Grand Prix Final (4/4)

Love in all Forms
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Wendy blinked slowly, still trying to process  that Irene was at her hotel room door. Part of her wanted to politely ask Irene to go and curl back up alone with her misery. But another part couldn't deny how touched she was that Irene was concerned for  her

Before she could think of a response, Irene seemed to read her hesitation. "But if you'd prefer to rest alone, I completely understand," she said easily, no hint of offense in her tone. "I can leave these for you at least?" She gave the bakery box a little shake.

Wendy wavered for a moment longer before finally stepping back, using her crutch to pull the door open wider in invitation. "No, no please come in, Irene. I could use some company, I think.".

"And you didn't have to bring anything. But...I really appreciate it. Thank you."

Relief spread across Irene's features as she stepped over the threshold. "You're sure? I don't want to intrude if you need time to yourself."

"I'm sure," Wendy assured her, leading the way back towards the bed with an awkward crutch-hop. "To be honest, a friendly face is probably just what I need right about now."

 As the Russian stepped over the threshold, she looked around almost hesitantly. "I'm glad to see you're here in your room and didn't have to stay at the hospital overnight," Irene said, some of the tension leaving her shoulders. "When they took you away on that stretcher, I was worried that you might require surgery or an extended stay."

She gave Wendy an apologetic grimace. "Sorry, I know you probably don't want to relive that whole ordeal. I'm just relieved it doesn't seem as bad as it could have been."

"No, no it's okay," Wendy assured her. Settling gingerly on the edge of the mattress, Wendy patted the space beside her. "The doctors said that there's no fracture but I have a severe ankle sprain and some tendon tear. It hurts a lot, but nothing that won't heal up with some rest and rehab."

Irene set the bakery box on the nightstand before sitting next to Wendy, close but leaving some distance between them. "That's good! I'm glad that your injust won't affect you in the long run. I-I'm sorry that you won't be able to compete at the GPF though. I'll miss seeing you there."

"Yeah? I'll miss competing and seeing you there too." Wendy said softly. "I might drop by once I don't feel so much in pain. Hopefully I can at least go see the medals ceremony at least." 

Irene nodded, smiling slightly. "Yeah. Seeing you will definitely make me feel better."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Room service," a muffled voice called out.

"Oh, that must be my food order," Wendy said, automatically starting to push herself up off the bed without thinking.

As soon as she put weight on her injured ankle, a searing jolt of pain shot through her leg. Wendy cried out, crumpling back onto the mattress as her vision swam with tears.

"Wendy!" Irene was by her side in an instant, hovering over her, not knowing what to do. "Are you ok? I mean, of course you're not. What should I do?"

Wendy squeezed her eyes shut, drawing in deep breaths through her gritted teeth as she willed the throbbing ache to subside.

"I'm okay...I'm okay," she managed finally, blinking hard to dispel the tears blurring her vision. "Just a stupid mistake, putting weight on it without thinking."

Irene's brow creased with concern as she studied Wendy carefully. "Are you sure? That looked really painful. Maybe I should call for one of the medics?"

"No, no I'm alright," Wendy assured her, giving Irene's arm a reassuring pat as she cautiously resettled herself. "It just caught me by surprise, that's all. The meds should help once I get some food in me."

The knock sounded again from the hallway. Irene squeezed Wendy's shoulder once before rising to retrieve the door herself. "I'll go get it. Just rest and get comfortable."

Wendy nodded gratefully at Irene. Carefully, she scooted herself back to lean against the pillows and  managed to prop her injured leg up slightly on a pillow. She exhaled slowly, the lancing pain finally starting to dull to a more manageable ache.

A few moments later, Irene returned with the tray of food from room service. "Here we are," she said, setting it down on the mattress beside Wendy. "One soup and sandwich combo for the patient."

"Thanks," Wendy murmured, giving her a grateful look. "And...sorry you have to be playing nurse right now. I'm sure this isn't how you wanted to spend your evening before your next competition tomorrow."

Irene chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Milashka," she said with a fond lilt of Russian affection. Irene couldn't help it. Wendy looked so sweet and endearing all tucked up in bed.

Wendy blinked, furrowing her brow slightly. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

Seeming to realize she'd slipped into her native tongue, Irene's cheeks took on a faint blush. "Nothing, nothing," she said, reverting to her light accented English. I was just telling you to stop it. Stop worrying about me, okay? I wouldn't have stayed if I didn't want to."

She settled herself comfortably on the edge of the mattress, catching and holding Wendy's gaze. "You're my friend, Wendy. And more than that, you're do you say... A soratnik? A comrade on this crazy figure skating journey."

Irene shrugged, suddenly looking almost shy. "We may be opponents on the ice, but off the rink? You are my friend. So of course I want to be here to take care of you. Don't even think about trying to send me away." 

Wendy could feel her cheeks warming but she tried to play if off. "Well, when you put it like that..." A small smile crept across her face. "I guess I don't mind you staying over to help out... Just make sure I'm not the one keeping you from your rest before tomorrow's competition."

Irene's face broke into a grin, her dimples winking charmingly. "Excellent! Then you'll stop protesting and just let me take care of you, yes?"

She gestured towards the tray of food. "Now eat up before that soup gets cold. You'll need to keep your strength up for a quick recovery."

Wendy laughed lightly, the tension easing from her shoulders. "Yes, yes, you're the boss." She obediently picked up the soup bowl.

As she took her first sip, she stole a sidelong glance at Irene. She had made herself comfortable, one ankle crossed over the other as she flipped through the TV channels. Her blonde hair was slightly mussed and her team jacket askew, but she looked utterly at home beside her.

Wendy silently continued eating her soup. She finally started to feel hungry and was happy for the company. "Thanks for being here..." Wendy murmured after swallowing another spoonful of soup. "I mean I'm glad you're here, Irene."

Irene glanced over at her, her eyes sparkling. "Of course, milashka. I'll admit, I had...ulterior motives for staying by your side."

Wendy felt her breath catch slightly at the suggestive tone. The other woman held her gaze for a  moment before breaking into a teasing grin.

"After all, I simply couldn't deprive myself of the pleasure of your company!" Irene giggled, entirely cutting the tension. "Who else would allow me to dote on them so much?"

Rolling her eyes good-naturedly, Wendy shook her head. "Brat," she accused playfully, trying to ignore how her pulse had kicked up a notch.

Chuckling again, Irene scooted closer until their shoulders were brushing. She plucked a chip from the plate and took an exaggerated bite, humming with appreciation.

"Mmm, soo good! Though I suppose I'll let you to have some as well..." She offered the next chip to Wendy with a wink.

Despite herself, Wendy felt laughter bubbling up in her chest at Irene's antics. She obliged the Russian by leaning forward and playfully taking the chip from her fingers with her lips. Irene's eyes danced with amusement and something deeper, more heated.

"Why Ms. Son," she purred in a low tone. "I had no idea you had such talented...oral skills."

Wendy nearly choked on the chip, her face flaming as Irene burst into laughter. She shoved the cackling Irene's shoulder lightly, torn between embarrassment and her own reluctant laughter.

"You're the worst!" Wendy admonished without any real bite. "Absolutely horrible bedside manner."

Irene made an overly contrite face, hand over her heart. "Oh no, I've upset my poor patient! How terribly unprofessional of me." She fixed Wendy with a heated look from beneath her lashes. "Do forgive me...I'll simply have to make it up to you later."

"Yah!" Wendy could feel her cheeks flush even hotter at Irene's flirting. "Stop that will you! You're impossible, you know that? What happened to your kind and sweet self!? I didn't know you were a shameless flirt!"

Irene simply grinned unrepentantly, not even trying to disguise the way her eyes roamed appreciatively over Wendy's form. "What can I say? I'm merely being honest about myself and my...talents." She emphasized the last word with a pointed look.

Wendy rolled her eyes skyward, but couldn't quite bite back her smile at the Russian's shameless teasing. "Is that so? Well then, maybe you should put those supposed talents to better use." She nodded towards her half-eaten food tray. "Starting by putting yourself to work by feeding me, since I'm such an invalid." 

Irene arched one sculpted eyebrow infinitesimally. "You're so demanding for a patient! Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised..." Her gaze burned into Wendy's as she slowly, deliberately plucked up one of the remaining chips. "After all, I saw you staring at me  several times yesterday during practice and again this morning before your short program."

She brought the chip to her lips, letting her tongue dart out to a stray crumb from the corner of in a blatantly provocative gesture.

"Not that I can blame you, of course," Irene purred, her voice dipping low. "I am quite beautiful, am I not? Though perhaps you'd like a...closer look at what has you so distracted, Milashka?"

Irene's eyes fairly smoldered with unabashed want as she held Wendy's heated gaze. For a  moment, the air in the hotel room seemed to thicken and grow charged with an undeniable tension.

Then, just as suddenly as it had come, t

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It's hard writing 2 stories at once 😅I'm going to focus on my main story but I'll come back to this once it's finished!


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Chapter 11: Wow I'm loving this new story 😍
Riscark #2
Chapter 11: Out of your comfort zone and yet you already nails it from the first chap, can't wait for more hehe
Xhoxlgyit #3
Chapter 11: Wow love this! Can't wait for the next Part🥰
1701 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wow that's very bold of Irene lol
Riscark #5
Chapter 8: Damnnnnn, talk about being bold 🫣
Riscark #6
Chapter 7: Their chemistry tho, got me blushing like I'm the one being pursued hehe 🫣
Jfludjzekze #7
Chapter 9: A Hufflepuff & Slytherin is already my FAVOURITE 😍💙🩷
Chapter 9: i really like the idea for loneliness, it’s realistic and i’m also a er for angst or hurt/comfort i think any pairing would fit really well with it too because of her bond with all of them
Riscark #9
Chapter 9: I like wenseul, although when it comes to wenseul, I always love them as a soulmate platonic type, but still, I'm a er for meet cute