
Don't let the chicken escape!

"Where is my ing chicken?" Jihyo screams and freaks out after finding out one of her beloved chicken had escape her chicken coop. It was only a few hours ago she had saw all of her loving chickens, enjoying their little feed time in their coop. Yet now one of them were gone. It just so happened for that chicken to be one of the most important chickens she owns. This chicken was gifted by her group of friends after her first chicken pet had died. Or to say the truth, eaten by the wolves owned by neighbouring farm. But that was a story for another time.

Nayeon rushes out, holding a pitch fork. She looks to see what the commotion was about and sees that the chicken was indeed ing gone, "The ing chicken!" She shouts and quickly joins Jihyo, searching frantically for their beloved chicken. Peeking from the door was Mina, eating her nutella-filled sandwich, "Our chicken is gone?" A tear slowly reveals itself from her right eye as she begins to get teary. Nayeon sees this and runs to her, comforting Mina. "Don't worry, we'll find the chicken. It will come home safely." Nayeon coos Mina, allowing her to be relaxed. Jihyo sighs and was able to walk back to the two until she gains a lightbulb moment. "Wait! Isn't Dahyun an expert at finding chickens? She found Jim the chicken a few days ago and also Tim the chicken a few days before that!". Nayeon's face widens at what Jihyo says and a big smile appears on her face until Mina speaks up, "But yesterday, Dahyun texted me saying she was going to be busy with a new apprentice..." Suddenly all hope was lost and the mood was sad once again. "I mean, it could still be worth a try asking, maybe that apprentice could take this as training." Mina whispers. Jihyo and Nayeon nods at the idea, making Mina smile a little.

A phone rings on a desk, in a office, making a woman in a chair pick it up with a smile. "Howdy, this is the greatest catcher in town speaking. How can I h-" Dahyun's speech was cut off as she hears crying from the other end, which she recognises to be Jihyo's. She looks at the phone perplexed, putting back next to her ear once again, "Jihyo-unnie? Are you okay?" Jihyo wails once more, "Of course not Dahyun-ah! I've lost the chicken!" "The chicken? Huh? Don't you have-" "No, Dahyun. This chicken is," Jihyo takes a deep sigh which could be heard by Dahyun, "the chicken." Dahyun's brain begins to work its cogs as she realises what Jihyo meant, causing her smile to drop. "On my way! Explain it to me there unnie.", Dahyun puts the phone back down and snatches her catching equipment, leaving her office in a rush. She looks at the apprentice who seems to be watching their computer. She knocks on the desk causing the apprentice to look up, "Looks like we got our first mission of the week little apprentice. You can finally show me your so-called amazing catching skills.", which causes the apprentice to laugh. "You bet!", the apprentice stands up, also grabbing their gear and following Dahyun into her car. The two set off to Jihyo's farm, speeding without a care in the world.

Jihyo sees a car speeding up to her farm and she knew it was Dahyun but she could also see someone peeking out of the passenger window. She was confused but didn't feel like prying into Dahyun's business, she had more things to worry about at the moment. Dahyun pulls up and parks the car, jumping out and hugging Jihyo as if they hadn't seen each other for years. "Unnie! Explain the situation to me first, oh and don't mind the person next to me. They're my apprentice." Dahyun laughs and smiles. Jihyo looks behind Dahyun and sees that she recognises the apprentice. "Sana-unnie?", Jihyo is in shock. Sana giggles and waves, "Yeah, that's me! I'll explain the apprentice story to you later." Jihyo nods and focuses back to Dahyun. While she was explaining the story of how she finds the chicken to be missing in the afternoon, Sana walks inside the house and finds Nayeon watching Mina as she plays games on the TV. "Hey guys! It's been a while!" Nayeon turns around to see who suddenly spoke and sees it was Sana. "Sana? What are you doing here? I thought Jihyo called Dahyun to come?", Mina nods in agreement, also looking confused as she pauses her game to turn around. "Well about that, Dahyunnie and I may have been arguing about who can catch animals better..." The two girls on the couch look at her like she was speaking nonsense. Sana sighs and slumps on the couch, in-between the two. "Long story short, I tried to flirt with Dahyun but it led to who could catch animals faster and better, and I lied saying I've caught many animals before. Now I'm stuck, as her apprentice since she doesn't believe me." Mina sighs, "You're so stupid unnie. Why would you do this knowing that you can't even run for your life if a dog was to chase you?" Nayeon agrees, "Yeah, like I remember you tried to chase this pigeon but instead tripped over a kid and slipped on their ice cream, that was funny though." Sana laughs at the memory but sighs once more. "I'll just try my best... I just wanted to kiss her, not catch chickens with her!", she groans, falling deeper in the coach. Nayeon pats her back, trying to comfort her.

"Let's go catch that chicken, Sana-unnie!" Dahyun shouts at the door entrance, hoping Sana could hear her. She knew the apprentice had entered the house to talk with her friends again but hopes to catch this chicken before sun goes down since the forest was a dangerous place for a cute little chicken. She also knew there was going to be thunder at night, which wasn't a good sign at all, especially for someone like Sana. She wants her to be safe. "Sana! Come on! The sooner the better!". Dahyun hears Sana's running and smiles, seeing her clutching her gear, ready and proud. "I'm ready, ready to catch that chicken and to beat you in your own game." Sana smirks and leaves the door, making Dahyun follow her. "Sure unnie, sure."

The two embark on a short journey to the forest, which resides behind Jihyo's farm. Normally there were tall metal fences preventing Jihyo's animals from leaving but sometimes the chickens would fly high enough to escape, but they were easy to find since they always ended up hiding in the same location. Only Dahyun knew this since she was experienced in catching Jihyo's chickens but Sana didn't. "So, what does Jihyo's chicken look like? I thought all the chickens were the same in her farm? She looked really panicked over this specific one." Dahyun sighs, "The chicken has a huge apricot-coloured ribbon tied to it's neck. As for the backstory, it's a long story. Just know, it's a really important chicken, the most important if I'm being honest. I'll explain when we find that chicken." Sana nods and brings out a huge net catcher. Dahyun does the same and the two quietly roam around, sticking close to each other. The forest wasn't eerily but it still felt spooky to Sana. It was her first time being in here. The same couldn't be said for Dahyun since she was used to it all.

Suddenly they hear a clucking noise. Dahyun and Sana both look at each other, nodding in agreement that the sound was definitely from the chicken. Luckily, it didn't sound to be in distress, which gave Dahyun a moment to be in relief until she hears Sana screaming. She looks in Sana's direction and sees a 10ft chicken, looking down on the two, moving it's head in confusion. Dahyun stands there in shock, confused at the situation she found herself in. "What the is that?", she exclaims. Sana drops her net catcher and grabs her hand. Dahyun ends up dropping her net catcher as the two begins to  run away from the chicken, "I don't know and I don't want to know, we gotta run!" Dahyun turns around for a small moment and sees the chicken chasing after them. She speeds up the pace, running even faster and looking in every direction for a good hiding spot. Sana feels Dahyun's pace getting quicker and tries to catch up only to trip over an apricot-coloured sheet of fabric. Luckily they had run far enough that it would take the chicken to catch up but the two were still in a state of panic. "Why the is there a-" Dahyun looks at the familiar looking fabric, "This looks like the chicken's ribbon. Why is it here and why is it so big?" "Don't tell me that big chicken is the chicken we're meant to catch." Sana mumbles. She groans and tries to stand up only to feel pain in her ankle. Dahyun looks at her and frowns, "Stay there, let me do something.". Sana looks at her in confusion until she feels her arms around her body as she princess-carries her. Sana blushes, not expecting the sudden development. "This is kinda comfortable,", she mumbles, "but won't your arms get tired?". Dahyun looks at her like she asked a stupid question. "Sana-unnie, you know how much I lift." Sana looks away, feigning ignorance. Dahyun laughs at her cute little action. "I found a small cave earlier, I'll carry us there and we can set camp there for a bit, while trying to think of an idea to capture Jihyo's now 10 ft tall chicken." Sana nods in agreement, not wanting to think any more and feels her body slowly shutting down. She could feel her energy slowly draining as she closes her eyes from exhaustion.

Sana wakes up to the warmth of fire surrounding her. She opens her eyes and looks around, trying to find Dahyun. She spots her coming back into the cave. "Afternoon to you unnie.", Dahyun sighs and sits next to her, "I searched our surroundings for a bit and couldn't find the chicken so it looks like we're safe for now. " Sana nods and leans on her shoulder. She looks at her ankle and tries to wiggle it around, but fails to as she feels an extreme pain coming from it. She winces at the pain, "My ankle still hurts, I don't think we can go back any time soon.", she mumbles. Dahyun hears this and is in shock, "I'll carry you back, we can capture, well try to capture, the chicken tomorrow instead. The weather forecast said there was going to be heavy thunder at night." Sana shivers at the thought of staying in this cave at night. "Are you sure you can carry me? What if it comes back and chases us again..." "I'll be fine, plus I've ran with a big bear on my back before. Don't even ask for the story for that, I don't wanna remember." Dahyun shakes off the memory, it was a traumatic event for her. Sana nods, "Let's go now then, the sooner the better." Dahyun stands and moves the gear bag to the front so Sana could go on her back. She kneels in front of Sana, with her back facing her. Sana wraps her arms around her neck and hops on her back. Dahyun stands up and carries her like she was just an empty backpack, even spinning around and laughing, "See? Told you I'll be fine." Sana smiles and snuggles her face into Dahyun's neck. She likes smelling Dahyun and the best way to do it was by this, which made her happy. Dahyun feels her stomach feeling funny and her heart doing flips. This was a normal action for Sana to do but it still made her nervous every time it happened. Sana sees her ears going red and giggles. "Let's leave now." The two leave the cave, with Dahyun looking left and right to ensure the path was clear. "Alright, I'm going to start running back to the farm and I want you to tell me if there's danger, can you do that unnie?" Sana nods and gives a thumbs up, "Aye, aye capt'n!" The two laugh. Dahyun takes a deep breath, "Okay, let's go!" ,and begins to run. 

The journey was sailing smooth for the most of it, with some small detours made due to huge chicken footprints in the ground, which made both of the girls know it was from what used to be Jihyo's most prized chicken. Who knows if it was still the same after mutating. "Cluck cluck!" A loud clucking noise could be heard from a far distant which made both Dahyun's and Sana's heartbeat rise. ", it's close?" Dahyun exclaims. Sana tries looking around and spots a huge chicken feet running behind them, "It's ing behind us!" Dahyun shifts Sana on her back to a more comfortable position and increases her pace. "Cluck cluck! Cluck!" "Shut up!" Sana screams at it which only made the situation worse as the ground beneath them began to rumble. The chicken was increasing it's pace. Dahyun wasn't getting tired but she could feel herself sweating, which made her feel a little gross about herself. She didn't want to smell like sweat especially with her crush on her back. Her crush on her back. Dahyun realises what she just did, feeling even more self-conscious about having Sana on her back. "Dahyunnie, it's catching up!" Dahyun focuses back to the situation and runs faster, "It's fine, we're almost there!" Just as she says that, she could see Jihyo's farm in the far distance. "Almost there-" "Cluck! Cluck cluck cluck! Cluck!" Sana flips her finger at the chicken, wanting it to stop making chicken noises. "Shut up, you're so loud!" she groans. Dahyun laughs at her silliness despite the situation they were in. She sees Jihyo waving her hand, jumping in the air and screaming their name. "Sana! Dahyun!" Jihyo waves her arms around, with a big smile on her face. Wait. A big smile? Sana looks at Jihyo, squinting her eyes and rubbing them, checking if she was seeing things. "Am I looking at things or is Jihyo smiling?" Dahyun could see this too and thought she was also hallucinating, "Not just you... What?" As they get closer to Jihyo, the chicken also got faster which made the two panic even more. "Wait, the ing chicken is going to ruin the farm!" Dahyun widens her eyes as she forgot about that problem. "How the are we meant to explain to Jihyo that her ing chicken suddenly grew to 10ft?" "I don't know but let's deal with that for later since the chicken is-" "Cluck! Cluck!" Sana turns around and sees the chicken was leaning it's head down, as if it was going to pick her and Dahyun up. "Ah!" Dahyun feels her and Sana being picked up by the chicken and Sana's grip on her tightens. "Sana, I can't breathe-", Sana didn't loosen up her grip and only continued screaming, "Dahyunnie, the chicken is literally going to ing eat us!" The two feel themselves being thrown in the air and they land right...on the chicken's back? They crash on the back, stumbling. Dahyun regains her posture and holds onto the chicken's feathers while Sana does the same, with one hand holding onto Dahyun. "What the ?"

Jihyo sighs as she sees her chicken coming closer to the farm and sees the pair sitting on it's back. "Oh thank you guys for finding my chicken." She bows and sighs in relief. Sana's and Dahyun's face were in a state of shock as they still couldn't comprehend the scenario. Jihyo looks at them weirdly, "What?" "You're not surprised that your chicken is a 10ft monster?" Jihyo realises what she forgot to tell Dahyun earlier and laughs. "My bad, I forgot to tell you my chicken grew this big!" Sana opens as she was even more confused while Dahyun groans. "We thought your chicken was a mutant for the lord sake! Can you imagine our pain when we saw this chicken in the middle of the forest!" Jihyo apologises but still laughs at their misery. Dahyun jumps off and opens her arms so Sana could jump off safely too. Sana looks at her confused, "What? I can jump off-" Dahyun looks at her ankle then back at her. "Fine." she groans and jumps off, falling into Dahyun's arms. "That's what I thought." Dahyun whispers, making Sana blush ever so slightly. Jihyo awes at the sickeningly cute moment. "You guys must have had it rough then, you can relax in the house for a bit. I'll make two cups of hot chocolate to make up for it." Dahyun smiles and thanks her. Dahyun enters the house while princess-carrying Sana and takes off her shoes. She also takes off Sana's shoes while Sana was absent-minded. She walks to the couch and sees that Mina and Nayeon were gone. "Where's the other two?" she asks while dropping Sana carefully on the couch and sitting next to her, moving Sana's head to rest on her shoulder. "Finally on a date, that's for sure. It was about time. I kicked them out after getting tired of their asses staying at home.", Jihyo says then leaving to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate. Dahyun smiles, "Thank god those two are on a date. Seeing them act like a divorced couple was enough for me."

Sana finally realises where she was and looks around. "Where are we?" Dahyun laughs at her adorableness, "Jihyo's making us a cup of hot chocolate if you weren't listening earlier. And I took off your shoes for you, if you didn't notice." Sana looks down and sees her socks. "Sorry..." she sheepishly whispers, hiding her face in Dahyun's shoulders, rubbing into it."I'm still shocked about everything that happened today." Dahyun nods and pats her head. "It's okay, so am I but hey! At least we're getting free hot chocolate." Sana wraps her arms around Dahyun and plays with her fingers, intertwining them. "I kind of need to confess something, Dahyunnie..." Dahyun looks at Sana, "Hm?" Sana feels her face getting a little red, "I may have lied about being the greatest animal catcher in town, I don't even know where I got that from." Dahyun laughs, "It's okay, I knew you were lying." Sana looks at her surprised, "You did? Then why did you take me in as your apprentice?" Dahyun snuggles with Sana, "Let's just say I wanted to keep you all to myself. And doing this catching business was getting a little lonely after all. So when you tried to make it seem like you were the better catcher, I thought to myself, why not let Sana make a fool of herself but also spend time with her more. Two positives and zero negatives!" Sana giggles, "Is that your way of saying you want me? Because it sure sounds like it." Dahyun blushes and nods meekly, "I mean, I hope you don't mind..." Sana kisses Dahyun's cheeks and rubs their cheeks together, "You're so cute Dahyunnie!". Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Sana's head, making her stop rubbing and pulling out, holding Dahyun's face to look at her. "Wait." Dahyun tilts her head in confusion. Sana awes at the sight but had more important things to do, "Did you just say you wanted to keep me all to yourself? DId you just indirectly ask me out Dahyunnie?" Dahyun gasps, hitching her breath. Sana was so sure she almost saw steam coming out of Dahyun's ears for a second. "Well, I mean. Well, you know. I-" Dahyun stutters, trying to think of a proper response but ends up nodding in agreement. Sana begins smiling, possibly smiling so widely that she could feel her cheeks hurting. "So? I wanna hear it properly." Dahyun sighs, taking a deep breath, "Yes, I like you Sana-unnie. Wait no. Scrap that." Sana was suddenly confused until she hears Dahyun continue speaking, "I love you. I love you so much. Will you date me?" Dahyun closes her eyes, slowly regretting her actions but relaxes as she hears a squeal coming from the other party. "Yes, yes! Of course! I love you too Dahyunnie!" Sana gives a big wet kiss to Dahyun's cheeks and smoothers her entire face with kisses, leaving Dahyun's face red with her lipstick marks. She giggles at the sight, apologising for the marks, "Sorry, I might have forgotten I was wearing lipstick today." Dahyun touches her faces, feeling rough areas and looks at her finger, seeing a faint red on it. She laughs, "It's okay, only because it's you."

"Oh finally! Are you guys done now? Your hot chocolate was going to go cold waiting for your disgusting moment." Jihyo exhales, interrupting the moment. "Just don't make out on my couch, I already have one couple in this house doing that." Dahyun and Sana laughs at the comment, knowing exactly who she was talking about. "Thanks for not disturbing the moment unnie." Jihyo passes the hot chocolate to Dahyun and the other to Sana, "It's fine, I've known how long you liked Sana for. Same for Sana, both of you, oblivious fools." Jihyo mutters the last bit. "I'll be taking care of the chicken so just leave the finished cups on the table when you're done. Also thank you for finding the chicken. It really means a lot." She smiles and leaves, letting the two spend more time together alone. "Of course unnie." "Of course Jihyo!" Sana and Dahyun waves at Jihyo before going back to their own world. "So what do you say, we go back to my house and relax? I might just close this catching business for a week since we need that break." Dahyun smiles, holding Sana's hand. "I'll tell Momo I'll be gone, at least she can have the apartment all to herself now." Sana replies, tightening her hand. "Let's go to my car then, I'll grab our missing net catchers when I can finally take in the 10ft chicken information." Sana giggles and nods, standing up and leaving the cup on the table. Dahyun does the same and off the two go, walking out of the door to the car.

"Cluck cluck!", the chicken looks in the direction of the couple and moves in excitement, "Thank the lord they're together. Hearing that catcher talk about her woman to me every time she was here was annoying enough. I'm such a great chicken." The chicken turns around, running back to her owner, Jihyo.

The End.

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I like chicken nuggets


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12 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's cute.
Chapter 1: this is such a cute little story (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) thank youuu