

In which Yesung insist on a bit of distance and Kyuhyun realizes that he has no restraint when it comes to Yesung.


This is like my 16th say this is unbelivable would be redundant. I hope I am doing a good job :)

This is another Chapter set in my No Words Needed Continuum. This one is set after Our Own Little World, so will be in the early stages of their relationship. It is my falied intepretation to certian pictures and this story actually was going to be adandoned, but since I finished my Paper early and I wrote this in one day, I decided to finish it and share it. Its sort of long, but can be read as a one shot as usual. Give it a read and let me know what you think :)

Comments are Always Appreciated :)


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400 streak #1
Chapter 1: I still can't believe you wrote this masterpiece in 1 day, like whaaaat? You really have talent!
Chapter 1: Well, there was a concert where fan accounts says that thy held hands. Definitely not fan service because the lights were all off.. Meaning, it was a time when they are to wait for the next song to play. They were supposedly standing side by side then Kyu took Ye's hand. There might be a photo but then it's just an outline of their figures because again, the lights were still out. Cool right? Just.. Ughhhh the fangirl's mind with these information and pictures ~
Chapter 1: I love how snarky Kyuhyun is with everyone else except Yesung, his conversation with Donghae I just found too funny. The fact that Kyuhyun always wants to be a comfort to Yesung is just so endearing and a true testament to their loving relationship. But of course Siwon's a problem as always, Kyu needs to take a chill pill whenever he even thinks of the guy. Although I think Yesung need to be a little more allowing of skin ship with Kyu during super shows (I certainly wouldn't mind). Even if he wants to be cautious it's okay to do it sometimes, people will just write it off as brotherly love (probably..) XD. Kyuhyun telling Yesung to sleep and staying with him was just so sweet <3.
Chapter 1: This is so cute. The pictures!!!
KcuLL22 #5
Chapter 1: I finally read it. that is cute and siwon being the third wheel as always xD
lahdeedah000 #6
Okay, I gotta go to bed now so I'm gonna read this tomorrow...the marathon will continue, don't you worry! :)) Aaaand I subscribed, too! ^_^
PreciousKyu #7
I forgot my password, so I changed it just to comment on your story. Aren't I sweet?>< 

I really like this one, as it was sweet, yet realistic. I wouldn't particulary call them gay though, they're just Kyu-ual and Ye-ual, respectively. lol Anyway, I understand the feeling of losing restraint because of a certain person, as my self-restraint reaches it's freezing point just by thinking of Kyu. So I start to do what I'm good at; ing. Hehe 

I find it rather cute how they're both in the clouds, though still aware of their cheesiness. I also have to add that even though I love angst, I'm particulary fan of the endings of each chapter/story(what do you call these anyway?^^). They're so sweet and heart fluttering. 

Also could this be a good explanation of lack of KyuSung interaction during SS4 BKK.>_< A girl can dream, right? Hehe Or we can go all Kyumin-shippers-style: 'Yesung chose Kyuhyun to get splashed, KYUSUNG IS REAL!' lol

Let's just stick to our layback approach for now: Kyusung's doesn't need words or fanservice, it's all in their eyes.

Keep up the good work unnie!<3 
Ohhh i love this oneshot series,

During water splash time, did you see kyu's face when Yeye chose him...his smile...he is like i can't say no to you.
I love Siwon but...Some revenge would be nice.
Finally, thank you so much for write this!!!
thursday #9
I admit to feeling slightly panicked when I read the title until I saw when in the timeline this story took place. :)
Restraint is a good thing for a relationship, especially one in its infancy. It serves to build their friendship as well as giving a space to build the tension between them. You've done a really good job exploring that tension(especially in the stories that come after this in the timeline) from K's point of view. You seem to be more comfortable writing from his perspective. I would love one from Y.'s p.o.v. that involved a somewhat intimate moment. His inner turmoil over the confession was so cute, I want more :).
ClockwiseStir #10
"he was probably never going to be entirely happy with the fact that he had to keep his distance whilst others got to be near him, but finally understood that he something that none of them had, his heart" <3

As they say, once you have a person's heart, no one can be better than you in that person's eyes. You've won the competition basically, no matter what happens. I'm glad Kyuhyun realised that :) Although if I was in his position, I would be annoyed too, haha. I don't really get why he can't be near to Yesung just a little bit more, it is unfair that the others don't need to worry about getting close. But I guess when you are deliberately hiding something, you become hypervigilant and paranoid. Maybe that is why Yesung insist on the distance more than a little necessary? I would love to see Kyu blow up at Yesung one day on the Siwon & distance issue, haha, I was getting a vibe a few times that that may happen. But Kyu would be enveloped in Yesung's warmth and sweet smell and drowned in the love throwing all those irritation away for that moment. LOL.

I enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for writing as always ^_^