disrupt the peace;

somehow i know, we're meant to be.
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yoo~ sorry for the long wait, enjoy! (*ゝω・*)



"Jimin unnie, what if… I liked you, more than I'm allowed to? What would you do?”

Jimin wakes up with a startle, sitting up. The room is silent, except for her heavy breathing and she notices right away the absence of her sister. For the first time in nine years, Jimin woke up alone in her room.

She was always the first one to wake up without fail, but it looks like Minjeong beat her to it today, and is nowhere to be seen. Not on her own bed, and most definitely not on Jimin's bed. Which is totally weird, by the way. Either Minjeong is up early or Jimin slept too much, and neither of those two were common occurrences.

She rubs the sleep off of her eyes as she lies on her back again to calm down, staring at the ceiling full of stars and heart stickers that Minjeong insisted on putting up there. Something is off. Jimin thinks to herself with a frown, her body feels rested but her mind is kind of fussy, nothing and everything dwelling upon it at the same time. She's not yet sure why, but there's a shift in the air, something is definitely different today.

Too bad for her—or not—she has plans with Aeri and Ryujin this morning and doesn't have time to wonder about what any of that means. Not that she cares that much about making them wait, but Jimin hates being late, no matter the occasion, so she ignores her uneasiness and sits up again. When she moves her legs to get out of bed though, the dark-haired girl notices right away the very distinct feeling of dampness everywhere and freezes on the spot. 

Jimin throws her head back with a groan. 

She removes the blanket with a rush and yep, there it is; her very much ruined underwear. 

Right. She just remembered—the “dream”.

Or whatever made her sleep better last night.

Now her anxiousness makes some ing sense.

She's not stupid—well, kind of, but not that much—, there's a fat chance that everything actually happened and she wasn't hallucinating. Jimin would like to think she knows the difference between a simple dream and real life. 

But then again, does she? Really? Because it did feel very real, yes, but she was so out of it, and the absurdity of the situation makes it a tidy bit hard to believe it was anything but her wild imagination playing some sick tricks on her.

She swallows hard as the memories slowly start to come back. The way she felt, the things she heard, how Minjeong held her… Oh God – Don't. Don't go there again. 

She frantically shakes her head.

“No, no, no, no! You're crazy, Jimin, crazy! And you're trying to drag Minjeong to your stupid delusions!”

Yeah, there was no chance. Minjeong wouldn't never.

“, ! What if I said something while sleeping? What if I did something creepy? How am I going to face her now?!”

She had a wet dream about her sister while sleeping by her side, and she came all over her like a teenage boy in the process because she's pathetic like that. That is already some embarrassing she doesn't even want to acknowledge, let alone… the other possible option. 

So that's what she's choosing to believe, thank you very much. No one can judge her.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

Jimin messes her hair with an annoyed grunt. Why isn't her life just normal?! This is so ing tiring.

She then notices Jiknyan sleeping peacefully near the end of her bed—like he always does in the morning after she's gone because he's an old cat who doesn't like to share his bed with his humans, which confirms she did in fact oversleep and should get up soon.

Jimin pouts at the cute sight with love and a bit of envy; she wishes this was her. Not a care in the world, no worries, no hot sisters… just sleep and meow meow all day. 

She scratches his fluffy head—and gets a lazy chirp in reply—before dragging her feet towards the bathroom, badly in need of a shower for way too many reasons to count. She doesn't dare to look at her phone when Aeri is probably bombarding her with messages right now, asking where she is, opting to take her sweet time.

Ignorance is bliss, indeed.




Already dressed in a basic oversized white shirt and jeans—and after finally replying to Aeri's angry texts that she will be there soon—the first thing Jimin spots when she goes downstairs is the older man in the kitchen. It's an uncommon sight, witnessing her father eating breakfast. He usually leaves to work before Jimin even gets there. 

It seems like today is going to be full of strange events. 

“Where's Minjeong?” She asks him, looking around the kitchen.

“Oh, good morning!” He puts down his cup, before teasing her. “I slept well, thank you. How about you?”

Jimin grimaced in shame. “Sorry… good morning.” She mumbles. “Where's Minjeong?”

“Not home. She got up early to take a walk and then said she was going to her friend's house, something like that.” He says while sipping his coffee.

“What? A walk? This early?” Jimin furrowed her eyebrows. “And she didn't wake me up?”

“I know, weird, right? She told us you needed more rest, that she would just let you sleep…” He looks at her up and down, as if finally registering the information. “Are you feeling well, by the way?”

“Yes?” Jimin says in confusion, not sure why Minjeong would say that, but doesn't question anymore. Her father doesn't seem to know any better than she does. “Yes, I am good.”

“It's like you two switched bodies today…” 

“H-heh? You think so?” Jimin gags, feeling guilty for whatever reason. “She just felt like walking and I felt like sleeping, no biggy.” She shrugs.

There's a loud silence. Strangely enough, she's not used to being alone with him for a while now. It's always the four of them, or just her and Minjeong. They used to be so close, despite being busy, he always made time for her when she was little, but not so much anymore. They were growing more and more apart as years went by and she didn't know why.

“Uh- Well then… I gotta go.” She points towards the door and scratches her nape, not knowing how to end the conversation. “Aeri and Ryujin are waiting for me.”

To her surprise, he has other plans.

“Jiminie, sit here first, have breakfast with me.” He pats the table, and only then she notices a plate with her favorite toasted egg sandwich opposite to him. “You're already late anyway. What's a minute or two?”

“Uhm… you have a point,” She chuckles awkwardly. “But I really should go soon.” She says but sits down, anyway.

He made her breakfast, that was a big deal. She's not going to let that go unappreciated.

“I’m sure your friends won't mind, and I'll give you a ride there, don't worry.” He smiles with his eyes and she notes how he looks slightly older than she remembers. “It's been a while since it's been just the two of us, isn't it?”

“That's true...” She whispers, holding back her tongue. Jimin would like to talk about it, but now is really not the time, and she doesn't know when it will ever be. “No offense, dad, but why are you home?”

He doesn't look offended, but rather embarrassed that she would ask that. “Just decided to work from home for today... One day won't hurt.”

“Is that all? Or did you and mom fight again?” She raises her eyebrows at him while asking. Jimin doesn't want to pry or be disrespectful, but by his silence and slightly wide eyes, it seems like she might be right.

Her parents work together, Minjeong's mom was his secretary when they first started going out. She has been promoted after marrying him and slowly became one of the directors in the company, with her brain and strong personality being perfect for the role. They often bring work problems to their home, and seem to disagree on many things when it comes to management. If you ever asked Jimin what their relationship dynamics were, she would tell you that their marriage consists of three parties; him, her and their job in between.

He cleans his throat with a humorless laugh. “It was a small argument, you know how it is with us,” He waves his hand dismissively. She hums in understanding while taking a bite. “That wasn't really the reason, to be honest... I-” He hesitates.

She looks at him calmly, giving him her full attention. So, he continues.

“I… was actually hoping to spend some time with you, so,” He shyly scratches his cheek like a little boy, and she feels herself smiling. “When Minjeongie said you were still sleeping, I took the chance to make you breakfast, like…” The man says with a low voice. “Like I used to.”

Jimin always thought her dad was a bit too cute for a grown man, at least when it came to her and Minjeong. It was their mom in charge of scolding them when they were in trouble because her dad was way too sweet to be intimidating. It made her happy to see his silly side whenever she had the chance.

“I'm glad then,” She gave him the best smile she could muster between chewing. “That you did it, I mean. I wanted to spend time with you too.”

He smiles proudly, a small blush visible on his face. “I hope I still know how to make your egg sandwich.”

“It's perfect!” Jimin gives a thumbs up.

“That's good!”

“Thank you.”

“It's nothing, baby.”

Little awkward silence again. Well, it's okay, they will get better at this eventually.

She finishes her sandwich quietly.

“You have become so beautiful, Jimin.” The man says suddenly, surprising her. He was staring at her over his glasses. “It scares me a little bit… Are you interested in any boys yet?” He asks playfully.

She swallows her food with a big gulp at the question, almost choking in the process. Why is everyone so interested in her non-existent love life?

“Nope, just Minjeong. You know, Kim Minjeong, your step daughter?”

“Nahh,” She replies casually despite her throbbing heart. “I'm too busy scaring them away from Minjeongie to pay attention to that right now.”

Jimin doesn't know why she felt the need to throw Minjeong's name in the middle of it. Part of it was to avoid the question, and the other part was because she somehow always ends up talking about Minjeong, no matter the topic. It's an unconscious thing at this point.

Her father laughs heartily, and it sounds just like her own laugh. “Right, that little one has me worried now too. Keep an eye on her for me, please?” 

“You don't even need to tell me, dad.”

“I always do, that's literally my job.” She smirks smugly, after successfully redirecting the attention from herself.

“You took my words very seriously, huh?” He says, amused— referring to what he told her when she first met Minjeong.

“Take good care of her from now on, okay?”

“It's just what I do, I guess.” Jimin shrugs. “I take everything seriously.”

“And I'm proud of you for that.”

He crosses his arms on the table and watches her with a small smile. She gets a bit weirded out by that. Does he want to talk about something else?

“Tell me, Jimin… are you happy?”

Oh, okay. He definitely wants to.

“What do you mean?” She asks back. “Happy… as in general?”

“Are you happy… with our family?” 

“O-of course, I am happy.” Jimin says truthfully, although taken aback. “I'm thankful to have mom and Minjeong in my life… I love them. A-along with you, dad.”

Jimin can't even express into words how she couldn't imagine not having Minjeong in her life. She owns her parents so much for bringing them together. But her dad definitely doesn't need to know how lately she has been secretly wishing they met under different circumstances.

His smile grows, but he looks apprehensive. “I'm so glad...” The man says with a deep sigh, as if he was holding his breath before. “It's all that matters to me.”

“Why are you asking me that?”

It takes him a while to answer.

“Sometimes I worry I've pushed all of that on you,” He eventually says with a frown, looking down at the table. “You never asked for a bigger family, I just assumed you wanted one… like me. I needed it, Jimin, at the time.”

“Dad, it's okay...”

“Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that.”

“It's okay,” She repeats more firmly, tapping his folded arm. “I already knew all that from the beginning. And maybe I needed it too, after all… You have nothing to worry about, I promise.”

She smiles at him reassuringly. She hopes it works out, because she won't know what to do if her dad starts crying and pouring his heart out at her right here, to be honest. Who knows what she might blurt out in the process, Jimin doesn't trust herself too much.

He exhales loudly, looking up with barely visible tears in his eyes, feeling embarrassed. “Thank you, dear. You're so much wiser than I'll ever be.” He laughs and she nods her head in agreement. 

“I am, aren't I?” Jimin smiles teasingly. 

After a few seconds, he makes a movement to get up and so does she. “Okay, miss, let's get going. I should take you to your friends.”

“Yeah, they're probably cursing me right now as we speak.” She checks her phone. Ten new messages from Aeri and two from Ryujin. 

“Forgive your old man for holding you back with his mushy talk.”

“Stop being mushy then!” Jimin whines, waking behind him towards the front door. “Dad, seriously. I stayed for the sandwich, anyway.” She tentatively jokes.

Thankfully, he chuckles heartly. “Please, don't tell your mom about this, she will make fun of me.” 

She rolls her eyes. “Why? Because men aren't allowed to show their feelings or whatever?”

“To her? No, they aren't!” He opens the door to her and they go out, towards the vehicles in the garage. “C’mon, you can keep a little secret, right?”

“Uh, yeah. Of course.”

Jimin can keep a lot of secrets, for sure.

She just doesn't know for how long.



Her father leaves her at the mall where they had planned to meet and hang out for today, telling her to call him if they want a ride back home. When Jimin finally spotted her friends, impatiently waiting for her, she expected too many things.

She expected to get yelled at for being an hour late, she expected that they would leave her behind and go inside without her, she even expected Aeri to be long gone and Ryujin being the only one there still waiting for her.

What she would have never expected, however, was Minjeong and Yizhuo being there too.

Well, , that changes everything.

She didn't notice her sister at first—surprisingly—as there was a good amount of people around and passing by, but once Aeri announces her arrival with her loud voice, Minjeong looks up to her from where she's sitting and Jimin feels her heart stop beating in that moment.

Oh . Ohhh . Something is definitely off. And she's not ready for this.

“Look, guys! The highness finally decided to grace the commoners with her presence.” Aeri angrily taps her feet on the floor with crossed arms. “What the , Jimin?! Where the were you?” 

“Sorry, you all, I overslept.” She scratches the back of her head with a pout. There's nothing she can do to save her but act cute. It's all she knows. “B-but I'm here now! Great, right?”

Aeri mimics her in mockery, before pretending to punch her annoying face. Ryujin holds the brunette back by her shirt with a yawn.

The security guard by the entrance eyes them weirdly.

“I tried to tell Aeri unnie you were sleeping,” Minjeong says suddenly behind the older girls, standing up from the floor and removing the dirt on her shorts. “She didn't believe me.”

Jimin says nothing, her mind already going to other places without permission.

“Why does it feel so weird to hear her voice now? And how does she know I was still sleeping?!”

“Girl, are you sick?” Aeri asks her worriedly—still pissed, but more calm. “You don't like sleeping in the morning.”

“I- Ugh, I just wanted to sleep today, okay!” Jimin raises her voice accidentally, tired of being questioned about her sleeping habits. “Is that so wrong?!”

Sure, Jimin is a person with a very strict routine—that she never breaks, and everybody knows that. She wakes up early, takes a shower, does her skincare, eats her breakfast, does a little jogging around the park, all of that before going to school. Basically, she's a morning person.

But maybe she wanted a small change, so what? Who knows? Who cares?

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taenggo09 0 points #1
Chapter 5: 🫣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
jimin_jeong_ 0 points #2
Chapter 4: why are they so cute?? 🥹
Izuna666 0 points #3
Chapter 5: The tension is sooo good. Don't give in Jimin although it's all you want. Just once, what could go wrong? Probably everything! Can't wait to read what will Minjeong do this time to get her girl.
Winteeeerrr 0 points #4
Chapter 5: Wow, it's so hot, I wonder what's going to happen next! I want Minjong to be jealous, otherwise Jimin is the only one suffering. God, the kiss was really good.Jimin, I think Minjong needs more practice.
17 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 5: jimin still chooses to be rational in the situation with minjeong but little by little she is giving in to the temptation, just submit yOURSELF ALREADY WOMAN. thank you for this wonderful update, author! SEATED
0 points #6
Screaming, blushing, and kicking my feet right now 🫣 I don’t know if you ever plan on writing a chapter from Minjeong’s pov, but I think that’d be so interesting to see Jimin through her eyes. Looking forward to the next update 😍
0 points #7
Chapter 3: Ahhhhh!!! This fic is so unhinged, I’m so into it! I really enjoy coming of age stories as young characters are just beginning to grasp their identities and not able to fully rationalize their actions and feelings. I really love the scene in this chapter, it was such a good mix of conflicted emotions and steaminess that suited the characters perfectly. I love the turn with Minjeong being the one to drive the entire situation. Also love the way you write Jimin’s mental struggles as well, it’s dead-on characterization. Thank you for writing!
Winteeeerrr #8
Is this job finished? I don't want it to end there.
Izuna666 #9
Chapter 4: Oh my god whyy... Why it's so good, funny, hot, cute and perfect?! Your work is such a good read every time!!! Thank you!
taenggo09 #10
Chapter 4: cute minjeongieeee