With Full Knowledge


In which Yesung plans a second date and Kyuhyun clarifies some issues.


This is my 18th story...Indescibable...18 in one month.

This is set in my No Words Needed Continuum and is the cotinuation of sorts to Three is Company, being set later in the continuum and therefore the relationship. It is centered around their second date and is incredibly cheesy...You have been warmed!...lol...but atleast it is fluffy. It can be read as a oneshot as usual, though it is long , with 12,000 words and nearly 20 pages. If you wish to read take your time and enjoy :)

Comments are always Appreciated ♥♥


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Chapter 1: Finally another cute date (I miss siwon cof cof)
390 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun indeed - a man in love hahaha

Love the story sooo much! I feel their love through your story! Can't stop loving kyusung ❤️
Chapter 1: I seriously believe that your Yeye and Kyukyu are spot on, and yes hat is based on that psych tests done to the 4 members, and even until now with the magazine interviews I've read with Ye, and that tarot reading in one of the recent super camps. He really has issues regarding being confident with himself, being a perfectionist of some sort and just questioning his abilities in general (except for his vocals, that is). I also relate this to his extreme dieting, gosh he is too thin right now. I hope he eats well.. He lost a lot of weight this year of 2016.

Ok anyway, my point being, I understand where the characterization is coming from. I do. And I love your stories for it! The internal monologues are amazing
Chapter 1: Ahhh, I love the Japanese restaurant themed dinner, I could so clearly picture the two in one of those beautiful wooden rooms, sitting in the floor holding hands... ^_^ I also love how that river seems to be like their ultimate meeting spot, something they always end up going back to. I'm sooo glad that this date went better then the other, they deserve a happy ending.. okay now I'm being cheesy lol. Thanks for another wonderful story. <3
Chapter 1: awww my kyute sweethearts, they are so adorable XD
Really love your story...
each of your story is like a flow of kyusung love everyday...
their love goes slowly with full of love, a bit of jealousy, trust and very sweet...<3<3<3
ice420 #7
Hey, finished this last night but was tooo sleepy to form coherent words so doing it now.

YEY!!! Yeah, that's basically what I was thinking last night. A successful date, at last. And Siwon-less!!! *lol* It was really sweet. I think at one point, in a relationship, a quiet stroll should always be in the agenda. It's really romantic and with hands held, the experience is... *sighs* You'd see rainbow even if you're facing a storm, believe me. So I guess I can say for a fact that regardless of the 'unpretty' side, it was, as Kyu said, PERFECT!!!

I applaud Yesung for thinking of Wookie. At least he knows he's not the romantic type ^^ The restaurant setting was *thumbs up*. You sure there weren't hidden cameras? :D Kidding.

All in all, this chapter brings warmth and hope that there IS such a love out there. I now see why they can't have an argument. Kyu is a SAP! How about Yesung bathe in garlic and starts drinking ginseng tea then maybe Kyu's sense of smell would change? *lol* I doubt it.
thursday #8
sigh. lovely. feel free to keep up with the sappiness. I'm a fan. :). Also brought back lovely memories. My husband took me to a park along a river on our first date. I highly recommend it as a dating activity :). And even with the general sappiness(which, again, I adore), you incorporporated a bit of conflict at the end and Y. finally understands that K. doesn't need perfect.
So cute! OMG! OMG! OMG! I love them so much! And YAAAAH why is Yesung is so hesitant >.< He really should trust his baby Kyu :D 'cause he is right :D:D always xD
So came on Yesung! You two are so cute my sweetheart <3
aww can't wait for more!
Your stories is amazing! It like we live a story with every passing day. And we follow their relationship so closely, step by step. *o*
Hope that they will be stronger in the future ^.^
Thank you for this new chap ;)