My Beautiful Melody

My Beautiful Melody
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"And so my boy, you shall marry the Princess of Anathema, no doubt." said King Montague, to his son Lee Heeseung.

"But what if it doesn't work out? The princess will think I'm marrying her for only fortune and glory. I think maybe we should wait a while when she turns eighteen."

"Indeed we shall wait. But we don't have to marry right away. First you must meet her."

"It will work out, right?"

"I'm sure of it."






In the ancient kingdom of Anathema, there was a castle upon the hill. Yes, there lived a king and his fair queen. Their two daughters Charlotte and Margaret lived a comfortable life.

While Charlotte was sent off to be married, the youngest Margaret had to stay at home.

Nowadays the family goes away on these so-called business trips and she is left home all alone. The only things she does alone in the big castle are reading, or playing a song on her violin. She looked up to her older sister Charlotte. She wanted to marry someone in her life as well.

It was while she sat lonely in her room, when Margaret spotted someone as handsome as an angel outside her window.

The young man was Prince Heeseung of the Crystal Isles. He was told that he had to marry the Empress Margaret as a way of forging political alliances to their country and strengthening their dynastic power as well. Heeseung had dreams. Margaret had hope. But they could not have it in their hearts to marry each other.

"Who is he?" she whispered to herself.

Heeseung looked up and saw the young empress. Margaret hid herself behind the curtains. Her cheeks flushed in a bright red. She didn't want him to know that she was up there watching him.

"He's so beautiful." she said with a sigh.

She continued to gaze at him through the window, feeling her heart beating so rapidly. She a soft plush pillow in her lap as she watched the man outside in the garden.

"Ay me," she said, sighing again, "And I'll englut my own love from that gent! Such a quite quaint sir, he is."

"Madam?" called her maid.

Margaret flinched.

"Oh...anon, great servant." she said as she was putting everything back in its place, making sure that her personal servant wouldn't suspect a thing.

Her maid Tituba entered. She was perplexed by the empress's red cheeks.

"Madam, are you all right? Your cheeks haven't been so red before."

"Oh...I'm all right," said Margaret, "I was only enjoying the lovely sunlight. It must have stained my cheeks."

"Right," said Tituba, "Well, then, dinner is nigh, you must be downstairs quickly. The Duke of Umbridge is coming to visit."

Margaret nodded. After the servant exited, she took another good look of the young handsome man that was sitting down the secluded part of the garden reading before rushing downstairs for dinner.

I hope he is still there afterwards, she thought as she ran to the banquet hall of the castle.

Throughout dinner, she couldn't focus. Her eyes only envisioned her admiration for the man below her balcony. She fluttered her eyelids and sighed.

"Has something bad happened to the girl?" asked the Duke of Umbridge, "Her cheeks have never been this red since the last time I've seen her?"

"When I visited her quarters," explained Tituba, "Her cheeks were already red. It was as if she was falling in love. But who would be able to capture her heart this early? A duke, prince, count, an earl...a young king?"

"It could be anyone," said the duke, "But as long as she is walking the direction that is led for her. She must follow the customs as part of the monarch."

By then, she was gone.






In the next hilltops over, there was another kingdom. But this kingdom was called Azurethra, it was the best of friends with Anathema.

A young lord, the son of the famous Count and wealthy merchant Hagrid Capulet Shim. His idea of trade spread to half of the world and nothing ever stopped him. His kind of thinking had once created a relief plan to prevent disastrous events.

It was late in the evening, when the young Jake Capulet Shim was sleeping in his quarters. He then woke up feeling lovesick (a slang term for being in love, but you don't know who the person you are admiring is). He found himself uncovered from the blankets and his violin right next to him, surrounded by a bunch of music pages. It was as if he woke up from a dream.

"I am still drowsy," he yawned, "But, yet, it feels as though I was in some sort of dream."

He sighed and sat up, holding his violin close to him. He thought of the woman he was going to marry. Whom he loved most in his life. He couldn't bear it anymore. He wandered out of his quarters and into his private garden with his violin. He stood in a perfect spot. He closed both of his eyes and felt the night overflow him. He tucked his instrument under his chin and began to play beautifully.

The wind blew and his hair and clothing blew, as the moonlight shined down on him, illuminating his face. His music attracts the attention of the small nocturnal fairy Caoimhe (PRONUNCIATION: KWEE-VA/KEY- VA), who was sleeping in an unused bird's nest. She peaked her head out and noticed the prince and his little performance.

But Jake did not notice her. He continued to play. Until, he noticed her from the corner of his eye. At first he thought he was seeing things. Caoimhe blushed a little. Jake then played more of this beautiful music, filling the silent air. The fairy laid back down and listened to his music in peace. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Once he finished the very first song, he played another. But this one was sadder than the last. Caoimhe could not help but listen to the high notes, as it ran a chill down her spine. The piece was so beautiful that she began to cry softly.

Once he softly held the final note, Caoimhe fluttered and sat on the edge of Jake's violin. The next song he played was much happier. Like the first tune. Caoimhe then watched in wonder. As he finished his last piece, the wind blew through his hair, and the little creature immediately fluttered back to the bird's nest.

"I have found the future perfect husband." she said.






The next day was when both Jake and Margaret had first met.

Jake woke up the next morning. The sun's glare blinded his eyes and he turned to the other side of his bed. He opened his eyes again and found that he had slept with his violin. He remembered that he had played last night.

As he got dressed, Jake looked out the window and took one long look at the sunrise. After he was fully dressed, he proceeded out of his bedroom door for breakfast. Before he went downstairs, he took one more look at his violin, remembering how beautifully he played.

"We must attend your brother Hamish's wedding. He had already been engaged to the Empress Charlotte of Anathema. Her younger sister Margaret is next in line for the throne." said Wonyoung Capulet Shim.

"And afterwards," said Count Hagrid, "You shall marry the woman of your choice. Whether it may be a duchess or a Countess of the Royal Court, it is up to you to decide who you want to marry."

"As mother and father," added Wonyoung, "We understand deeply if you choose not to. But we live in a current powder keg. You must find a wife pretty soon."

"But I won't have it arranged," said Jake, "I shall marry the woman I love."

"That's the spirit, my boy," said Count Hagrid, "Now, let's eat! We must be on time for Hamish's wedding party."

On the way, Jake said, "I know I must marry, but must it be so soon? I have not yet celebrated my twentieth."

"We wanted you to wait," said Wonyoung, "But once the war began a long time ago, everything seemed as if it was already falling apart. Right now you are nineteen. By the time you are twenty-one, you will marry. Right now, it's all about finding the right girl."

"I'll attend the wedding, I'll play my violin for my brother," said Jake, "But I won't speak of marriage again. If I am going to marry someone, then I shall find her myself!"

They arrived at the Downton Manor, near the borders to Avalor. The family of the expensive home came to greet the aristocratic family of the kingdom and city.

"At last," said Duchess Reina, "We thought you'd never arrive. Lord Jaeyun, your elder brother Hamish is with your sister-in-law in the manor's ballroom. Go."

"I'll take my leave, then." Jake said, entering inside to greet Hamish and Charlotte.

"You do realize it's well past seven!" said the Duchess, "Now everything will have to be rushed through!"

"Forgive my wife," said Duke Harris, "She had been planning this affair since Charlotte turned eighteen."

"Never mind it," said Count Hagrid, "We are pleased you have taken both our son and the young empress of Anathema."






After Jake played a solo during the wedding reception, he now wanted to play for himself. He found a secluded glade and began to play his violin as he enjoyed the peace and quiet. He began playing faster and faster. His fingers feathered and ran across each string.

His music grew louder and passionately, letting his emotions flow through his fingers. He hit a high note and trilled.

The sounds of his high notes sent a chill down his spine, as the music continued, Caoimhe returned and saw Jake playing so beautifully.

"I know I have found the perfect one for the Empress." she said, determined to bring Margaret a future husband.

Caoimhe watched as Jake played such high notes with passion and emotion. But then, the melody grew sad. He remembered playing the very night he became lovesick. He begins to feel a sense of yearning and plays with his emotion.

His fingers moved quickly and gracefully across the strings, as he continued to play the sad melody. But it soon faded away and a much cheerful tune came forth. He lightly smiles once he hears this happy and energetic music. He held his final vibrato and gradually lowered both instrument and bow. He froze once Hamish stood right beside him, about seven feet away from him.

"You heard all of that?" he asked as his spine chilled down from embarrassment.

"Yes, I did," said Hamish, "You play so well. I'm guessing you'll woo the love of your life one day with music?"

"Yes," Jake chuckled, "You could say that. I want to make someone happy with my music, that's all. But...I'm not sure who...!"

"You'll find her one day. Empress Charlotte, my wife, said that she instantly fell in love with your playing and said her younger sister, Empress Margaret plays the violin, too."


"Yes! But unfortunately she is not yet eighteen and next week is her birthday. If you want, I'll have you attend!"

"Yes, of course!"






Jake then sat outside of his private garden back home. He then sat down and played his violin. By then, the little fairy landed on her nest and laid her head down for rest.

But Jake felt lovesick again. He wanted to play for the love of his life. He just hasn't found the right one, yet. He furrowed his eyebrows for concentration. It was almost as if he wrote this beautiful piece for someone already. He felt as if he was falling in love with a beautiful girl and imagined himself with her.

Once he ended the beautiful piece, he looked up into the sky and smiled, remembering the time he felt lovesick for the first time in his life. But he suddenly saw something sparkling on a tree branch in front of him. He slowly walked over looking up at it with curiosity. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw Caoimhe laying down in the bird's nest, all bundled up.

Caoimhe looked up and fluttered onto the palm of Jake's hand.

"I remember you," she said, "You came down here to play that caramel brown object."

"That's right," said Jake, "It's my violin. I was playing it in the garden last night. Do you remember?"

"It was deafening that my ears were ringing."

"Well...I know a much softer tune."

"Please...," Caoimhe blushed, "Play on, if you must."

She fluttered to her nest and rested her head. The soft tune is sad and romantic at the same time. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be lost in the music. But as he stopped playing, another violin was heard.

Jake looked around. No one was there. He was determined to find the source of the music.






As Jake continued to search for the source of music, he saw a castle upon the next hill. He arrived in Anathema. He then found a beautiful figure outside the balcony. It was Margaret, playing her violin.

Her fingers danced upon each string. It was as if she was waiting for someone she loved. And Jake was the one that she loved.

She then paused for a moment. Jake responded to the music. Margaret looked down and saw him playing beautifully. She had never met him before, but they both felt a connection with each other as they played. She stopped so that Jake would play his solo and Jake stopped so Margaret would play her solo.

He plays so well, thought Margaret, I can't believe that I had found the man of my dreams! He's perfect!

As they finished their duet, morning broke out. The sun rose and she felt it rush through her face and pale white skin. Jake noticed her beauty.

"She's beautiful," he muttered to himself.

Margaret saw him looking at her and ran back inside her bedroom bashfully. She set her violin aside and sat down on her bed. Her cheeks flushed a bright red as she had been caught playing by someone else. Tituba entered.

"Ah," she said, "I see that you are up bright and early. Your mother called and said that they will come home in two weeks to discuss future plans. All right?"

"I see," said Margaret, as she hid her deep disappointment, "Thank you for letting me know."

As Tituba felt, Margaret rushed to look out her open window and saw Jake still standing there. She then grabbed her violin and went down the garden. There, she found him standing nice and tall, as if he was of royal blood.

She stammered and said softly, "You're playing was so beautiful."

Jake turned towards her.

"What was that?" he asked, "I could not hear you. Your voice was so warm, but so soft."

"I said...that your playing was beautiful. I heard it in my room."

"That was you? The Empress Margaret Mignonette Evangeline Reneé?"

"How did you know my name? My sister married a lord named Hamish Capulet Shim."

"I am his brother...I am Jaeyun Capulet Shim. Our mother is Korean. My father is Azurethranen. They married straight after a month. It was clear that their love is true."

"Your father is Hagrid Capulet?"


"But the sad thing is, I am not sure I should marry someone of a higher rank. You are an Empress and I am a Lord. I think they are thinking of someone like a duke or duchess. Someone that is a countess of another royal court, since one was taken from this one."

"I do not mind if you decide to enter our royal family. As long as my parents approve."

"It's getting late. I must return. I shall return later tonight."

"Please do! I shall be waiting!"


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