
Thank you to all of the girls (and boys) you loved before
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“Tell me about them,” Jimin suddenly asks. She sits up straight on the bed, back resting against the headboard. The sun isn't quite up yet but the two have risen earlier than planned no thanks to their neighbour’s dog barking at god knows what at five in the morning. 


Minjeong rubs her eyes sleepily. She's not quite sure what her girlfriend is asking. Her brain hasn't restarted. It's still in sleep mode. 


“Who’s them?” She asks groggily. 


“Your exes.” 


Well, that certainly wakes Minjeong up. She side eyes her girlfriend, questioningly, because why is that her first thought in the morning? They haven't even had their coffee yet. 


“Baby,” Minjeong croaks and then clears . She brings herself in a sitting position, legs crossed as she faces a grinning Jimin. “It’s not even six in the morning. Did I do something for you to ask about them?”


Don't get Minjeong wrong. It's not like she doesn't want to talk about her exes. Past is past. They have even talked about their past lovers in passing. It's just really odd that Jimin is asking about them when the birds aren't even chirping yet. It makes Minjeong think about what they were talking about the night before. She tries to recall if any of their conversation even mentioned past lovers or anything from the past that Minjeong might have accidentally blurted an ex-lover’s name but nothing comes to mind. The last thing Minjeong remembers is that one episode they watched on Animal Planet about scrotum frogs being native to Lake Titicaca. 


Jimin shakes her head and crawls the tiny distance between her and Minjeong to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. “Just curious.”




“About the losers who let you go.” Jimin snorts at Minjeong's reaction — like she can't believe that's her only reason for asking. So Jimin placates the annoyance out of her girlfriend by smothering her face with kisses (to hell with morning breath) in between giggles. “Babe, I promise it's nothing serious. I’m genuinely curious.” 


“Alright…” Minjeong says, still suspicious about the topic of their Sunday morning discussion. “But can we eat first? Or at least have coffee? I need a clear head for this.” 


“I’ll cook your favourite,” Jimin promises, pulling Minjeong out of the bed. She picks up her shorts that's folded on one of the chairs and chucks out her nightgown for an oversized shirt. Jimin also tosses Minjeong's shorts towards her. “I’ll even brew your coffee just the way you like it.”


Minjeong perks up at that. “Really?” 


“Yes, we got time for your fancy schamncy coffee.” Jimin winks. 


Minjeong hisses as soon as she comes out of their bedroom. Winter has been unforgiving this year, the snow storm hitting Seoul just last night. The outside looks absolutely magical blanketed in white, like they're in their own snow globe. But it only looks nice. Minjeong very much prefers to stay indoors where she can wrap herself in her comforter like a burrito. 


She runs back to their bedroom to grab a cardigan. When she gets to the kitchen, she looks at her girlfriend who doesn't even seem affected by the cold. They're total opposites. 


Minjeong tries to help cook but Jimin only swats her hand away when she reaches for the cutting board. “Just sit your pretty little on the chair and tell me about your exes while I cook.” 


Rolling her eyes, Minjeong follows her girlfriend albeit reluctantly. “Fine. But I’ll only start talking after I get food in my tummy.” 


“Alright. Should be done in no time.”


Jimin traipses around the kitchen like a choreograph, muscle memory kicking in. She cooks as she brews Minjeong's coffee at the same time. And Minjeong only watches her girlfriend fondly, her smile never leaving her face as she listens to Jimin whistle with glee. It's a sight that she's locked in memory — an archive of Sunday mornings with Jimin. 


“I don’t know how you have so much energy this early in the morning,” Minjeong muses. They slept last night, way too engrossed about scrotum frogs. 


“I think it helps that you are the first thing I see in the morning, babe.” Jimin flirts shamelessly as she scoops kimchi eggs in Minjeong's plate. And even after almost two years of dating and five months of living together, Minjeong still finds herself nursing butterflies in her stomach. 


It's definitely not hunger. It's Jimin. 


And Jimin loves to see Minjeong scrunch her face in fake disgust. She knows how Minjeong is when she flirts with her and despite the feign annoyance in her face, Minjeong loves that Jimin is so shameless with her feelings for Minjeong.


So when Jimin puts down Minjeong's coffee in front of her, Minjeong reciprocates the feeling with a kiss and a praise for making her favourites. 


*Thank you, baby,” Minjeong says as she gobbles up the kimchi eggs. “Best kimchi eggs ever.” 


“Alright, let's start.” Jimin didn't even waste any more time. 


Minjeong had to roll her eyes at her girlfriend’s enthusiasm. Why she's so excited to hear about her exes, she doesn't know. Others wouldn't even want to be reminded that their partner has loved someone else before them. 


But Jimin is Jimin and Minjeong loves her in all ways. 


“Okay, what do you want to know?” 


“I don't know, just tell me anything about them. You’ve had five right? Start from the very beginning.”


Minjeong's first relationship was when she was 16. It's been more than ten years. But she nods at her girlfriend's request anyway.


“Well, you know Ryujin.” Jimin nods. Ryujin is a common friend. As a matter of fact, Minjeong and Ryujin are still friends to this day. Jimin knows that Minjeong and Ryujin dated in high school but she also wants to know why it never worked out. “She was my first girlfriend and it was really nothing.”


“Nothing?” Jimin questions. “What do you mean?” 


“We dated for experience,” Minjeong answers nonchalantly. “We were 16 and somehow everyone around us was dating and we wanted to know what it was like. Found out that we didn't click like that.”


“So you broke up just like that?” 


Minjeong shakes her head, taking a sip of her coffee. “Well, yes and no? We wanted to make it work but we were both really young to understand what we wanted. I was controlling and she was jealous. It didn't work out. We lasted a good two months.” 


It seems so foreign to Jimin — Minjeong being controlling. Because she's anything but. She can hardly believe that her girlfriend whom she’s always known to be understanding used to be controlling. 


“I find it hard to believe that you were controlling. You're so…not.”


“Baby, I grew up.” Minjeong chuckles. “Like I said, I didn't know what it was like to be in a relationship. We were kids!” 


“You're right. And I’m glad I never get to see that.” Jimin smiles. She knows Minjeong is not perfect even though she thinks that her girlfriend is like a walking saint. She's never heard her girlfriend stop her from doing what she wants. If anything, Minjeong is the one who encourages her to do things, especially when she's in doubt. 


So it's odd to hear that Minjeong wasn't always so considerate. 


“I’m a changed woman, baby,” Minjeong jokes. “And anyway, everything about my relationship with Ryujin was childish. I don't think I could ever be that way with you.” 


“Yeah, I can't see it either.” Jimin agrees. “Do you want more, babe?” Jimin gets up to get more before Minjeong could even answer and even scoops hot rice to her plate. It's something Jimin has observed since they started living together. Minjeong almost always eats her first serving without rice like it's an appetizer. And she always eats a heavy breakfast because Minjeong forgets to eat lunch from being too busy, which Jimin dislikes. Minjeong is working on changing this habit. 


They settle once again on their dining table. Minjeong pours Jimin a glass of water before she dives into her plate again. 


“Anyway, continue,” Jimin reminds Minjeong of her storytelling. “Who was the next loser to let you go?” 


“Baby!” Minjeong playfully slaps Jimin’s thigh which only made Jimin laugh even more. 


“I’m kidding!” 


“They weren't always the problem, you know?” Minjeong defends because she's dated some really great people, too. Like her second relationship. “I was also at fault.” 


“Okay, okay but I still stand by it that they're losers because they lost you and I have you now.”


God, where does Jimin even get the ability to smooth talk her into talking about her exes? 


Minjeong only bites her lip to stop herself from smiling because yes, that kind of works on her. 


“Jimin!” She whines instead, trying to fight the blush creeping up her neck.


“Okay, sorry, I’ll shut up. But you, you continue with your story.” 


Minjeong leans back, making herself comfortable. She tak

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Just something short and sweet. Hope you all enjoy!


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Coleeee #1
Chapter 1: Now I'm curious with the Minju one, all the other exes got a reason on why the break up happened. Minju on the other hand, just wake up one day and decided she does not love Minjeong anymore? That's very suspicious.
Chapter 1: Waaahhhh can't stop myself from smiling while reading this goodnesss!
2186 streak #3
Chapter 1: They are so adorableee
Chapter 1: CUTE
728 streak #5
Chapter 1: 🤍🥰
Elatedbliss #6
Chapter 1: Beautiful! 🥰
Chapter 1: This is sooo cute 🥰
284 streak #8
Chapter 1: and that would go the same as "everything happens for a reason" ☺️😌 thank you for this otornim! 🥰
Chapter 1: Hngg ☹️✨💕
This is love
Me tearing up on the train.
Such a good read!

You dont have to find love, it’ll come to you. In fact sometimes it’s there and how Jimin is patient enough to wait and be there for Minjeong after her last break up.

Godh.. dating in the 30s huh hmm
Chapter 1: hehehe luckily she become better person