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The former singer woke up hours later with her face on the living room floor and realized she had no energy to move. 

Slowly crawling, the 43-year-old grabbed her phone and called Yonghee. 

Her older sister didn’t answer. So the brunette left a message.

__  Sorry to bother, unnie. I don’t feel good. Can you drive me to the hospital? 

Thirty minutes later, the former artist heard key sounds and Yonghee ran into the apartment.

Her husband came right after and she kneeled to check Yongsun.

__ Yong, can you move? 

The dark-haired female opened her eyes and murmured:

__ Thank you for coming, unnie. I can try...

Concerned, the other one mumbled:

__ This is why you should snap out of that fantasy and get a husband. Or any woman, if that’s the case. Dead people need no help. Nor love.

__ Yonghee!__ The husband scolded her.

Yongsun burst into tears and whispered:

__ If this is a burden, please go. But stop offending Byul-YI’s importance.

The older Kim sighed and murmured to her husband:

__ Would you please help me put her on her feet? I’m afraid of hurting her.

The tall guy gently held the former singer and told his partner:

__Prepare small luggage for your sister. I’ll carry her downstairs.

Tearing up, the female mouthed:

“Thank you”.

Yongsun felt the tenderness and care from her brother-in-law and spoke with a faint voice:

__ You’re a great father and husband, Tony. Thank you for also supporting all of us. I’m sorry I’m useless and absent.

Entering the elevator with the brunette in his arms, the guy replied:

__ You are awesome, noona. I never said that, but... I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t think I would stand on my feet if I were in your place.

The 43-year-old remained silent because she didn’t want to keep crying in front of others.

Soon after, Yonghee’s partner placed the former artist in the backseat of his car and his wife joined them.

__ Guys, just drop me at any hospital and go. You have your kids. It’s not fair that you stay away from them because of me.

Controlling the urge to cry, Yonghee murmured:

__ Shut up, Yong. Just shut up.

The man drove to the best hospital in Seoul and Yonghee called the family doctor.

Fifteen minutes later, the middle-aged man arrived and had a brief talk with Yongsun.

The older sister was shocked to hear the former artist had been hiding several symptoms in the last couple of months.

The physician failed to hide his concern. However, his words were assuring.

After talking to the Head of the hospital, the guy informed Yonghee and her husband that people of his trust would take the brunette for a battery of tests.

The couple waited for several hours until the former brunette was brought into a private room.

Yonghee saw the family doctor talking to another man from a distance, and their facial expressions didn’t seem happy.

Both guys walked toward Yongsun’s room and Yonghee and her husband were invited to join them.

It was clear the family doctor was trying to light the mood. However, Yongsun interrupted him:

__ Doctor, no need to sugarcoat. What is it? 

The two men exchanged a look before the other one stepped closer to her bed and responded:

__ I’m the Head of the cardio department, Ms. Kim. Your exams showed us you have cardiomyopathy. There are 4 types of this...

Yongsun raised her hand to interrupt the man. So he simply loo

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This will be a short story. One chapter to go.


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Ichig02101 #1
Chapter 5: Oh my gawd!! Authornim...u played w my heart😖
Im happy it just in her head...
Tq authornim for the lovely story☺️🥰😘
PvmpkinPie #2
Chapter 5: What an unexpected plot twist!! my heart is not shattered anymore but I'm still crying but it's happy tears this time 😭😭😭. Great job Jana, loved this one 👏👏👏
greenjade21 #3
Chapter 5: Waahahah! I didn't expect that! But, I'm glad it was a happy ending! Really, it was a surprised twist of story! Awesome! Great job author Jana! Thanks for making really, really good and awesome stories. Looking forward to your next one!
Chapter 5: GREATTTTT!!! thank god!!!! thank you jana for making this story not angsty till the end!!! you are the best Jana!!!!
Ichig02101 #5
Chapter 4: Again😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Pls take the pain away😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 4: jana have a big brain. i cant even think what will happen to yong. my heart hurt for both of them. thanks jana! cant wait for next one. you are really genius !
greenjade21 #7
Chapter 4: I guess, that's the outcome of a long standing, broken heart?! Sad. But, I wonder how can she be free from this..?! Wil she die and be with her Byul afterlife? Or, she will undergo a transplant, and having a new heart will help her free from her past heartahes?! Or not really? Whaaah! Can't wait for the next chapter! Thanks for updating, author Jana.
Chapter 3: nooo poor yongie shes suffering so much give her a second chance world ahhhh 😭
radish_cereal #9
Chapter 3: I just read the three chapters uploaded so far and I'm ing sobbing 😭😭😭😭 This is so saddddd
Chapter 3: How I wish this has fantasy genre in which byulie would just pop out or yong will go back in time 😭 I’m crying so much…. Yong being this unhealthy is heartbreaking 😭😭😭 … deym… will we have angst from start to end 😭