Personal Differences



Personal Differences was started with a single message in mind:

Getting over differences to make a relationship work.

Our Characters:

Yul – the oh-so-disciplined prosecutor & Jessica – the icy-cold heiress

Taeng – the innocent & Tiffany – the independent modern city girl

Yoong & Young – the playful players & Sunny – the artful player

Hyun – the geek in the pink & Hyoyeon – the sassy dancer


p/s: you can chat with me on twitter @itsakyo





“What?! I’m supposed to be engaged to him?! Over my priceless, untouchable body!”


“He’s from a good family, Sooyeon ah, and they are just as rich as us. That way your father can expand his business and you can be sure that he’s not after your money.”


“But he’s a player, Mum…you wouldn’t want your only daughter to marry a player, would you?”


“He’ll stop playing. Look at your Dad… He played a lot too but he stopped after he met me. Anyway, arrangements have already been made. He’s coming back from his business trip in two weeks. We’ll meet him then.”


She palmed her face in despair, realizing that there was no way out of this one.






He draped his arms around the shoulders of the girls beside him. He was in seventh heaven at the moment, in every sense of the word. Being a VIP of the hippest club in town, Seventh Heaven, he was given the best private seats and service the house had to offer and that included the ladies. It wasn’t just any lady, mind you, but the hottest and iest ones. He couldn’t help smirking smugly to himself as he indulged himself in earthly pleasures. His life was as perfect as it could be.


From where he was sitting, he could see the entire dance floor and the people in it. As his eyes scanned the crowd lazily, they came to rest on a girl. Two words came to his mind immediately—hot and cute.


Hold on! Did I just say HOT and CUTE in the same sentence? Yikes! I said it again!


He leaned forward in his seat, momentarily forgetting all about the two girls beside him. His eyes were glued to a short-haired blonde who was gyrating on the dance floor. Even with the distance between them, he could see her silhouette in the bright, flashing lights and oh boy, did she have some dangerous curves. He noticed several guys who tried to dance with her but she artfully dodged them and continued to dance with her friend, who incidentally danced extremely well and had a crowd cheering her on.


He let out a low whistle. He had found his entertainment for the night.




She leaned on the table top with her elbows and massaged her temples slowly.


It’s going to be a loooong day.


She was feeling weary as the past two hours had been spent interviewing applicant after applicant. She needed a personal assistant and she needed one fast. Unfortunately for her, however, none of the applicants could make the cut. Her expectations of her personal assistant were sky high as she was very, very demanding when it came to work.


Another hour passed and even more applicants had been rejected; their resumes trashed. As another applicant exited the room, she buried her face in her hands and groaned in frustration. She was down to her last applicant—Kim Taengoo.


What a strange name.


But he might be my last hope.


I need an assistant like now!


Her last applicant entered the room and bowed politely.


“Hello, I’m Kim Taengoo. Most people call me Taeng.”


“I have seen your resume. You are a graduate of University of Seoul which is impressive but could you tell me why you should be hired as my personal assistant?”


“I may not be the most efficient assistant in the world but I will do my best to follow all your orders and share your troubles so that you can work better.”


She was rather surprised by his honest and earnest speech. She had just sat through three hours of people who couldn’t wait to boast about their qualifications and experiences. She definitely had enough of that.


Hmm… This guy seems different from the rest.


He’s so refreshing.


And he looks cute too.


An added bonus I suppose.


She contemplated her decision, as her lips curled up slightly.


“Alright… You’re hired. You can start work tomorrow. Your pay will be five hundred dollars more than your previous pay but you are subjected to a probational period of six months. How does that sound to you?”


“G-G-reat!” Taeng blinked rapidly as he was stunned by the offer but a wide smile swept across his face in the next instant.


“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow at nine sharp,” she said authoritatively, stretching her hand out to close the deal with a handshake.




He typed furiously on his keyboard, churning out a report that was requested for at the last minute. He worked on a clutter-free desk that only had items like his iPad, iPhone and a packet of goguma on it. Having worked for more than a year, he was used to such last minute requests by now.


The financial world is such.


Deadlines could not be missed as it could result in a loss of millions of dollars. Decisions had to be made in a spilt second that could lead to massive profits or losses in the blink of an eye. However, his work enthralled him. It stimulated his highly intelligent mind. With an IQ of 180, he certainly qualified as a genius. Known all over the financial world as a financial analyst who could work out the rise and fall of the markets, he was hailed as a financial guru by numerous highly respected business journals.


The only thing that made him seem remotely human was his love for goguma, although it sometimes bordered on the verge of some kind of disorder. He completed his report and attached it to the email reply.


“Sent... ahhh… this is a good feeling.” He glanced at his watch and got a shock as he realized that it was way past the time he was supposed to meet his good friend, Young, at. Picking up his iPhone, he typed a message rapidly and sent it to Young. Then he picked up his car keys and jacket and headed to Seventh Heaven as quickly as he legally could, not forgetting to buckle his seat belt, of course.





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Fire_trek 349 streak #1
Chapter 47: This was a good chapter with the introduction of Yulsic to each other and all. But I feel like I should have read the forward to understand the fic better.. so I will
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 46: I can tell this is going to be a chaotic ride.. and I’m here for it! :)
Akejxn #3
NekoLS #4
Chapter 174: Wheeewww i reread it again after long time and its still as it use to be heheheh
Great job authornim
Soneisa #5
Chapter 46: I can’t believe there’s no YoonHyun in this fic 🤧
yeonniestan94 #6
10 years already, but still one of the best stories on this site
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 174: THE end. I'll be back soon otor 😉
Chapter 168: selos yan, young? ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 169: these girls are so byun XD