Where all started in dreams

Alice; Alice In Wonderland
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I was in Alice house, why, my dad an eccentric, cartographer, why eccentric, well, to be sincere i don´t know what the word meants yet, but Mrs Kingsleight promised me a dictionary, but with the topic, my ugly horrible Aunt March said that he was, maybe is the colorful clothes, his children´s book collection or that she draw maps of imaginary land, well, maybe the last option, he and Mrs Kingsleight, tonight wasn´t our time to play, Mrs Kingsleight told my dad to come soon, he was going to talk about his new adventure and obviusly my dad was going to be there with him.

I was with Alice in her bedroom, in her bed trying to sleep, and you wil ask was, well she go for her dad, i don´t blame her to leaving me alone, after all i had that dreams to, we call it wonderland. Then she and Mrs Kingsleight came back. 

"Well, there’s a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waistcoat, a smiling cat..." Alice started while i was taking notes, a great adventure or dream would not be pass by me.

"I didn’t know cats could smile." said Mrs Kingsleight

"Neither did I. Oh, and there’s a blue caterpillar."

"Blue caterpillar. Hmm."

"Do you think I’ve gone round the bend?" said my friend, while he touch her forehead

"I’m afraid so. You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret...all the best people are."

"That what the Mad Hatter of my dreams said" i said

"Well, tell him that he is very wise"

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