
My Genie, Woohyun // Bonus Chapter: 'Keyword' Added
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▬ Chapter 16: Partners ▬


“Thank you for that wonderful performance, Sungyeol and Myungsoo! You guys did a fabulous job!” Once the audience’s screams and clapping finally died down, the emcee cleared his throat. “Up next, we have another duo performing. Please welcome, Jang Dongwoo and Lee Howon!”

The audience clapped and cheered, looking forward to the next talent after the last pair. They seemed to have high hopes as well since they actually knew the pair’s individual background as dancers.

“Huh?” Minji was in disbelief. “Dongwoo and Hoya? As a pair?”

“Yes,” Sungyeol slipped beside Minji, straightening his uniform. It seems that he was finally back to his original self. “I gave an order to those two to get close to him, but I’m more surprised than you are that even they would perform together.”


“Dongwoo is getting himself in danger. He’s practically wide open for the Dark Magicians to attack especially if they let Howon do the job.”

Minji’s eyes grew wide. “Then shouldn’t we stop them?!”

“Relax,” Sungyeol sighed. “So long as they don’t attack, we’re fine. That’s also why I’m here in disguise.”


“Relax,” Sungyeol reminded. “Or do you want me to put a spell on you to relax you a bit?”

A spell? From the Superior himself? That might be a good idea but then again, maybe it won’t. I wonder how that would work out.


“N-no, thank you,” she replied nervously. “I think I’m good.”

Sungyeol chuckled as he crossed his arms. “You don’t have to be nervous, Minji. As the Superior, I only wish for good things for my genies’ clients. Plus, the things I do for you guys are free and aren’t included in your ‘wishes’ package. But of course, I just don’t offer them easily.”

The curtains finally flew open and Dongwoo and Hoya stood still in the middle of the stage. That is, until the song started.

Dongwoo smiled and nodded along with the beat.

“Let’s go!”

Both of them showed their flawless dance moves, moving in complete synchronization. One would wonder just how much practice they went through.

Unlike the Sungyeol and Myungsoo lineup, the audience were quiet, eyes mesmerized by the two guys in front of them.

“Wow,” Minji unconsciously smiled. “I didn’t know Dongwoo could dance like that.”

“That other guy can dance too,” Woohyun added as he finally woke up. “He’s probably better than Niel’s last client.”

“Now that you mention it, it’s kind of like déjà vu, isn’t it?” Sungyeol smirked. “Maybe he really hasn’t given up yet on being number one so he uses is clients for that reason as well.”

“Why would he do that?” Minji asked the question that has been bugging her now that she thought about this whole situation. “I mean, if his clients get popular, it’s not like his name is being used so why bother?”

Both guys eyed her then looked at each other.

“Good point,” they said in unison.

Just then, the crowd went wild as both men did a few flips and turns. From somersaults to popping, they did everything rather well. No one would question that those two are definitely great dancers.

Again, as the performance was drawing to a close, the stage director made their way over to Minji, reminding her that she would be the one to go next. As she gulped, her legs made way over to the stage and she heard Sungyeol wish her good luck.

“Thanks,” she nervously replied as she stopped for a brief moment to face the Superior.

“Why so nervous?” Sungyeol said a matter-of-factly. “Didn't you already make that wish with Woohyun?”

“Wait, how did you know that?”

Sungyeol took out a small golden receiver from his back pocket and placed it in between the tip of his fingers. “Because I get all wishes through this. It's all documented here.” Just then, the receiver vibrated and he sighed. "Speaking of the heavens. I can never rest."

“Nam Minji?” The stage director whispered as he popped his head from the curtain as discretely as he can without disturbing the performance. He then motioned to get her on stage with the wave of a hand.

Looking over one last time at Sungyeol who was busy mumbling something about such absurdities with the wishes he has recently gotten, Minji smiled and walked over to the director, preparing herself for the presentation ahead. As she did, Sungyeol glanced at her retreating back and sighed.

“Let's hope I don't get any busier than this.”


The curtains finally came to a close as Dongwoo and Hoya were both breathing heavily after their performance. The crowd was still amazed and some of them even gave standing ovations, though most were from screaming fangirls. As Minji drew nearer to the two dancers, it was at that time that she scanned around her vicinity, looking for her genie.

“Where did he-?"

“Minji!" Dongwoo gave her a smile as a drop of sweat trickled down the side of his face. “Are you ready?"

Knowing that Woohyun would be okay, she returned to Dongwoo with her own smile. "You guys did really well! Even the Superior as surprised."

"Thank you!" He paused for a second as he rubbed the back of his neck and continued with a lower voice, "W-What about you? Your thoughts about our performance, I mean."

If one would not have known him quite well, they would think that the dance performance really took a toll on him as his face was painted with flushed cheeks. At least that's what Minji thought.

“Of course you were amazing out there! I was shocked that you’re such a great dancer! You never told me that you danced.”

This drew a cat-like grin from him as he let out a low chuckle, “Thanks.”

Another chuckle was heard followed by the clearing of their throat. “I do hope you haven't forgotten about me,” Sunggyu was smirking at Dongwoo.

“S-Since when-?”

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[My Genie, Woohyun] I will be trying to finish Timeless Connection next.


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Chapter 20: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author ann1914!!

Lolzz what a cliffhanger!!

Chapter 18: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi Author ann1914!!

I am guessing this has happened before and the results were not as that what happened to his last client??

Chapter 16: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Haahaa..Woohyun is funny especially during the talent show..but that last part seems so sad..

Chapter 15: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

I remember that a few chapters ago Minji was going to make her second wish but she did not..I wonder how her wish will go..

Chapter 13: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Poor Woohyun..and Minji..

Chapter 9: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Ohh!! So he is only visible when wishes are going to be made or when he wants people to see him..okay..but that makes me think either it was Dongwoo who saw them or Hoya who did..I have a feeling it was Hoya..

Chapter 4: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

I wonder who saw he not invisible to everyone??

Chapter 2: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Wow!! There are rules!! Makes me wonder who the other genies are!! And who the genie boss is!! And how one becomes a genie!! Also, it is funny that they have meetings lolzz..what if she wished to become a genie?? She should have made him sign a contract also!!

Chapter 1: ⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Wahh..I want a genie now..especially if it looks like him!! Lolzz!!

⋆。°✩Reader Comment⋆。°✩

Hi author ann1914!!

Looking forward to reading this!! The trailer sold this story to me!!
