
Got me my baby
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AN: pointless rambling 🤷‍♀️

Not proofread




Every person deals with hardships differently.
You may already be familiar with the stages of grief.
Must be on books, movies, or in your psychology lesson that you could not bother to listen- when instead of teaching, Mr.Cox kept on retelling his ridiculous stories about corn.

Mr. Cox is probably one amongst the few good guys in this college, but the man can ramble to no end about corn.

No .

If you probably ask any of the students about what they can recall about his class, they'll likely tell you about how that one time the seniors bought him a corn costume for halloween, or how he'll find corn kernels in his pockets, or the random corncob on his desk.

Anyway, Winter is going through the said 5 stages of grief these past few days.


Winter thought as she struggled in staying up late trying to cram every information to her already overloaded brain. There are still a bunch of material she had to go through, and she convinces herself that she can do it.


It's 2:45 AM she hasn't slept for 3 days, her pee already smells like coffee.

Heck if somebody draws her blood they'll probably just get coffee straight out of her veins.

The reason being why the can't information stay in her ing head?

She's always praised as a smart kid without even needing to study, remembering things quickly when taught once.

The burnt-out once gifted kid can only slam her head on her desk with her frustration.


Maybe she can do it.
Maybe staring at her notes, with only a few hours left and by praying to every God out there that she'll magically have a photographic memory will solve her problem.
But hey, a girl can dream.

Familiarization is better than memorization, she tries to convince herself but really who are we kidding if the exam is an objective type.



Depression is reading the question on your examination paper and coming to a realization that the topic is familiar.

That's it,
just familiar.

Does she remember the answer?
No, she doesn't.

But then she remembered a little redheaded spawn of satan whispering at the back of her head.

"Never back down, Never what?!!"

Winter can only sigh.


Passing the papers in front, Winter can only weigh the pros and cons' of studying in Uni.

The pros of it now though is that Winter actually studied the right material this time.
Unlike last semester where the coverage actually was of a different chapter and Yizhou- who texted her the coverage cause she was down with the flu, had actually told her the wrong topic.

Cons is that Winter will probably get just enough passing scores for this semester.

She hopes so.


It is typical for every college students to just laze around their dorms after hellweek and Winter was no exemption.

3 hours after the exam, Winter was done with grieving with  her possible grades.

"We will all die anyway" She tries to justify.

Dark asf eyebags, hair strands astray, and a sniff in the air might be a clear indication of how tiring it has been for Winter, but no, not with Karina.

Karina is her pretty, and smart, and very pretty, and kind roommate.

Did she already say that Karina is really pretty? Like pretty that the air was kind of knocked off her chest the first time she met Karina that all she managed to say was a squeaky "..hi~".

Her voice a bit too friendly sounding for her liking.

She's so pretty- school air and hell week can do nothing to damage that gorgeous face.

Winter can only wish that was her.

Karina the pretty, and smart, and pretty, and kind roomate of Winter can only look at the other girl.

Now its getting redundant.

But you can't blame her though.


It's twelve past midnight yet there they are very much invested in an episode of national geographic.

We've just finished finals week and  Karina's definition of relaxation is watching wild animals when we could've done something more proactive like clubbing or something just like normal college students.

"babe you know that we c-"

"quiet babe later"

Other than being hushed, the fact that I'm getting ignored over this dumb documentary is starting to dampen my mood.
Like c'mon! finals just ended and it's also the weekend!

I should have not ditched Ningning and Giselle's party invite. I could've been out there getting faced.

I huffed in annoyance.

Arms crossed, my eyes trailed again on the tv monitor. Karina should really be thankful that I love her like A LOT. Like more than her love for bigass lizards, sharks, and exotic animals in general.

Why can't it be a dog like a normal person?!

What's so good about this show anyway?!

It was this gay penguin couple. How tf did they even know they were gay?

[A minute later]

Aww~ they are gifting ricks to each other for their nest, how sweet.

[5 minutes in]

Oh- ! The other gay penguin just stole an egg from another couple!

[12 minutes after]

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Honestly rate this from 1 to 10 and I might upload another chap🤷‍♀️


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278 streak #1
10/10 fluffy cutie 🤧🥰
Chapter 1: gotta love a little adorable babygirl winter, you can never go wrong with teasing the puppy, 10/10 🥰
10/10 🐧
Chapter 1: 10/10
11 streak #5
Chapter 1: Poor penguins
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Chapter 1: 10/10 this is so funny and adorable babygirl Winter is so ing cute