A Date with my Housemate

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Written in English

This is a one-shot converted to jmj. A shot inspired from watching how Rachel and Joey's date went in Friends.




Have you ever had a crush on someone you've only seen for the first time? 


Jimin did. Year 2014 when her parents decided they move to a subdivision on another town. It was very uncomfortable for her as she's just in her first year in high school and is just starting to adjust yet here's another adjustment she has to do. 


It's already hard trying to keep up with the new people who became her new classmates which she'd be hanging out with for the rest of her high school days and now she has to find a way to get used to commuting to her school which came further to her new house.  


Her mother is strict and old-fashioned. Her father works abroad and is stricter than her mother. Jimin has two sisters, one older and one younger. She's the middle child.


Her sisters are both the girly type while Jimin remained simple. She doesn't like putting on make ups or dressing up too nice and dolly, she's fine with simple, comfortable clothes.


It was after a year since they moved to the subdivision when Jimin first met that girl. Kim Minjeong.


Jimin's mom actually knew Minjeong's mom. Their families both just moved almost at the same time last year. It's just that Jimin doesn't go out of their house and Minjeong only comes home every weekend as the girl lives and studies in the city.


From what Jimin heard, Minjeong is the second child of her mom after the annulment happened. Minjeong has an older sister named Taeyeon and they have different fathers. Her family is complicated. After Minjeong's mom gave birth to her, her mom got back together with Taeyeon's father and so that explains why Minjeong doesn't live in the province in that subdivision where Jimin could've met her a little earlier.


It was a simple crush. A high school crush! Only that Jimin first saw Minjeong on the balcony instead of school. It's that cold windy day when Minjeong went home to have her Christmas vacation with her family.


Around 6 o'clock in the evening, Jimin went out to run some errands then she heard two girls talking on the balcony of her neighbor's house. They were merely giggling at some point in their conversation. Jimin knew the louder girl, Taeyeon. She has seen her before since they're neighbors but the other girl?


That other fine, fair, and attractive girl whose smile feels like the world spins for her--and it surely does now that Jimin feels captivated. 


"Mom, I saw someone on the Kim's." Jimin enters their house, immediately talking to her mom who's busy cooking at the kitchen.


"Ah. That must be the youngest, Minjeong. The attractive one I told you before." Her mom said without looking at her, occupied by preparing their dinner.


Jimin nodded. "Oh.." She went to the dining area and sat down. Couldn't take the smile on Minjeong's face off her mind, she leaned against the table as her eyes gazed far outside the house through the glass of their window. 


"Aww Jimin, do you like her?" Her mom teased her and she didn't know how to respond.


Honestly, Jimin never had a crush on anyone before, let alone talked to her mom about having a crush on someone.


"Uhm.. She's cute." Jimin shyly admitted, she takes her pen and started doing her homework which she had left earlier to run the errand her mom asked her to do.


Homework keeps her busy. 


Hopefully, it keeps her busy from thinking about that Minjeong.


"Oh! You and Minjeong would fit together and she's rich."


That was most likely the start of Jimin's romantic life, which her mom supported so much.


It's purely her looking outside the window of her shared room with Joohyun, her sister, where she could see Minjeong either playing on her laptop or phone, or playing the guitar at their balcony.


She never talked to Minjeong for half a year. She just waited for Minjeong to come home every weekend so she could watch the girl whenever Minjeong goes out and do hobbies in that balcony. 


It stopped soon though. Jimin's father came home from working overseas and fixed the vacant room next to Joohyun's room so Jimin can use it. Because of that, Jimin had no way to watch Minjeong before she sleeps. All she could do is check if Minjeong would come out on mornings and she'll watch from their living room but then, Minjeong stopped going out of their house too.


Jimin guesses that the girl must be liking it better in her room.


She blames the loud noise from nearby houses that were being renovated or constructed.


After another six months, Christmas came once again. This time, it's a chilly, breezy one so Jimin's parents, Minjeong's parents and their other neighbors decided.. why not have some barbecue party together?


Minjeong and her family came. Although, for Jimin's hopeless romantic mind, it's a little disappointing because Minjeong is just wearing plain casual home clothes unlike Jimin who prepared so much.


That was the first time Jimin wanted to look nice, dress up and put some face powder and lip balm on. She and Minjeong would be in one room together! What could possibly happen?


Something happened. After eating, their neighbors requested Minjeong to play her guitar for them. Jimin anticipated so much when they started asking Minjeong but then,


"Jimin, why not sing while Minjeong plays her guitar?" Her mom asks her, more like --being someone who knew Jimin is smitten with Minjeong.


Jimin immediately shook her head but then, Joohyun pushed her. From her position, she could see Minjeong awkwardly chuckling on the side. Minjeong excused herself for a moment to get her guitar while Jimin's parents passed two chairs to them so they could sit. 


Everybody is sitting in a circle, watching them. 


When Minjeong came back with her guitar, Jimin is already sitting on her chair. She patted the other chair for Minjeong and there goes their first conversation ever.


"So what do you want to sing?" Minjeong asks. Her voice is so soft and Jimin can feel every bit of Minjeong's appearance next to her that she felt so nervous to mumble the words right.


"Want- Anything uhm- You want anything." IT SHOULD BE ANYTHING YOU WANT.


But who cares, Minjeong's laugh at Jimin's stuttering was like when the world slowly healed on its own. 


"We can go with.. say, Perfect?" Minjeong suggests. Jimin nods and watches as Minjeong starts picking on the strings of her guitar. She has heard Minjeong singing before, it's that she never heard Minjeong's beautiful voice this loud and clear. You know that feeling when you can't hear anything else aside from that one thing that reigns in your head? Jimin couldn't stop smiling while singing along with Minjeong.


I found a love for me..


Although, you know the typical puppy love.


That night also changed the way Jimin's and Minjeong's parents treat them both. The parents started pushing them together, to hang out with each other. 


That caused Jimin to start losing interest in Minjeong. Jimin was really attracted to Minjeong but it slowly faded and Jimin found herself not wishing to see Minjeong anymore. 


It just became a little too pressuring, suffocating..


Minjeong and Jimin's texts exchange consists of,


"Hey, my mom cooked something, are you in the house?"


"Hey, your mom's order came earlier, just ring the doorbell if you'll take it."


"Happy birthday Minjeong!"


"Happy birthday Jimin."


"Merry Christmas! :)"


"Happy new year! ^^" 


And all of these texts were just because their parents told them to. They're really pushing this agenda.


Especially after Jimin and Minjeong graduated in high school. Their parents wouldn't stop teasing them. There were times that Minjeong's mom would invite Jimin's family over for dinner and their parents won't stop talking how Minjeong and Jimin would look good together if they're dating. 


A week after Jimin's graduation when her mom asked her to come with Minjeong on getting their voter's ID. It's just the right time they should do it but Jimin didn't expect they have to do it together. Minjeong had just came home for vacation too so basically, there's no reason for Jimin to avoid the awkward day with Minjeong.


This time, Jimin didn't put so much effort dressing up. She's planning to get her ID and go home early so she just wore plain denim jeans and her favorite black shirt.


When she walked out of her house, she saw Minjeong in denim jeans too and white shirt, holding a black umbrella while waiting by the gate.


Oh fate, you gotta be kidding me.


There they go, looking like a couple as they walk together on their way out of the subdivision. It's not even just in Jimin's head, one person passing by praised them for looking good together. 


Fascinating thing though, Jimin doesn't need to worry about sunlight because Minjeong is holding the umbrella for her. Jimin is the tallest among the siblings so she's usually the one who holds the umbrella for her sisters. Minjeong.. is not taller that Jimin but she insisted to hold it for the two of them.


Isn't that sweet?


It's just that there's supposed to be some distance between them but Minjeong keeps pulling her closer and soon, the girl is already wrapping her arm around Jimin's shoulder.


No one have done this to Jimin in her whole life. 


Hopefully, the sunlight is enough to hide the blush on Jimin's face.


"Is the office too far?" Minjeong asks casually. Jimin nods slowly and looks at her, they met each other's eyes and that--for Jimin, was too nerve-wracking. She didn't realize Minjeong's eyes were this cute, glistening with her cheeks looking so fluffy.


Jimin wanted to pinch those cute cheeks.


"Yeah. I've only been there twice, actually." Jimin says, internally praising herself for being able to stay sane in this awkward encounter.


From what she heard, Minjeong is a quiet kid. But that day proved them wrong.


When they got in a cab, Minjeong started talking about so many things such as their similarities, hobbies, and what Jimin wants to take for college.


This is almost like a blind date.


"You like playing battleground right?" Minjeong asks, Jimin is just looking across on the road, the cab driver doesn't seem to care but the atmosphere inside the car has too much pressure for Jimin. Pressure to think of something to talk about. 


Then again, Minjeong is doing well at initiating their conversations. 




"How did you know?" Jimin glanced a bit on the person next to her but Minjeong was staring at her so she quickly avoided her eyes. Jimin can't explain how that small bit of a moment made her insides burn in fluttery.


"Your mom told my mom and my mom told me." Minjeong said with a chuckle, Jimin couldn't help but to chuckle along because,


"Same here, my mom talks about you a lot." She said with the now found comfort on talking to Minjeong. 


"Well, if you want, we can play together some time." Minjeong said, smiling at her. There's just something in Minjeong's presence that while they talk, even though Jimin wants to avoid it.. she just can't stop appreciating Minjeong's features.


Jimin only realized now that Minjeong's hair is so perfect, dark brown and naturally soft. 


She must be crazy. Jimin's mother always said she has the most beautiful hair but how can the person with the most beautiful hair think that someone else has the perfect hair?


It's probably because Jimin still has a crush on Minjeong. 


Someone save her. She might end up touching Minjeong's hair, or Minjeong's cheek, or Minjeong's lips, or Minjeong's arm--


Of course she didn't touch it, any of it. She just felt Minjeong's hair strands brushing against her arm at one point in during their ride.


Was it because the cab is too small that they're too close? No, it's actually because Minjeong is sitting so close to her, saying she often gets car sickness. 


"Sure! I'll tell you my username later?" Jimin smiled back and Minjeong nodded. Just before they go down into another awkward silence, Minjeong started talking again.


"You're attending the university at the city, right?" Minjeong asks and Jimin nodded this time. Yes, Jimin is.


She heard about Minjeong living here in the province for good though. One ironic thing that when she's about to go live at the city, Minjeong will be here to stay in town. Maybe they aren't meant to hang out too much.


"I'm looking for an apartment now though. My classmates said they had a hard time looking for one." 


Jimin heard Minjeong humming before responding, "You can stay at my house.. I mean, I can ask my mom. That way you won't need to go around the city looking for a place to stay at."


For real? Jimin looks at her, scanning her eyes. She can't believe Minjeong is doing this, if she's serious..


Minjeong grins at her. "What? Stop staring at me." Minjeong said, looking away from her. Jimin did too, she just realized she'd been staring and that's when she started blushing. 


Just then, she heard Minjeong chuckling, "I meant uh.. just think about it. No one really lives there aside from me."


Jimin smiles and lowers her head for a moment to try suppressing any more of her foolish in love kind of smile. "I'll talk to my mom.. If it's your house then I might need more stuff for myself. You know, living alone ." She explains and Minjeong seems to understand.


They got their IDs fast and really have gotten closer as time passed by that they're together. Jimin's initial plan to take her ID and go home seemed to have been forgotten.


When they walked out of the office, Jimin looked around though she didn't know why she's doing it. Minjeong chuckles while watching her. 


"Where do you wanna go next?" Minjeong asks her, they're currently at the urban part of the town so there are some places they could go. Jimin just can't decide what she wants do since Minjeong doesn't really know anything about the vicinity. 


"We can walk around then get something to eat?" Jimin answers--more like a question again and that got Minjeong laughing. 


"It's okay, my treat!" Of course it should be your treat. Jimin remembers her mom telling her that Minjeong is rich, rich. 


"You know, if you want, I can show you around the city as payment for you showing me around here." Minjeong tells her and when Jimin took a look at Minjeong's face, the girl has that playful smile on her face again. 


They spent the whole day together without discomfort anymore.


It really was like a blind date. A day spent well and fun. 


For a week since that day, Jimin and Minjeong would exchange text messages at night. 


Messages like:


"Hey, I'm with a friend. Wanna play battleground?"




"Minjeong hi! Are we playing tonight?"


"Hi! Just finished charging, I'm gonna play now."


"Oh okay, I'll be joining after one game."


But that only lasted for a week. 


"Minjeong's mom said she wants Minjeong to study here in town for college." Her mom told her one lunch. Jimin just smiled beause it's the 3rd time her mom told her about it. 


"And I'm going out of town and go to the city. My decision is final, mom. I really love that university and I'm not letting it go." Jimin says, sipping from her glass of water. She's just afraid that her mom would ask her to go to the same university with Minjeong. 


Jimin saw her mom shaking head. She decided to pay attention now since her mom is weirdly smiling. "Minjeong said she would go to your university and maybe.. I

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So.. yes, this would be a one-shot series now.


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gandlafchua #1
Chapter 1: I should have read the comments before reading. It hurts aaa
284 streak #2
Chapter 2: wow naman sa fluff pero bitin chapter 😆🤭 pero okay na to kesa sa maging sadtlayf tayo skskkskks 🤧 more fluff po tor juseyo 🙏
284 streak #3
Chapter 1: tor mali atang binasa ko to sa umaga 🥹 bakit ko ba kasi ginawa yun 🥲 lol
1196 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥺
Chapter 3: 😭💔 them being denied for 5 times in a row 😭😭
sana talaga mapagbigyan na sila ang sakit ramdam ko yung will ni win na magkaron na ng baby, kaso di na naman napagbigyan
729 streak #6
Chapter 3: 🤍🤍🤍🤍✨
eunmin143 #7
Chapter 3: sana next time try naman nila ivf para sure na hehe.. si winter magdala para mabaliw si kat sa pagbabago ni winter na usually tahimik lang hahaha
75 streak #8
Chapter 3: I enjoyed this so much, 'tor! I love the kind of relationship they have here. They are open and contented with each other. 🤧
18 streak #9
Chapter 3: Sa lahat ng pinagdaanan nila, di pa pala tapos yung sakit 🤧
wnddmks_ 697 streak #10
Chapter 3: Hay, masakit na naman osup ko buti nalang mag-asawa na sila dito jusq hindi pa nga lang nabiyayaan ng baby pwede ba ako na lang