Skin, Wings, Fangs, Scales
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“Are you sure this is safe, Moon?” 


Moon Byul could not help but roll her eyes. “Oh, come on, 53. What are you so afraid of?” This was not the time to back out, she thought. 


“I can't guarantee you'll handle me with care.”


“Even a gumiho can be gentle.” Moon Byul stretched out her hand. “If you're scared, then I'll take it slow.” 


For some reason she did not understand, Yerim felt her heart skip a beat. She gulped and entrusted herself to the gumiho. 


“Hold on,” Moon Byul warned. She held Agent 53 close, giving her hamstrings enough support.


Yerim closed her eyes, both her arms wrapped around the gumiho's neck. “If anything happens to me, you'll answer to Chief Park.”


Moon Byul brushed the words off with an amused smirk. She gave the mountain ahead of them a good look. 3,101 meters huh? Not too tall, not too far away. Taking a deep breath, she turned to 53.


“Try not to scream if it gets rough. The purpose of this whole thing is to sneak in by surprise.” 


“Just get on with it,” Yerim urged. May as well get going before she loses all her courage. 




After a moment of placing her weight on her legs, Moon Byul leapt into the air. A big rock one hundred feet within the mountain received her inertia, forming a crack in the process. 


There was only one phrase Yerim could use to describe the current situation; strange as hell. All she knew was that the fox spirit had strength that could split boulders with a hit. Yet not even a single scuffle could be heard despite their rigorous ascend. 


“You okay back there, human?” Moon Byul stepped foot on a big tree branch, launching herself again.


“Hmm.” Yerim found it impossible to utter the words without feeling like throwing up.


“We're almost there,” the gumiho stated. One more jump and they'll reach the territory.


“Taeyeon!” Eric gruffed as he watched his sister stand near the mountain's edge.


Taeyeon snapped towards her brother, her eyes a purple blade against his skull. “What!?”


“What are you doing?!” Eric gave Taeyeon a harsh glare that accompanied his question. 


“I thought I heard something!” Taeyeon listened for the sound she picked up on earlier and failed. “What do you want?!” 


Eric growled at his sister's response. “Why are you yelling?! We're only a few feet apart!” His eyes glowed a brighter shade of green, bright enough for Taeyeon to recognize. 


Taeyeon placed both hands on her hips. “You yelled at me first, !” Her brother was the porch of the cabin, adamant and rude as ever. 


“Whatever!” Eric crossed his arms. “Just get over here! The moon is about to start rising!” 


“Tss..” Taeyeon rolled her eyes and marched with abrupt steps towards the cabin. Her eyes sparkled as she walked past the rows of monkshood and growing clovers planted side by side. She directed her gaze towards two of Eric's armed men and tasked them, “Watch the plants until the moon sets.” 


“Yes, Miss Taeyeon,” answered the buff men as they diverted ways to keep eye on the garden. 


Taeyeon continued inside the cabin, the sight of her brothers talking welcoming her. 


“You mean we can make a deadlier species of the clover?” Eric's tone was upbeat, amidst the fact that he was running out of time tonight.  


Taehyung nodded his head as confirmation. He glanced over the plants and papers spread across his wooden desk. “We can cross breeds. It should be possible with the help of Taeyeon's magic.” 


“I'm all for it, but..” Taeyeon interrupted, her eyes narrowed with judgement. “It's beginning,” she stated after noticing her brother's emerald eyes were tainted with lime. 


“Of all the times..” Eric groaned. He strode toward the fireplace and grabbed the chains which two iron beams above it held. 


Taehyung uttered a sigh before taking the chains under his desk, next to his feet. 


The siblings strolled outside of the cabin through the backdoor. As they went down the short stairs, Eric felt his heart pulse into a faster beat. 


“Better hurry..” he mumbled. 


Taeyeon began chanting as her brothers stood with their backs turned to two metal columns. This was her opportunity to test her magic and the strength of the steel she buried in the earth herself. As she casted a strengthening spell for the chains, she began cuffing the men's arms and shackling their feet. The iron bound the brothers to the post, restricting their movement. 


“Just in time,” Taeyeon remarked. The moon's glow had graced the cabin's roof with a silver light.


“Why did we stop, Moon?” Yerim felt the gumiho halt after moments of climbing. 


“It seems like someone up there is able to hear us. We need to be cautious.” 


“Well, is that person gone now?” Yerim figured they were a long way from the flat ground. But she had no intention of finding out just how far. She could not even open her eyes. “Can we keep going?” 


Moon Byul chuckled. The human's skin brushed against her neck had grown cold. Whether it was out of fear or the high altitude, she had no idea. Yet she could tell that 53 was determined to get things done. 


“Why are you laughing, Moon?” Yerim grumbled. “I swear to God, if you think of anything—” 


“I won't harm you, if that's what you're thinking,” Moon Byul insisted. “I was only reminded of the times when I used to climb mountains alongside my father.” 




“That's why he named the village Yǒngdēng before Hangeul came about. Forever ascending.”


“Wait, what? What—” 


“Enough of the small talk. Let's continue,” Moon Byul interrupted. 


“Hmph..” Yerim growled in defeat and accepted the gumiho's decision. 


Once Moon Byul reached the mountain's summit, she came to realize how accurate 83's report was. 


“The terrain there is flat and the soil is fertile. It was as if someone had cut the mountain to make way for structures.” 


“Structures?” Chief Park's forehead was creased enough at the earlier revelation. “What structures, 83?”


“A cabin. The plants were in front of it, and there were aspen trees further beyond the cabin.” 

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whitefur #1
Chapter 13: They really need to be locked in a room together and talk it out fr....looking forward the next chaps!
whitefur #2
Chapter 4: Oh my....
whitefur #3
Chapter 2: Hmm yongsun is such a tsundere
51 streak #4
Chapter 13: The past tense in Yongs 'I loved you' really hurts..
The story is so good!
mypublicprivacy #5
Chapter 13: damn I love this story so far! I'm looking forward to your future work!
431 streak #6
Chapter 13: Omg i want to just lock them both in a room until they properly talk it out 😤
51 streak #7
Chapter 12: Oh this is getting more and more interesting now!
431 streak #8
Chapter 11: Just caught up and this is really really interesting even though i have so many questions lol... So many mysteries 👀
imotterlygay #9
Chapter 11: this story is so interesting