Seeing your face Again

Another Sad Love Story

Sulli was running to a forest near the beach and Hongki was chasing after her, "Jinri-ah" shouted Hongki, Sulli finally stopped out of nowhere and turned around to look at Hongki, "mianheyo, my name is Sulli, not Jinri" said Sulli.

Hongki paused and look at her, "but you look like my Jinri, I am not kidding, there's no girl that would look exactly like my Jinri" said Hongki, "mianheyo, but I don't know who you are, so stop chasing me" said Sulli.

Sulli was about to leave until Hongki grabbed her and hugged her, "what exactly happen to us? Now you don't even remember me anymore and your name is not Jinri, what's going on here?" cried Hongki.

Sulli felt his tears on her shoulder and she felt sad for him, she wanted to pat him in the back but she couldn't, "why do I feel sad for you?" said Sulli to herself.

Hongki and Sulli were finally walking together and talking together, "so you mean that I know you then" ask Sulli, "neh, Jin- ah mianhe, Sulli-ah, we've shared a really great time together, we've dated for 3 years and you disappeared when I promised that I'll be a successful singer and let you live happily" said Hongki.

Sulli looked at Hongki, "mianheyo, it's kind of creepy that I don't know you and you know me" said Sulli, "well if you're in love then you should always know the person you love no matter what and where" said Hongki, "neh, but mianheyo, it's getting really late, I have to leave now" said Sulli.

Sulli got up and a voice called, "Sulli, Sulli" shouted Seungho, Hongki looked Seungho, where Sulli went into his arms, Hongki sadden when he saw Sulli with another man. Sulli turned to look at Hongki and she saw so many saddness in his eyes.

When she got back in the house Seungho and her sat on the couch, "oppa, if someone sees you and cry, what would you do, and what if you felt bad and sad and want to cry along with that person, what does that mean" ask Sulli, "for me, I'll be confused and if that person cried for seeing me and I feel like crying I'll try to find out who that person is" said Seungho, "is that so" said Sulli, "neh" said Seungho.

Sulli didn't say a word anymore and smiled at Seungho, "why what's wrong?" ask Seungho, "oh nothing, I was just thinking about that when I went walking around the area" said Sulli, "yah, don't think too much okay, you just got here and let's enjoy being here in Seoul" said Seungho, "araso" said Sulli.

Hongki walked home and when he got home he fell down onto his knees and was weak, "why can't she remember me? Why is her name Sulli and not Jinri anymore? I know that she's my Jinri, but now I'll call her Sulli for now and find out what happen" said Hongki to himself.

His group members came inside and saw Hongki on his knees, "yah what happened to you" ask the leader Jong Hun, "Hyung, did you see something that shock you" ask MinHwan the group members look at each other, "why isn't he talking" ask Jaejin.

"Are you okay" ask Jonghun, Hongki looked at the group members, "I met Jinri again, but she say she's not Jinri but Sulli" said Hongki, "buh? You met a girl who looks like your Jinri" said the Minhwan, "anya, I know it's her, there's no difference in their face structure" said Hongki, "yah you just miss her too much that you're seeing her again" said Jaejin.

Hongki looked at the members, "it can't be, look here, why would a girl look exactly like one another huh? There's no girl that would have the same face as my Jinri" said Hongki, "he gives out a point, but sometimes people do look alike and similar to each other" said Jonghun. Hongki couldn't say anything anymore, when he stood up, he fainted.

The group members ran towards him and put him on the sofa, "call the doctor" said Jonghun.

The doctor came and told them that it's from stress that he's going through, the group members knew that he was going through stress but not to the point where he can faint. "Thank you" said Jonghun, "is Hyung going to be okay" ask Minhwan, "neh he'll be fine" said Jaejin.

Sulli was sleeping and she was having a nightmare where she was lost in a room and she couldn't find her way out of the room and all of a sudden she heard a voice calling her and when she reached the place, it was Hongki that was calling her name, she was shocked to see him, Hongki" as Sulli walk towards him.

"Don't leave me" said Hongki, "what are you talking about" ask Sulli, than all of a sudden she got pulled away from him and he got pulled away from her and they shouted each other's name. Sulli woke up and she was scared, "what is this all about?" ask Sulli.

Sulli her lamp and thought to herself, "who's Hongki to me" ask Sulli.

Hongki woke up and when he woke up he had tears falling from his eyes, when he woke up he was in his room, his group members were sleeping in their own room and he woke up to see he's in this thing.

"Jinri-ah, you're making me crazy" said Hongki. He grabbed his song book and start trying to make a song, he woke up Jonghun to help him and they were working on this song, they wanted to make it the best, at least Hongki wanted to make it the best because he wanted to dedicate this song to Jinri that he really loved.

"Jinri-ah what is it going to take for you to remember me" said Hongki, "now I'm in love with a women who looks like you and her name is Sulli, what should I do" said Hongki.

"Hongki, to let you know this, forget Jinri now, and start a new life, she's not going to come back to you anymore, since she can't remember you, I'm not even sure if that's Jinri, so it's best if you let her go and not to stress and miss her anymore" said Jonghun, "I tried, but I can't" said Hongki, "look, Suzy there likes you a lot, you should give her a chance" said Jonghun.

Hongki thought to himself, "I'm not sure if I want to be with her" said Hongki, "because you're stil waiting for Jinri, what if she's not waiting for you anymore" ask Jonghun. Hongki didn't say a thing and thought to himself, Jonghun put his hand on his shoulder, "think very carefully, what if she's not coming back anymore and she's not waiting for you anymore" said Jonghun, "I'll just give up, and move on, since this is driving me crazy I think I am going to leave her now and that's why I want to write this song for her, but I don't want to sing it until she remembers me" said Hongki.

Jonghun shook his head, "we'll do whatever you want then" said Jonghun. "Well I am tire I am going back to sleep then, we'll start writing more on the music notes, since we got only the first part done" said Jonghun, "alright, I am going to go to bed too" said Hongki as he turned off his light and went to his room.

"Jinri-ah, I am going to make this song for you, I want to show you that I am severely still in love with you that I am hurting here" said Hongki.

Sulli look at her phone, and it was 5 in the morning, "why can't I go to sleep" as Sulli tried sleeping, "anya, I am going crazy here" said Sulli, as she took a deep breath and lay down on her bed and try to fall asleep.

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diahlicious #1
Chapter 18: glad you update :-)
diahlicious #2
Chapter 17: what a nice story. keep writing ya.. can you make finally sulli become a f(x) member???
RinaStar #3
Chapter 15: such a good story!! Hope you will update soon!!
Please update soon!!!
I hope she remembers!!! I hope they get back together!!!
Update soon!!!
Poor Hongki :( I hope she remembers....
Please update soon!