Breakfast as Usual

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When her morning alarm goes off, Jimin is already halfway across the room, zipping up her jacket. As usual, the girl is up before the first ray of sunshine. Her run around the neighborhood park is peaceful, and she makes sure to wave at the other regular patrons of the early morning air. She arrives home just as the cuckoo bird signals 6:30 AM. The picture of their last winter vacation right beneath the clock reminds Jimin to call her mom soon. Right now though, she strides toward the kitchen sink to wash her hands and haphazardly splash water on her face. She moves through the kitchen with ease, pulling eggs and veggies from the fridge to fry some rolled eggs. The rice cooker hums as she heats up the side dishes while spreading whipped cream and strawberries onto yesterday’s newly bought bread. The sandwich and a small bag of gummies are packed into the lunchbox she pulls from the cupboards. Everything else is arranged in the center of the dining table. Her bowl and utensils lay on one side; the other bright pink plastic set lays on the other. 

Jimin sighs when she glances at the clock, 7:15. She’ll be eating alone this morning, not that it’s unusual, but it’s been happening more and more recently. A part of her can’t help but worry. She finishes her portion without much delay, however, and once her dishes are in the sink, she unlocks the left side of the window behind the table before heading upstairs. Jimin has just the faucet when a faint clunk can be heard downstairs, followed by a string of PG modified curse words. The chuckle that escapes her lips feels light and familiar. Shaking her head, the raven makes a mental note to check up on the intruder later or risk an onslaught of whines which would inevitably end with Jimin being another banana milk poorer. She keeps her shower short, figuring that she could change after making sure her guest is faring okay.

“Good morning, Minjeong,” Jimin says softly as she reaches the bottom of the stairs.

“Good morn,” sudden coughs interject the other girl’s statement, startling Jimin to quicken her steps, “Good.. good.. mornin

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kariselleheart 14 streak #1
Chapter 2: hmm does jimin think minjeong isnt serious? i wonder why shes dismissive... cant wait for the next update!!
No_looksies #2
Chapter 2: This seems interesting..jimin is not actively acknowledging mj's feelings or maybe she is ... Jimin is confusing ...
Chapter 2: I feel like Jimin treats Minjeong like a child. She does not take Minjeong's confessions seriously but still is affectionate with her.
Chapter 2: Why is it so sad?
gigisho33 #5
Chapter 1: looking forward to the next chapters! 😁