chapter as a little tease, the others being added a little later. Lets have fun ☺

Read: Challenge fic, Non Continuum,  featuring lots of Kyuusng and other interesting 

Addendum : Completed- Epilogue added ♥


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 5: A sequel titled "Revenge of the Maknae" would not go amiss to my way of thinking. Brilliant story authornim, my Kyusung heart loved it <3
Chapter 4: I wondered for a while what those bold words and phrase here and there, haha so that was it. Good job! As usual, I love your writing and plot.. Anything with Heenim Kyu and my ultimate bias Yeye makes me happy, but your work is more than that because it really one of the best
Chapter 2: Hahahahhaha thank you for recognizing the AB-line brothers! I am like this noona in your story, I too love them both soooo soo soooo much haha
Chapter 1: How have I not commented on this before *slaps self*. Can I just say this is a work of genius? Like honestly the whole trip was like a rollercoaster of Kyu's crazy thoughts and I loved it! Donghae and Siwon protecting Yesung from ert Kyu? lmao, though I'm sure Kyu was VERY frustrated. Evil Heechul. But the line ' can't you idiots see that what's mine is mine, and he is mine' gets me EVERY time, cause it's just so Kyu. Paris and Kyusung? You my friend deserve a very large croissant. <3
Chapter 1: And here i thought you couldn't get any better XD I was soooo wrong. THis story was just so beautifully written it took an age to read but i got through it, it was so sweet how Hae and Siwon where protecting Yesung from Kyuhuyhn.
so that is why there were words and phrases that are in bold. i thought it meant nothing. a very well written fic. I loved it. though i wanted to cry for babyKyu when he was being deprived of his Yesung. I'm happy that he got what he wanted in the end. tho i was kinda expecting kyu's revenge. i mean he will never let it go that easily. >:) i already feel sorry for heechul. hahaha! :) again, loooooooved this. :))))
And there I was thinking the epilogue included Kyuhyun's revenge on his hyungs XD It's actually a pity, I was really curious how he will get them back for ruining his plans (somewhere in my thoughts a picture of a shaved Heebum appeared, don't ask me why though XD)
On the other hand I can't complain at all since the epilogue was still totally awesome x3 No need to worry, I didn't expect anything physical at all since it just wouldn't have fit the concept of the story. I really love their cute interactions here, makes the whole story much more realistic x3
And I'm sorry that this is my first comment on the story even though I kept reading this since you posted the first chapter, I'm more of a silent reader (I know, that's evil, I'm sorry >___< Bad supporter! D: ) but I just couldn't help but post this comment since you totally deserved it x3 The story was utterly cute x3 I kinda guessed that something was wrong with Siwon and Donghae before Kyu did, but I just couldn't tell what. Then I couldn't refrain from laughing after his phone call with Heechul (that diva is just plain evil! I love him XD Also for bothering Leeteuk with his frequent calling XD)
And I also couldn't stop squealing throughout the whole story, Yesung was just unbelievably cute x3 Being so shy and stuff, I really wanted to jump at him, hug him and never let him leave my hold (I think I perfectly understand Kyu and his jealousy, is it obvious that I'm Yesung biased? XD)
The fact that I was in Paris for SS4 makes the fic so much more realistic to me (since I visited most of the places as well not so long ago x3 It's a pity though that we weren't able to stay in the Jardin de Luxembourg longer since it started raining and we had to catch our buss back to Germany... ^^' Sounds like we missed quiet a lot.)
I will definitely reread this fic somewhere in the future x3 Keep up the good work~
lalilula413 #8
it takes me three hours to read three chapters. seems like I'm s slow reader.
anyway, reading this made me feel frustrated. actually, reading your stories that contain Siwon and Kyuhyun are frustrating to me. maybe it's because I placed myself as Kyuhyun or something, I'm not really sure. luckily, you always end them with fluff. <3
rhenny #9
Wow this is really beautiful Naz^^

I'm really happy and thankful that you wrote this epilogue.
I liked everything that you wrote in there.
from the simplest gestures to the kisses and everything to show how much Kyuhyun loves Yesung and Yesung loves Kyuhyun!
the date is really amazing!
(I suggest Kyu lessen his tendency to get jealous over Siwon since we are all certain that he's Yesung's soulmate and only one XD)

thank you for always updating KyuSung fics!
KyuSung Fighting^^
Oh I always expect something more physical xDD
But it's not that important really! :) I just wanted some kisses and I got what I want (Thank to you and Kyu HAHA :D)!
My Yesungie is a very very shy boy! But he surely love his Kyunnie >.< Peolpe like that existe, it's normal! He even can't say 'I love you' like Kyu always do! But it's okay since the latter know the truth and understand his lover very well! :)
Those interactions, between the two, always amaze me! *o* I like it <3
Oh they really express a lot of affection and love! I'm so in love with their characters here, especially the jealous Kyu! But he still worry me xDD *silly boy but who know, evreything can happen even if Siwon is just a Dongsaeng lol. But yah! I just feel like him when Siwon is near Yesung! I always say: ''Why Kyu can't do what Siwon do in public with HIS Yesung'' hihi ^o^ I just love the whole things! They really are so so adorable! <3
Oh you see, I was imaginated a very drunk Yesung, who will (for sure) not be able to retrain and molested Kyu xDDDDD (The thought was funny! :D)
I really really do love your writing dear (>^_._^<) Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Oh so BEAUTIFUL work! You always do a good job! I'm so proud of you, it makes me happy whenever I read one of your KyuSung fics ^^

Love you sooooo<3
KyuSung Forever Fighting<3