Better = Tiffany

You Could Do Better
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Tiffany’s POV



Fridays. Everyone loved Fridays right? Whether you were a student or a working citizen like me because it meant that it was the end of the week and beginning of a freedom and relaxing weekend.


Well, this Friday wasn’t the typical day. It was hectic and full of meetings in office. I mean, who does that? I have one person in mind, *cough* my boss *cough* but I would rather not get into that since I didn’t want to further ruin my Friday.


I collected my things from my desk, quickly bid my goodbyes to my colleagues and ran out to the front of the building where Taeyeon was waiting. I instantly spotted her standing outside, slightly leaning on the passenger side of her car and looking down on her phone. As I got closer, she looked up and smile as soon as she saw me.


“Finally! I was about to text you and leave.” Taeyeon said.


I smiled apologetically. “Hi Tae! I’m so sorry, I got held back with the last meeting and I didn’t know it was gonna go over an hour. I wouldn’t even be mad if you did leave.”


“Fany-ah, I was just kidding. You could’ve taken another hour and I’d still be here waiting. I said I would, didn’t I? And besides, how are you going to get home?”


“Uhm, you know public transportation exists right?”


Taeyeon scoffed. “And you know I don’t like you taking them by your self, right?”


I was born in California and moved to South Korea when I was 16 to study. I didn’t know anyone nor my way around the city of Seoul. I got lost on my way to the University on the first day and that was how Taeyeon and I met. Ever since then, we became best friends and eventually roommates. She taught me mostly everything I needed to know to survive in this country but up to this day, she refused to let me take any public transportations on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I was not completely clueless. I had a car and knew how to drive but it was at the mechanic shop for a week and Taeyeon offered to drive me to and from work in the mean time.


“That was one time, Tae! I didn’t know how much the fare was and it wasn’t my fault I fell asleep.” I countered, remembering the time a taxi driver took advantage of my naiveness and overpaid.


“One time and will be the last time. You have me so you don’t need to take them alright? Now if you don’t have anything else, please get in the car.”


I shook my head and she opened the car door for me to get in. I playfully stuck my tongue out at her and she smiled while whispering “childish” as she closed the door. She got on the driver’s seat and asked me if I have anywhere else to go.


“No, it’s Friday and I’m free!” I cheered. “I’m starving though, I didn’t have a proper meal for lunch since I was busy the whole day, do you want to get dinner before we head home?”


“Uhm, I actually have plans tonight.” Taeyeon said.


“You didn’t tell me that this morning. Where at and with whom?”


Most of the time, Taeyeon and I knew each other’s schedules. We shared a calendar in our phones after all and we always updated each other about anything.


“I’m hanging out with Heize, we’re going on a date to have dinner and watch a movie afterwards.”


“Oh.” I paused.


When I didn’t say anything else, Taeyeon glanced over at my direction with her eyebrow raised.


“Oh?” She asked. “Let me guess, you don’t like this one for me either?”


I didn’t know whether it’s a pro or a con in knowing each other for a long time but Taeyeon always seemed to know what I was thinking even without saying anything.


“It’s not that. I just think you could do better, you know?”


“And you said the same thing on the previous ones I dated.”


“And I said what I said. I’m just looking out for my best friend, you deserved someone who will take care of you, love you unconditionally and can vibe with your weird personality.”


The traffic light turned green so Taeyeon looked away and continued driving again. I swear I heard her mumble something but I couldn’t hear nor understand what she said.


After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again. “I appreciate your concern and kind words Fany. But I think this one is different. Heize and I actually have a lot in common and she’s really nice and I’m starting to like her more. Please support me?”


I could hear the sincerity in her voice and it almost sounded like she was begging for my approval. I didn’t want to upset Taeyeon and ruin her night so I nodded. “Of course boo, I’ll support you always, you know this.”


“Thanks Fany-ah, it means a lot coming from you. Besides my family, you’re the only person who I care about the most and your opinion and say matters to me.” Taeyeon reached for my hand to squeeze it and I smiled in return. She didn’t let go until she dropped me off at our apartment.


We were in college when Taeyeon told me that she was only romantically interested with girls. She dated a boy in highschool in hopes of thinking she was only confused but when she felt like their relationship was sibling like, she broke up with him and has soon discovered she was 100% just into girls.


Why was I telling you her personal business? Well, Taeyeon actually confessed her feelings for me during our third year of college. I wasn't going to lie, I was taken a back. She said she decided to confess because she thought I felt the same way. At the time, I thought about the dynamic of our relationship and from the outside looking in, people could’ve mistaken that our relationship was more than just best friends.


But it was never more.


I told her I was straight and only saw her as a friend and I apologized a hundred times. I was scared that our friendship will be over but to my surprise, Taeyeon was fine with it. We continued to be friends and I was glad that things didn’t get awkward between the two of us. Well at first it kind of did, I was careful of the skin-ship and was holding back on things we used to do together but Taeyeon, being the most understanding friend, noticed it right away and told me to act like how I used to because nothing has changed and that she’d get over her feelings for me. And I thought she did because a few months after, I started dating a guy from my business class and she started dating a girl from her organization. We had always been supportive to whom we were dating and had always been by each other’s side during break ups.


Taeyeon was not as opinionated as I was when it came to our significant others. She would only say “As long as your happy” or “I will beat the out of him if he breaks your heart” which thank God she didn’t have to do because it was always me who ended things with my past boyfriends.


I didn’t know what it was, really. I’ve dated different types of men but for some reason, I had this standard that they couldn’t meet. I was on my early 30s and I still couldn’t figure out what it was so I decided to just stay single until then. Not that I was lonely or looking for someone anyway, I was pretty contended with going on friendly dates and sometimes blind dates that my colleagues set up for me but other than that, nothing more. Besides, I had my best friend Taeyeon to keep me company, except on days when she had plans or dates such as tonight.


I ended up calling my other best friend, Sooyoung, whom were also friends with Taeyeon, and I was glad she didn’t have plans with her boyfriend so we hung out at her place for dinner and to catch up.


“What, did Taeyeon-ah have plans or something?” Sooyoung asked.


“What makes you say that?” I asked back.


“Girl, you wouldn’t be calling me on a Friday night to hang out if she didn’t.”


I playfully scoffed in return. “First of all, I’m offended you would even say that. I do call you to hang out all the time.”


“Yeah you do, and 99% of the time is with Taeyeon. Right now is one of the 1% that it’s just the two of us. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset, I like our girl time, I was just asking and based on how defensive you are acting, I’d take it as Taeyeon does have plans.”


Am I really an open book? Why does everyone know what I’m thinking even without saying it today?


“She does. She has a date with that Heize girl.” I said rolling my eyes.


Sooyoung opened the bottle of wine and poured me a glass. “Okaaayyy, do we not like this one too?”


“No we don’t. I’m just annoyed because Taeyeon keeps meeting these girls who are not good enough for her.”


“And how do you know that? Have you met her?”


“I didn’t have to. Taeyeon talks about her sometimes and I’ve seen her Instagram. The girl likes cats and Taeyeon is more of a dog person. She likes to go out partying and Taeyeon is a homebody. Her style is definitely not Taeyeon’s type. I could tell, I’m her best friend after all.”


“Fany those are all just the external stuff you’re seeing in social media, what if she has a great personality and have some things in common with Taeyeon?”


“That’s what Taengoo said. Ugh, I don’t know, I still don’t like it.”


Sooyoung took a sip of her glass and eyed me. “You sound like a jealous girlfriend.”


“Am not! I’m just concern for my best friend okay? She deserves someone better.”


“By someone, do you mean you?” She pushed on.


“Yes! I mean, no not me but someone like me. It can’t be me. I told you many times I’m straight, Soo, and Taeyeon is my best friend and that’s that.”


“Okay, keep telling yourself that Hwang Tiffany. I can’t wait for the day when I will finally say “I told you so” and you ask for my advice.”


“Well, you’re going to have to wait a long time because it will never happen.” I finally said.



A few hours and a couple of bottle of wines later, Sooyoung and I were lounging at her sofa and was watching a kdrama when my phone rang.


It was Taeyeon.


I answered after the second ring. “Hey Tae!”


“Hi Fany! I just got home and you’re not here. Where are you?” She asked.


“I’m at Sooyoung’s, we’re having a girls night. Why are you home already? Did your date not go well?”


“It did and it was fun but I didn’t want to stay out too late because I felt bad leaving you alone on a Friday night.”


“Oh. That was sweet of you Tae but you didn’t have to rush your date because of me. I’m sorry.”


“No need to apologize, Heize had something to do early next morning anyway. What time will you be coming home? I can come get you so Sooyoung doesn’t have to drive out to drop you off.”


My original plan was to sleep over at Sooyoung’s since I thought about giving Taeyeon her space just in case she thought of bringing her date back in our apartment. Not that she has done something like that before but since she said Heize was different, I figured I’d give her their alone time. I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that Taeyeon was thinking about me and chose to be with me after her date.


“You can come get me now, I’ll be ready when you get here.”


“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”


“Okie, drive safe boo!” I hung up after that.


I told Sooyoung about the change of our plans and apologized for leaving her. She gave me a teasing look and before she could say anything, I threw a pillow at her which she dodged.


“You don’t need to explain anything to me Fany, I already know. Of course you have to go home, Taeyeon left her date early for you. She knows her priorities and it’s only a matter of time that you should know yours.”


“You really have a wild imagination, don’t you? Tae was just being considerate of my feelings and felt bad, nothing more.”


“Right. How very considerate of her.” She answered sarcastically.



Not much has changed ever since Taeyeon started dating Heize except less time to hang out with me. There were times when we would only see each other in our home since she spent most of her days off with her. I made a joke about Taeyeon replacing me with Heize because she was taking most of my bestfriend’s time but regretted it right after Taeyeon suggested the three of us to go out for lunch so I could finally meet her. As much as I wanted to decline, I promised Taeyeon I would support her so I agreed which made her happy. I guess seeing her smile made up for it.



I took a half day at work, left the office early and made my way to the restaurant. Taeyeon had to pick up Heize and was going to meet me there. As I parked in the garage, I took a few minutes to retouch my make up and fixed myself. I was meeting my best friend’s girlfriend after all. I mean I was not even sure if they were official since Taeyeon hasn’t referred to Heize as that but the point was, I had to make a strong impression. As I walked in the restaurant, I instantly spotted Taeyeon in a corner table by the window and was fixing the hair of the girl right next to her which I assumed was Heize. I didn’t know why but my mood suddenly changed and I felt annoyed. Before I could fully process what I was feeling, Tae

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Some parts of this story may or may not have been a personal experience of mine. *winks* Hope you guys like it! You know the drill, subscribe/comments/upvotes are appreciated!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: I want moreeeeee
Kezziebitcrazy #2
Chapter 1: Fany!!!
1130 streak #3
Chapter 1: love it and looking for more stories authy 😁😁😁
Chapter 1: Ahhhh this is so sweet and cute and fluffy!
Your story never disappoints! Haahah
Thank you for writing ❤️
1130 streak #5
Finally found you
Chapter 1: I wonder what those parts are! 👀
Great story, as expected!
You Could Do Better...🤭
Chapter 1 Better= Tiffany
I love the title! 😁
It's always a great thing, having a friend like Sooyoung who's observant enough and could read between the lines! 😁
Tiffany haven't really realized she was dropping hints for herself that she's the better one, especially when she said that Tae needs someone who can take care of her, love her unconditionally and can vibe with her weird personality, which is definitely her. 😅
And now comes Heize, and the birthday conflict...
I knew it, that Taeyeon didn't stop loving her, just settling for an unrequited love, as long as Tiffany is happy... 🥺
It's so good that one of them was brave enough to stop their heartaches! 😁
ByunTaeyeon wanting 'it' to be regular and not just occasional did it for me! I knew she was serious!
Thanks for sharing this kind of story!❤️
Chapter 1: That is so cute!! Love the story!
aerolcaroline #8
Can we have morree
Lonelyylily #9
Chapter 1: So cute story autor!
thegloomy11 #10
Chapter 1: Aawww their so sweet