The Bully and the Demon Slayer

The Bully and the Demon Slayer (a One-Shot FF with Jake Shim)
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Jake was known for being a popular boy at school. He was a rich and wealthy one. But most, he was known for being a complete bully. He would either demand money, or someone to do his homework. He did so with a young girl at least two years his junior.

He found her at her locker and slammed his fancy hand against it, startling the girl only a little. It didn’t seem to faze her at all.

“Where is my homework!” he demanded her with a threatening tone.

“What?” asked the confused girl.

“You heard me! Where is it?!”

“I…I…do I know you?”

“Yeah, dummy, we’re in the same class!”

“Strange…I remembered sleeping in my room. This is not a dream, am I correct?”

“Wake up, stupid! You had better have my homework. Or else…!” Jake said with a threatening voice.

Y/N L/N slapped Jake Shim with a harsh hand. As of course, he had not been so by another classmate, he was taken aback by it. He tried to backhand her, but she moved away.

“Nope on a rope!” she said, sliding away from his big hands.

“What are you going to do? Cry and tell our homeroom teacher?” Jake said with a smirk on his face.

“I detest crying!” Y/N snapped in reply.

“You’re such a baby, you know that?” he snapped as he rolled his beautiful Aussie eyes, “I can’t believe that I have to sit with you in class!”

Even if Jake was known for his arrogant and rich-boy behavior, he was very attractive to her. She gazed into his eyes.

“You are so beautiful,” she mumbled quietly.

“You think I’m attractive?” Jake said with a smirk, “Sorry to say this, but I am way out of your league. I’m too old for you.”

“I’m sixteen.” Y/N said, still unfazed and confused.

“And I’m eighteen. But what’s the point?”

He walked towards her and stood right in front of her, representing his 6-foot height different compared to hers. He bent down, leveling his height so that his face was inches away from hers.

“You did not let me finish,” said Y/N, “I am sixteen. I am just two years younger, what is the big and fat, stupid deal! Besides…I wasn’t saying that about you.”

“Whatever,” said Jake, brushing off Y/N’s claim and feigning a yawn, “However, you are still a child to me. So I have no choice but to do something with you.”

He grabbed her arm and pulled her away. Still unfazed, Y/N stopped him and pulled out his homework sheet.


“What?” Jake said, without looking, “Are you going to ask me out on a date? I know I shouldn’t break it to you again, but I don’t go out with little dorks like you.”

“I am giving you your homework?” said Y/N, dangling the white page to grab his attention.

“You’re bringing it up again? Alright…I’ll make an exception. You can have my homework, now go away!”

“You beast.” she mumbled, smooching his cheek.

“ Yeeech ,” Jake exclaimed, “What was that for? Did you try to kiss me? Why would you?!”

“You mess with me? You mess with my love life!”

“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah…calm down there. I know you are trying to be tough, but face it, I am out of your league and why should I waste my time on a dorky girl like you, when I can have only pretty girls in this school?”

“I don’t know, honestly.”

“Exactly! Now, excuse me, please!”

Jake pushed Y/N away, but she was still unfazed and was pretty upset with the way he was acting.

His mother did a terrible job raising him!

“And don’t kiss me again! Understand?!” shouted Jake from afar of the hallway.

Idiot! Y/N thought.

But Jake heard of this thought. He stopped himself from walking away. He never heard anyone’s thoughts before. In fact, it is nearly impossible for someone about his age to even hear anything similar to this.

“Did you…just call me an idiot?” he asked as he was confused.

“Maybe I did…maybe I didn’t,” Y/N said, smirking and crossing her arms.

He knows his telepathy skills. Interesting.

“You had better watch your tone with me! You little brat! Seems to me you have left me no choice but to teach you a lesson!”

He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away to an empty classroom. But Y/N kicked him on the shin. He was knocked to the ground. For some reason, he recovered and stood himself up again. Infuriated, Jake walked up towards Y/N with a scowl.

“That’s how you want to play it, eh?”

He forced her into another classroom. Of course, she was not fazed. Jake slammed the front door. It was only the two of them.

“You know you cannot hurt me, right?” said Y/N, crossing her arms, leaning on a desk.

“We’ll see about that.” Jake responded, coming close to the girl, “I have the tendency to do whatever I like with you. No one has to know.”

“Do it,” Y/N smirked, “I don’t have all day.”

“If you’re sure about that,” said Jake, smirking back at her, “I could do anything I desire to you, and I hope you would enjoy every second of it.”

“If you’re going to seduce me, then do it a lot more gently. After all, I am a ‘child’ to you.”

“Very well, then.”

“Lead me away!”

Jake cackled and then carried Y/N to a nearby hallway, where they met in each other’s arms.

“Let’s have fun, shall we?”

“Don’t hurt me,” Y/N warned, “If you do, then I can’t return.”

“I won’t hurt you. Not yet, anyway.”

“Not yet?”

“You weren’t nice to me.”

“Really?” Y/N asked after kissing his soft and puffy lips.

After catching off guard from the kiss, Jake kissed her back passionately. Running his hands into her hair, they still kissed.

“I’ve been waiting and waiting to get a girlfriend like you.”

I thought you wanted to teach me a lesson?

Suddenly, Y/N’s wings popped out of nowhere. Jake was shocked by your sudden change in appearance, however, he regained composure and pulled her closer to him.

“I knew you weren’t a normal girl, for some reason. These wings are breathtaking for me to handle.”

But Y/N pushed him away.

“I couldn’t kiss a human. Now…I’m afraid I can’t return to Heaven!”

“Wait…what are you talking about?” Jake asked, stepping back slightly, “Are you saying that…you are an Angel? No! That can’t be! They don’t exist!”

“I am the one that defeats demons and the vengeance of hell!”

“You’re a demon hunter?” asked Jake with a shocked complexion, “But how could a little girl like you be such a creature? Aren’t they supposed to be beautiful and pure, and not so angry and violent?”

“You think I’m angry and violent?”

“I think you’re messing with me, there is no way they are real.”

“You don’t have a belief, don’t you? I’ve noticed that ever since I first saw you.”

“Oh, please,” said Jake, sarcastically, “Don’t preach your religion to me. I am not interested, one bit! I only believe in what I see and what I can feel, not just some made up stories about Angels and demons.”

With enough trigger inside her mental being, she then ran up to Jake and stabbed him right in the stomach. Jake groaned in pain. His blood poured out of his wound. He managed to keep standing.

“What…did you do that for?” he asked, coughing and choking, “I would never say those things to you! I am so sorry! I was only joking with you!”

Y/N began to recite a spell and levitated him halfway in the air. Jake was unconscious. She reversed the wounds on his stomach. Once she had finished healing him, she made sure he landed him in her arms.

Jake woke up and came back to his senses. His vision was blurred but he could still see Y/N and her black wings, holding him in her arms. Distoriented, he quickly realized that he wasn’t bleeding anymore and his wound was some- how healed.

“W-what happened?” he stammered, “I…I thought I was going to die! How did you do that?”

“Now you believe me? At least slightly?”

“I’m sorry,” said Jake, standing up, well again, “I was wrong to doubt you. I was wrong to try and seduce you, as well. I…I thank you for saving my life.”

“If it makes it better, I’ll give you your homework. But on one condition. You mention this to anyone, I’ll make sure you won’t come alive again!”

“Don’t hurt me! Please!”

Y/N smiled softly, “How could I? You are just too good to be hurt.”

The school bell rang, it was time for class again.

“Hurry, my homework! I can’t fail my homeroom class again!”

Y/N gave all of the homework pages to Jake.

“What do they call you,” asked Jake, “I would like to know, in case I wanted to see you again.”

“Y/N L/N,” said Y/N, “Pleasure to meet you, Jake.”

“And to you. If you’ll excuse me, I must get back to class. I’ll see you again soon.”

Y/N vapored away, letting her giggles echo away for Jake to hear. Jake watched in awe. He never thought that she would have such inhumane powers. At sixteen years old.

He then whispered a farewell before class was official.

When he got home, Jake could not help but feel this sense of gratitude towards Y/N. While doing his next few sheets of homework, he could not help wondering if this was the beginning of a new chapter of his life.




It was the end of another day at school. Jake was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Y/N was really an Angel. The bell rang for Hometime.

Athena came back down to earth for some odd reason. It was not because she loved Jake so much. She sensed a sign of danger. Jake then saw Y/N rushing towards him so quickly, like lightning.

“I thought you'd gone back to Heaven or something. I have missed you a bit.”

“Something dangerous is coming quickly and we need to get everyone out of here! Hurry!”

Confused with fear, Jake’s eyes widened with Y/N’s warning.

“Dangerous? What do you mean? What is happening?”

“He will demolish this Earth before anyone realizes it. Come on!”

“What is going on?”

There was a rumble in the ground. It shook. It was almost as if there was an earthquake.

“Is this another demon hunt?” Jake asked, looking for any signs of Danger.


They heard the loud roar and Jake’s eyes went wide with terror. He looked at Y/N and realized that she was holding a sword in her hands.

“What is this we are hearing?” asked Jake, “Is this one of the demons that you mentioned?”

He took a few more steps, trying to stay as far away from the sword as possible.

“My old foe!” Y/N said.

“Old foe? What does that mean?” Jake asked, both confused and terrified.

He saw the demon approach them through the open door of the classroom.

“Is that the demon you were speaking about? It’s huge! ”

The demon was indeed very large. At least twice the size of the average person. Its teeth were bloody sharp, and so were the claws, and it was staring at them with a menacing look on its face.

“We meet again, O Devil!”

“This one…is the Devil? I thought he was supposed to be stuck in Hell? Why is he here, attacking us?”

“He thinks I’m my mother! After all, we do have the same resemblance.”

Therefore, Y/N took flight. She battled with the King of the Underworld.


Jake watched in awe as Jake fought the Devil with her sharp silver sword, but was still frightened. He could hear the sword clashing and demons roaring all around them. It felt like they were in the midst of a battle between the good and the evil. He didn’t know who would win.

“Be careful!” he shouted, “This does not look good.” he then mumbled.

He looked all around as the chaos surrounded him.

“Off with your head!” Y/N shouted.

She was swift and agile, dodging the attacks and countering with powerful strikes on her own. She fought like a warrior. Jake couldn’t help but admire her courage and skill.

“She is amazing.” he mumbled.


Y/N made a successful blow on the Devil’s head. But as the other demons raced towards her, she crossed her arms as a shield…and they were blown away, destroyed and dissolved. It was as if she had some sort of supernatural power that allowed her to deflect the attacks of the demons. He couldn’t believe that he was seeing this. He was impressed that she was this skilled and powerful the sixteen year old was.

“You were amazing!” said Jake, “You took out all of those monsters like they were nothing! I can’t believe we have someone so powerful at our school!”

The time continuum began normally. It was as if they didn’t know what really happened. They went about their daily lives and no one even knew that this battle between the girl and devil ever took place.

“Did I just imagine it?” asked Jake.

“People can’t see these things unless their faith is as pure and true as their strange sight.”

“But…how could I see you? Did you do something to make me believe in you and the demons that you fought?”

“I realized that when I stabbed you for the first time, your blood was gold.”

Jake was taken aback, but remained in composure.

“But that can’t be! I am a human being! How could my blood be golden?”

As he stared at her in disbelief his mother arrived.


He could not believe that she was in presence, even after the battle between Y/N and the demons.

“Why and how would you know where to find me?”

“I should have let you know this would happen at least once in your life. I wanted to tell you the truth ever since your father died! I just wanted to protect you!”

“Protect me from what? What are you saying?”

“The Seven Sins .” said Y/N.

“But it’s just a myth,” said Jake, trying to joke it off, “They don’t exist, right?”

He then looked at his mother again and saw that she was looking at him with a serious expression on her face.

“Wait a moment…you’re saying that that is real, too? But it just can’t be!”

Jake had always thought that the Seven Sins were very much a myth or a simple fairy tale. And now he was unsure. His mother’s sudden presence and Y/N’s sudden confirmation threw him off guard and could not let him fathom every detail given to him. 

“Now I know why I was sent here. Why I wandered off into this world.” said his mother.

“What are you talking about?” asked Jake, wanting an answer or two about this new information.

“I was forced to marry the Devil’s son Lucifer.”

Jake was shocked by this revelation and looked at his mother with a complexion of disbelief.

“I thought you were married to Dad. How did this happen?”

“He hated your father completely,” said his mother, “He was in the ninth circle of Hell. I wanted to save him. He was accused of a crime he did not commit. Everyone thought of him as a monster because he lost his temper a lot, everytime something terrible happens.”

“I could see where I got it from.”

“I saved him and nursed him back to health. We were not allowed to marry, since he was an Angel, and I was just a servant to the King. But after I had you, he said I had to go. I begged for him to let me stay with him. But he wanted to keep you and me safe. He gave me this crimson pendant and…there I was…arriving on Earth with a baby Jake in my arms.”

“The pendant is also said to curse you, if in the wrong hands,” said Y/N, “Your father gave it to her for immense safekeeping. She wanted to pass it down to you.”

His mother passed the necklace to Jake and he held it gently in the palm of his hands.

“Keep it safe,” she said, “It’s the only thing that your father left for me.”

“Anything else I should know about it? I must know so that I would be prepared if anyone else tries to take it away from me.”

“Nothing else yet,” said Y/N, “You must rest now. Tomorrow, we begin training.”

“Train me?”

“We must train you,” said his mother, “The time is right for you to become a Demon Slayer.”

“I will do whatever it takes. What comes first?”

“Your wings,” said Y/N, “They may take years to develop. But you are way past that age already. They should be easier now.”

He closed his eyes. He thought of his father, his mother, and his hometown. His mother and Y/N grabbed both of his hands. Then…a pair of jet black wings came out of nowhere and he levitated. Jake opened his eyes and felt this excited rush as he looked at the black wings that appeared from his back. They were like nothing he had ever seen before and he could not believe that they were his very own pair.

“This is amazing!” he exclaimed.

Jake floated down and Y/N patted his head.

“Tomorrow, training officially begins.”

“I imagine myself soaring through the skies, fighting for the world, protecting my family and my home. I thank you for giving me this opportunity.”






Jake tried to find sleep. He was exhausted by the fight and the combat. He then heard of Y/N’s warning. We wondered if something would happen if he slept. He did not want to risk missing anything important and was determined to stay away. He just hoped he would keep his eyes open throughout the night. But he then yawned and fell comfortably asleep.

Y/N’s spirit formed in front of him and watched over him.

“You shall be the bravest warrior. I’m sure of it.” she whispered before vanishing away.

Jake suddenly woke up after hearing her whisper. He wondered all around his room, only to find himself still alone. He was motivated and laid back down. It wanted so much to learn whatever it took to become the best demon slayer in his family.

“I thank you Y/N.” he said with a yawn and falling back asleep.

Next morning, the sun shone brightly on his vampire white skin. But it seemed that it did not appeal to him. He did not like the best from it.

The figure of Y/N appeared right in front of him. Jake forced himself awake. He kept wondering of the Seven Sins and the ties they had to his family history. But more importantly, he had to learn how to use his wings and sword to defeat them once and for all.

“Lesson One: The Art from Mind and Weapon.” said Y/N.

Navigating one’s mind and weapon was essential to the skills of a demon slayer. Otherwise, Jake would have been a disadvantage if he had not done so. It was all so new to him and he was eager to begin.

Y/N looked at an old oak tree right in front of them.

He’ll need something to duel with…this tree will be a perfect use.

She blew a strong powder of glitter and the oak tree woke alive. It slowly and wearily walked toward the two teenagers and looked down at them.

“But how?” asked Jake, amazed by her god-like powers.

“With this special power from the Battle Pixies, anything that is not living or moving like a human or animal can come to life. The first things that Demons wish not to see are trees.”

“What is not to like about trees?” asked Jake.

He was beginning to see how powerful this sixteen year old girl was. He was also wondering what else she was even capable of.

“They don’t like it and always make such a fuss over them. After all, it is just stuck there.”

“Well, that’s understanding.” Jake laughed, “Is it useful for humans?”

“It does not work. It’ll just stick to you like normal glitter. You are already living.”

Suddenly, the tree started charging toward Jake. But he was startled, unknowing what to do. He then floated in the air and circled around him. The tree tried to catch him, but he was too fast. From left to right, he slashed the tree from every chance he got. Eventually, he pounced on the oak tree and stabbed it to finish it off. He quick

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