False Alarm

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The cold snap roared in late Monday night, long after they were asleep. They’d gone to bed early after the guests left—in bed by nine, mutual s by ten, and lights out at ten-forty-five, snuggled in together in Seungwan's room—and when they woke up just before five, the temperature had dropped significantly.


Seungwan was thrilled when Joohyun agreed it was too cold to walk the five blocks to the bakery.


Joohyun still protested that it took longer for her car to warm up than it did to drive there, but at least she wasn’t exposed to the biting wind at five-thirty in the morning for longer than she needed to be. By mid-day, the weather had worsened.


Seungwan: Text me when you get home.

Joohyun: I’m already cozy under a blanket, working on my business plan for Q1. I forgot to tell you Bailey Patel had an interesting idea.

Seungwan: I’ll call you after our training meeting this afternoon.


But he didn’t get a chance to call her, because there were two calls back to back before dinner, a car accident that needed fire support and then a carbon monoxide alarm that wouldn’t stop going off in one of Purpletown's few low-slung apartment buildings.


“ty evening to need to evacuate,” Minsoo said.


It was the first thing they’d agreed on in days. Seungwan silently nodded. The volunteer fire brigade was called out to manage the residents, who were temporarily sheltered in the Community Hall basement. By the time they had cleared every apartment, it was nearly ten at night.


Seungwan didn’t even try to call Joohyun, he didn’t want to risk waking her up if she was already asleep.


None of them felt like cooking when they got back, so they all fended for whatever leftovers were easiest to grab. Then Minsoo and Yunho took the recliners, Changmin crashed on the couch, and Seungwan headed downstairs in search of his brother because Baekhyun was working the night shift.


He’d just hit the bottom of the stairs when the alarm sounded. Busy night, he thought as he headed to the garage. Shoes off, step into the boots. Pants up, suspenders over his shoulder. He turned up the radio strapped across his chest, then pulled on his protective hood, then his coat.


By the time he was dressed, the others were in their positions, too. Minsoo vaulted into the driver seat, no sign of the tired old man who’d wanted to rack out on the recliner just ten minutes earlier.


And when Minsoo pulled into the frigid night and asked dispatch for the address, Seungwan was damn glad for that professionalism.


“Pumper 2, this is a retail location. 221 Main Street. General alarm sounding inside a store. Name of the store is Bunny Bake Sale. I repeat, 221—”


Seungwan's blood ran cold. He shot a quick look at Changmin, who nodded back at him, then hit his radio button. “Dispatch, this is Pumper 2’s team lead. One of our firefighter is married to the owner of that building. We may need additional support. ETA in—”


She paused and Minsoo cut in. “Ninety seconds.”


“Understood, Pumper 2.”


The longest ninety seconds of Seungwan's life. It was a general alarm, triggered by the updated system he’d installed for Joohyun when she bought the place. It could be nothing, but if it wasn’t, she would be devastated.


Seungwan would be, too.


Riding backwards in the truck, he couldn’t see the store as they approached, but as soon as Minsoo stopped, Changmin was on the ground. “I’ll circle around to the back.”


Changmin nodded, then approached the front door. “Dispatch, this is Pumper 2. We’ve arrived on site at 221 Main. No signs visible and no one is seen nearby, can you relay more details?”


Seungwan held himself back from racing through the front door, knowing there was a procedure to follow and the best way to help Joohyun would be to follow it.


And he was damn glad his brother was on the radio frequency, too.


“Pumper 2, EMT supervisor is en route to the store owner’s residence and will notify, provide transport. Over.”


“Roger.” Changmi nodded at Seungwan. “Baekhyun's on it.”


From the back of the building, Changmin checked in. “No sign of smoke or heat. Possible false alarm. Should we wait for the owner?”<

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1692 streak #1
Chapter 20: [One awful marriage later, and she felt fragile as over a bit of water damage. She'd started to think the one very happy marriage- deliberately constructed to protect her!-would counterbalance the toxic past, but here she sat feeling shattered, so apparently it wasn't that easy.]
- this line, it really shown how badly traumatic person viewing life can be after get out of toxic relationship.

Like, RV's psycho is a good song but you CANNOT idealize or want your relationship like the lyrics.

The scum positively envy Joohyun who now has turn around completely, a good husband, a best friend, a whole community accepting and helping her.

Whatever he wrote to Seungwan, I hope it can become evidence to sue or locking him up. Possibly the leaking pipe incident is his doing too.
Chapter 20: I was about to say 'Wth is wrong with him?' only to realize that everything that i learned about him is wrong. His existence is an anomaly to humanity. Such breathing Red Flags shouldn't breathe at all. Wahh it's been a while since i have been mad at a fanfic character. He nailed that part really well. You did great writing his character btw. I hate people especially Men who treats other people like they're trash. I dunno what Sehun wants but maybe seungwan is right and he still want to mess with her mentally. It's like if i can't have you, you can't have her or in joohyun's case, it is "You will go down and no one will want you but me", kind of mentality. Although, he is messing up with other women. Maybe he like joohyun the most because he controls her the best compared to other women he has bedded??? If so, then him. He deserves the pits of hell. And maybe joohyun being a high rank officer does well to bloat his ego since she became submissive to him. Argh! Just thinking about it hurts my heart for her. Joohyun deserves to be treated better glad that she got seungwan now to fill in the gaps
Chapter 19: 🥺 A close knit community joohyun didn't get to have. The town may be small but they got each other and that's the only thing that matters. It's like having a family and a friend
Chapter 20: Arghh that jerk😡
lastwaterbender #5
Chapter 20: Now we get to the conflicts. It’s so well written authornim. I love your work!
wandawanda21 #6
Chapter 18: Holy..... It's been long since I get this type of familiar(?) fuzzy feeling for a story, kudos author! I'M OBSESSED.
Chapter 18: It's great that she's opening herself more, relying on Seungwan now and took his opinion into consideration. I hope seungwan wouldn't do something to destroy that trust that joohyun has given him.
lastwaterbender #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update author-nim. So happy you’re back!
1692 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh, this is wonderful surprise! Thank you for updating, I love how they manage good quality time in their busy schedule. Also, Joohyun rely on Seungwan more~ cute~
22 streak #10
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update authornim!😁