The meeting

The Fated Love Story

"ringgg!" the bell rang. time to go home.

"Ya Jiyeon-ah!" Baekhyun suprised me.

this kid, why is he bothering me again. i ignored him and walked past him. he ran after me and held my hand. O.O!! i was shocked.


Baekhyun POV

oh the bell rang. i looked at Jiyeon. she is preparing to go home. hihi let's suprise her.

"Ya Jiyeon-ah!" i shouted from her back.

she was shocked. i chuckled a bit inside my head. ah.. but she ignored me. i ran after her and held her hand. opps, my bad. i accidentally did it.

"I-I.. im sorry" i let go of her hand. the look on her face is not good. then, she just went home without saying anything. 

Your POV

"what's up with that guy!" i was screaming inside my head. im not talking to him anymore. i'll just pretend he doesn't exist.

I arrived home and saw my grandma was preparing lunch.

"Grandmaaaaaa!" i hugged her from behind.

"aish Jiyeon, you almost made me have a heart attacked"

hihi i giggled.

"how was school?"

"it was okay i guess." well dont have to tell about that freak.

"can you help me buy some groceries?"

"yeah, whatever you need for my food" i said with a big smile.

"aish this kid..."

i changed my school uniform into normal clothes. i went out without my glasses and braids. just with a normal attire. this is a first time. im too tired because of that guy to even think about the glasses and braids. i was walking and then pang!

"ouch!" what the hell.. i bumped into someone. opss he was drinking and the water spilled on his clothes.

"YA! look at what you have done to me! pay me back!"

"who ask you to drink in the middle of the street!" i shouted back. if only he was polite, then i would have apologize.

"PAY ME BACK!" he was really angry.

"fine! what do you want?!"

"buy me a new drink" he smirked.

"alright alright" what a kid. he would get angry over something like this.

we went into a cafe. he ordered an expensive drink. damn.. if only i didn't bumped into him. i checked my wallet T^T i was supposed to buy groceries with that money. i sighed. he looked really happy.

"if i was any other girl, i would have fall in love already with him. since he looks like a super star." i stared at him.

"what are you looking at?"

"n-n-nothing.." i quickly changed my eyesight.

"so what's your name? im kai. in case i need you to buy me a drink again" he laughed.

" what? my debt is finished. im not gonna have anything to do with you anymore" i fumed.

"oh really, what about my shirt? do you think it's cheap?" he said while looking at his shirt.

"ughh fine. im jiyeon. just call me with this number ********" opps! i shouldn't have told him my real name. i didnt wear my glasses and braids after all. what if he is in the same school of me. im going to regret this..

 "good girl" he smirked.

ahh that guy! i swear today is the worst. first that guy in school and now him. i glared at him and left the cafe. i turned around to see if he was following me. and he's not. whew i wipe the sweat at my forehead. i'll just go home and apologize to grandma. the money to buy groceries is gone. i hope tomorrow will be better.


"that girl just left me all alone huh. nevermind i got her number. she was pretty though. i wonder what school she's in." i smiled by myself.

"Hey are u alone? we have been staring at you since you entered the cafe. but we didn't approach you because of that girl. is she your girlfriend? what's your  name and your age? can we be friends?" a girl suddenly approached me along with her friends.

ugh annoying. i glared at her and left the cafe. all the girls are like that. why do they want me to be their friends so much? ofcourse Jiyeon is different. hehe im starting to like her.

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exobacon #1
Chapter 6: update soon~~~~
ow,so cutie baekhyun..
can he saved jiyeon?
update soon please.. :)