We Are Only Us



Sehun and Kai have been friends since, well, forever. The outgoing yet sweet playful Kai paired with the silent along with being serious but caring Sehun seems unlikely right? Then what makes these boys strong? Surely there must be something…something neither of them will admit. They will only say “we are only us and nothing more”. 
It’s the last year of high school for Sehun and Kai. Meaning, it’s the last year they will be together. Kai isn’t worried he has faith in the two of them and their friendship. While Sehun has this feeling something is changing. Sehun has to tell Kai the truth about what will happen later on in their lives. How can two people who have such a deep bond just leave each other and go on? Surely something has to be done. But will Sehun, or even Kai, know what to do when that situation arises. 


This is my first time ever and I mean EVER writing fanfiction. TnT So if it I understand lol xD 


I wanted to do a SeKai fanfiction because, well, there needs to be more in the world (get it?? Over used saying to represent teh feels??? *shot) xD but yeah. I hopes you like it and stuff....when I actually put some of it up. I don't know a lot about the boys so some of this I added in but I tried. ;___; 


Comments are appreciated just don't be too harsh on me. <3


Oh and I thought putting some Luhan in there might beef up the drama y'know? ;D So enjoy!

EDIT: I will try to upload as soon as I can in order to finish this one which might be long just so you know. 

*sigh* Sadly, the story is on hiatus thanks to school. I will work on my writing for the story to make it better for ya'll to read. I'll do my best!


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chubbymorie #1
Chapter 5: o~kay!
Im so glad i found this..
I so love it yet i wanted to hate it too..
My feels are so mixed up and i just cant!
I am so killing that fhacking teacher in my head n0w.. Then my heart cries for j0ngin..
I was sad for sehunie,too, yet i want to slap him on the face for being such a c0ward, he even g0t to smile and forget j0ngin when he met luhan! H0w dare he!?
Ugh! My raging feels to kil sehunie!
Please do s0mething about it..
I hate feeling this way towards baby sehun.
This was my first kaihun fic like ever and now they're my ultimate otp.
This needs to be updated ASAP! I love it ~
morninginmarch #3
No Sehun don't fall for Luhan. Stupid teacher how dare you do that to Sehun! I curse you will the power of EXO! Especially Kai. ^^
illusion #5
Just finish reading part 5 like hours ago...
But i cant get the story out of my mind.
Your writing skill is incredibly amazing.

Plus Kai is too cute >///<
This is one of my most favorite fanfic here.
I really like your writing style and oh yes, I love angst, kekeke...
You did a great job describing Sehun's feeling, really.

Can't wait to read the next chapter, and oh my God, please punish that teacher for hurting Sehun so badly T___T

Fighting, author-shi~ (^__^)/
wae, sehun-ah? you should tell. poor ur beloved Kai.

but still, i love the image of Kai as his guardian angel. kekeke

Luhan's here. *dundundun* Sehun-ah, whatever u do, don't fall for him. Kai's there 4 you.
hatstanic #8
bubblemilkteaahh:Oh, you'll see. ;D This is only the beginning. OnO; (*everyone leaves *wait no! I meant in the story getting all drama'ish *everyone still leaves *le sobs) lol xD
hatstanic #9
-shano: I knowssss I'm sorry. Trust me I wanted to just do Sekai(I ship them like sooo badly lol). TnT But for like...the story and development...I had to.
grassland21: Don't break your keyboard or hit your head! OnO; Breath in and out. Imagine stabbing the teacher if that helps. xD lol