Dark Chocolate Love


3rd day in my new high school , ChangSeon High School. Phew! 3rd day! the 1st and 2nd day was like HELL~!!!! im just freaked out ~! A new guy with no friends and have a whole lot of new people just looked at as if I'm an alien. GRRRRRRr~!  I hate that kind of feeling.~! Hmmmmmm, I miss my previous school.  


By the way , before i start my school life bromance story , let me introduce myself =) 



   Lee Hong Ki

    Well..... yeah~ i am~ i am a Bi... but people would just call me gay =) never mind....I am who i am =) 

   I am hot right ? keke I KNEW IT. That's why so many girls are attracted to me. Oooooo~! BUT~! I am attracted to non of them .Kekekeke.

















So, let's continue with my story.........


Dark Chocolate Love ....... 

Why would i name it Dark Chocolate Love ? Well , its because dark chocolate has the blend of bitter and sweet taste when you eat it and a bitter aftertaste. 

Dark Chocolate Love, now you know what it means ? 

I hope that you will enjoy my story. =)



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