chaotic energy;

somehow i know, we're meant to be.
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Jimin hates Aeri, seriously hate her guts.

If she was ed before, she's even more ed now; every time she looks at Minjeong, certain... scenarios threaten to get into her mind, and that just won't, can't happen. She won't let them, no, but even if she refuses to dwell on any intrusive thoughts, her eyes aren't obeying and she catches herself staring at her sister a bit too much. Staring at all of her, all of her . Like she's seeing her in a whole different light for the first time in her life. She feels so anxious and guilty around the younger one now, she tries her best to hide it—terrified of getting caught but it's obvious Minjeong noticed, she did, she just didn't say anything.

For once she's glad that Yizhuo drags her sister's lazy out of their house so often these days that they barely see each other. When Minjeong gets home, Jimin is already deep tucked into her bed, pretending to be asleep. She doesn't feel ready to be close to the other girl just yet.

Does Minjeong really do... those things too when I'm not around?

Worst, did she do it with someone else already?!

No ing way, right? She would tell me.

Whatever. Why should I even care anyway?!


Stupid thoughts like these randomly pop up in her mind sometimes and it's driving her nuts.

It's not like she actually thought her sister was going to be an innocent child forever, as much as she wishes that could happen. But the possibility of Minjeong, her little baby, in any ual way or form never crossed her mind before and now that it did, it definitely should not be making her feel the way she's feeling; with an uncomfortable and familiar throb down there .

Out of panic with that self discovery, she went to sleep over at Ryujin's—because Aeri, right?— for an entire weekend with the excuse of them working on a big school project that didn't exist. Her sister didn't have any plans and their parents would be out somewhere, Jimin would have to be alone with her—absolutely ing not.

"Take care, unnie," Minjeong told her then "Don't overwork yourself, and don't forget to dry your hair before going to bed."

Jimin melted. Dear God, she's straight up lying to a literal angel. She's going to hell for sure.

"Call me if you need anything, I'll come back right away." at least that was true.

Ryujin was very confused when the tall girl showed up at her door unannounced but went along with whatever shenanigans Jimin was up to, she didn't care and didn't ask. Since Ryujin's parents moved to another house two years ago, they weren't neighbors anymore and that was perfect for Jimin's plan of running away from certains blondes. It was pathetic and sad, but at the moment she couldn’t even look at Minjeong in the eyes without blushing, no freaking way she would be able to sleep with her.

But she knew she couldn't avoid her for long.

A few days later, after their mother picked them up from school, both girls went straight to their shared room; Minjeong to take her nap and Jimin to study. But studying is the last thing she did because her mind kept going back to the girl sleeping on the bed close to her. God dammit, she thought it would've stopped by now but it only got worse. Jimin regrets skipping class that day so bad, maybe if those two demons didn't put weird ideas into her head she wouldn't be freaking out around her sister like a loser, maybe she would still be in denial and it would be fine.

She would much rather admit out loud to the whole school that she is indeed a big, big lesbian and the way she's feeling for Minjeong is how she would feel for any other female, but not even that was able to put her mind at ease because that's just not how the world works. You don't have a thing for your (step) siblings.


She screams internally, beyond frustrated with her predicament. 

Minjeong wakes up a few hours later, with a lot of whining and rolling around bed like usual before getting up. The first thing she does is lazily drag her body behind the older girl sitting on the desk to rest her arms on her shoulders, like it was second nature to her. It seems she was still sleeping so she lays her head on top of one of her arms, facing Jimin.

"Hey." the sleepyhead greets her, voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey, you." Jimin did her best to sound nonchalant "Slept well?"

Again, if Minjeong noticed how ing tense her sister was, she didn't show.

"Uhum," she mumbled what sounded like a yes  "What are you studying for?" she asks with closed eyes, and messy hair strands all over her face. God, she looks so cute Jimin wants to bite her puffy cheeks. She pursed her lips instead.

'Nothing' would be the correct answer, but luckily for Jimin her notebook was at least open at a random page "J-just, some notes for a math test tomorrow." 

Minjeong hums again, eyes still not opening. Even after napping for two hours she looks so tired. Is she not getting enough sleep as well? Jimin would know if she wasn't, though? 

"Do you have any homework?" Jimin asks, trying to keep the other girl awake before she drools on her shoulder.

"Yep, but I'll need your help," Minjeong pouty lips were barely moving, she really does look like she could sleep right there "Chemistry is soooo hard."

"Then we will get to it." The black-haired girl can't hold a smile when she is being this adorable "You should go eat something, it's getting late." Jimin tells her, a part of her worries for the girl who never seems to eat enough these days and another one wanting to put some distance between them. 

She feels weird having the young one all over her like this and heaven knows this is the last thing she would ever want.

Minjeong slowly opens her eyes and stares at her unnie for a while, as if analyzing her, and it's making Jimin self conscious. Their faces are too close for comfort and she's worried the girl may be able to tell something was wrong with her. She's not very good at hiding her emotions and her sister is way too good at reading them.

After a few seconds Minjeong detaches herself from Jimin's body with a big yawn and the older feels like she can breathe again, she had no idea she was holding in. Her eyes go straight back to her notes though because the blonde does a big stretch next to her and her wrinkled school uniform shirt goes almost all the way up.

She needs a bigger shirt, Jesus Christ.

"Will you come too? We can make something together." She says like she didn't just give Jimin a nearly heart attack experience and the tall girl feels so awful. Her sweet baby has no idea what's going on her sister's filthy head and just wants to spend some time with her.

"I'll later, okay?" She starts writing random stuff on her notebook without sparing her a glance, acting like she has so much to do "Don't worry about me, fix something for yourself first. Mom and dad won't be home until eleven or so."

Jimin is glad she's not looking because she's sure Minjeong is pouting right now "Okay..." she heard her defeated reply. Minjeong was very obedient and rarely protested when it came to her, she had so much respect and trust for her unnie that if Jimin told her the sky was bright pink, she would believe without a single doubt. It warmed Jimin's heart in many ways.

She exhales in frustration, it's really not fair. Minjeong did nothing wrong to deserve the cold treatment and now she has to eat alone because her sister is a useless creepy who can't keep her hormones in check.

She never thought she could be this lame, Yu Jimin was known for being confident and strong, so what the was this now? She seriously needs to stop acting like the immature one between them. Just woman up already. She promised to be a good sister and she will, everything else be damned!

Yeah, that’s right!

"W-wait," , this is so hard. She calls Minjeong before she gets out of the room "How about we go get some snacks after I'm done here, for our movie night?" she tries to smile at her without looking constipated.

Minjeong either didn't notice or didn't care, because her face lights up instantly at the idea of a movie night, they haven't had one in so long and she's been missing it. "Okay!" came her much happier reply accompanied by the cutest smile ever. She quickly runs out of the room, excited for their plans.

"Only after you eat your lunch and take off your school uniform!" Jimin yells to make sure Minjeong can hear it from the hallway.

Yu Jimin, you stupid , do you even know what you're doing?



It's now past ten and Jimin is sweating bullets.

She ended up spending the whole afternoon with Minjeong, not exactly what she intended to do when she woke up today. They went to the convenience store, bought their favorite snacks and some cute toys for their pets, Jiknyan and Jikjik, did Minjeong's homework together and even dried each other's hair after shower. It was silent at first, but soon enough they went back to their usual behavior. They laughed, talked about silly stuff, took some pictures together and of each other, just like how they always do—as if the awkwardness in the last few days never happened and Jimin was relieved their relationship was strong like that. Still, if that was some weeks ago

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kariselleheart 14 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 5: oh wow...
taenggo09 0 points #2
Chapter 5: 🫣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
jimin_jeong_ 0 points #3
Chapter 4: why are they so cute?? 🥹
Izuna666 0 points #4
Chapter 5: The tension is sooo good. Don't give in Jimin although it's all you want. Just once, what could go wrong? Probably everything! Can't wait to read what will Minjeong do this time to get her girl.
Winteeeerrr 0 points #5
Chapter 5: Wow, it's so hot, I wonder what's going to happen next! I want Minjong to be jealous, otherwise Jimin is the only one suffering. God, the kiss was really good.Jimin, I think Minjong needs more practice.
18 streak 0 points #6
Chapter 5: jimin still chooses to be rational in the situation with minjeong but little by little she is giving in to the temptation, just submit yOURSELF ALREADY WOMAN. thank you for this wonderful update, author! SEATED
0 points #7
Screaming, blushing, and kicking my feet right now 🫣 I don’t know if you ever plan on writing a chapter from Minjeong’s pov, but I think that’d be so interesting to see Jimin through her eyes. Looking forward to the next update 😍
0 points #8
Chapter 3: Ahhhhh!!! This fic is so unhinged, I’m so into it! I really enjoy coming of age stories as young characters are just beginning to grasp their identities and not able to fully rationalize their actions and feelings. I really love the scene in this chapter, it was such a good mix of conflicted emotions and steaminess that suited the characters perfectly. I love the turn with Minjeong being the one to drive the entire situation. Also love the way you write Jimin’s mental struggles as well, it’s dead-on characterization. Thank you for writing!
Winteeeerrr #9
Is this job finished? I don't want it to end there.
Izuna666 #10
Chapter 4: Oh my god whyy... Why it's so good, funny, hot, cute and perfect?! Your work is such a good read every time!!! Thank you!