Request any fanfic here~ (closed)


Uhm, Hi there~ I'm new to AFF, but certainly not new to fanfics ^^

So, I'm going to accept requests~ For now, I'll do one shots. I accept (boy x boy pairings) too. I used to write SUJU fanfics (e.g: kyumin, eunhae and such) But please, no rated/ NC-17 fics.

So, you can either email me ([email protected] or [email protected]), send me a private message, comment to this page, or just write on my wall~

send in like this will do:


Genre (e.g: angst, fluff, romance, bromance)

Pairing (e.g: kyumin (), SHINee Jonghyun/reader, Key/ reader, Sungmin/reader)

Plot (just briefly describle what kind of story line you want.)


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sparkinglove #1
@B2STU-Kiss<br />
I feel so guilty T_T Once I'm done with the stupid orientation, I'm gonna write!~ ♥
Knockdropop #2
Aww.. I understand. Yea^^ it's true.. School is really tiring. Take your time :D;D
sparkinglove #3
@akatri_889<br />
omo thank you~ ^^ It feels fail to me T_T I'm glad you liked it~ <3<br />
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@KimLoveChi<br />
I might need more time since I'm having writer's block D: /sigh.
ChemicalLuvs #4
WOW! i LOVE it! its so cute and romantic ^________^<br />
and thankx for putting some pic of him<br />
its soooo cute.... :D
haha yay :D
KimLoveChi #6
Thank you! ;) and goodluck. Can't wait :) <3
sparkinglove #7
@ChibiXMiku<br />
omo~ I'll love to write that! xD All the drama and all~ kekek~<br />
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@KimLoveChi<br />
I'm not that familiar with ZE:A but I'll try my best~ :D<br />
Username: ChibiXMiku<br />
<br />
Genre: Romance & Drama<br />
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Pairing: Kim Jonghyun & Park Nina (reader)<br />
<br />
Plot: Nina and Jonghyun are cast as the leads in a drama called "Love Me." Nina and Jonghyun have always been close friends but SeKyung doesn't agree to them being together. She drags Nina outside and tells her to back off and threatens her. SeKyung doesn't know Jonghyun heard her threatening Nina though.<br />
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Hope you can write this for me ^^
KimLoveChi #9
Username: KimLoveChi<br />
<br />
Genre: romance, comedy.<br />
<br />
Pairing: ZE:A Siwan / Eliseu (reader/me)<br />
<br />
Plot: Siwan is a player. He never sticks to one. His bestfriend, Eliseu, has been there with him through ups and down when nothing ever works out or when he was punished by the teachers. In the end, he might have feelings for her, or was it just a feeling? <br />
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Thank you! *^^*
sparkinglove #10
@B2STU-Kiss<br />
I hope I won't disappoint you!~ <3 /goes off to write~ ^^