Chapter 5 - True Love

The Angel of Death Falls in Love

Well I was tossing up between having a super long chapter and or splitting my chapter into 2 so I decided to split my chapter =3 However I haven't finished writing chapter 6 yet but it's getting there but I hope you enjoy chapter 5!



I am Heechul, the oldest and most powerful demon in existence. I was a loyal servant towards the last demon king until he was dethroned by the Great Kangin. I have now pledged my services to the young demon prince, Kyuhyun. In the underworld I am also known as Sin. My nickname is derived from my powers. I am the only demon in existence that is powerful enough to summon and control the 7 Deadly Spirits: Wrath, Lust, Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony and Sloth. However, due to the amount of power needed to control these spirits, I can only summon only one spirit at a time.


“WHO DARES DISTURBS MY SLUMBER!!!” I roared into his headset. I had been sleeping for the last century hoping to catch up on some sleep. How much could have change in 100 years?

“Hyung, it’s me, Kyuhyun. I need you to help out with this plan of mine. Will you come to the airport in Beijing?”

“Yea, I’ll be there.” The call ended. I always loved Kyuhyun’s plans, they were always so much fun to execute. Now I have to go prepare myself, you can’t have me going looking like this. I just woke up from a century of sleep!  I need to look pretty when I am amongst humans.


I was staring out the window when the plane was preparing for takeoff. I could feel his stare. Why won’t he stop looking at me? How did I end up next to him? Is he really a stalker? He doesn’t look like one. He is the reason that I been feeling like this all week! Wait... I CAN SEE HIM! I turned and looked at Donghae.

“I can see you. Why now?” Donghae gave me a questioning look.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I was stunned. I knew he was lying. I wonder if I was being to forward.

“Hae~ are you lying to me?” I whispered right into his ear. Donghae went red at the sudden closeness.

“N-n-no, w-why would I l-l-lie?” I chuckled. It was very cute that he faltered.

“I know you have been stalking me. I have felt this feeling all week and that feeling seems to be coming from you.” I whispered into his ear honestly.


Why did he have to whisper into my ear? It just makes me want him even more. Should I tell him the truth? Would he believe me? What should I do? By now the plane has left the runway. We are slowly ascending into the sky. I still seem to have a bad feeling that something is going to go wrong.

“Are you going to confess or not?” Hyukkie whispered, breaking me out of my trance.

“Yes, I have been stalking you. Hyukkie, I love you. There I said it! I have loved you since the day I first saw you near the burning building. I have been following you whenever I had the time. I am riding this plane because I wanted to finally talk to you. Yes, I also rigged the seating so I would be next to you.” I was worried he might run away but I had faith that he would stay. Hyukkie suddenly kissed me on the lips. It was a light peck but it sent a jolt of electricity through my body.

“Thank you. Thank you for telling me the truth.” He brushed his lips against mine before staring out the window. I had never felt happier in my entire life as an angel. The love of my life just kissed me, TWICE!

“Hyukkie... Can I ask you something?” I asked nervously. He turned to face me. Our eyes locked in on each other, it was like we could stare into each other’s souls.

“You just did, but you can ask me another one.” He smiled. My Hyukkie is like a cheeky monkey. I motioned him to come closer.

“Will you become my boyfriend?” I whispered into his ears.

“Yes. Hae, I want you to be my boyfriend too.” He turned and kissed me for the third time today. I smiled; Death is one happy boy today.


“Your brother is seriously head over heels for this one. Has this happened before?” We were following the plane, drifting in and out like ghosts, spying on the two lovebirds. Luckily my powers allowed me to hide our presence from Donghae as well.

“Hmmm... Nope, my little brother has never been in love. He was also never like this when he got married. Then again it was an arranged marriage.” Sungmin was deep in thought. He never saw his little brother like this. He really didn’t want to ruin the moment or meddle in this relationship.

“Maybe I should bring in some storm clouds. I think we should begin the games.” I smirked as I summoned the black storm clouds which were beginning to roll in.

“Kyu~ Can’t we leave them be? I know I said I disliked my brother... Scrap that I hate him... But I don’t hate him so much that I want to ruin his happiness.” I looked at Sungmin, his face was just too cute.

“Minnie-ah don’t worry, we are here to have a little fun. If their love is strong they will be together. As demon prince I have an obligation and the right to test their forbidden love.” I gave him a reassuring kiss. Sungmin still pouted. I have never seen him so serious about something.

“If you hurt my brother, I will leave you arraso? I don’t care what excuse you come up with, if you take away that smile of his I will never forgive you. NEVER!” I was taken aback by what he said. He never spoke to me like this in his life. I guess deep down he really did care about his brother. I gave him another reassuring kiss.

“Don’t worry, if your brother’s love is as strong as you say it is, he’ll be fine. I promise to not be too harsh with him arraso? Now let me summon more storm clouds till Heechul-hyung gets here.” I planted a kiss onto Sungmin’s lips before continuing to summon my clouds.




I loved how everyone thought the plane was going to crash but we shall all wait and see!!! =3 thank you all for the comments ^^ I read every single one of them ^^ and I also reply to all of them =3 let me know if I don't xD

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snhgmgm #1
Chapter 5: Wahhh, this is such a good concept, and pretty well executed so far, even tho I think their relationship is a little fast ^^; but maybe that's fate? I thought this would be ~bad boy and sweetheart~ but I'm pleasantly surprised to see it's quite fluffy! :)
Chapter 6: This is awesome!! I love this story.... Please update again....
MeinAltire #4
Chapter 6: greattt can't wait for another update...
Chapter 6: this is so good
and i love your writing style!
i will looking forward for this ^^
Ladyghai #6
Oh please update!
iheartheartsnsd #7
please update soon!!
Chapter 6: PLZ update soon ^^ really like this :)
Ooh I really like this. When I read it its like I'm watching a movie. Omg I love it so much!!!!!!
~update soon~