just the two of us, mister (im)perfect


r/Advice - Posted by u/DinoDaesaurus2109

Is there something wrong with me (18ΩM) if my breathing stops working and my hands become clammy after seeing my best friend (18ΩM) nerd out over LoL? I haven’t been sleeping for weeks.

r/AmIthe - Posted by u/DinoDaesaurus2109 

AITA for feeling angry that my (18ΩM) best friend (18ΩM) keeps talking about his future mate via an arranged marriage with me?


A non-traditional chenbaek A/B/O with soulmates/fated pairs. Commence the angst! 

BTW: this isn't a Reddit fic, but think of it as a taste of what will happen in the story. :))


The working title for this was “I give no effs anymore.” Do with that what you will. Regardless, I have been writing and rewriting this on and off since 2018. It’s been a journey, but I am FINALLY glad that it is done dusting in my Google Drive.

Even though I have read this thing more times than I can count, please let me know if you spot anything wrong, like spelling and grammar errors. We are all human and I appreciate the feedback. Furthermore, it helps me grow as a writer throughout my journey. I also just like comments hehe.

Mega thanks to my beta H for dealing with me throughout the entire editing process of this thing for the past six or so years. Thank you for sticking through all the ups and downs; and for believing in me when I wasn’t able to myself.

I would also like to thank my sister N, friend G, friend A, and pupper Lord Chocolate of House York for dealing with my odd texts at 2AM of random screaming and plot workshopping. Y’all are real ones ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ.

Above all, I would like to thank everyone willing to give this fic a chance. The EXO-L fandom may not be as active as it was years ago, but take this as a humble gift for saving me all those years ago. This community has brought so much joy to my life and reignited my love for creative writing. I’ve been an EXO-L since 2015. In that time, I have read so many wonderful stories that have shaped my life for the better, one way or another. Now that I am able, I want to share my first novella-length contribution to the fandom.

As a quick reminder, anything written within this work DOES NOT reflect any real-life person or event. This is a work of FICTION. Any similarity is a coincidence. At the end of the day, please respect the privacy of all people referenced within this fic.

With that out of the way, without further ado, enjoy the fic!

The title is (somewhat) derived from “Little Miss Perfect” by Joriah Kwamé (this song basically is the story of Jongdae’s life in this fic) and "Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers)" by Grover Washington Jr.



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