Fear - 3

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[[CONTENTID1] Fear(less) [/CONTENTID1] 







Nobody said a word.  But the atmosphere in the car was explosive, and the source of these negative vibes was their leader.  
Wonwoo was sitting next to Mingyu, who had fallen asleep shortly after getting into the car. He had leaned his head against the window, and Wonwoo had eventually offered him his shoulder to make him more comfortable. Wonwoo kept trying to distract himself from thinking about today's incident and watched a river almost following the car. But it didn't work. 
Minghao sat in the passenger seat next to Seungcheol, who was driving and had fallen asleep. Seungcheol stared stubbornly at the road and interrupted several attempts to start a conversation by glancing in the rearview mirror. Their leader entered the car as they left the hospital and waited until the members arrived. Jeonghan and Seungkwan had almost immediately offered to ride in the second van with their manager. They had argued that it would have been too crowded, and Wonwoo had envied them for that. The two immediately sensed the mood and talked themselves out of it. After an annoying discussion between the doctors and the members, Seungcheol finally relented, and Jisoo, Minghao, and Mingyu were released and allowed back into the dorm. Jisoo was exhausted, but the two insisted they would be better off in their beds. 
Even at the hospital, Seungcheol had clarified that they would discuss the incident at home in the dorm. Minghao and Mingyu had gone all out for the group, which was admirable to some degree, but not so much that either of them broke down.  
Wonwoo turned around to the back to check on Seungkwan and Jeonghan's car. He smirked when he saw that they had to stop at a red light, and Seungcheol had managed to pass in time at the green light. Wonwoo scolded himself for his childish thoughts. Seungcheol was scary when angry, and his tantrums were usually long but appropriate. Wonwoo sighed and turned forward again. When something blinded him, he squinted his eyes to see the source of it. 
"Watch out!" shouted Wonwoo when he realized what was happening, but it was too late. 




"I never thought I would be happy not being with other members." Seungkwan chuckled. Jeonghan, who was sitting next to him, agreed with a grin. 
"I don't even want to know the atmosphere." 
"Great." Jeonghan grumbled as the light in front of him turned red, and their manager slammed the brakes harder than necessary. The other van managed to run the green light. 
"This light takes forever to turn green again." Seungkwan sighed beside him, and Jeonghan shook his head. 
"We should´ve taken their van instead of escaping the atmosphere. Bad Karma." Jeonghan grinned and looked at his phone. It was the middle of the night, and neither of them had imagined today's schedule to be like this, but being stuck at a crappy traffic light now was annoying. 
"Oh god..." stammered Seungkwan beside him, suddenly yanking the back door open. Jeonghan looked up from his phone and winced in fright as a loud bang rang in his ears simultaneously. He saw a truck ramming the vehicle in front of them on the right side spot, and it dragged the van across the road and over the guardrail with full force. The rear tires became wedged in the bar, and the van swayed dangerously. Jeonghan ran as fast as he could after Seungkwan, who was a little ahead of him. Jeonghan watched in horror as the truck slowly tipped forward, the axle scraping along the metal of the guardrail until the weight finally pulled the van along and the wheels got free.  
Seungkwan screamed something, and Jeonghan saw him almost reach the van when it disappeared behind the guardrail with a loud bang. 



When a shadow appeared in the intersection, Seungkwan saw it in slow motion and knew immediately what would happen. 
"Oh God..." he stammered when a truck crashed into the other van like an avalanche. Seungkwan tore open the rear door and jumped out of the car. He watched in horror as the van was hit on the right side. The truck pushed it across the road and finally rammed the van against the guardrail with full force, causing it to flip over and catch its rear tires on the pole. Seungkwan ran as fast as he could, but the van slowly tilted forward. Seungkwan screamed his anger when he saw the vehicle was about to fall. Jeonghan was right behind him, yelling something, and it almost felt like Seungkwan could touch the van before it tipped forward, but his arm went into nothing as the van finally pulled ahead and disappeared behind the guardrail. Seungkwan nearly broke his ribs when he jumped to the railing and saw the van roll over several times on the hillside. Its front end shattered from the force of impact, sending pieces of metal back into the car s were sitting in. The windshield imploded, showering the interior with deadly shards of glass. Another rollover and the van hit the ground with the trunk and crashed into several tree logs. The rear side door was brutally ripped out of the hinges, and the two front wheels spun out into the night before the front axle was torn out of the vehicle's frame. The trunk and the rear pane compacted into a massive mangled mess. 
The car's metal groaned like a wounded animal's last cry and landed on its roof in the lake's shallow waters. 
After all that... there was only silence. 




Jeonghan had almost reached Seungkwan, who stared down the railing, and when Jeonghan finally arrived, he grabbed the top edge and was about to jump over to get to the van. 
"Stop!" yelled Seungkwan, and Jeonghan could grab Seungkwan's arm, which he held out to him a second before Jeonghan fell down the slope he hadn´t noticed before. Jeonghan stared down and saw the wrecked van at the bottom of the hill. It had rolled over several times and finally stopped on its roof. The front axle was almost completely torn off, the windshield was destroyed, and, ironically, the headlights were still on. 
"We have to get down there!" gasped Seungkwan, his breath overrolled. 
Jeonghan nodded, and they carefully slid down the slope, helping each other not to lose their balance. The closer Jeonghan got to the car, the more he realized the force of the impact. Finally, he jumped down the last few steps and stumbled towards the car. He saw that the vehicle had partially landed in the shallow water of the sandy shore.  
Running around the van, he whimpered in fear as he saw the rear door ripped open and the seat nearly ejected from the car. Jeonghan jumped over something that had been a fender two minutes ago and tried to make out something inside the vehicle, but all he saw were shadows. He stumbled when he was about to jump up and run to the other side. Jeonghan´s foot got caught in the middle shore, and he stumbled. He just managed to catch himself on the rear door.  He struggled to his feet and saw a green jacket underneath. 
He immediately reached for the ripped door. He tried to push it, but it didn't move an inch. The reason for this was the heavy branch that had smashed on it, which was still partially anchored. Jeonghan tugged frantically at the piece of metal. Jeonghan looked panic stricken under the rear door and sobbed in relief when he noticed that Jisoo underneath was trapped but at least not buried by the water the door had landed on. He jumped up, grabbed the tree log across the door, and tugged. It moved slightly, but not enough. Jeonghan gave up and tried a different approach and crawled as far as possible under it, but his hand was an inch too short of reaching Jisoo´s body, who was utterly trapped in the mass of metal, and the only way to get him out was to raise the tree log. Jeonghan struggled out and grabbed the trunk again. But as much as he tried to remove it, it was useless. 
"Seungkwan!" shouted Jeonghan finally, but got no answer. Jeonghan looked around for something to open the door at least a little.  
"Jeonghan-ah!" he heard someone's voice. 
"Help me! We have to pull him out!" shouted Jeonghan, sobbing gratefully as their manager slid down the slope. He threw away the cell phone he had held to his ear and grabbed the door with both hands. 
But every time Jeonghan tried to lift the door on one side, it sank into the sandy ground on the other. Finally, they managed to wedge the branch between the floor and the rear door, and Jeonghan desperately crawled underneath, pulling Jisoo out from under the metal piece by piece. Tears welled up in his eyes. Jisoo didn't move, and Jeonghan tried to ignore the blood flowing from several deep cuts the windshield splinters had torn into his body.  Jeonghan felt sick when he saw a piece of bone coming out of Jisoo´s lower leg. Jeonghan gently turned him onto his back. A thin trickle of blood seeped from his mouth as Jisoo's head rolled onto his side, and their manager stabilized it quickly.  
But Jisoo was unresponsive. Jeonghan grabbed his friend´s body and tried to pull him into a sitting position. 
"Ya! Don´t move him! Jeonghan-ah, calm down, okay? Let me do this." his manager snapped at him. Jeonghan started shaking desperately as he saw their manager bend over Jisoo, put his head on his chest, and his features relaxed slightly after a few seconds.  
"Hyung, is he okay? Please tell me he is okay..." stammered Jeonghan, gently caressing his hair. 
"Jeonghan-ah, you have to calm down. He is breathing, okay? But he needs a doctor and must not be moved. Please be careful. The ambulances are on their way." he said, and Jeonghan buried his face in his left palm to wipe the tears that blinded him while his right hand lay on Jisoo´s chest to feel his heartbeat. 



Seungkwan tried to catch himself when he lost his grip at the last part of the slope, but his foot got caught in a root, and before he knew what was happening, he was pulled forward and fell to the ground at full speed.  
His ankle cried out in pain, but he saw Jeonghan rushing toward the van and stopped at the vehicle's side. 
Seungkwan whimpered but got halfway up to crawl to the back of the van and looked inside. At first, he saw only shadows because the headlights were still on, but eventually, he recognized Wonwoo lying in the back seat, his face covered in blood, but Seungkwan saw him moving his arm. Seungkwan reached for the door handle, which was so warped it wouldn't open. Seungkwan cursed in anger that he was not able to get him. 
"Can you hear me? YA!" yelled Seungkwan, trying to find another way into the wrecked car. 
"Hyung, is he okay? Please tell me he is okay....." he heard Jeonghan sobbing from the other side of the car and gritted his teeth. He needed to concentrate on Wonwoo and Mingyu. 
Where was Mingyu? Seungkwan's eyes darted around the car. 
Seungkwan stared at the body next to Wonwoo and began pounding on the window like a maniac. Mingyu was pinned between the back seat and the car's center console. Seungkwan momentarily stared at his friend in horror and realized that no one could save him unless he could somehow get Wonwoo awake. As if out of his mind, Seungkwan kept banging on the window. 
"Wonwoo-ah, wake up! Pull out Mingyu! Help him!!" Seungkwan shouted desperately. 
Finally, Wonwoo seemed to react as he struggled to open his eyes. His gaze met Seungkwan´s, and he seemed confused. 
"Wonwoo-ah! Pull him out!!!! Please!" Seungkwan cried out. 
He saw Wonwoo sit up and spit out blood as he slumped forward. Seungkwan saw a deep cut on Wonwoo´s shoulder, and the blood was flowing constantly. There was another deep laceration on his arm, and he seemed to struggle to stay awake. 
Seungkwan gritted his teeth. Wonwoo was injured, but still Mingyu's only chance. 
"Reach beside you! Pull him the out! The firefighter are on their way! Hyung, can you hear me?! You need to pull him out!!!" Seungkwan had to cough violently as he choked on his saliva as he yelled at Wonwoo and continued pounding on the car´s window. 



In the distance, Wonwoo heard sounds and tried to get his bearings. 
"...hear..." The noise was annoying, he thought. 
"Wha... up! He... me?!" 
Wonwoo opened his eyes. It was dark, and he felt cold below his waist. Wonwoo tried to move, but he seemed frozen. Slowly, he became aware of his surroundings. He noticed water around him and recognized the van. But something was wrong.  
"Can you hear me?!" 
Wonwoo tried to sit up but slipped away when he tried to support himself. He looked in surprise at his hands and the blood on them. He pulled his sleeve back a little and saw what looked like a deep wound in his arm. 
"What... happened...?" he mumbled and heard the noise next to him again. 
Wonwoo turned his head to identify the source and stared in confusion through the window in front of which Seungkwan was standing, gesticulating like a maniac. 
Wonwoo was suddenly thrown back to reality when the vast noises turned into a loud banging that nearly caused him to go deaf. Seungkwan rammed his fists against the van's rear window like his life depended on it. He screamed something at him, and panic was written all over his face. 
Wonwoo tried again to move, but it didn't work. His leg seemed to be stuck somewhere. As he looked down, he saw that he was pinned underneath the front seat. He tried to get his stuck leg out but cried out in pain as his knee exploded in pain, and before he could do anything about it, he toppled over, lost his balance, and struggled to get out of the shallow water. Wonwoo's mind cleared from the cold feeling, and he looked around. He soon realized that the van was in a shallow lake. 
He struggled to his elbows and looked around.  Where were the others?! 
"Get him out! Hurry! Grab Mingyu!" yelled Seungkwan again, and Wonwoo followed the finger the younger pointed at something behind him. Wonwoo looked back to Seungkwan, confused. 
-Mingyu? - he still tried to understand the situation he was in. His knee hurt like hell, and he blinked as blood dripped into his eye. He raised his arm to wipe it away and touched something soft next to him. Wonwoo stared at Seungkwan, who seemed to be out of his mind. 
Seungkwan pointed hysterically behind Wonwoo again and banged his fists against the window. Wonwoo turned around and tried to figure out what Seungkwan meant. His vision improved somewhat, the blurriness that the headlights created, and he saw Mingyu's jacket beside him.  Wonwoo looked back at Seungkwan, who was staring at him in bewilderment, and suddenly tried to get on his feet. Seungkwan also seemed to be injured as he saw him gritting his teeth in pain. Wonwoo looked after him in confusion as his friend disappeared. 
A moment later, he flinched as Seungkwan appeared on the other side at the opposite window and gestured beside him again. Wonwoo struggled to his elbows again and followed Seungkwan's instructions without thinking much. Wonwoo grabbed Mingyu's jacket to push it aside when he suddenly felt a weight that a jacket should not have. Wonwoo realized what was happening, and ignoring the pain in his leg, he crawled as fast as he could forward, wrapped his arm around Mingyu's chest, and pulled him through the water's surface he had been under. The younger´s body toppled towards him, and Wonwoo was just able to grab his neck to avoid his friend´s head smashing against the wreck´s bottom. 
"Please breath...please...." Wonwoo started crying as he stabilized Mingyu's body so he wouldn't fall back and ignored Seungkwan's yelling behind the glass. Wonwoo put an arm around him to free him from the belt and pull him towards him. Mingyu did not attempt to move, and Wonwoo had to use all his strength to free him from the center console almost wrangled around him. Wonwoo finally managed to free him, lay Mingyu's body on the ground and cursed as his friend's body slipped back into the water. Wonwoo pulled Mingyu away from the deeper water in his back seat and frantically put his ear to his chest. 
"Please breathe... I beg you..." Wonwoo sobbed and suppressed his breathing as much as he could to hear better. Wonwoo grabbed Mingyu's face and turned it towards him. He stared at his friend, and....absolutely nothing happened. Wonwoo slapped Mingyu several times, but there was no response. Wonwoo tried not to get distracted by Seungkwan, who seemed to understand the situation, but fell on his knees outside and kept trying to get inside the van. 
"Don't do this to me now, please. YA!" Wonwoo yelled hysterically at Mingyu, only to stare in Mingyu's pale face, and started shaking in fear.  
Suddenly, the banging changed before him, and Wonwoo looked up. Seungkwan gestured for him to move back, and Wonwoo had the chance to pull Mingyu with him just in time as Seungkwan smashed the rear window with a large stone. The moment he could at least stick a hand into the car, Wonwoo heard his voice. 
"Ya! Is he okay? Do something!" cried Seungkwan in panic, and Wonwoo, hoping he was wrong, pressed two fingers to Mingyu's neck to feel for a pulse. He waited and waited... 
"Is he all right?! Tell me he's breathing..." sobbed Seungkwan again behind him, and as Wonwoo looked back, he saw Seungkwan covered in blood as he tried to get into the wreck, and the glass shards sliced his arms without him noticing. 
Wonwoo just stared at Mingyu's face. Pale and without any movement, his head rested in Wonwoo's hands. Wonwoo tried to wake him up again by slapping him several times.  
"YA! Is he breathing?!" Seungkwan shouted again.
"No." sobbed Wonwoo. 
A dead silence fell behind

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Chapter 3: Oh god I don’t want to dream about this…
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Did the storyline change for this?