like father like son

I need you back

'daddy..daddy...arent we going back to that mall?' jihoo kept on repeating

the two adults look at each other...

'jihoo.. baby..daddy is a little busy today..we can do it, yoonji and you' somin says to him, kneeling down and touching his cute face

'but daddy was there too, you know mommy...there's a lot of people around him and he is writing on their papers with his picture on it...i want to do the same' jihoo says. his eyes are wide

somin turns to hyunjoong, asking what to do

hyunjoong do the same, he kneels down to jihoo

'you want to be like daddy?' he asks

the boy nods and smiles

'let me see...can you dance like this?' he stands up and show some dance moves to his son.

surprisingly, jihoo did it gracefully

'wowwww' they all exclaim

hyunjoong walks to the player and plays his danceable song

'come on...let's dance' he drags jihoo in a wider space and teaches him to dance..the boy really can dance well..he is amazingly great.

somin and hyunjoong are so proud..

'should i prepare myself to be his manager after my retirement?' he jokingly asks

'i guess father like son.' she says laughingly 

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Chapter 323: amazing
Pitu-kris #2
Chapter 474: Awee very nice story . Please update another story. You are best.
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 474: I like New style of narration.same persons different generations popular roleplay names. As for story it's sooth n streets free like Cinderella story.
thebesthit #4
omg the amount of chapters XD
Ashuasha #6
Chapter 474: I don't know whether u will s my comments r not...but I must tell u tat this was d best story I ever read . this made me cry,laugh,smile,nd feel excited....I swear I will definitely make my future hubby to read this story at once I get married.more emotional story
This looks interesting~~