Yes, It’s Me and You

found you again and again
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Jimin laughs as Minjeong’s tearful eyes glare up at her. “Hey, don’t cry now! You’re going to make me cry too.” 


“You’re moving away! How can I not cry about that?” Minjeong sniffles as she smacks Jimin’s arm. “I’m not going to be able to see you as much…” 


“But we can still text and call, right? I can try to visit during my break.” Jimin reassures as she takes off her graduation hat. 


Minjeong hides her flushed face from others when they see other students and families walking past them. Jimin tries not to get too emotional about this— she needs to remain strong for herself and for Minjeong. Otherwise, they would have been sobbing like babies in public. 


She watches the younger girl wipe her tears away. “You promise that?” 


“Of course! I swear on my heart.” She makes a show of holding her hand against her chest. 


Minjeong bites back a laugh from slipping out at the childish sight. But she can see that she is slowly feeling better. “You better study well in college. I won’t be there to nag you.” 


Jimin rolls her eyes. “Yes, I know. Anything else you want to say before I go? My parents have been texting me nonstop to go outside.” 


Then she spots it again, that same hesitation that she saw back on the rooftop a few days ago. Minjeong opens but no sound comes out. Jimin can tell that it must be something important but why is she not telling her? Is it something bad? What is she hiding? 


But at the end, Minjeong doesn’t say it. She shakes her head and urges her to go. Jimin is about to ask her but suddenly, Minjeong gets a call from her mom. 


“Sorry unnie, I gotta go!” Minjeong hurriedly says before running off. 


Jimin frowns out of worry— maybe Minjeong isn’t ready to say it because it seems so important from how strange she’s been acting. She can only hope that she’ll be able to hear it soon— she doesn’t have much time to stay. 


Unfortunately for Jimin, she wasn’t able to hear what she had to say. 



It’s a week before the event and Kim Winter is about to put on the dress for their last fitting session. Winter has only seen the dress from the photos but not in person yet— Karina is excited to show her how gorgeous it will be on her.


Karina is currently waiting in front of the dressing folding screen while Seulgi and a few stylists help the artist put the dress on. Their CEO has seen what it is and after she approved of it, she has shown a small smile which is already a great feat on its own. The outfit gives off a different image that the media will be surprised by not only the reveal of her identity, but also her character as a celebrity.


Kim Winter is greatly known for her ballads, pop music, and RnB songs— her beautiful voice gives off a woman that has experienced the trials and tribulations of life. But the media will certainly be surprised that Kim Winter is actually younger than people think. Nevertheless, the look that she’ll be showing to the public is definitely on the mature side— a complete contrast to Kim Minjeong.


Seulgi walks out of the screen first with a proud smile on her face. The head designer has been in a good mood today since she’s just as excited to see her client get dressed up. She has confessed that this is one of her best designs and it’s all thanks to Karina’s help. Of course, she doesn’t believe her words since she’s just an assistant. Everyone in their team has done a great job at constructing this look and soon, it will certainly create a major buzz in the entertainment industry.


Yizhuo comes out with her holding Winter’s hand as support. “Here she comes, everyone!” She squeals out as she leads the singer out of the screen.


Karina swears that she can feel the air punch out of her and almost let the coffee slip out of her hand. She stares with joy at how gorgeous Winter looks in red and the way it hugs her petite body with the padding of the fabric helping with accentuating her hips. After changing her hair into burgundy red, they have styled it into wavy locks that spill down her shoulder and back. With one side tucked behind her ear, it shows off the expensive red droplet earring that they had a hard time acquiring.


Additionally, she is wearing these black stilettos to give her more height and it took a while for Winter to get used to them. The off-shoulder dress shows off her smooth collarbones and slender neck that’s currently wearing a rhinestone choker necklace. The construction itself gives an illusion that the artist is draped or wrapped with black and red fabrics— the cut of the dress ends at the middle of her thighs to show off her slender legs. When Yizhuo makes Winter turn around, Karina wonders if it’s a good thing that they decided on making it backless because she is distracted by how devastatingly exquisite the exposed skin looks.


Winter walks up in front of the body mirror and like a professional, her expression changes into a sultry look and is embodying this femme fatale look. Yizhuo and Wendy can’t help but scream about how beautiful she is. The endless compliments from everyone eventually causes the singer to revert back to her usual timid self.


Her hands consciously go up to her exposed shoulders. “W-what else should I do?”


Seulgi laughs at the shy expression on the artist before telling her to walk around the room to get a feel of the dress. The good thing is that despite the cut of the dress being designed as a dip hem dress, Winter feels comfortable walking around it. They made sure to not use a heavy fabric so that she has enough breathing room to move and sit. The off-shoulder thing isn’t just for aesthetics but it’s also for Winter’s comfort since she isn’t used to anything being tight around her neck while she sings.


But the singer is still shy about the amount of skin she is showing and has told Seulgi that it’s her first time wearing such a thing. The others have comforted her that she looks absolutely amazing in it and everyone will have their jaws dropped to the floor when they see her.


“Oh, we forgot something!” Yizhuo claps her hands as she runs to accessories that are laid across the vanity table.


Everyone is confused for a second until they see her pick up the lip ring and urges Winter to come to the mirror so they can hook it up. Karina remembers joking to the singer about getting a lip piercing for it and she’s told that she is considering it after admitting to herself how good it looks on her.


Karina bites her bottom lip when Winter turns back to them with a bashful smile. That lip ring on her is going to be the death of her— all she can think about is how soft and plump her lips look which is something she shouldn’t be thinking about right now!


Keep it professional, Yoo Jimin! 


Seulgi claps her hands with a satisfied smile. “You should consider modeling, Miss Winter. I have seen the way you pose in front of the camera like you’re in a fashion magazine.”


Winter blushes and waves her hands in front of her. “N-no way. Give me five years and maybe I’ll consider.”


While everyone is busy showering praises to the reserved singer, Karina clears and signals for their team’s photographer to take some pictures. This time, Winter doesn’t have to pose like a stiff mannequin like how they usually do for reference. To everyone’s surprise, Winter maintains that fatal charm as she poses at the camera with a sharp look and a coy smile.


(Jimin will secretly make a copy of that photo and save it in her photo gallery)


Before everyone forgets, Karina reminds Seulgi about the mask Winter is going to wear for the red carpet and the opening of the event. They have debated if they wanted to go for it or not but the mask that they have might be too creepy or intimidating. When Winter sees the faceless mask, she makes a complaint as well.


Eventually, they decide to give her a veil instead to enhance the air of mystery around her and that’s going to be the last thing they need before next week comes around. Karina sighs at the thought of pulling another all-nighter at this last minute change but it’s a normal thing that happens. Clients will change their mind right before the due date and they have to scramble to make the changes as soon as possible.


Once the fitting session ends, Seulgi dismisses her team early and reminds everyone to attend the dinner party that her company will be doing in two days. Karina will definitely need it because after she gets that stupid veil done, she will finally have the time to let loose and get wasted.


Jimin stops in her tracks when she finds Minjeong waiting alone beside her car. With mischief brewing in her mind, she purposely presses her remote car button and it makes a loud honking sound— Minjeong shrieks as she jumps away from the car and Jimin bursts out laughing.


When they make eye contact, Minjeong’s expression goes from terrified to embarrassed.


“Did you really have to do that?” She angrily huffs at her.


Jimin holds her stomach as her laughter continues. “I’m so sorry!”


“You don’t sound sorry, idiot.” Minjeong grumbles as she backs away from Jimin who is stretching her arms out.


Jimin gives her an exaggerated pout. “Give me a hug.”


“Absolutely not after that stunt you pulled. Now unlock your car and drive me home before I kick your .”


Jimin doesn’t take chances to again after Minjeong decides to stubbornly stay quiet for the rest of the drive. Even when they arrive at Minjeong’s home and Jimin orders her favorite food, she doesn’t let up her grumpy act.


Jimin pouts as she tries to pull the younger woman closer. “You’re paying more attention to the TV than me.”


Minjeong doesn’t even spare her a single glance as she continues to watch her comfort show. Jimin rolls her eyes before scooting closer and leaning down.


She jolts when Jimin whispers against her ear. “You looked really hot earlier.”


That finally snaps Minjeong as she stares back at the older woman with a bewildered expression— her face rapidly growing hot. “W-what did you—“


“Finally, you’re looking at me.” Jimin smiles as she pulls her in a hug and Minjeong squeals when she is forced to lay down together on the couch. “But I am being truthful when I say that.”


Minjeong stammers. “Y-you didn’t say anything earlier. You just kept staring at me with this stern look…”


“I was trying not to look too obvious and say anything weird in front of everyone.” Jimin sighs as she tightens her hold, allowing for Minjeong to snuggle against her.


Minjeong presses her cheek against her chest and mindlessly stares at the TV. “You’re gonna do a good job courting me if you keep complimenting me like that.”


Both of them have decided to court one another until the event ends. Jimin has been secretly sending out gifts like flowers or cute matching couple items to her that Minjeong’s coworkers are starting to suspect that she has a secret lover. Minjeong felt that she was receiving too much so she also started sending stuff to Jimin— Aeri took the opportunity to start teasing her about it and calling her a lover girl .


Unfortunately, they don’t have time to go on proper dates and Jimin promised that she will pamper the hell out of her once her workload becomes lax. Minjeong pretends to be embarrassed about it but she can tell that the thought of going on a date together makes her happier. 


“That’s the intention, babe.” Jimin smiles softly as she brushes her hair back and admires how the faint light from the lamp shines on the dark crimson color. “You look so pretty with this hair too.”


Minjeong whines against her shoulder. “Enough! I’m not used to this...”


“Then I’ll keep saying it until you get used to it.” Jimin chuckles as she nuzzles her hair and takes in the scent of her shampoo. “You’re going to be stuck with me from now on.”


Minjeong giggles when Jimin starts wandering her hands around her ticklish waist. The bubbling laughter seizes Jimin’s heart into a chokehold— her face wearing a permanent goofy smile as she starts lightly tickling the younger woman. Minjeong starts squealing and yelling with her body fighting against the attack. When Jimin receives a harsh kick on her leg, that’s when they stop and she embraces Minjeong again in a possessive hug.


It’s still unbelievable to Jimin that she can like this woman so much and Minjeong will accept it wholeheartedly— even going as far as reciprocating it with the same heart. She’s not used to the way her caring eyes melt when they make eye contact. Minjeong automatically smiles when she spots the blush on her cheeks and cups them in her palms like she’s something precious.


Jimin leans against the touch and hums, feeling the drowsiness starting to settle due to how insanely cozy it is with her. Minjeong notices her eyes getting droopy and decides to end the night early.


This is the second time they’re sleeping in the same bed but the air between them is completely different compared to last time. Minjeong pulls Jimin closer until she can bury her face against the crook of her neck. The calm breathing fanning against her neck causes Jimin to sigh sleepily and squeeze the younger woman in her arms.


Somehow, a surge of affection possesses her and she quickly presses a kiss on her head. Minjeong gasps at the sudden act. “W-why would you do that?…”


“I don’t know. I just… feel so nice right now.” Jimin’s voice slips out quietly as she closes her eyes.


She can’t see from this position but Minjeong is wearing a pout, unsure of how to respond to that after doing something surprising. She was going to scold her for sneaking a kiss but she can hear Jimin slowly drifting asleep until she hears her quiet snores.


Minjeong cranes her neck upward and presses her lips against Jimin’s cheek, feeling her heart blossom with tenderness.


“You’re going to be the death of me, Yoo Jimin…”





MY Entertainment has announced that Kim Winter will be making a special appearance at the Blue Dragon Film Awards. Since debut, she has been gaining rapid success and received love from the public despite her anonymity. Last year, she received Artist of the Year Award and everyone has been wondering if she will ever reveal herself someday. 


Well, people don’t have to wait long because she will be doing that exact thing at the Blue Dragon Film Awards tomorrow night! Make sure to tune in to witness this greatly anticipated singer of this decade! 



Winter swallows as she bows her head and lets Yizhuo place the veil on her, making sure to clip it against her head so that it won’t get swept up easily. The van encounters a speed bump and she almost falls over if it weren’t for Karina’s hand supporting her waist.


She’s grateful for the cover on her face or else everyone in here will see her red face.


Karina looks over at her. “Nervous?”


“It would be weird if I wasn’t. Everyone is going to see me for the first time.” Winter sighs as she straightens her body when she can feel Yizhuo adjusting her dress.


Karina gives her an empathetic smile. “I’m not exactly in the same position as you but my boss decided to let me attend this event with you alone.”


“You should be proud that you’re popular enough to stand in public without Miss Kang.” Winter chuckles as she sees the doubtful look she’s given.


They know they have arrived at the place when they hear loud shouting and camera shutters endlessly clicking outside the van. Winter gets ready in front of the car door as Yizhuo unlocks it for her and slides it open.


As soon as she steps out, the first thing she experiences is the ecstatic screaming of the crowd. She can hear the announcer’s mic from the distance introducing her.


“Everyone, the star of the show is finally here! The enigmatic singer Kim Winter has come to bless us with her presence! That’s right, she will be making a big reveal for her stage tonight!” The red carpet host shouts with excitement as Winter bows to the reporters and fans.


Karina is right behind her as she holds up the fabric of her long dress and gently drops it to the carpet floor. The appearance of the young designer seems to have caused another crazed explosion of screaming from the crowd. But the limelight is mostly pointed at Winter as she strides forward with confidence and class as if she wasn’t just being a nervous mess in the van.


Winter walks up the red carpet and stands in front of the reporters, waving her hand at them. They yell for her name to face their cameras or ask for her to lift up her veil. She even shows a little bit of fanservice for fun but later on gets embarrassed when the host starts squealing.


She finds him approaching her with an excited smile. “Hello, Miss Winter! I think it’s an understatement when we say that we’re very excited about your attendance tonight. But everyone is asking what made you decide to reveal yourself now?”


She expected this question to happen since it’s been approved by her agency. “When I first debuted, I wasn’t confident enough to stand on stage and my agency accommodated me so that I could start building up my confidence. It’s my fourth year as a singer and I can say that I’m confident enough to show my true self to everyone.”


Her speech causes the crowd to cheer and yell out compliments about her outfit, causing her to talk briefly about Kang Seulgi’s and Yoo Karina’s design on it. She hears someone scream about how pretty her talking voice is and she laughs with the host. As her mini interview ends and she exits the red carpet, she can feel her excitement increase tenfold due to the people’s incredible cheers for her.


When she arrives backstage, Karina and Yizhuo are already there waiting for her with big smiles. She can feel the backstage staff members’ eyes drawn to her and whisper about how pretty she looks in the dress. After she’s led to her personal dressing room, Yizhuo and the other stylists help with taking off her veil.


She in the air around her as she’s able to breathe comfortably now. She obediently let the makeup artists touch up her face and make sure she looks the absolute best. Karina is with another assistant, tidying  up her dress and making sure nothing is wrinkled or dirtied. Winter feels eternally grateful that she has a dependable team supporting her at every step of her career. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have reached this milestone of being loved and admired by the industry.


With Jimin returning by her side, her lonely personal life has become just as exciting as her career life. Minjeong still can’t believe that Jimin reciprocates her longtime suppressed feelings. She thought that even if she gets rejected, Jimin is kind enough to continue to be her friend. But the thought of Jimin liking someone else was an unbearable thought that ate away at her self-esteem.


When she sees her Jimin smiling down at her with loving eyes, Minjeong reverts back to her shy schoolgirl self at the endearing sight.


Wendy reviews what Winter will be doing before her stage comes. The good thing is that she has over half an hour to prepare for her performance and the perfectionist in her is relieved to hear it. Everyone watches the monitor above them currently live broadcasting the award show. Wendy and Yizhuo when one of the hosts mentions her upcoming stage. Even the actors who usually keep a solemn or stony expression show their smiles upon hearing Kim Winter.


To everyone’s surprise, a few celebrities who are also backstage request to see her and get her autograph.


“Do you want to put the cover on?” Wendy gestures at the veil.


Winter may feel nervous doing face-to-face for the first time with these amazing celebrities but this can be her first steps of helping her with being comfortable with herself.


Winter shakes her head. “No need. You can bring them in.”


And despite her nerves trying to overpower her, the celebrities range from guest artists, actors, comedians, etc. The reaction they give about her face is about how beautiful she is and how unfair it is that she’s been hiding it from everyone. Winter still isn’t used to the compliments so she meekly accepts them all with a polite smile. A few of them try to spark up a conversation with her and confess how they’re huge fans of her music.


But there’s one actor that she isn’t sure how to respond to. Maybe it’s just her but he’s being awfully flirty with her. Wendy seems to notice her discomfort because she politely tells him to leave so she can get ready. He tries to give his phone number but before Wendy can speak, Karina is in front of him with an icy look in her eyes.


Winter has never seen Karina look that serious, not even when they had wardrobe malfunctions during their fitting sessions. The closest she can compare it to is when Minjeong was getting picked on at school and Jimin stood up for her— even going as far as threatening them if they ever tried to bully her.


“Sir, this is quite inappropriate and I implore you to please leave the room. We are responsible for the artist’s safety and privacy so I ask you to respect it as well.” Karina’s commanding voice causes the actor to heed her words and leave the room while mumbling his disappointment.


Winter is impressed by her professionalism. “You sound experienced telling him off like that.”


“You’re not wrong.” Karina sighs. “Sometimes, I also get catcalled while I’m working. Miss Kang had to teach me how to deal with them.”


Winter’s eyes twinkle from the bright lights of the vanity mirror. “Not only are you my designer, but also my little protector.”


Karina rolls her eyes with an amused smile before reminding the singer that she needs to get ready soon. Winter is informed by Wendy that she’ll need to be backstage in ten minutes. Winter steps out of the dressing room and nearby staff members audibly gasp at her beauty, making her slightly embarrassed at the unused undivided attention on her.


“Oh my god, is that actually Kim Winter?!”


“I knew she was going to be pretty because of her voice but this is insane.”


“Kim Winter, I’m a big fan!”


Wendy laughs at everyone’s dumbfounded expression. Karina wonders if that’s what she looked like when she first met Minjeong a few months ago.


The grand music of the award show can be heard echoing across the building as the staff lead her through the bustling backstage. Karina and Yizhuo are on standby while Winter is in front of the stairs. She can hear the audience cheering and clapping when another actor has been awarded.


“Kim Winter on standby for five minutes.” One of the staff announces.


Winter adjusts her in-ears to make sure her equipment is working properly. Wendy hands over her signature microphone that a beloved fansite recently gifted to her. When she turns back to look at Karina, she shyly smiles at the proud look being given to her.


I’m so proud of you, Kim Minjeong. She can already hear her saying it from the way those charming eyes are conveying her true feelings amongst the busy and exciting atmosphere of the backstage. When Winter is signaled to go up the stage, she fully turns her face so that Karina can see her lips.


She silently mouths the three words she has been meaning to say after so many years of longing that her heart bursts with satisfaction upon seeing Karina’s shocked expression. The flickering light of the spotlight briefly brushes over Winter’s visage and Karina’s eyes glow with deep adoration.


I love you. Winter silently mouths it again with her hand on her chest. Karina’s lips widens into a foolish smile and nods her head. 


Then their secret precious moment has been disrupted by the bursts of cheering from the audience. Winter forces her eyes away from the love of her life and faces in front of her with a determined heart.


“Please welcome Kim Winter on the stage!”


She clutches her microphone tightly and steps out with as much confidence as she can show. Her head is held up high as the spotlight focuses entirely on her. The crowd goes insane when she smiles at them and gives them a wave.


She maintains her composure as she stands in front of the mic stand. The light dims down and the screen behind her blooms with colors as the music rumbles against the speakers. She lowers her head and holds the mic with a soft smile.


Then, her powerful voice resonates across the stage and the audience is captivated by her once again.





Solo Artist Kim Winter has made a huge reveal of herself at this year’s Blue Dragon Film Awards! The singer has gone viral due to her unmatched beauty and captivating yet emotional performance of her unreleased song. The video has reached millions of views and positive articles about Kim Winter flooded the internet. 


Netizens have also gone into a frenzy due to Kim Winter’s gorgeous dress that designers Kang Seulgi and Yoo Karina have personally tailored for her. With the upcoming Baephrodite F/W magazine, it’s expected that the two designers will be interviewed on the inspirations behind Kim Winter’s outfit! 


A week after her reveal, fans are anticipating the artist’s future activities when MY Entertainment announced that Kim Winter will no longer hide behind anonymity and will personally show up for her future schedules. Just recently, her agency has announced that she will be showing up in variety shows to showcase her hidden charm and start promoting her upcoming album in music shows soon. 


Everyone, please continue to give your love and support to Kim Winter! 



Minjeong is standing in front of the designer’s door with a bouquet of flowers. She adjusts her face mask with a sigh, remembering that she has to be more careful in public because everyone and their grandparents can recognize her face from a mile away. Her agency has warned her about being more careful with her private activities but they’re more lenient about her dating life since they didn’t put a no dating clause on her contract.


Minjeong doesn’t really care about those kinds of things. She has finally achieved her dreams of not only becoming a successful artist, but also dating her longtime crush Yoo Jimin.


The door swings open and Jimin greets her with a sleepy smile. Her unkempt hair tells Minjeong that she just woke up.


“You came too soon.” Jimin says as she pulls Minjeong inside and closes the door.


Minjeong shakes her head as she hands her the bouquet. “You said that the first time I visited your house. Is it still messy?”


Jimin laughs as she wraps an arm around her waist and places a kiss on her cheek. “No, I cleaned last night when you texted me.”


Minjeong detaches herself from her when she spots Rina skipping towards her, happily meowing and rubbing against her leg. She picks up the clingy cat and starts peppering kisses around her face.


“I missed you too, Rina.” Minjeong happily murmurs against her fur as she walks through the apartment.


Jimin grabs an empty glass vase and starts decorating it with the flowers. Minjeong sits by the kitchen island and continues to pamper the cat.


Jimin laughs at her two beloveds getting along well as she finishes decorating. “You’re giving her more kisses.”


“What, are you jealous or something?” Minjeong teases as she rubs Rina’s tummy and coos when the cat starts acting cute. “You shouldn’t be when she’s my daughter too.”


Jimin leans against the counter with a smirk. “Careful now, that sounds like a proposal.”


“Then I’ll make sure to buy our rings tomorrow.” Minjeong jests as she lets Rina jump off her lap.


Minjeong is starting to get hungry since she hasn’t eaten today and upon hearing that, Jimin is quick to take out some leftover food and heat them up.


The first thing that changed ever since they made it official, other than the fact that they’re going on dates, is Jimin becoming more clingy and affectionate. She starts giving more kisses and hugs when Minjeong least expects it. The older woman enjoys seeing the blush on her face, making her want to kiss the redness of her skin even more.


But what they actually haven’t done

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Chapter 2: This is so cute omg 🤕😭
whykidleader_ #2
Chapter 2: Awww, why is this so cute?
Chapter 2: THIS WAS SO CUTE 🥹 the plot is everything!
Chapter 2: i love it! ugh! thank you so much!
1727 streak #5
Chapter 2: My God, this is so good! I love it so much! thank you so much for this amazing story!
This is so cute and wholesome omg ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
joyie4ever #7
Chapter 2: This is well written!! Thank you
Fmyrain #8
Chapter 2: Cuties! Was in def in need of a good fluff like this one
Chapter 2: I love this. Minjeong and Jimin's relationship is just adorable ❤️
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