What is love?


Jinki has had a crush on Minho since high school, but he thinks Minho doesn't even know he exists. Jinki has tried to forget Minho and move on, but somehow he stays stuck in his heart. 

Finally Jinki starts to move on or at least tries to, but then Minho reappears in Jinki's life and it makes it even harder for him to forget him.

I can't write summaries ;__; sorry~

Oh this is kind of old! XD I originally wrote it back in 2010 and it's sat on my external hard drive since then :/ I'm sorry I haven't edited it ;__; but if people like it I will edit it^^;;

Will be around 25 chapters. ^^;


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968 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
968 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself