Chapter 2

Whispers of the Unveiling


Donghae's POV

The bell rang, signaling a break in classes. Feeling bored, I decided to skip going to the cafeteria and instead rested my head on the desk, closing my eyes. As I started to drift off to sleep, I suddenly saw a ghostly figure resembling siwon standing in front of me. Fear gripped me, causing my heart to race and my breath to quicken. Since siwon's departure, I had buried memories of him deep within, so why was he haunting me now? With a heavy sigh, I got up and made my way to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face, hoping to shake off the unsettling encounter.

As I walked back to the class, my heart continued to pound, and tears welled up in my eyes, clouding my vision. I was unable to comprehend the sudden rush of emotions that had overcome me. Sitting down next to kyuhyun without a word, I leaned my head on his shoulder, seeking solace in his silent presence. Kyuhyun, understanding my turmoil, offered me his support without asking any questions.

After a few minutes, the sound of heechul hyung's voice and other familiar voices drew my attention. Opening my eyes, I was met with a sight I never thought I would see,  smiling at me.

Kyuhyun was the first to broke the tense silence  "hyung" .

I stopped myself from the prompting tears that was threatning to escape down my face at the flood of emotions that followed.

" Hi, Donghae." he said

" Hey, Siwon. It's been a while.How are you ?"  I forced myself to say

 "Yeah, it has been ,  I've been alright. Keeping myself busy, you know."  Siwon said 

"That's good to hear." 

 "Yeah. Listen, Donghae, I… I need to tell you something , can we meet after classes ? " he asked 

I hesitated, unsure if there was anything left to discuss between us.

" I don't think there is anything left to say " 

Overwhelmed, Kyuhyun gently guided me out of the class to a quieter space. Wrapping me in his embrace, I collapsed into tears, unable to contain the mix of pain, and disbelief at seeing this person again.

"Hyung, please, please stop crying," he whispered softly

"I never… sob… I never thought… sob… I would see… sob… him again," my broken voice trailed off, choked by the weight of sadness.

"It's over, hyung. You need to let go. He has forgotten about you. You do not have to do this to yourself. He doesn't care about you," he gently urged, his voice laced with concern and care. "Please, stop crying. I cannot bear to see you torment yourself like this. Please, hae," . 

And so, he held me close, my sobs eventually easing into soft sniffles as the exhaustion of emotional turmoil overtook me. With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes, tears of empathy still lingering, selfishly taking all  the comforte from Kyuhyun's arms.

Kyuhyun reassured me, pleading for me to stop crying, emphasizing that the basterd had moved on and no longer cared for me.


Kyuhyun's POV 


I couldn't bear to look at Donghae as he cried like that again; he had suffered enough in the last three months. My surprise turned to anger when I saw Siwon there. I despised him with all my heart . I wished I could strangle him for causing Donghae such pain. I pleaded Hae to stop crying, unable to stand seeing him in such distress. I hugged him tightly, which only seemed to make him cry even harder. After a few minutes, he finally drifted off to sleep, and I carefully carried him in a bridal style to the nurse's office. Placing him gently on the bed, I stayed by his side, unwilling to leave him alone. I knew how much he hated being alone . As he sobbed and called out Siwon's name in his sleep, "Don’t … don’t .... Siwon," my heart ached even more.

Unable to bear the situation any longer, I made up my mind to find Siwon and confront him. I made my way to Heechul hyung's class, and upon arrival, I saw Siwon laughing . My blood boiled, my face flushed with anger. I called  him out so we can speak with no disturbance. 

We walked to the park so that we could speak privately . 

I led the way, my footsteps barely making a sound on the moss-covered ground, a veil of secrecy cloaking my features as I sought to compose myself before our  conversation.

" just so you know , I'm not back for him " he sounded 

I suddenly stopped moving , stuned by what he said , I turend my face to see him looking at me with his dark eyes  . 


End of ch2 



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0 points #1
Chapter 5: Hi! I just started reading this story and it's so good. I want to know what will become of their relations.
Sh_uuuuu #2
Chapter 3: OMG!it's so captivaing! I'm looking forward to the upcoming plot!🥺
I read this fic early bcs this was supposed to be KyuHae fic. But I stopped reading since this fic suddenly switch to WonKyu? And EunHae?? Not that I don't like EunHae or WonKyu.. But this changed seems weird >.< I'm sorry :(
lovelydonghae #4
Chapter 14: this is so sad for KyuHae,,,,
Chapter 14: you didnt say you will update!
anyway, very nice update, want to know whats going to happen next
hae had a point but kyu is hurting too
you already know that i want kyu with siwon,
so i guess this could be an opportunity to have kyuwon perhaps
waitting for the next update^^
Chapter 8: Eunhae is so cute!!...They are so romantic!!..Author-nim,please continue your good work and Fighting!!...Always support!!..^^
lovekyuhae4ever #7
Finally..tq for the update..:-)
kyuloveshae #8
Chapter 14: So angsty..But if I was hae, I would end up at the same conclusion..Kyu was hurting him and the way Kyu chose to leave him made it even worst for both of them..andd if Kyu will end up with Siwon, you will hurt me instead..:D anyway, its up to you author-nim..either way you think would make sense then just do it..
OnlySjELF #9
Chapter 14: Finally an update :"""""""""""
Why hae is alawys like this always hurt babkyu :"""
But truthly i want kyu to be with siwon more than hae :" but kyu will be suffer to much :( oh my babykyu :" don't do smothing stupid to ur self bcz hae plz :(
Update soon and wellcome back such a long time "̮
lovekyuhae4ever #10
Chapter 13: authornim update please..i want to know what will happen next..thanks