Let the light in

Need to need you / I will hold on to you (JMJ)
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(TW: mentions of a stalker and some violence in this chapter)


“Close your mouth.” Wonbin nudges Minjeong, who startles and shoots up from her table, her pen slipping from her hand and clattering to the ground loudly. She picks up the pen hastily and looks around the library, finding that no one is looking at her—thankfully. She grumbles, turning to her best friend with a scowl on her face.


“I hope you die.”

“I wasn’t the one dozing off.” Wonbin smirks and Minjeong rolls her eyes.


“Where are our group mates?” Minjeong asks, since they were meant to work on a group assignment with two other people in their cohort. 

“They left like half an hour ago.” Wonbin shrugs.

“I’ve been dozing off for that long?” Minjeong’s eyes bulge from her head.

"Yes," he deadpans.

“And you didn’t do anything?” Minjeong’s eye twitches.


“You know what? I hope you die,” Minjeong inhales slowly. “Because I’m going to kill you.”


Thankfully, Wonbin lives for a little longer when he offers to buy snacks for her. He suggested they finish off their side of the assignment at his apartment and Minjeong agrees because she knows Wonbin has the softest couch in the entire world since he doesn’t use the university accommodation dorms.


As soon as they arrive, Minjeong kicks off her shoes and dives for the couch immediately.


“Don’t fall asleep.” Wonbin says monotonously as he puts on a pair of slippers and leaves a pair at Minjeong’s feet.

“M’not.” Minjeong huffs indignantly.

“Sure.” Wonbin snorts.


He changes into a loose t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, handing Minjeong the same thing too. Minjeong gets up after a while and changes, as well as going to wash her face. Wonbin ties his hair back and they settle on the carpeted floor of Wonbin’s apartment, where they begin their work on their laptops and an assortment of papers all over the coffee table.


It’s after doing a bit of work that Minjeong’s stomach grumbles and reluctantly, Wonbin orders them Chinese food and even pays for it.


“I don’t get why you’ve been single for so long, Binnie.” Minjeong pokes him with her socked foot. “You’re good looking, rich and you always feed me. That’s like, everything someone could ask for.”

"Well, maybe it’s because I carry you around everywhere like an old ball and chain.” Wonbin smirks and Minjeong scowls.

“Hey!” She throws a pillow at him and he catches it. “You don’t have to hang with me every day!”


The thing about their very platonic friendship is that they’ve known each other since middle school. Long story short, Wonbin was getting bullied by some boys in the older grade and Minjeong had run past them and noticed. She backtracked and as the class president of her grade, she could not stand for that kind of injustice. She approached them, knocked the three boys down by the back of their knees and wrote them all a slip. She was then shoved to the ground and burst into a fit of tears just as a teacher approached them and got the boys in trouble.


Wonbin had helped Minjeong up and as the victim of bullying, it seemed like Minjeong was crying more than him.


From that day on, Minjeong made sure to keep tabs on Wonbin and eventually he warmed up to her and accepted Minjeong’s (insistent) friendship.


“I was kidding.” Wonbin chuckles, reaching over to mess up Minjeong’s hair.

She was pouting and hurt by Wonbin’s words. She was totally milking it out but Wonbin would always dote on her.


“Minjeong-ah, seriously.” Wonbin says. “I like hanging with you. I’ve liked being around you since middle school and it’s been a very long time now, okay? I’d never take you for granted.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t.” Minjeong grins and Wonbin shoves her.



They settle down and pig out on the Chinese food and Minjeong realises she’s practically been starving the whole day. They return to doing their work and by the time they’re done, Minjeong realises that it's very late and she can't be arsed to head home, and Wonbin doesn't want to drive her home either —the .


“Just stay over.” Wonbin says, taking up the finished takeout containers to trash.

“Are you sleeping on the couch?” Minjeong asks.


“Great, thanks; I love you!” Minjeong runs into Wonbin’s bedroom and closes the door on him.


Wonbin sighs and prepares the couch.


Minjeong shoots a message to her dorm mate and close friend, Ningning, before nodding off to her well-deserved sleep.


When Minjeong wakes up the next morning, she’s well rested and she's so glad Wonbin is such a neat and clean guy. All of his sheets are so soft and he smells vaguely of vanilla. She gets up and finds Wonbin doing push-ups on the floor and she looks up at the clock on his wall.


“It is seven in the morning and you’re already doing push ups?” Minjeong blinks.

“As comfortable as the couch is to sit on, it’s not great to sleep on.” Wonbin huffs, finishing up a push-up before standing up. “I’m going to shower. Make me breakfast.”

“I’m not your mother!” Minjeong curses after him but still heads to the kitchen to filter through Wonbin’s stock of food.


She manages to make pancakes with a side of slightly charred bacon and eggs. 


“Bon appetit, princess.” Minjeong serves the food to Wonbin, who smiles gratefully.


Wonbin eats two servings and when Minjeong’s done, she’s lying back down on the couch, scrolling through Wonbin’s Netflix on the TV.


“Aren’t you going to go back to your place?” Wonbin asks.

“Meh. Your place is nicer.” Minjeong beams and Wonbin rolls his eyes. “Plus, we don’t have any classes today—well, any that I’m aware of.”

“Right.” Wonbin snorts.


Wonbin’s phone buzzes.



“Hm?” She looks up from her slouched position on the couch to face Wonbin.

“My dance team sent a message; apparently someone’s holding a big party.” Wonbin tells her. “Wanna go?”

“Ugh…” Minjeong groans. “I have to see people.”
“Exactly how I feel.” Wonbin grins. “Should I tell them we’ll think about it?”

“Probably, but I know Ningning is going to drag me there and then Sohee is going to make you come too.” Minjeong huffs.

“Okay, so I’ll say we’ll go.” Wonbin types a response.



Minjeong returns to her dorm after lounging at Wonbin’s for a while and finds Ningning putting make-up on.


“You’re already getting ready?” Minjeong blinks.

“Yup. One of the hot girls I follow on Instagram is attending and I need to look hot as .” Ningning says, putting on different lip tints and wiping them off.

“How do you know she’s coming?” Minjeong asks, sitting down on her bed.

“Because I know everything.” Ningning says and Minjeong blinks. “She also tweeted it, so..."
“Of course you follow her on Twitter too.” Minjeong snorts.

“Hey, we’ve interacted a couple of times.” Ningning says. “I can’t say the same for your sorry gay .”

“Hey! I’m doing fine.” Minjeong grumbles.

“Mhm, totally.” Ningning snorts.


Minjeong grumbles and flops back on her bed.


“Get up; I’ll do your make-up too.”


Minjeong is then subjected to an unsolicited makeover; however, she does have to admit that Ningning has that Midas touch because she looks hot.


“I’ll give it to you, Ning; you did a great job.” Minjeong chuckles.

“Of course, I never miss.” Ningning winks.


When they step outside, Minjeong already wants to go back inside.


“Holy , why is it so cold?” Minjeong winces when a cold breeze whizzes past her and hits her. She’s wearing a skirt and a spaghetti strapped top, and it’s beginning to feel like a bad idea.


She finds Wonbin arriving at the same time after she finished getting ready and sent him a message earlier. She turns to her right and finds that Ningning has already disappeared into the house party and she rolls her eyes.


She walks up to Wonbin and grabs onto his leather jacket.


“Give me your jacket; it’s cold.” Minjeong says and Wonbin shrugs off his jacket immediately and helps Minjeong into it.

“Did Ning do your make-up?” Wonbin asks.

“Why? Do I look bad?” Minjeong questions.

“No, you look pretty.” Wonbin reassures her.

“You look…” Minjeong blinks, squinting at Wonbin. “Nice? Too nice…”

“What does that mean?” Wonbin fixes his hair and Minjeong notices and remembers that it’s one of his nervous tics.

“You look too cute, which means you’re trying to impress someone!” Minjeong squeals. “Who is it? Tell me, tell me!”

“I–I’m not!” Wonbin blushes.

“Liar! You’re blushing!” Minjeong teases him.

“Shut up.” Wonbin sighs, putting an arm around Minjeong’s shoulder and dragging her into the party. “I’m too sober; I’ll tell you in a bit.”


Minjeong’s assaulted with loud music and too many drunk people and Wonbin’s definitely right—they’re too sober for this.


“Okay, now spill.” They’ve drunk a bit and Wonbin’s eyes are shifting around the party.


Minjeong follows his gaze and when it locks upon a person, a light bulb flashes in Minjeong’s brain.


“No way!” Minjeong shoves him and Wonbin startles. “You have the hots for one of your dance teammates?!”

“W–what?” Wonbin blushes.

“I didn’t know you liked someone!” Minjeong nudges him.

"I... I lied earlier,” Wonbin scratches his nape bashfully. “It wasn’t the dance team group chat that had the party invite—Sungchan personally asked me if I was going to go.”

“No ing way! How long have you been hiding this from me?" Minjeong gasps.

“I–I wasn’t hiding it,” Wonbin explains. “We just got close recently and I’ve always liked him, but I think I like him too much now.”

“Too much that you’ll try to do something?”
“Kind of? Yes.”

"I'm so happy for you!” Minjeong hugs him, Wonbin laughs and she shoves him away.
Go to him! Do something about it!”

“But what do I do?” Wonbin blinks.

“I dunno! Something!” Minjeong laughs and then Wonbin realises the permanent smile etched on Minjeong’s face is because she’s tipsy.

“I think you’re drunk, Minjeongie.” Wonbin snorts.

“I’m not! Go to him, loverboy; I’ll be fine!” Minjeong pushes him away.

“Fine! I’m going to come back for you later, so don’t go far!”

“I won’t!”


Minjeong collapses onto the couch afterwards because Wonbin was doing god knows what, and she saw Ningning fawning over a pretty girl earlier, and now she’s on her own. She sips on her drink and picks at the lint on the couch. Too many guys approached her earlier and that already drained half of her social battery because Wonbin would usually scare the guys off, but he’s finding his one true love now and that makes Minjeong happy. She had danced with a girl earlier but she had turned around and made out with her boyfriend, who was looking at Minjeong the whole time and she did not like that one bit and backed out very quickly.


She’s not very aware of how time passes, but suddenly Wonbin is in front of her, looking frazzled—which he never does.


“Let’s go home.” Wonbin says, pulling Minjeong up without warning.

“O–oh, okay!”


They decide to walk home and it’s about fifteen minutes in silence before they reach Wonbin’s apartment.


“So… What happened with Sungchan?” Minjeong asks and Wonbin doesn’t respond. “Binnie?”

“I ed it up.” Wonbin says and Minjeong blinks.

“What, why?”

“Everything was going super well; he was nice; I was nice; and I liked him a lot,” Wonbin rambled. “And I’m sure he liked me too, but..."

“What?” Minjeong grabs onto Wonbin’s shoulders and forcefully turns him to her. “Did he do something bad? What did he do? I’ll kill him!”

“No, no! Nothing like that; relax.” Wonbin pushes Minjeong’s hands away.

“Okay, so what did you up if everything was perfect?” Minjeong frowns.


Wonbin sighs and Minjeong notices how red his cheeks are.


“Look, I’m going to tell you something, and you can’t laugh.” Wonbin instructs her.

“What? Did you pop a prematurely in front of him?” Minjeong snorts.

“I’m being serious.” He deadpans.

“Sorry,” Minjeong smiles sheepishly. “I’m listening, one-hundred-per-cent—and I won't laugh. You can count on your bestie.”

“I… I haven’t had my first kiss yet.” Wonbin looks away and Minjeong blinks.


A silence envelops them.


“What?” Minjeong breaks it.

“I haven’t—”

“No, I heard you." Minjeong blinks. “But that means you lied to me when you said you kissed Jeon Sooyeon in freshman year of high school.”



“What! I didn’t want you to know I was gay! I was scared!” Wonbin panics.

“How could I scare you? I loved you unconditionally!” Minjeong shouts.

“Yeah, I thought you might’ve liked me for real so I hid that I was gay for a while! And then you were gay too!” 

“You thought I liked you! , please!” Minjeong scoffs.

“What’s that supposed to mean? I’m a great catch!”

“Yeah, who hasn’t had their first kiss yet!" Minjeong snorts.

“You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I didn’t laugh; I was restating!”


They reach the apartment complex and Wonbin puts in the code for the foyer door and they walk up the first flight of stairs to Wonbin’s door. 


“So he tried to kiss you, but you couldn’t?” Minjeong asks.

“It wasn’t that, but we were dancing, talking and just hanging,” Wonbin details. “And I just looked at him and thought, wow, I want to kiss him right now. Then I realised I didn’t know how to and escaped before any other kind of thought could plague me.”

“What? Gay thoughts?” Minjeong snorts.

“Minjeong!” Wonbin blushes.

“What?” Minjeong laughs.


“Okay, so what are you going to do now?” Minjeong asks.

“I don’t know!”

“Why are you shouting?!” 

“I just feel stupid because I couldn’t kiss him!” Wonbin whines. “I don’t care if my first kiss isn’t special; I just need to get it over and done with!”

“I’ll help!”


Minjeong rolls her eyes at Wonbin’s useless gay before pushing Wonbin up against the closed door of his apartment. Wonbin’s eyes are wide but he doesn’t feel like he’s in danger and a friendly hand settles at Minjeong’s waist. Minjeong quickly stands on her tip-toes and leans forward, both hands curling around Wonbin’s neck, before giving him a sweet first kiss. 


“Wonbin?” An unfamiliar voice calls out and Minjeong pulls away immediately.

“Noona!” Wonbin’s eyes widen and they immediately back away from each other.

“Noona?” Minjeong blinks.


Sure, she’s heard of stories and pictures of Wonbin’s older sister, knows they’re two years apart and knows that she’s pretty, but she’s never encountered her properly before, even when Wonbin and Minjeong were younger.


“ Woah.” Minjeong thinks pictures and stories don’t do Wonbin’s sister’s beauty justice because she’s face to face with a goddess right now and god, does the Yu family produce the most beautiful heirs?


“What, uh- what are you doing here?” Wonbin asks as he sees a large duffle bag over his sister’s shoulder and a suitcase at her feet.

“I told you I’d be staying with you, remember? I got that job offer here, close to your campus.” She says. “Don’t forget, this is our apartment too; I help pay half of your expenses.”

“Right.” Wonbin blinks. “It slipped my mind.”


No — Minjeong thinks.


His sister’s eyes flit over to Minjeong and suddenly she feels incredibly small.


“Um, this is my sister, Jimin." Wonbin introduces them. “This is Minjeong. My f-friend.”

“Friend?” Jimin questions.

“Yes.” Wonbin nods.
“Who you kiss?”

“N–no!” Minjeong squeaks.

“No way!” Wonbin shakes his head.

“I thought I raised you better, boy.” Jimin frowns.

“Noona, it’s not what you think—at all!” Wonbin waves his hands frantically. “We’re strictly platonic. There was just a little, tiny situation. Right, Minjeong?”

“Yes, right.” Minjeong can’t look Jimin in the eye.


It’s a bit silent for a second and Minjeong wants to crawl out of her skin.


“So… I’m going to go.” Minjeong chuckles nervously. “It was nice to meet you.”
“What? Where are you going?” Wonbin asks her. “It’s late.”
“It’s fine, I’ll manage!” Minjeong creeps away but then a hand reaches out to stop her.


She stares up at Jimin and realises that Jimin is very tall.


“Stay. I don’t want anything to happen to one of you kids in the night.” Jimin says. “It’ll weigh on my conscience. And Wonbin, you should treat your girlfriend a little better.”
“She’s not my girlfriend!” Wonbin cries out.

“Then your ‘girl - friend!’ You shouldn’t be letting a girl go home late at night alone!” Jimin chastises him.

“Minjeong, just sleep over,” Wonbin sighs. “I’ll drive you home in the morning.”

“Okay…” Minjeong’s voice is tiny, as if it were coming from a mouse.


There’s just a slight (huge) problem in all of this—Wonbin hasn’t come out to his family yet and everyone in Wonbin’s family thinks Minjeong is dating him. And now his sister does too.




Minjeong walks into the apartment and suddenly everything feels foreign and unknown because, now she knows who occupies the ‘guest room', no one is allowed to go in. Minjeong thinks she’s a disaster because she’s just met Wonbin’s sister and she wants to marry her already—like thinking of her safety already? Immediate hand in marriage.


But she was ‘kid-zoned’, which means she’s going to be seen as a kid by a super hot woman and she can’t let that happen.


It turns out that Jimin is an even earlier riser than Wonbin and Minjeong hates that they’re both awake and not being quiet at all. She groans and rolls around in Wonbin’s bed when she hears the siblings loud conversation from the crack in the ajar door to Wonbin’s room.


Jimin sighs, standing with her hand massaging her temple and the other at her hip.


“You have a girl in your room and you’re insisting she’s not your girlfriend?” Karina asks. “And she’s pretty familiar with this place too, so how often do you have her over?”

“Noona, I’m telling you, we’re friends! I went to middle school and high school with her!” Wonbin groans.

“You don’t have to lie about it to me.” Jimin sighs. “I’m your sister. If you’re scared about mum and dad being overbearing about you having your first girlfriend, then don’t worry; I won’t tell them, but just don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying.” Wonbin whines, hitting his head against the counter. “And mum and dad know about Minjeong. I used to bring her over to the house when we were younger.”

“So your childhood sweethearts, then?” Jimin asks.

“We’re not anything!” Wonbin sighs. “Platonic—completely platonic! We’re best friends.”

“Then what? You kiss for fun?” Jimin can’t wrap her mind around the situation at all.


Wonbin’s eyes twitched, and he considered just blurting out his coming out.


I’m gay! Minjeong’s gay! We’re both gay!


“No, it was just a one time thing," Wonbin says.

“So you’re friends; who does other things?” Jimin asks slowly and Wonbin blinks. “Oh my god, I swear I raised you better than this!”


Jimin smacks him hard on the arm.


“Ow! Noona! What the—”


Minjeong steps out of Wonbin’s room, hair a mess and drowning in Wonbin’s clothes as she pads out to the kitchen. 


“Binnie…” Minjeong pouts, rubbing at her eyes. “You’re being too loud.”

“Sorry, Min.” Wonbin apologises, lowering his voice.


Minjeong walks to Wonbin and leans down to rub her face and lean her body weight against his broad back as she’s just woken up, and Wonbin lets her do so.


Jimin looks between them and thinks whatever words Wonbin is trying to use to convince her that Minjeong and him aren’t something sounds like complete blasphemy to her because she knows what she’s seeing.


“Uh-huh.” Jimin scoffs lightly.


She forgets Jimin is with them and she realises it a bit too late when she sees how clingy she is first thing in the morning, since she latched onto the first person she saw, being her best friend, Wonbin. She shoots upright with her eyes wide open, now very much awake, as her face burns red with embarrassment. 


“O–oh! You’re here; I forgot.” Minjeong flushes.

“Good morning, Minjeong.” Jimin smiles. “You can call me unnie.”
“M-morning, unnie…” Minjeong blushes.


Huh. Jimin thinks. She’s cute.


Suddenly, it feels not very normal to lounge around Wonbin’s apartment and she feels like she’s intruding on family time, even if she is practically a part of the family at this point.


Wonbin’s on call with his mother when he’s done eating and Minjeong can hear bits and pieces of the conversation.


“Yes, Jimin–noona is here safely,” Wonbin drawls. “Yes, mum. Uh-huh… Minjeongie is doing well. She’s here now… She wants to talk to you.” Wonbin hands the phone over and Minjeong beams.

“Hi, mum!” Minjeong grins. “Yes, I’m doing okay! I miss you too! ... Wonbin is taking care of me… Does he eat his vegetables? Yes, I make sure he does. Yes, I’ve been keeping track of his spendings too…”


Jimin smiles softly as she watches Minjeong, although she frowns when she notices how comfortable Minjeong is while talking to her mother, which means Minjeong is indeed close to the family. Jimin’s been away at college, scrapping at her own life, travelling and doing everything an older sister does to leave the house, and she hadn’t really ever encountered Minjeong growing up alongside Wonbin. Jimin hadn’t met a lot of people in Wonbin’s life properly and Wonbin usually doesn’t talk too much or share things about him personally. Jimin’s also been busy finishing college and working, but now she’s got a bit of a stable job in an art gallery close to Wonbin’s university.


Jimin finds Minjeong endearing—cute, even.


“I love you too, mum!” Minjeong laughs happily and hands the phone back to Wonbin.


Minjeong then realises Jimin witnessed that all—noticing the small smirk on Jimin’s lips—and she loses focus for a second at the attractive mole under Jimin’s lips and turns away with a blush.




“I cannot!” Minjeong crumbles into herself as she locates Wonbin in the cafeteria.

“Can’t what?” Ningning asks.

“Have you seen his sister?” Minjeong asks.

“No.” Ningning blinks.

“She’s so—”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” Wonbin sighs.

“Why? She has the face of a goddess!” Minjeong sighs dreamily. “Binnie, is there a chance she’s into girls? Would she be into me?”

“Um, she finds anything cute. I think you’re cute, so she probably does too.” He answers. “And I don’t know if she’s into girls because I haven’t heard a peep.”


Minjeong groans and rests her chin on her palm dejectedly.

“Let me see her.” Ningning asks and Wonbin pulls up his sister’s Instagram profile on his phone. “Oh my god! I know her! She’s friend’s with Aeri!”

“Aeri?” Minjeong questions.

“The hot girl I follow, yeah, we’re besties now and she asked me on a date!” Ningning squeals.

“No way! I‘m so happy for you!” Minjeong squeals with her.

“I also have a date," Wonbin chimes in with a blush. “Sungchan asked me earlier—he waited outside my lecture hall.”

“What? Seriously!” Minjeong blinks. “What if you bump into your sister on your date, or worse, you bring Sungchan home and she's home?”
“I might as well just come out to her first.” Wonbin shrugs. “She’s not a bigot, so thank God.”


Minjeong’s incredibly happy for her friends and then she realises something.

“Wait…” Minjeong blinks. “I’m going to die alone!”

“You’re a bit dramatic.” Ningning chuckles.

“Yeah, there's plenty of people out there.” Wonbin reassures her.


The only person in mind is kin to Wonbin and she’s not really sure how that’ll go.


“Sure.” Minjeong deflates.

“There’s a hangout at the club downtown tonight; we’ll find you someone, Minjeongie.” Ningning tells her.



And so she’s overstimulated and drunk at another social event and she’s turned down a hundred guys and all the girls are too pretty, which makes Minjeong run away in the other direction. She isn’t sure how Wonbin and Ningning are helping her, like they said, because Ningning is wrapped up in dancing with Aeri and Wonbin is in a secluded corner chatting with Sungchan and kissing him occasionally too.


She moves through the crowd and attempts to head to the bathroom to hide away and wait until Wonbin or Ningning comes to look for her because she’s getting overstimulated and everything’s too loud for her.


She barely makes any steps when the crowd just seems too unbearable and like a giant maze, Minjeong can’t find a way to escape. She in a deep breath and looks around to see any narrow gaps to slide through, but the music is too loud, the people are too chatty and the lights are too bright. 


She backs away and startles when she bumps into someone. Minjeong’s eyes widen and she looks up to see who it is—it’s Jimin. She falters for a moment and fears Jimin might’ve seen Wonbin earlier with Sungchan, but her hands are shaking and she can’t think straight— literally.


“Unnie?” It falls off of her lips naturally.

“Minjeong.” Jimin holds onto her shoulders and pulls her away to a less crowded space. “What are you doing here? Are you okay? You’re breathing really hard. Are you hurt? Where’s Wonbin? He should be keeping you safe!”


Jimin fusses over her and Minjeong suddenly feels very emotional. She throws her arms over Jimin’s shoulders and hugs her neck tightly. 


“Unnie…” Minjeong desperately holds onto Jimin and slowly, Jimin hugs her back.

“You’re okay.” Jimin rubs her back gently and Minjeong doesn’t want to let go. “How about I take you home?”


Minjeong nods and then Jimin’s leading her out, hand in hand—and Minjeong hopes the night never ends.


They’re walking out to the car park and Minjeong discovers that Jimin didn’t drink and only came to accompany her friends. Jimin opens the passenger door for Minjeong, who slides in quietly.


"Um..." Minjeong swallows. “I can’t go back to my dorm.” 

“How come?” Jimin frowns.

“My roommate said she’s having someone over.” Minjeong blushes.

“Why is that a problem?” Jimin asks and then she realises it. “ Oh.”

“Yeah.” Minjeong clears .

“Right. You can sleep at our place again; you’re there most of the time anyway.” Jimin decides.

“I–I won’t come over too much if it bothers you.” Minjeong says quietly.

“I never said you bothered me.” Jimin smirks and Minjeong blinks.


She had always found Wonbin’s smirk annoying, but when it’s on Jimin’s face, she's entranced.


“Wonbin won’t mind you coming over again, right? And speaking of that little , how dare he leave you alone in a club?” Jimin curses and Minjeong blushes. 

“H-he was there. I just lost him.” Minjeong makes up an excuse.

“Well, I didn’t see him in there.” Jimin sighs. “He should keep track of his girlfriend better.”
“I’m not his—”

“Sorry, girl-who’s-a-friend.” Jimin corrects. “Still… you can’t be alone like that. Who knows what a man would do to a pretty girl like you?"
“You think I’m pretty?” The words tumble out of Minjeong’s mouth before she thinks. 

“Of course. I’m not blind.” Jimin snorts and Minjeong’s blush is furious.


"What—uh, what were you doing there, too, unnie?” Minjeong asks, stumbling over her words in front of a pretty girl.

“Accompanying a friend.” Jimin answers. "She said she was meeting up with a girl and needed moral support and I saw some friends and decided to catch up before I saw you.”

“Oh.” Minjeong nods. The friend must’ve been Aeri and Minjeong notices how simple and nonchalant she mentioned her friend meeting up with a girl, so maybe that meant something? Who knows? (Minjeong badly wants to know if she’s a girl-kisser too.)


Jimin leads the way and Minjeong follows closely behind, very quietly—which if Wonbin were here would find very odd because even though they’re both introverts, Minjeong is occasionally very loud and chatty, but in front of her crush and a very pretty older girl, Minjeong doesn't know how to function anymore, lest be confident.


Minjeong takes off her shoes and Jimin heads to the kitchen. She opens the fridge and Minjeong watches as she leans back against the kitchen counter, a beer in hand as she opens it with the ring on her index finger.




Jimin’s prominent Adam’s apple bobs as she takes a swig of the beer. She swallows and wipes her lips with a swipe of her thumb and Minjeong feels so terribly gay.


“Want a sip?” Jimin asks and Minjeong startles slightly.

“Uh, no, I–I’m a lightweight.” Minjeong blushes and Jimin chuckles.

“We’re inside; relax.” She grins.


So Minjeong finds herself showered, clean and sitting on the carpeted floor, leaning against the couch cushions with Jimin, snacking on side dishes, crisps and sweets as they share some beers over small talk and the nature documentary on TV.


“It doesn’t hurt?” Jimin asks.

“What?” Minjeong blinks.


Jimin reaches over and takes Minjeong’s wrist in her hand before gently sliding up her fingers to open Minjeong’s palm, where a series of red indents lie. She rubs gently at the nail marks and seeks an answer from Minjeong. 


“Oh, I didn’t notice.” Minjeong frowns at the crescent shaped marks she made in her palms.

“What happened in there?” Jimin asks softly.


“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Jimin says.

“No, no, it’s just—I didn’t even realise I did that.” Minjeong says. “I just got anxious there.”

“I’m glad you found me, then.” Jimin smiles.

“It was a coincidence, and it’s more like I bumped into you instead of finding you.” Minjeong chuckles. 

“I never coincide. I recognised you, and hey, I like to take chances.” Jimin shrugs happily.


Minjeong blushes and Jimin takes her hand away.


The documentary gets a little boring and Minjeong starts up a conversation with Jimin.


“Wonbin said you work at the art gallery in town." Minjeong brings it up. “How’s it been there?”

“It’s a good change of pace, and everyone’s nice.” Jimin says, leaning back against the couch cushions, one arm behind Minjeong. “We’re meant to have an opening in a couple of weeks; I’ll make sure to send an invitation to you and Wonbin.”

“Do you do art as well?” Minjeong asks.

“Occasionally, but I’m not such a great artist.” Jimin chuckles. "It's a hobby, but I paint and sculpt sometimes.”
“Do you have some that you could show me?” Minjeong asks and Jimin smiles at the curious glint in Minjeong’s round, childlike eyes.

“Sure.” Jimin stands up and holds out a hand for Minjeong.


Minjeong slips her hand into Jimin’s hand seamlessly and Jimin pulls the girl to her room.


“I’ve been settling in, so I apologise for the mess.” Jimin says and Minjeong barely sees a mess.

“If you’re saying that, you should see the state of my dorm room, which I share with my roommate.” Minjeong snorts.

“You’re still in college. You can be messy.” Jimin chuckles.


Jimin places two gentle hands on Minjeong’s shoulders and stands behind her as she manoeuvres them to a stack of canvases and a range of sculptures on her shelf.


“These are so..." Minjeong runs her fingers lightly on the sculptures.


The sculptures are parts of a human body and Minjeong can see all the small details and the effort put into each sculpture.


“These are so beautiful.” Minjeong gasps quietly.

“I’ve been studying a bit of human anatomy, if you couldn’t tell.” Jimin smiles proudly.

“You should be having your own exhibition at this point.”

“Well, maybe one day.”


Minjeong turns to Jimin and suddenly—she halts and every thought running through her mind falls silent. Jimin is towering over her, yet Minjeong can feel them breathing into each other’s mouths. They're centimetres apart and Minjeong notices how nicely every feature of Jimin’s face has been harmoniously put together.


Minjeong notices it with a sleight of hand, but Jimin’s eyes drop to her lips and the front door opens. They spring apart and Jimin almost knocks over a sculpture.


Minjeong scurries out and finds Wonbin being supported by two other people, one she recognises as Ningning and the other vaguely as Aeri.


“Aeri?” Jimin blinks.

"Oh, hey—oh , did we interrupt something?” Aeri says, looking between Minjeong and Jimin, who are dressed down in very comfortable clothes.

“Uh, no—”

"Whoops, I almost fell!” Wonbin giggles and Minjeong finds the sight comical.

“She’s with Wonbin.” Jimin answers.

“With Binnie?” Aeri frowns. “But—”
“Well, h-hey! Let’s get Wonbin into bed before he collapses on us!” Ningning chuckles nervously before tugging Wonbin and Aeri in the direction of Wonbin’s room. 


Minjeong follows closely and goes over to Ningning’s side when they throw Wonbin down on his bed.


“Don’t say anything to Jimin-unnie; Binnie isn’t out yet.” Minjeong whispers quickly to Aeri.

“Oh.” Aeri nods. “That explains it and don’t worry, I got it; I won't say a thing.”


Aeri exits the room and Minjeong leans closer to Ningning.


"Pst, where’s Sungchan?” Minjeong whispers.

"Downstairs," Ningning answers while being mindful of her volume since Jimin is outside with Aeri. “He’s going to drive us home.”
“Okay, good.”
“What the hell, girl? Where were you? You disappeared and suddenly you’re here, buddy-buddy with Wonbin’s sister—also, she really is pretty in real life," Ningning says.
“I know, right? But anyway, I almost had an anxiety attack, and Jimin-Unnie was there and she took me here. Also, I thought you were going back to the dorm with Aeri?” Minjeong says.

“Well, we were until Sungchan dragged Wonbin’s drunk to us.” Ningning rolls her eyes. “However, we will be resuming that.”
“Ew.” Minjeong grimaces.

“Wait, anxiety attack?” Ningning backtracks. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine; Jimin-unnie saved me. I was just overstimulated; too many things were going on at once.” Minjeong shakes her head.

“Okay, good. I’m glad you’re alive.” Ningning smiles.

“Aw, you love me.” Minjeong teases, and Ningning rolls her eyes.


Ningning and Aeri leave shortly after and Minjeong gags when Ningning sends her a suggestive wink.


It seems Jimin has gone to bed when everything settles down and Minjeong sighs when she opens the door to Wonbin’s room and finds him spread out like a starfish. Minjeong exits and lays down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling.


“What are you doing?” Jimin walks out and looks down at Minjeong.


It turns out Jimin isn’t asleep yet.


“Me? Sleeping.” Minjeong blinks.

“Why aren’t you sleeping in Wonbin’s room?” Jimin frowns.

“He’s hogging the bed.” Minjeong pouts.

“Sleep in my room; I’ll take the couch.” Jimin says.

“I can’t kick you out of your own room.” Minjeong blinks.

“I’m offering.”

“I’m declining.”


Jimin chuckles at Minjeong’s defiant expression and pats her head, trying to pacify the girl.


“Fine, we’ll share my bed.” 


Minjeong really needs to get a grip on herself because she’s sure she can’t fall asleep like this. She’s in her twenties and studying at university, but sharing the same bed with Jimin and being in her room makes her feel like a silly teenager with a crush, and she’s sure her heart is going to beat out of her chest and wake Jimin up.



“Hm?” Minjeong squeaks.

“Are you pretending to sleep?” Jimin’s laugh is soft and Minjeong hates her.

“N–no. I’m not pretending; I’m actually trying to sleep.” 

“Yeah, you’re trying really hard, aren’t you?” Jimin smirks and the light from the window illuminates Jimin’s features.

“You know, I've only just met you properly, but I think you’re more annoying than Wonbin.” Minjeong huffs.

“I take offence to that.” Jimin pokes her and Minjeong squirms.



Jimin laughs at Minjeong’s grumpy expression before the smaller girl scoots to the edge and turns away.


“Minjeong-ah, I was only teasing.”

“You’re annoying.” 


Jimin shifts forward and places an arm over Minjeong, pushing up to look down at her.


“Am I?” Jimin asks deeply and Minjeong blinks.



Jimin falls flat and giggles loudly.


“You're so cute, Minjeong.” 


I’m so ed— Minjeong thinks. 


Minjeong wakes up the next morning feeling well rested. She pads out, still wearing Wonbin’s old clothes. She walks out to the kitchen and blindly walks towards the fridge, but she halts when she bumps into someone who feels like a wall.


“Sorry, Binnie.” Minjeong yawns and when she looks up and feels a slender and secure arm around her waist, she isn’t sure it’s Wonbin anymore.

“Wrong sibling.” Jimin smirks, looking down at Minjeong.


Minjeong jumps away like a startled cat and her eyes are wide awake now.


“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Minjeong blushes and wants to jump out of the window immediately.

“It’s alright.” Jimin chuckles. “Be a dear and wake Wonbin up.”


Minjeong heads to Wonbin’s room and with more force than she’d normally have, she shoves Wonbin off of the bed onto the floor.


“Ow–what the!” Wonbin wakes up immediately and groans when his head throbs.


Minjeong crouches down and pinches his e

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Psykotato 29 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 2: This makes me so soft🥺
162 streak #2
Chapter 2: I loved this one it might be one of my favorites actually. I absolutely love the friendship between Wonbin and Minjeong
i keep on going back to this story 🤧 i can't help it this is so good! 💖
284 streak #4
Chapter 2: So cutie fluffy 🥰
Genniee #5
Chapter 2: thank god for another worth-the-read-fanfic!!
Chapter 2: As always, just perfectly done. Loved loved LOVED Winbinne, friendship goals right there
Chapter 2: rhis is so in good
nayeonmine #8
Chapter 1: this fic make me giggling n kicking my feet >//<
plutoooooo #9
Chapter 2: in love with your works. So fluffy, love you 💋
winter_chan22 #10
Chapter 2: I really love this, thank you author-nim!!