Bingo heart
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The university’s arts building was alive with the usual hustle and bustle, but within the small auditorium where Yongsun was rehearsing, the atmosphere was charged with raw, electric energy. The echoes of distorted guitars and pounding drums filled the space, resonating against the ancient stone walls.

Yongsun, center stage with her electric guitar slung confidently across her shoulder, was the embodiment of a rock star. Her long black hair cascaded across her shoulders, and her edgy style, featuring leather and dark fabrics, highlighted her bold , rebellious spirit. Completely absorbed in the gritty rock melody they were perfecting, her presence was magnetic, drawing all eyes to her. 

Her fingers danced aggressively along the fretboard, coaxing out a riff that was both chaotic and beautifully controlled. The band supporting her played with precision, the bass and drums forming a thunderous backdrop that complemented her raspy, powerful vocals.

That Thursday something felt different. Yongsun felt an unusual flutter of excitement. As she poured her soul into the final chords of a particularly gritty riff, her gaze shifted to the auditorium entrance where Wheein had just stepped in. Yongsun's heart skipped a beat, not just from the adrenaline of her performance but from spotting Wheein, whose presence she had become increasingly aware of around campus.

Wheein, with her camera in tow, stood out even in her understated way. She favored an artistic blend of comfort and style, wearing an oversized sweater that fell loosely over her slender frame, paired with soft, worn jeans that hinted at countless hours spent in darkroom or studio sessions. Her waist-length pink hair was tousled in a way that framed her gentle face beautifully, adding to her creative aura. The camera, ever-present, hung from a colorful, hand-woven strap adorned with wooden beads—a signature piece that complemented her unique style.

As the rehearsal wound down, Yongsun approached Wheein, whose eyes were busy behind the camera lens, capturing the raw intensity of the session.

"Hey there, Wheein" Yongsun greeted, her voice blending post-performance exhilaration with a spark of mischief. "Did the music lure you in, or are you here on a secret mission to steal our souls with that camera?"

Wheein looked up, a subtle smile playing on her lips. "The music was irresistible. I couldn’t help but come capture it. Plus, your band makes for some compelling subjects," she responded, her tone light yet sincere.

Leaning closer, Yongsun’s voice dropped to a teasing whisper, "And here I was hoping you came just for the guitarist."

Wheein’s laughter was light and genuine. "Well, the guitarist isn’t too bad either."

"I'm Yongsun, by the way, though I have a feeling you already know that."

Laughing, Wheein nodded. "I do. And I'm Wheein. But I guess you knew that too, considering you just called me by my name."

"Guilty as charged," Yongsun chuckled, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

Feeling emboldened, Yongsun shifted the topic, her voice softening with genuine interest. "I've seen your work in the university paper, and at last semester's art exhibition. You’ve got a real knack for capturing the essence of a moment. It's kind of awesome, actually."

Wheein’s eyes widened slightly, surprise flickering across her face. “Really? You’ve seen my work?”

"Of course," Yongsun replied with a confident nod. "Your photos in the university paper, the art exhibitions... Super cool”

Wheein's expression shifted to one of awe, clearly moved. "That means a lot, coming from you,” she replied, her voice almost lost in the residual hum of the amplifiers. “I try to capture things as they really are- like your music. It’s raw, it’s real…it’s powerful”

“That’s exactly what I aim for,” Yongsun admitted, a smile breaking through her face, feeling a spark of connection. “Your photograph––it really speaks, you know?  I caught some of your work at the last art show. It was like your photos were telling stories, shouting them out just as our music does.”

Their conversation unfolded naturally, the initial awkwardness quickly giving way to a deep, mutual appreciation for each other's art. As the auditorium emptied their voices echoed softly in the large space.



In Yongsun’s dorm room, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and a touch of nervous energy. Rock legends and modern art prints, along with candid photographs of friends, adorned the walls, giving the small space a vibrant feel. 

Yongsun was practically bouncing on the edge of her bed. her phone clutched tightly in her hands as she recounted the day’s events to her bandmate and friend, Byul.

“I did it, Byul! I actually did it!” Yongsun gushed, her eyes alight with victory and a trace of mischief. “I talked to Wheein for the first time today and got her number right then and there. We’ve been  texting back and forth all afternoon. It feels amazing— like everything is falling into place, you know?”

Byul, lounging in a bean bag with her bass guitar propped against the wall beside her, looked up from her laptop with a playful smirk. “Oh, I know,” she teaseed. “It’s only taken you what, the entire semester to make a move? How many times you ‘accidentally’ show up at places you knew she’d be?”

Yongsun's face flushed a deep red.“Oh, shut up!! It wasn’t like that,” she tossed a pillow at Byul, her smile teasing and confident.  “Ok, maybe a little… But it’s different now. We’re actually talking. She’s so cool and smart, Byul. And when she discusses her photography? She just lights up. I think we’ve got something special. Plus, she’s hella cute too. I might start drooping some subtle hints that i like her more that just as a friend”

Byul laughed, dodging the pillow. “Subtle hints, huh? Like what? Writing her a love song and dedicating it to ‘a special someone’ at our next show?”

Yongsun chuckled, rolling her eyes “Maybe not that direct. I think I’ll just 'happen' to be around more, show her how great we are together, more than just friends.” She winked. “Keep it light, keep it flirty.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Byul said, nodding approvingly. “Just don’t go overboard and scare her off. Keep it light, keep it fun. You know how you can get all intense.” Byul's voice softened a bit, her smirk turning into a smile that carried a hint of caution. “Remember last year, with that solo piece you prepared for the spring recital? You practiced until your fingers practically bled. It was incredible, but intense. Not everyone vibes with that level of commitment right off the bat.”

“Definitely,” Yongsun replied, a thoughtful look crossing her face. She scrolled through her messages again, her smile returning. "For now, I’ll focus on getting to know her better. I’m thinking of inviting her to our next gig. She’d love it, don’t you think? A perfect chance to showcase my charming side."

"For sure," Byul affirmed, closing her laptop and giving Yongsun her full attention. "Wheein seems cool, and she’s definitely into creative stuff. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to impress her with your killer vocals and my awesome bass lines. And who knows? Maybe she’ll pick up on your vibes."

The room filled with laughter as Yongsun beamed. "It’s going to be awesome. And hey, one day we'll look back and laugh about how I was so nervous I was just for texting her."



Over the past few weeks, the daily messages between Yongsun and Wheein had woven a tapestry of shared jokes, art critiques, and university tales. Yongsun's messages, sprinkled with subtle flirts, contrasted with Wheein's cheerful but platonic replies, revealing the different lenses through which they viewed their growing connection.

On a sunny afternoon perfect for outdoor activities, Yongsun, who had invited Wheein to watch, found herself on the university’s sand volleyball court with her bandmates. Swapping their instruments for sports, they engaged in a spirited game of volleyball, filled with raucous laughter and friendly rivalry. Wearing a tank top and shorts that accentuated her toned physique, Yongsun wasn’t just playing to win; she was also playing to impress. Nearby, Wheein was busy capturing candid moments around campus with her camera.

Each of Yongsun's serves was powerful and precise, her movements on the court graceful yet explosive—each leap and dive a testament to her exceptional fitness. Occasionally, she'd strike a pose after a particularly good play, flexing her muscles in a way that was unmistakably for Wheein's benefit, hoping to draw a reaction. After each dynamic spike, she would glance over at Wheein, giving her a playful, confident wink or flashing a wide, cheeky smile.

From the sidelines, Wheein cheered enthusiastically, her shouts of encouragement firing Yongsun up even more. “Go, Yongsun Unnie!” and “You’ve got this!” rang out regularly, each cheer boosting Yongsun's confidence and driving her to push even harder.

Seizing a lull in the game, Yongsun jogged to the sidelines, grabbing her water bottle with a flourish. With a theatrical flair, she splashed some of the cool water over her head and neck, muscles glistening under the sun, seemingly accentuating her toned arms and shoulders. As she tipped the bottle, she turned slightly, ensuring Wheein had the best view. “Gotta stay hydrated if I’m going to impress our special guest photographer,” she announced loudly to her teammates, her voice playful yet unmistakably confident. She threw a cheeky wink and a bright, flirtatious smile in Wheein's direction, making her intentions clear without saying too much.

Wheein, catching the comment and the display, couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head with a smile. "You're doing great, Yongsun! Keep it up!" she called out, her tone friendly and encouraging. Despite Yongsun's energetic display and overt gestures, Wheein remained warmly responsive, yet seemingly oblivious to the flirtatious undertones. She was engrossed in her photography, capturing the game but often distracted by an art installation nearby. However, Wheein’s quick glances and smiles directed at Yongsun ignited a spark of hope with each brief eye contact.

Observing the scene, Byul shook her head with a grin, murmuring to Hyejin,"I told Yongsun to keep it subtle, but there she goes, showing off like she's in a fitness ad."

"Definitely her own brand of charm," Hyejin replied, amusement in her tone.

Changsub added his two cents, grinning, “If flexing was a flirting technique, she’d have won Wheein over from the start!”

Catching their commentary, Yongsun shot back with a grin, "Maybe I should help her carry her camera gear too—flex these muscles for a good cause, huh?" Her tone was playful, but her eyes flicked towards Wheein, filled with hope and mischief.

A group of Yongsun's fans, who had come to watch her play, whispered among themselves, speculating with amusement, “She’s totally putting on a show for the photographer, isn’t she? Bet she’s trying to impress her!”

The game ended with Yongsun's team claiming victory, their energy high and spirits lifted. Yongsun, still gleaming with sweat and her muscles flexing as she celebrated, caught Wheein's eye and sent her a wink.

After cooling down, Yongsun grabbed her phone and texted Wheein, her message a blend of flirtation and playful challenge: “Hope your camera was able to keep up with me today 😉 How about we grab coffee and you show me just how well you captured my ‘good side’?”

Wheein's response came swiftly, her tone light and friendly, "Got some fantastic shots today! 😄 The light was perfect, and you guys were amazing. Coffee sounds great! I could actually use some tips on my serve, lol."

Yongsun smiled at her phone. The reply was friendly rather than flirty, but it didn't dampen her spirits. She texted back, "Great! It’s a date. Can't wait to see them. I’ll show you some volleyball moves at coffee—both on and off the court 😉."

With their coffee date planned, Yongsun was all set to turn up her charm a notch, hopeful and excited to perhaps shift their friendship towards something deeper. After all, she was never one to back down from a challenge.



That evening, the Vinyl Vibes bar was pulsing with the energy of live music and an enthusiastic crowd. It was a popular hangout for the university crowd, especially for those who liked their music loud, their beers cold and their vibe cool.Exposed brick walls decked out with neon signs and vintage rock posters set the perfect scene as Yongsun and her band took the stage.

Yongsun was electrifying, channeling her passion into every lyric and note, her stage presence magnetic. The audience was utterly captivated, and among them was Wheein, her camera in hand, capturing the raw intensity of the performance. Yongsun had invited her specifically to this gig, hoping to share something that was deeply personal to her, perhaps hoping to convey her feelings through the universal language of music.

As the last chords of the encore faded into cheers and applause, Wheein made her way backstage, her face alight with excitement from the adrenaline of the performance and the thrill of capturing such vibrant images.

"Yongsun, that was incredible! Thank you so much for inviting me," Wheein gushed, her eyes sparkling with genuine appreciation. "These photos are going to be some of my best. I mean, the energy, your energy—it was just amazing to shoot!"

Yongsun, still flushed with the rush of her performance and packing up her guitar, flashed a confident, knowing smile."I'm really glad you enjoyed it," she said, a playful twinkle in her eye.  "I had a hunch you’d like the vibe here, and honestly, I had another reason for inviting you tonight." She paused, a flirtatious hint in her tone.

Before Yongsun could elaborate, Wheein, bubbling over with enthusiasm,  cut in. "It’s awesome! You know, working together like this, it could really be beneficial for both of us. Your music, my photography—it’s a perfect match!"

Yongsun smiled, her heart sinking just a bit but still uplifted by Wheein’s enthusiasm. "Yeah, it’s a great collaboration," she agreed with a slight nod, swallowing her intended confession. Maybe she needed to be more direct, Yongsun mused, but not tonight. Tonight, she would savor the success of their first 'collaboration.'

As they left the bar, the night air crisp against their flushed faces, Yongsun felt a mix of emotions. There was a part of her that wanted to confess everything, to tell Wheein just how much she meant to her beyond their mutual artistic endeavors. Yet, there was also a profound appreciation for what they were building together, even if it wasn’t quite what Yongsun had hoped for... yet.

Tonight, Yongsun decided, was a step in the right direction. Tomorrow, perhaps, she would dare a little more.



Weeks had slipped by since their last performance , and Yongsun's feelings for Wheein hadn’t dimmed—instead, they’d grown stronger with every shared moment and texted conversation. Desperate for a breakthrough, Yongsun decided it was time to make her feelings more obvious, albeit subtly.

 She remembered Wheein's peculiar favorite coffee order—a quirky mix of espresso, mint syrup, and a dash of matcha, an unusual combination that Wheein had sworn was the ultimate pick-me-up during their lengthy coffee chats.

With a small plan in mind, Yongsun arrived early at the bustling campus cafeteria, the central hub for students to either dive into their studies or unwind, and positioned herself at a corner table with a clear view of the entrance. 

Today's plan was simple yet daring in its intention. Yongsun positioned herself at a corner table, strategically chosen for a clear view of the entrance. Her preparation was meticulous; she had even practiced the artful curve of the heart and the phrase "For the most beautiful girl" on scratch paper several times before committing it to the cup in her most elegant handwriting. This gesture, she hoped, would subtly signal her deeper feelings.

When Wheein finally appeared,Yongsun's heart fluttered with anticipation. She waved, managing a balance between casualness and warmth, a smile playing confidently on her lips. As Wheein approached, navigating through clusters of tables and chatting students, Yongsun slid the specially prepared coffee cup toward her. "I remembered how you like it," she said, her voice tinged with hopeful undertones.

Wheein’s face lit up with surprise and delight as she accepted the cup, her fingers brushing Yongsun’s. "You did? That's so sweet, Sumbae!" Her gaze fell on the little heart and the message, and she chuckled, an eyebrow raised in amused curiosity. Yongsun watched her face, looking for any sign of realization. “Oh, this is adorable! Is the barista trying to win you over?” she joked.

Trying to mask her disappointment with a laugh, Yongsun shrugged. “Maybe they thought it’d be a cute joke,” she quipped, the words tinged with a mix of jest and hidden longing. “I just thought, you know, you might need a bit of cheer today. We've been swamped with school, after all."

"That's really thoughtful of you. You always know how to brighten my day, Yongsun. You’re the best Unnie," Wheein responded, touched by the gesture.

“So, how have you been, really?” Yongsun leaned in, her tone more serious than usual. “With all the schoolwork and everything, you’ve been holding up okay?”

Wheein sighed, her expression softening. "It’s been a lot, honestly. But little breaks like this help so much, especially with friends like you around," she admitted, sipping her coffee appreciatively.

Seizing the moment, Yongsun ventured further, her voice lowering, "I’ve been thinking a lot about us—how much our time together means to me. I really value what we have."

Wheein looked up, her brow furrowing slightly in confusion. “Us?” she echoed, unsure if she understood the implication. “Like our friendship?”

“Yeah, our friendship,” Yongsun quickly covered.“Just glad we can do these kinds of things.”

Then, without skipping a beat, Wheein launched into a detailed update on her group project, her mind shifting gears faster than Yongsun had hoped.

A few tables away, Wheein’s friends, Yoonyoung and Yeojin, watched the scene unfold with a mix of amusement and disbelief. “Can she really not see it? Wheein's head is stuck in project mode. It's like she's got blinders on.” Yeojin whispered, her eyes fixed on the interaction. 

They watched as Yongsun tried to keep up with Wheein's shift to academics, her disappointment barely masked.  Yoonyoung whispered to Yeojin, “Look at Yongsun's face. She’s totally smitten. It’s like watching a drama unfold in real life, she’s dropping enough hints to fill a novel,”

Yeojin, always the romantic, sighed wistfully. "It's like she's sending love songs with her eyes, and Wheein’s just tuning in to the background noise." They both chuckled, shaking their heads at the bittersweet scene.

Meanwhile, Wheein, holding the warm cup, savored its perfect taste. "You always remember the details, Yongsun. That's what makes you such a great friend." Each word warmed Yongsun's heart but also pained her at the same time.

Yongsun nodded, her smile a bit more genuine now as she basked in Wheein's praise, even if it missed the mark. "I’m glad you think so. You deserve nice things," she said softly and earnestly.

As they settled into their study session, Yongsun’s gestures continued to speak volumes, listened intently, offering insights and nods, her gaze lingering a bit too long. Wrapped in their academic focus and the comforting warmth of the coffee, Wheein remained blissfully unaware.

From their spot, Yoonyoung and Yeojin exchanged looks filled with both exasperation and amusement.

As the afternoon waned and the shadows grew longer, Yongsun resolved that her next move would leave no room for doubt. She couldn't give up now—not when every moment shared with Wheein felt so right.



Yongsun felt the familiar thud of her heart, like the kick drum in the of her band's most intense gigs, as she tuned her guitar outside the art building where Wheein's last class of the day was wrapping up. Today, she resolved, there would be no room for confusion; a serenade was about as direct a romantic gesture as one could make.

Her bandmates were busy setting up their equipment in a semi-circle around her, fully aware of the true reason behind today's impromptu performance. They gently, their smiles both supportive and encouraging.

“Nervous?” Hyejin asked with a playful nudge while Yongsun adjusted her guitar strap.

“Excited,” Yongsun corrected with a wink, her tone breezy yet sure. “She won’t know what hit her.”

"Isn't this a bit much for a first grand gesture?" Byul interjected, her brows knitting in concern. “Might be overwhelming, you know.”

“Wheein is sharp; she might miss subtle hints, but this is too clear to overlook," Hyejin reassured her. "Just play with all your heart. She can't miss it this time."

As Yongsun strummed her guitar, a playful yet confident grin tugged at her lips. She could feel the eyes of her bandmates on her, their knowing smirks a silent cheer for the audacity of what she was about to do.

Byul raised an eyebrow, her voice tinged with amusement. “You think you’re that irresistible, huh?”

“Watch and learn,” Yongsun quipped, her confidence infectious. She knew the power of a well-timed serenade and the allure of a public confession dressed up as a casual performance.

As students began to file out of the building, Yongsun wiped her palms on her jeans, her fingers trembling slightly as she gripped her guitar. She scanned the crowd for Wheein, the one person whose presence could light up her world like no other. Suddenly, there she was—Wheein, stepping into the sunlight with her camera slung around her neck, her face breaking into a curious smile as she saw the band.

Yongsun’s heart skipped as Wheein’s expression shifted from curiosity to delight. She took a deep breath and signaled to the band. The first chord, stronger than intended, echoed across the open space, but it captured everyone's attention. Yongsun’s voice, usually so calm and controlled, carried a noticeable tremble this time. The song was an outpouring of honest confessions and deep yearnings, written with Wheein in mind, laying Yongsun's emotions bare.

As she sang, her eyes found Wheein’s, holding them longer than necessary, a silent conversation passing between them. Wheein’s reaction was radiant,her joy palpable, her body moving to the rhythm of the song, her camera clicking away as she captured the moment.her laughter mingling beautifully with the music—a sound more delightful to Yongsun than any melody she could create. 

The audience around them grew, a blend of students and faculty captivated by the heartfelt performance. As the song unfolded, Byul’s deep bass, Hyejin’s harmonies, Henry’s ethereal keyboard, and Changsub’s rhythmic drumming wove together a rich sound tapestry that underscored Yongsun’s vocals. Each member played with a passion that was palpable, knowing the stakes for their friend and leader. The final note lingered in the cool afternoon air, and the applause that followed seemed louder than usual. 

Wheein rushed forward, her enthusiasm uncontainable. "That was amazing, guys! What a great surprise! Your new song is fantastic, really touching. What an awesome rehearsal!" she exclaimed earnestly.

Yongsun’s heart dropped slightly, her smile strained. her smile faltering but kept afloat by the applause. “Thanks, Wheein. I’m glad you liked it,” she managed, her voice nearly lost in the noise and the busy scene of their friends packing up.

Wheein continued to praise the performance, oblivious to Yongsun's crestfallen expression. She mentioned needing to rush off for a project, her usual fervor for her photography taking over. As she departed, camera slung over her shoulder, Yongsun let out a heavy sigh, a mix of frustration and affection, not defeated but pondering how much clearer she needed to be.

Her bandmates rallied to her side, their looks a mixture of compassion and amusement. 

"Hey, at least she loved the song, right?" Henry offered, trying to look on the bright side.

Changsub added, "Yeah, and if she didn’t catch the hint today, we'll just have to turn up the volume next time!"

"Maybe next time, skywriting?" Hyejin joked, giving Yongsun a comforting pat on the back.

"Or a neon sign, perhaps?" Byul chimed in, her initial skepticism fading into amusement. "You know, maybe a bit of your intensity is exactly what Wheein needs to see. It might just take something unmistakably Yongsun to get through."

Yongsun let out a chuckle. "Maybe that’s what it’ll take," she mused, heartened by their support. The next gesture, she decided, would be impossible to misunderstand.


Days had passed since Yongsun's public serenade, and despite her increasingly obvious attempts to express her feelings—through thoughtfully chosen gifts with notes, surprise lunch deliveries at Wheein's classrooms, and curated playlists entitled "Songs That Remind Me of You"—the message hadn't quite landed. Wheein, ever cheerful and wonderfully oblivious, responded in a friendly and light-hearted manner, which was both adorable and mildly infuriating.

That evening, laughter and playful banter echoed through Yongsun and Byul's dorm room as the band gathered for a relaxed hangout. Hyejin strummed her guitar lazily, providing a soothing backdrop, while Byul and Henry were locked in a fierce battle on a gaming console, their competitive banter filling the room with energy. Changsub, absorbed in his comic book, occasionally glanced up to chuckle at his friends' antics.

Yongsun, however, was partially distracted as she scrolled through Wheein's latest Instagram posts. Wheein’s artistic eye made even the simplest scenes seem magical, and Yongsun couldn’t help but admire her skill and effortless beauty. Deciding to use this as another opportunity to express her feelings, Yongsun began typing comments under each photo and reading them aloud, hoping to gather some feedback—or at least some moral support—from her friends.

On a snapshot of Wheein smiling at the camera, Yongsun read out loud as she typed,  “Stealing hearts with that smile 😍 Who gave you the right?”

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Chapter 1: This is exceptional. You made me smile from ear to ear when Wheein finally realized all those things and returned it with a kiss. How cute! Yong is the best, the most patient individual on earth 😂 and the crews are so supportive. I love them all. Thanks for a masterpiece.
Chapter 1: This was without a doubt the story that left me most anxious and yet I still found it all cute and adorable because how could I not? And I still can't believe that all it took was one completely random comment for Yongsun to FINALLY make Wheein realize that she likes her.
I hope to see more of these two in the future so I can revel in Wheein's reactions as he understands every romantic act Yongsun does.
wheesun1721 #3
Chapter 1: awwwwwwww ending way too sweet