Ridiculous Redundancy

If I'm Not in Love with You
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Chanyeol’s final exams were next week, and whenever he tried to study at the library, he could only stay for less than five minutes because the gazes from the other students would drive him away. They weren’t making so many remarks now, but the staring was impossible to stand. People knew who he was now, but he wasn’t sure if it was quite flattering with being dubbed as just “Do Kyungsoo’s boyfriend, Chanyeol.” Passersby would turn and look at him in ridiculous redundancy. But then again, considering it had already been literally a week, he shouldn’t even be affected at this point. Was this the impression he would leave behind after he graduated next month?


He glared at the newest flyers on the bulletin boards. This time, it even had a stolen picture of the two of them together walking towards his Camaro. Chanyeol angrily pulled at them one by one and threw them to the nearest trash.


“Tsk, tsk, tsk...”


He turned around in rage.


Woo Bin was grinning at him, his back leaning on the opposite wall. He was enjoying watching Chanyeol get all riled up. “Still not over your fifteen minutes of fame?”


Chanyeol’s scowl grew even deeper as Woo Bin walked over and put an arm around his shoulders. “You know, you should feel so lucky, but then, I foresee that this notoriety would last only for another day or so... I’m surprised it even reached the end of the week.” He gave Chanyeol a condescending once over, sneering. “Honestly, I don’t know what Kyungsoo saw in you. You must know some damn good tricks in bed...”


Chanyeol pushed Woo Bin away in seethe and the frat leader was about to retaliate when Jongin arrived to intervene, trying to keep both furious guys at two arms’ length, while several spectators circled around in suspense.


Suddenly, the Dean appeared and the crowd suddenly evaporated, leaving only Woo Bin, Chanyeol and Jongin in the halls.


“What’s going on here?” The Dean demanded.


“N-Nothing, Dr. Song. J-Just a misunderstanding,” Woo Bin explained, glaring at Chanyeol, who glared back.


The Dean wasn’t satisfied with that account of the situation. He looked at both young men warily, and then at Jongin, who quickly lowered his gaze and was holding Chanyeol back to distance him from his antagonist. Then the Dean’s eyes settled dangerously on Woo Bin. “I’m warning you, Kim Woo Bin. One more toe out of line and you can kiss your courtesy diploma and your fraternity brotherhood goodbye.”


Woo Bin’s eyes widened, clearing his throat. “Yes, sir,” he replied quietly.


And when the Dean turned to leave, Woo Bin directed a whispered vulgarity to the older man’s back and turned sharply to Chanyeol. “Later, nerd,” he threatened under his breath as he left himself.


He didn’t blink as he watched Woo Bin turn to a corner, his hands forming into tight fists. Jongin patted Chanyeol at the back to calm him down. “H-Hey, Yeol... relax... Don’t let him get to you.”


Chanyeol sighed deeply and closed his eyes. He didn’t know how much more of this he could take.


“Where are you headed?” Jongin asked nervously, as Chanyeol was starting to walk away.


“To the printing press,” he answered, not even bothering to turn around.


Jongin ran to catch up with him. “I’ll come with you, bro. There’s no meeting with the paper, anyway.”


Chanyeol didn’t answer, but he was actually glad that he had at least one ally at his side. After a while, he asked, “Where’s Baekhyun?”


“She’s doing a project for her class so I’ll probably see her tonight. Have you studied for the finals yet?”


Chanyeol only shrugged in response. He pushed open the printing press’ doors as he and his friend entered. Chanyeol wordlessly got his claiming stub out and waited while the representative showed him and Jongin the finished product.


Jongin grinned as he saw the 30x72 poster with the cast’s pictures and the inserts. “Wow! That’s amazing! I love this white embossment!” he enthused, squeezing Chanyeol’s shoulder. “I think this is your best yet!”


The young assistant grinned, proceeding to rolling the prototype along with the one-hundred and ninety-nine others and wrapping them in manila paper. “If I was doing a poster with my beautiful girlfriend as the star of the play, I’d definitely show it off!”


Chanyeol thoughtlessly rolled his eyes. “Very funny, Haechan.” He got the posters and gave a little wave to the younger kid. Jongin did the same thing as he hurried to follow Chanyeol out the door.


He had promised to give an answer now to Professor Hwang and he was nearing the auditorium. What should he do? He didn’t want to upset Kyungsoo but he also noticed that the props department was too tacky, and this was Miss Saigon. He even dreamed of some great ideas that would help the make-shift balcony and the walls and the helicopter sample look even more realistic. He really would love to help, but what about...?


Then he turned to his best friend, raising an eyebrow. “W-What are you doing going to the auditorium?”


Jongin scratched his head. “I’m

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49 streak #1
Chapter 2: Being invisible had its perks such as Chanyeol not having to embarass himself so badly. She is stunning but the boy forgot how to breath for a minute or two.

Now they have something connecting them. Chanyeol is visibke and he better use that to his advantage!
49 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo is so pretty and kind, no surprise Chanyeol fell for her. All these years it must be hard to hide his feelings, especially simce they share the same class.

Maybe he can combine the task with something he loves and write a poem about Kyungsoo? Though his poems are a disasters maybe for her he would put in some effort.
ahzeeee #3
Already read it when its posted on A03, just wanna say thankyou for always bringing these wonderful stories for us at every fest!