A Word From Your Host!

Circus of Words: A Writing Contest — open & accepting entries!
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Hello all, performers and audience alike! Thank you for your warm regards towards Circus of Words. It has been about two months into the submission period of our contest. I hope the writers are enjoying their time crafting their perfect performance number, and I hope you'll all be there to witness their greatness come show night, October 31st.

I am so glad that we now have 3 entries in the mix. Sadly, we have an influx of Jeongcheol stories, so I will be removing them from the list of pairings you can cast in your stories. The purpose of Headliner, and even Intermission (since the rule applies that only newly written stories will be accepted), is so that I can read new, other things, that aren't already popular or available here on AFF. I do admit that Jeongcheol is one of the more popular SVT ships, but that is exactly the point why I'm taking them off the list. The purpose is to be creative and think of new stories with new people to be followed along. I especially would prefer seeing even non-existent ships (DK x Dino, Jun x Seungcheol,  etc), just to make the challenges even more challenging. I am not a shipper at all so I don't mind the OOC aspect of it. In fact, since I am not a shipper, I do find it less enjoyable reading about ships anyway. Though reading ships doesn't necessarily take away from my personal reading enjoyment overall, I do find it uninviting and tiresome if I have to read the same ship

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[CIRCUS OF WORDS WRITING CONTEST] The final slot to 5 early entries that will receive 50kp at the end of the contest has been taken. Thank you to the contestants! Hopefully more will join. Approx. 5 months left until the deadline. Are you guys having fun conjuring up your Acts?


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Chapter 2: Hihi ( ´・w・)ノ
Please let me know if I missed something~

Username: Kiwi-C
Chosen Act: Intermission
Cast: Seventeen - MingMing (maybe ship?)
Theme: College AU + Supernatural
* 1) SVT's song Moonwalker
* 16) Eclipses (? maybe)

Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1580819
Story Title: Moonwalker (working)

Story Description: It turns out that one really should NOT follow their best friend to college after said best friend vehemently insisted on not being followed.
Chapter 1: (I'm sorry I'm coming back so late. I hope I'm not late for Headliner!)

Username: DGNA_Forever
Chosen Act: Headliner
Cast: Seventeen Junhui
Theme: futuristic
• Prompt: 1.) Every night, the world shifts into another thing. What kind of thing is it?

• 2.) Magic is a disease

Genre: (Dark) Sci-fi
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1572119
Story Title: The Loopholes of Reality

Story Description: Junhui wakes up one morning to the entire world different from what he had known before. Every day, there is something new to discover...but just don't mention it. Not all will remember. 
Chapter 1: I'm still interested in joining headliner, if it's still available! Do I use the same form that you gave me before?
Chapter 1: I entered once...and now want to take on the Headliner challenge, as well. How do I begin with it?
Chapter 2: Username: DGNA_Forever
Chosen Act: Intermission
Cast: Seventeen Seungcheol + Jeonghan
Theme: fluff, angst
Prompt: Soulmate AU
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1568758
Story Title: It Begins and Ends with You
Story Description: Jeonghan has a secret and has sworn to not tell a soul. The most difficult part of it all is keeping everyone else who could have an interest in his best friend far, far away. The affairs of the heart aren't always fair, but he would pay any price to keep Seungcheol to himself.
Chapter 1: Are you accepting stories or just straight pairings and non-ship?
I'm a er for writing contests, and this one looks AWESOME! I'll definitely be exploring it.
Chapter 2: Username: frustrated
Chosen Act: PARADE
Cast: SEVENTEEN's S.Coups and Jeonghan
Theme: , childhood friends to lovers trope
Story Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1554727/the-art-and-the-artist
Story Title: The Art and the Artist
Story Description: Jeonghan and Seungcheol are childhood best friends who practically grew up together. One is into music and one is into art. What's gonna happen when one's interest became steamy.
Chapter 2: Hello!! How to join this contest? Where is the application form, or should I simply post my comment on my application here?