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chimera entertainment (korean :키메라 엔터테인먼트) is a South Korean entertaiment agency established on August 14, 2018 by Kim Ari. The company operates as a record label, talent agency, music production company, event management, concert production company, and music publishing house. 

The company is fairly new but the CEO states that her plans for her artists are to become "self-composing and self-producing" idols.

The label currently represents rookie girl group, Celestial Girls. Their debut date being on September 5, 2023

kim ari

the founder of chimera ent. also the creator of celestial girls and queens.

- dob : 06/07/1975
- relationship status : single
- alma mater : seoul women's university

she founded chimera back in 2018.

originally she worked for cube from 2005 -2016 as the art and graphic director.

however, seeing how many of the young trainees diminish over the years as well as the idols that once held youth become jaded, she needed a break from the industry. however, her conscious wouldn't let her rest. she needed a way to make thing right for all those time she turned a blind eye to the young dreamers who turned to her for help. she created chimera entertainment with the help of cube.

after the debut of five young girls, ari wanted to do more. she realized that newer wave of korean idols were very young yet were pushed to be mature and a product for business.

she wanted to change the way the industry viewed "older women". with the seven ladies she has chosen, she was sure they would leave a big impact on the korean industry as well on many fans.
chloe choi

trouble trouble but make it double

- dob : 02/21/1988
- relationship status : dating

she joined chimera back in 2023.

no one really knows this but ari and chloe are cousins through their moms. it's part of why chloe was able to get a spot in chimera so easily.

however, ignoring her family ties, chloe was a smart move to add to the entertainment. ari needed another manager to add to the roster but no one was really taking up the job offer.

chloe was moving to korea to potentially settle down with her partner. despite her qualifications, no place seemed to be hiring. with their conodrums, the two decided to help each other out in which ari would give her a job and chloe would help her manage her newest group (and also be a finicial advisor for her as well).
park gyeong-hui

the one who creates the dances. also the meanest amongst the trainers. 

- dob : 07/31/1986
- relationship status : engaged

- has created many choreographs for many different artist prior to being an inhouse choreographer for chimera (x)

she joined chimera back in 2019.

ari and her were well acquinted as they would often run into each other due to their line of work.

she is very passionate about dancing as it's what saved her and her family from poverty. that being said, she is a strict dance trainer and very detailed oriented.
oh ha-yun

the one who helps them sing. she too is very mean but can be nice.

- dob : 09/21/1969
- relationship status : divorced

- is a former first generation idol. she was on her way to hitting it big as she was garnering attention for her vocals. she ended leaving the industry due to thyroid cancer.

she joined chimera back in 2018.

after leaving the industry to take care of her health, she fell into a rut. a promising career just for something uncontrollable as well as scary happen. ha-yun wished she had some way to fulfill her dream as a singer.

ha-yun came across a help wanted ad at her local coffee shop. they were lookin for a vocal trainer for a new created company. she was very eager to take this oppurturnity in which she could help others life out their dreams while she herself got to use her voice.
ahn ja-young

the one who teaches how to rap. she's mean as while but the lesser among the three trainers.

- dob : 01/01/1979
- relationship status : married

- she use to work under pledis and worked with ka-hi. they were suppose to debut as duo until they decided to create after school. due to her age, she was cut from the group.

she joined chimera back in 2019.

after being cut from pledis, ja-young flouted around companies as a director for upcoming groups. she mainly just help most of the females rap as many companies at the time felt the need to incorprate a rapper.

she felt burnt out and took a break in 2009. it was nice to relax and enjoy life. however, she itched to go back to work but unforntunately the industry didn't need her. idols started self teaching as well as senior idols taking on the roles of mentoring junior idols.

ka-hi recommended that she try applying for a small company that had opened up as they were lookin for staff members and mentors for an up-coming group.
kwon min-ji

the master of the dresser. she makes sure the girls come to slay

- dob: 04/21/1992
- relationship status : single

- she use to model and did small gigs but do due the lack of popularity, she had to quit

she joined chimera back in 2022.

prior to joining the company, min-ji use to full time model. she debuted back in 2011 under small company (which she regrets). she knew what look good on her and what didn't which is why she chose to model.

what she didn't know was that didn't matter. the industry is cut throat. you either needed connections, worked really hard by getting gigs, and just sacraficing your life to the career.

unfortunately, her career never blossomed due to the lack of support from her company. she called it quits and decided to work a regular job.

she was encouraged to join chimera when ari had came across her on the street. she didn't think too much of it as she thought it was a scam. turns out it is.

she ended being hired as a staff as ari thought she had such a good sense of style.
song yoo-jung

the artist. she enhances the beauty of the girls.

- dob : 10/31/1992
- relationship status : single

- she's been doing make-up since middle school and is very passionate about it

she joined chimera back in 2020.

yoo-jung has always been interested in make-up for as long as she could remember. it was something about how something so small could have a big change.

after high school, she applied for cosmetology school and earned her license shortly after. it did cause a little bit of discourse between her parents and her as they felt like she should have gone to university and studied a respectable major.

due the different perspectives, yoo-jung left home to go and focus on her career. it was hard at first but slowly she worked her way up from locals to idols.

she joined chimera when she saw they company needed a make-up artist for an upcoming group.
cho eun-jung

the protector and counselor. also the wrangler.

- celestial girls manager

- dob : 05/25/1995
- relationship status : complicated

- was a trainee under starship ent. and was slated to debut with cosmic girls but was terminated due attitude problems with management

she joined chimera back in 2020.

she had came across auditions for the small company and thought maybe she could have another shot a stardom. when she came to the company, she was immediately shot down as CEO ari felt like she was no longer suited to be an idol. she was offered a position at the company despite not making it as a trainee.
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+ update (03/16/2024)
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Chapter 1: Seeing the age range makes me so happy