write with me?

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come plot with me please (mdni)



      (DISCORD ONLY) + If i ghosted you on accident just dm me i didn't mean it pooks

𓏱 i'm a college student with a job please understand if my replies can be inconsistent or at weird hours of the night/day. my timezone is gmt-8, but I honestly don't care what your time zone.                                                       

𓏱 i’m legal, be legal yourself. i don't enjoy catching cases.

𓏱 i don't expect perfect english from you at all times as long as it's understandable and it has enough necessary punctuation, english isn't my first language so i won't be too harsh, i promise.

 𓏱 i will do anything from semi to novella or even sms rps, if that's your groove, but i will say that depending on the literacy level it will affect how much I will be able to respond. so please take into account how often you want replies. 

𓏱 personally, i have a preference for more light-hearted plots, but i don't mind drama, i just find them easier to enjoy and less draining, i'm all for cute rps, but if you're one for angst come sob with me. just don't be surprised when i get sappy /j. i mostly do au based plots but i'm willing to do non-au rps too

𓏱 please tell me your limits/triggers, the last thing i would want is to make somebody uncomfortable. 

𓏱 i have no preference for idols or ocs, please play whoever makes you comfortable. i don't have any setup at the moment but when i do, i will be linking my ocs if you'd like for your viewing pleasure. 


𓏱 i can do any pairing depending on my mood and i don't have a preference for models/fcs, you can even fc chase with me if you want, otherwise i have list of people that i'll share once we're on discord. my only rule is that all fcs must l, no kids.

𓏱 as of right now that is ;
𓏱    gxg, bxg, and bxb

comment or dm me with
𓊈 timezone + discord tag𓊉


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