Final !

Your butterflies around me / call it puppy love (kimzhuo)
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title of fic from song


“Ning Yizhuo.”


A cold container is placed on top of her head as Ningning sits at the cafeteria, waiting for her friends. Ningning blinks and looks up to find Minjeong, her unnie and one of her closest friends standing over her.


“Fruit.” Minjeong says this nonchalantly, sitting down and sliding over a plastic container from the canteen. 

“Oh, thanks, unnie!” Ningning beams and Minjeong nods. “Hey, doesn’t this usually come with pineapple?”
“You don’t like pineapple.” Minjeong points this out.

“I know, but this always comes with more pineapple than watermelon and I hate it, but maybe today I’m lucky!” Ningning beams, opening up the container with only watermelons and strawberries.

“Yeah, lucky.” Minjeong clears , scratching at the corner of her lip where a sting from eating one too many pineapple slices remains.


“Puppy!” Jimin squeals, sitting down beside Minjeong and hugging her tightly.


Minjeong scowls and tries to pull away but Aeri sits on her other side and hugs her equally as tight.


“Minjeongie!” Aeri beams and Minjeong sighs, poking at her lunch as she’s being koala hugged by her two unnies.

“Unnie, you look really cute right now.” Ningning giggles and Minjeong blinks, feeling her cheeks warm at Ningning’s delighted laugh.

“O-oh.” Minjeong tries to be nonchalant—she really does, but there's one problem she has, and, well, she doesn’t see it as a problem but there’s an underlying issue attached to it.


Kim Minjeong has a crush, and it’s not on any cute or hot upperclassmen, but on their sweet little friend, Ning Yizhou—who she befriended in freshman year because she was lost as a little lamb and Minjeong was willing to help despite her introverted nature—and not because she thought Ningning was cute.


(She did).


Anyway, the problem with her crush was that she’s been trying to confess since the new year started because, new year, new me—however, she’s been exceptionally terrible at it. It’s like at every attempt she makes at hinting at her crush for Ningning, she’s interrupted by Ningning’s adhd tendencies or some external force.


“And the guy was totally fugly! Like he didn’t look like he did in that picture!” Aeri exclaims.

“No way, seriously!” Ningning gasps.


Minjeong and Jimin watch the two of them chat away and they poke at their lunch uninterestedly.


“Yeah and—”


The bell rings and Minjeong sighs quietly. 


“Ugh, what class do we have next?” Aeri asks.

“P.E.” Jimin answers.

“Great, I’ll finish telling you when we change into our uniform,” Aeri beams, pulling Ningning up with her.

“Yes, I need to know what happens next!” Ningning bounces along.


Jimin and Minjeong sigh and take their trays back. Minjeong’s gaze follows Ningning and she bumps into Jimin, who’s looking down at her with a big grin.


“You are so cute, puppy; do you know that?” Jimin’s lips curl into an annoying grin.

“Shut up,” she huffs.

"Aw, come on, for how long?” Jimin slings an arm around Minjeong’s shoulder and she tries to push her off but she’s too tall and her arm suddenly weighs a tonne.

“For how long, what?” She scowls.

“How long have you liked little Ningie?” Jimin bends down to whisper and Minjeong’s ear burns with embarrassment as she finally shoves Jimin away.

“W-what?” She clears and walks ahead.

“You can’t escape me, Kim Minjeong!” 


She really can’t—not when they’re partnered up for this PE lesson.


“Stop smiling.” Minjeong looks away with a blush as Jimin continues smirking at her.

“Why?” Jimin grins toothily and Minjeong grumbles.


They’re doing sit-ups and Minjeong can’t help but glare in Ningning’s direction when she’s doing sit-ups with their grade’s top boy, Jisung. 


“It’s not like you’re not in the same boat as me either." Minjeong says and Jimin sneers.


Aeri’s doing sit-ups with Jeno, a known playboy who has sweet charms for some odd reason. He’s also tried to ask Jimin out before but she “accidentally” kicked a soccer ball at him and he never tried again.  


“Shut up…” Jimin huffs and Minjeong smirks. “Hold my feet properly.”

“You shut up; I'm holding your giant feet as best as I can,” Minjeong says.

“My feet aren't giant! Yours are abnormally small!” Jimin argues back.

“Yeah, okay, giraffe,” Minjeong snickers.

“Yeah, okay, wuss who can’t confess their crush.” Jimin smirks.

“Hey!” Minjeong blushes with a scowl. “I–I’m trying…”
“Yeah, well, not hard enough.” Jimin snorts.

“It doesn’t look like you are either!” Minjeong retorts.


One thing about Jimin and Minjeong is that they will bicker until the ends of the earth—a bonus to being childhood friends and family friends adjacent. 


“I’m definitely doing more than you!” Jimin sticks her tongue out.

“Doesn’t look like it!” Minjeong does the same.


Jimin huffs, annoyed by her tiny friend, and as she rises from her sit-up with more strength than she can manage, she rams right into Minjeong.





Ningning and Aeri noticed the commotion immediately before rushing over.


“Oh my gosh, are you guys alright?” Aeri gasps.

“No… I’m gonna kill her,” Minjeong groans, clutching her head.

“U-unnie, you’re bleeding!” Ningning gasps with horror.

“Huh?” Minjeong blinks. 


There’s a warmth trickling down her nose and she brings her hand to her nose and when she sees blood, her eyes trail over to Jimin.


“Yu Jimin.” Minjeong grits her teeth.

“I’m sorry! It was an accident!” 




Minjeong and Jimin begrudgingly sit beside each other in the nurse's office on one bed and Minjeong keeps shoving Jimin, who takes it in stride since she feels a little bad that Minjeong bled.


“I said I was sorry.” Jimin whines, holding an ice pack to her head as she sways side to side as Minjeong bumps her shoulder against hers.

“Sorry doesn’t fix my bleeding nose!” Minjeong huffs, holding a heap of tissues at her nose and an identical ice pack to her head too.

“You’re not even bleeding anymore!” Jimin says.


“You two quit it.” Joohyun sighs, coming to check on Minjeong’s nose.

“Unnie, she started it!” Minjeong whines.

"No, I didn’t!” Jimin pouts.

“Jimin, shh, I hear enough of you at home already,” Joohyun says. Perks of being an older sibling who works part time as a nurse at her little sister’s high school.


Jimin grumbles and Minjeong smiles as Joohyun dotes on her.


"Cleary, you two are alright enough to argue like you always do.” Joohyun snorts. “I’ll let the other two in to see you. They’ve been begging to come in.”


Joohyun steps away and opens the door and in comes Aeri and Yizhou.


“Unnie!” Ningning runs over to Minjeong and Minjeong straightens up, no longer bullying Jimin.

“Ning.” Minjeong blushes.


Jimin snickers under her breath and Minjeong elbows her. 


“We got you guys snacks.” Aeri beams and Jimin grins. 


Minjeong rolls her eyes at Jimin’s 180° attitude.


“Unnie, I got you chocolate milk, your favourite.” Ningning beams.

“Oh, thank you.” Minjeong smiles, reaching for it but Ningning pulls it back.

“Hold on,” she says as she opens the tiny straw and inserts it into the carton for Minjeong. “Here!”


Minjeong smiles fondly as she takes a sip.


“How is it?” Ningning asks eagerly with wide, curious, childlike eyes.

“It tastes better because you got it for me.” Minjeong blushes.

“Aw, unnie! You’re so cheesy.” Ningning giggles.

“And gross…” Jimin gags.

“Shut up, stupid.” Aeri presses on the bruise on her forehead and Jimin cries out.

“Hey!” Jimin pouts.

“That’s what you get.” Aeri rolls her eyes, yet her actions contradict her words as she softly caresses over the bruise with gentle fingers. 


When Joohyun finally has enough of them and the bell rings, the four of them head home and Ningning insists on carrying Minjeong’s bag. Jimin has her bag on her back and Aeri’s on her front because she’s chivalrous and won’t let her girl (not her girl yet) carry heavy things.


"You look more stupid,” Aeri says.

“No, I look totally cool. Who else has the greatest girl in the world by their side to carry their bag?” Jimin grins. “Aren’t you lucky, Uchinaga?” 


Aeri rolls her eyes, a faint blush on her cheeks, as she walks ahead of Jimin.


“Hey, wait!”


Aeri and Jimin head off to Aeri’s house to hang out, but Ningning has to head home early since her grandparents are over and they’re meant to have dinner. Minjeong opts to sit out and decides to walk Ningning home, despite Ningning’s protests.


“Are you sure, unnie?” Ningning pouts and Minjeong smiles softly, ruffling Ningning’s hair.

“I’m okay. I’m not injured.” Minjeong says.

“You kind of are,” Ningning says.

“Not at all, I’m not.” Minjeong grins.


Ningning still carries Minjeong’s bag until the door of her house and Minjeong’s quiet. Not that she isn’t quiet all the time, but because she’s thinking deeply.


She’s never liked anyone this much before. She doesn’t ever recall liking anyone before Ningning. There’s a certain kind of affection Minjeong carries for Ningning that makes her forget anyone she’s ever met before. And maybe she’s still a kid and this is just puppy love, but Minjeong never wants to live another day that doesn’t have Ningning in it.

“Here’s your bag,” Ningning beams. “Thanks for walking me home!”

“You’re welcome.” Minjeong shrugs nonchalantly, even though her heart is beating rapidly and she doesn’t know when it started. 


Ningning turns to open the door but Minjeong opens and Ningning stops.


“Hey, Ning?” 


Ningning turns around and Minjeong’s heart stutters in her chest.


She’s so beautiful.


“Hm?” Ningning blinks.

“Um, I—”


I like you.


I like you so much; I don’t know what it’s like to be happy or how to function if I’m not near you.


“Uh, do you want to get ice cream tomorrow?” Minjeong swallows. “After school?”

“Ice cream? Hell yeah!” Ningning jumps and Minjeong chuckles fondly.


Ningning enters her house and Minjeong turns around to walk back home. 




Minjeong turns around and finds Ningning tumbling out of her house.



Minjeong blinks.


“Make sure to tell me if it hurts!” Ningning says this before running off into her house.


Minjeong freezes; a tingling sensation overcomes her body, especially at the bruise on her forehead. A featherlight press of affection is placed on the bruise and Minjeong blushes brightly, still reeling and feeling Ningning’s lips on her skin.


She smiles when walking home.


Maybe tomorrow, she thinks.




“Guess what?” Jimin sides up against Minjeong in the halls.

“What?” Minjeong replies monotonously.

“Gee, can you sound any more excited?” Jimin snorts.


Minjeong glares at her and Jimin sighs, patting Minjeong's head.


“Alright, puppy; relax.” Jimin laughs.

“I’m not a puppy.”
“Okay. Anyway, guess who has a girlfriend?”


Minjeong pauses and looks up at Jimin.

“What?” She blinks.

“That’s right! Me!” Jimin prances around with a huge grin.

“What? When?” Minjeong asks.

“Yesterday!” Jimin slings an arm around Minjeong’s shoulder and Minjeong’s too shocked to care. “You remember I went to her house to hang out, right? Well, she was icing my forehead and she was just sitting in front of me and I just kissed her and confessed! She said yes!”

“That easy?” Minjeong frowns.

“You should try.” Jimin beams.

“Do not try; that’s not how it went.” Aeri rolls her eyes, pushing Jimin away from Minjeong. “Don’t corrupt the puppy.”
“I’m not—oh, who cares.” Minjeong sighs. “Aeri-unnie, tell me.”


Jimin remains unblinking as she sits on Aeri’s bed. Aeri’s in front of her, kneeling on the bed as she holds an ice pack to Jimin’s bruise.


“You’re stupid. How hard did you headbutt the poor girl for you to have huge matching bruises?” Aeri sighs.


Jimin blinks, slightly agape, as she stares at the goddess in front of her.


“Why are you staring? Is anything up there in your head?” Aeri snorts.


Jimin surges forward and kisses Aeri’s plush lips chastely. Aeri’s eyes widen and she fumbles, falling onto her back as she scrambles away from Jimin, leaning on the wall as she’s on the farthest edge of her bed.


“Y-yah! What was that?”
“Have I told you that you’ve been really pretty lately?” Jimin smiles and Aeri blinks.

“How hard did you hit your head?!” Aeri’s face flushes red. 

“Not hard enough to confuse me. I like you, Uchinaga Aeri.” Jimin crawls to Aeri. “I’ve liked you for a long time and I guess hitting my head did something. If I ever hit my head too hard and can’t remember you or I literally die, I can’t fathom that you might not know my feelings for you.”


Aeri holds up the ice pack to protect her and it pushes up against Jimin’s mouth. Jimin blinks and Aeri squeezes her eyes shut.


Jimin gently pries the ice pack away and holds Aeri’s wrist to her side.


“I like you and I wanted to kiss you.” Jimin speaks softly. “I know you like me too; open your eyes.”


Aeri presses her lips together and hesitantly opens her eyes. She comes face to face with Jimin in a new light and her heart’s slamming against her chest—her defences are completely lost.


“And then we made out!” Jimin jumps.

“No, we didn’t!”


Aeri screams and pushes Jimin to the floor.


“Ow.” Jimin crumbles to the carpeted floor and Aeri gasps.

“Stupid!” Aeri huffs, going to the floor to pick Jimin up, but instead, Jimin drags her down right on top of her.


Jimin traps her and wraps her arms around Aeri, hugging her tightly.


“I like you.” Jimin giggles.

“I–I know, shut up!” Aeri blushes.

“Say you do too.” Jimin whines softly, nuzzling her nose against Aeri’s collar. “Say yes to me.”
“I…yes. I like you too, stupid.” Aeri sighs.


“Wow. You just said yes like that?” Minjeong blinks. “If it were me, I would’ve attempted to kill her.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you like me; you don’t want to kill me instead.” Jimin grins, holding Aeri by the waist and Aeri doesn’t refute the touch.

“Yeah, yeah.” Aeri rolls her eyes, despite the blush on her cheeks.


Ningning is preoccupied in the choir, so it’s only the three of them walking around.


“So, Ning told us you’re getting ice cream after school.” Jimin says.

“Yeah.” Minjeong nods.

“She thought it was the four of us, but I kindly corrected her and told her Aeri and I have plans.” Jimin smiles proudly.

“Oh, so you are good for something.” Minjeong teases.

“Hey!” Jimin pouts.

“But seriously, maybe come off more strongly to Ning, Minjeong-ah.” Aeri says it gently. “You’ll have to be specific because, god forbid, she is oblivious to her surroundings.” 


“I’m aware.” Minjeong sighs, but she smiles softly, remembering the way Ningning kissed her forehead yesterday.

“Why are you smiling like a creep?” Jimin asks.

“No, I’m not.” Minjeong clears her voice and the smile wipes away from her ruddy lips.

“Don’t ; she’s probably thinking of asking Ningning out later, right?” Aeri says.

“Something like that.” Minjeong nods.

“Here’s what you should do, from someone who actually has a girlfriend right now.” Jimin says.

“Don’t listen to her.” Aeri snorts.

“Listen up, Minjeongie.” Jimin leans down to her height.


Although Minjeong would rather not listen to Jimin on usual occasions, today she might have to. She’s out of ideas and freezes up when she tries to tell Ningning about her feelings.


“You two are going to be sitting across from each other, right?” Jimin says and Minjeong nods. “Good! So we know Ningning isn’t the cleanest eater and ice cream is messy. So she’s going to get ice cream on her lips. So when you see that, what do you do?”

“Uh, get a napkin and wipe it for her?” Minjeong blinks.

“Wrong!” Jimin shouts and Minjeong flinches. “You lean over, cup her cheek, whisper seductively; oh, you have something, and then you lean in and kiss her! Then confess.” 


Jimin nods proudly and Aeri slaps her own forehead, not understanding why this person is the one she likes.


“Um… that’s a bit much. I don’t think I can do it.” Minjeong shakes her head, very worried about this afternoon.

“Trust me, take her by surprise and she’ll swoon.” Jimin grins.

“Minjeongie, do the complete opposite. I'm sure she’ll like you for you. Don’t do something you wouldn’t do, please.” Aeri says.

“Okay.” Minjeong nods but side-eyes Jimin, somehow considering that option if all hell breaks loose.


So then Minjeong finds herself sitting across from Ningning at their usual ice cream joint without the other two.


“I’m glad it’s just me and you today, unnie.” Ningning grins, scanning the menu.

“O-oh, really?” Minjeong blushes, trying to compose herself after the sudden confession from Ningning.

“Yeah, I mean, I love Jimin-unnie and Aeri-unnie too, but it’s also nice to just spend time with you like we used to before we all got close.” Ningning grins and Minjeong blushes, picking at the corners of the menu without looking back up at Ningning.

“Uhm, I’ll go order now.” Minjeong clears , standing up in front of the bo

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Genniee #1
Chapter 1: omg the cutest!! every failed attempts were worth it
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: This is So sweet ..
889 streak #4
kariselleheart #5
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: omg this is great i love their little group 😭 im so soft for kimzhuo!!!