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only. i have way too many redeeming qualities to list so here are my red flags instead:

  • 80% chance of ghosting you if i'm not feeling the vibe. listen, i'll try. but i'm always tired
  • jobless. capitalism's got nothing on me
  • spends ungodly amounts of time on genshin
  • 31 spotify playlists
  • quality time is cool but i draw the line at joining rps and matching bios


oh, and basic info:

  • plus side
  • idk man i just be fcing whoever. if it matters to you then don't breathe in my direction


will be adding from a side account, you'll get my main if i decide to extend the subscription (comfortable enough). pm with your dc tag if interested

my brother in arms: you sound like you're being forced to befriend people :sob: tell them you're actually really nice you're just fed up of telling another person your favorite color only for them to leave

me: now why'd i give that out for free (does it anyway)


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