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In the grandeur of Victorian England, societal structures were as rigid as the corsets that cinched the waists of high-born ladies. The upper class reigned supreme, their every move scrutinized by the prying eyes of an aristocratic society that reveled in appearances. In this realm of opulence and stringent norms, Winter stood as a beacon of beauty and grace.

Winter, with her auburn locks cascading like a waterfall of copper, and eyes that mirrored the mysteries of a hidden realm, held court among the elite. The whispers that followed her every step likened her to a goddess descended from the heavens. Her dance card filled with suitors eager to catch even the briefest glimpse of her ethereal presence.

Voices echoed through lavish ballrooms, proclaiming the splendor of Winter's beauty. Admirers courted her with words steeped in flattery, yet little did they know that her heart harbored a secret, a clandestine love that defied the very fabric of their structured society.

On the other side of this aristocratic tapestry was Karina, a lady equally esteemed in the upper echelons of society. Not for her physical beauty, but for the enchanting melody she wove on the piano. Her nimble fingers danced across the ivory keys, creating symphonies that transcended the limitations of language. The ballrooms hushed to a respectful silence whenever her hands graced the instrument, earning her a place among the elite.

While both Winter and Karina were sought after by a parade of suitors, none could fathom the true nature of their desires. The society, enchanted by the illusion of grandeur, failed to perceive the silent glances exchanged between the two women, the unspoken language of their hearts.

Amidst the glittering chandeliers and sweeping gowns, Winter and Karina moved through the dance of propriety, concealing the tender bond that flourished between them. The allure of societal expectations masked the truthโ€”their hearts beat in unison, a secret melody that played beneath the surface of the grand masquerade.

Little did the high society know that within the gilded cage of their expectations, the tragedy of forbidden love was silently unfolding, setting the stage for a tale that would challenge the very foundations of Victorian propriety.


The clock in the private chamber chimed softly, marking the fleeting moments as the maids exited, leaving Karina and Winter in a cocoon of privacy. The room, adorned with the finest tapestries and bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, became the sanctuary where their love unfolded.

As the door clicked shut, Karina turned to Winter with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Finally, some solitude," she said, her voice a soft melody that resonated with affection. Winter's cheeks flushed, a delicate bloom of rosy hues as she returned Karina's gaze.

Karina approached with a grace matched only by the subtle rustling of her gown. "You, my love, are more enchanting than the moonlit night," she whispered, reaching out to cup Winter's face with tenderness.

Winter's gaze met Karina's, the unspoken language between them echoing through the chamber. "And you, my dearest, are the melody that plays in the depths of my heart," she replied, a warmth infusing her words.

With a gentle sway, Karina pulled Winter into an embrace, the scent of roses and lavender enveloping them. "Your beauty eclipses the stars," Karina murmured, her lips brushing against Winter's ear.

Winter's laughter danced through the room like a delicate sonnet. "And your touch is the sweet refrain that lingers in my soul," she confessed, her fingers tracing the delicate pattern of Karina's gown.

The table, adorned with delicate teas and cakes, stood as a witness to the sweetness that unfolded between them. Karina led Winter to the table, the anticipation of their intimate teatime adding an extra layer of enchantment.

As they sat, Karina couldn't resist stealing a taste of the sweetness that lay beyond the porcelain cups. "Your lips," she said, a teasing glint in her eyes, "are the most tempting delicacy."

Winter chuckled, her eyes sparkling with a playful gleam. "Then indulge, my love," she replied, her fingers delicately brushing against Karina's.

Voicelines intertwined with laughter and whispers, the symphony of their love unfolded in the private chamber, a sweet serenade that echoed against the walls. In the background, the soft strains of a piano melody began to play, a familiar tune that heightened the intimacy of the moment.

As Winter and Karina shared stolen kisses and sipped tea in the quietude of their secret haven, the grandeur of societal expectations faded away, leaving only the genuine warmth of their love in the flickering candlelight.

The room, once filled with the sweet resonance of their shared laughter, now hung heavy with a somber air. Winter, her eyes reflecting the tumult within her heart, gazed into Karina's eyes with a mix of vulnerability and desperation.

"Karina," Winter began, her voice a delicate tremor, "my father has arranged a marriage for me. A man who owns gold mines, they say. But I cannot fathom being tied to someone I do not love."

Karina's heart sank, and she squeezed Winter's hands in reassurance. "Winter, my love, you cannot be forced into a loveless union. We have our own dreams, our own desires. I cannot bear to see you trapped in a life that doesn't belong to you."

Winter's eyes welled with tears as she confessed, "I don't want to go through with it, Karina. I want to be with you, to choose my own path."

Karina, her fists clenched in determination, looked deep into Winter's eyes. "Then let us run away, my love. Leave this confining society behind and build a life where our love is free to flourish. I cannot stand the thought of you being bound to someone else."

A moment of silent understanding passed between them, the weight of the decision they were about to make hanging in the air. Winter's heart wavered between duty and desire, and she hesitated, her gaze drifting to the floor.

Karina gently lifted Winter's chin, urging her to meet her eyes. "Winter, my love, if your heart is unsure, we can find another way. I don't want to see you torn between duty and desire. But if you choose to be with me, know that I am by your side, no matter the path we take."

Winter's eyes searched Karina's for reassurance, and after a moment of reflection, she nodded. "Let us run away, Karina. I may be uncertain, but I cannot bear the thought of a loveless marriage. I choose to be with you, even if the road ahead is uncertain."


In the hushed silence of the moonlit chamber, Winter and Karina meticulously planned their escape. With the determination to be together, they plotted the route, secured the necessary provisions, and arranged for a discreet carriage to transport them away from the opulent confines of Winter's family estate.

As they made their final preparations, Winter's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and fear. The gravity of their decision weighed heavily on her, but the thought of a life without Karina, of being bound to a loveless marriage, spurred her forward.

The night arrived when they would set their plan into motion. Dressed in plain garments that concealed their identities, Winter and Karina slipped through the labyrinthine halls of the mansion. Every creak of a floorboard and rustle of a curtain heightened their anxiety, but their determination prevailed.

Just as they reached the awaiting carriage, a shadow emerged from the darknessโ€”a loyal servant who had overheard their plans. Panic seized Winter's heart as the servant hesitated, torn between loyalty to the family and compassion for Winter's plight.

With a heavy heart, the servant whispered, "I cannot let you go, Miss Winter. It would bring shame upon your family."

Winter's eyes widened with shock, realizing that the secrecy they had so carefully woven had unraveled before their very eyes. In a desperate bid to escape, she pleaded, "Please, don't do this. This is my choice, my heart's desire."

The servant hesitated once more, torn between duty and empathy. But the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the silence. Winter's guards, alerted by the commotion, closed in on the scene.

Karina, sensing the impending danger, urged Winter to run. "Go, my love. I'll find you. No matter what, we'll be together."

Tears welled in Winter's eyes as she reluctantly fled into the night, leaving Karina behind. The echo of her footsteps mingled with the anguished cries of the servant as the guards seized Winter, her dreams of freedom slipping through her fingers.

As the carriage rolled away, Karina stood alone in the garden, watching the love of her life disappear into the distance.ย 


The grand door to Winter's room swung open with a resounding thud, revealing her stern-faced father framed in the doorway. His eyes, once filled with pride, now burned with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

"Winter!" he thundered, his voice echoing through the room. "What is the meaning of this disgraceful attempt to run away? Have you lost all sense of duty and decorum?"

Winter, standing in the center of the lavishly decorated room, met her father's accusing gaze with a mixture of defiance and sorrow. "Father, please understand. I cannot go through with the marriage you've arranged for me. My heart belongs elsewhere."

Her father's face contorted with rage. "Elsewhere? You mean that wretched Karina, don't you?" He spat out the name with disdain, as if the mere utterance left a bitter taste on his tongue.

Winter, her eyes b with unshed tears, nodded. "Yes, Father. Karina is the one I love. I cannot live a lie, bound to a man I do not love. I'm sorry if this brings shame to the family, but I cannot deny my heart."

Her father's anger intensified, his voice cutting through the room like a whip. "Shame? You have brought shame upon this family! These rumors about you and Karinaโ€”they are true, then? Unthinkable! Unforgivable!"

Tears streamed down Winter's face as she pleaded, "Father, love should not be a cause for shame. Please try to understand. Karina and Iโ€”"

Her father interrupted with a harsh laugh. "Understand? Love between two women? It's an abomination, a taboo! I will not allow such disgrace to tarnish our family name."

He paced the room, his frustration palpable. "You will forget about this foolishness, Winter. The marriage will proceed as planned. You will marry that man, and this madness will end. Our family's honor depends on it."

Winter, her spirit unbroken, whispered, "I cannot, Father. I won't sacrifice my happiness for the sake of societal expectations. I love Karina, and I cannot deny my heart."

Her father's eyes narrowed, and he uttered a final, chilling decree. "If you choose this path, you will be cast out, disowned. You will no longer bear the family name. The choice is yours, Winter. Family honor or your so-called love."


Weeks crawled by like a slow, mournful melody, each day more oppressive than the last in Winter's confined existence. Her father, adamant in his quest to preserve family honor, forbade her from attending social events under the guise of a prolonged illness. The once vibrant ballrooms and lively gatherings now seemed like distant echoes of a life she could no longer embrace.

Isolated within the grand walls of her family estate, Winter's room became both sanctuary and prison. The opulence that once symbolized her elevated status now served as a constant reminder of her entrapment. The windows, once a portal to the outside world, now framed a view of a world she was forbidden to explore.

As Winter languished in solitude, Karina faced her own torment. Forbidden from visiting Winter by her father's decree, the separation weighed heavily on her heart. The longing for stolen moments and shared glances became an ache that lingered in the silence between piano notes.

Messages exchanged through discreet channels provided brief solace, but the restrictions imposed

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Thank you!
I just noticed, I didn't even revise the scriptwriting part. I will rephrase it again like a story when I get back to my laptop. Thank you! ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿคž


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sehunmaknae9417 #1
Chapter 1: I really love this story,.โค๏ธ
Kannakobayashi09 #2
Chapter 1: Love it <3
383 streak #3
Chapter 1: that was phenomenal, thank you so much author
taenggo09 #4
woahhh, this one is nice
i thought they will meet a sad ending
the way you use your words make my heart beat a little faster, thank you for this story
mikaseem00 #5
The poster is Really nice!