
Underneath the starry sky

To Minjeong, Yizhuo was nothing more than a stranger. Often walking past each other when the other is rushing to their next class, not a word is uttered nor is a glance spared. Despite this, Minjeong would be lying if she said that hadn’t noticed Yizhuo while having a conversation with someone else. When there was a chance, Minjeong had hints of what Yizhuo liked. Her favorite song faintly playing over and over again through her airpods, her favorite book that was often found securely tucked in her arms, and her favorite movie because of the keychain dangling on her bag that was referencing the film. 

She never got around to the reason why she kept in mind Yizhuo’s likes, she had always brushed off the inkling feeling and made an excuse of simply observing a stranger that she often bumped into. She knew that if she thought of the situation even further, it would only wreak havoc to her life.

It seemed ironic to think of this when somehow the universe found its way to get back at her as she unexpectedly starts talking to Yizhuo. It was sudden and rushed that Minjeong assumed that there wouldn't be more after this.

While waiting for her next class, Minjeong could only wait outside as another class was using the room. A flash of red hair passes by followed by the sound of an item dropping. Looking down, Minjeong is quick to realize that it was the stranger’s keychain. 


Glancing quickly at the retreating figure, she drops down to pick up the keychain and chases after the girl. Tapping her shoulder she says, “hey you dropped your Titanic keychain.” When she turned around, Minjeong inhaled sharply.


‘Was she always this pretty?’ Was the first thought that popped into mind before pulling herself together.


“Oh! Thank you! I don’t think I’d be able to sleep right if I had lost this.” If honey and warmth were mixed together, it would be the perfect way to explain how soothing it was to listen to her talk. “I noticed it on the ground and it was just us in that hallway, so I figured it would be yours.” A tight lipped smile was the most Minjeong could muster as standing in front of the stranger was making her shrink. “I’m glad you noticed, thank you..?”

“M-Minjeong. My name’s Minjeong.” Just when Minjeong thought that she wouldn’t melt even further, the stranger’s smile seemed to be the final blow. “Thank you Minjeong-ssi, I’m Yizhuo.” Offering a handshake seemed to make Minjeong malfunction and overthink whether her palms would be rough or would be sweaty, nevertheless she shook Yizhuo’s hand.


“I have to go, thank you again!” 


This time Minjeong doesn’t say anything and instead nods her head. Watching the figure disappear after taking a turn, Minjeong finally releases a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

Right after the short conversation with Yizhuo, she finds herself talking more and more with her. Minjeong soon found out that Yizhuo was a year younger and the observations she had unconsciously made were proven right. Never would she want to admit to Yizhuo the little details that she had noticed since she didn’t want to come off as a creep. Minjeong’s just glad that she managed to make another friend.


One of the reasons why Minjeong had refused to acknowledge anyone new was because of one girl in Minjeong’s heart. Yu Jimin. Jimin was a year older and was a graduating student, they didn’t have much in common and lived completely different lives that it wouldn’t make sense if they dated. The younger girl fell first and did what she could to satisfy Jimin despite their clashing personalities. For Jimin she was willing to burn herself.

As expected, things between them went down. It was bound to happen, Minjeong knew this, and yet she still took the risk. The Junior student could only mask how losing Jimin hurt, a lot more than it should’ve. The mask often slipped but Minjeong was quick to catch herself. 


While all of this was crumbling down, Yizhuo often cheered her up, although they didn’t talk often, it was still enough for Minjeong to smile. The older of the two would reason that she only feels this way because Yizhuo didn’t know her that well yet. She took advantage of the fact that there wouldn’t be an ounce of biased opinion between them. To Minjeong, Yizhuo was no longer a stranger but an acquaintance she’s grown comfortable with.




After a handful of conversations, Minjeong starts noticing Yizhuo a lot quicker than before. She was never the type to pay attention to her surroundings if it does no harm to her and other people, but letting her eyes roam around, she spots Yizhuo easily. When she does see Yizhuo, she doesn’t approach her. Instead she admires the sight of Yizhuo moving from one place to another guiding her group mates with whatever project they were doing. It was truly admirable to see how passionate Yizhuo was. 


However, another thing that Minjeong had picked up on was the fact that Yizhuo’s eyes never lie. Her eyes, if it could talk, screamed wanting to rest, away from school, but her smile was deceiving. 


She had a smile that fooled everyone who wasn’t paying attention. Yizhuo could fool anyone, but surprisingly, not Minjeong. Yizhuo was easy to read like an open book.


The next time Minjeong sees Yizhuo is when she spots the younger girl leaning close to her laptop, it should be a humorous sight for Minjeong if she wasn’t concerned as to what the younger girl was doing.

“I can help you with this.” Minjeong randomly popped to Yizhuo’s side, making the Chinese girl jump. “Jesus ing christ, Minjeong! Stop appearing out of nowhere.” She glared, making Minjeong chuckle. “Sorry about that, so can I help with this? It's technically part of my major, I don't know why your course has this though.” 


Yizhuo’s smile almost blinds Minjeong as she scooted further to the other side, giving more room for Minjeong to sit comfortably beside her. “Okay let’s see what we got here.” Minjeong whispered to herself. She knows she shouldn’t be nervous but how could she not when she couldn’t decipher whether Yizhuo was staring with what she was doing or was burning holes on her head.


The older girl plays dumb, she plays dumb as if she doesn’t notice that now she was confident that Yizhuo was blatantly staring at her. Because of the decrease of temperature, she had an excuse to hide the blush that was creeping in. “T-there, that should fix it.” Clearing , she glanced at Yizhuo. She watched how Yizhuo’s eyes brightened with the changes Minjeong had made. Minjeong could only wait, waiting for the time when their eyes would lock. 


She a breath in, and disappointment fills her when she sees Yizhuo’s gaze stuck like glue on her laptop. “Oh my god! This would help so much, thank you!” Yizhuo exclaimed, scrolling down to what the older girl had typed. “I’m glad I was able to help, if there’s anything more I can do just let me know.” She smiled sheepishly. Yizhuo nods her head enthusiastically. “Yeah! I’ll let you know.” Glancing at her wrist watch, she sported a pout that Minjeong felt as a jab in the heart with how adorable the sight was. “I’ve got class in a bit so I’ll head out first, I’ll see you around Minjeong!” Waving at Yizhuo, she could only watch as she eventually blended in with the crowd inside the school.


She lets out a breath that she didn’t know she was holding, similar to their first meeting. The only difference is that now she has to calm down her frantic heart. It’s normal to feel this excited when Yizhuo thanked her. No big deal. This happened often. It’s normal. From this point on, Minjeong knew that how she viewed Yizhuo was no longer as an acquaintance, it was much more than that.


Minjeong has yet to figure out what this feeling meant but she fears that her hunch may be right. For now, she chose to enjoy this moment.




In a blink of an eye, a month had passed by and Minjeong couldn’t recall when was the last time she had left her house. The only time she could recall was when she went out to go to school before rushing back home as soon as all her classes ended. To say that she was busy would be an understatement, she never had the time to hang out with her friends or even interact with the people she usually would when she walked past them. She went ‘MIA’ was what her friends said, but she paid little to no attention towards it. She had projects that were best done first and early. She can always catch up with her friends later. 


With how busy she was, she hadn’t seen Yizhuo as well. She figured that maybe she was just as busy as Minjeong was. After all, their school did have the tendency to drop a load of projects especially during their exam week. It didn’t help with the fact that Minjeong took a different route that’s closer to her room rather than the places where she would always find Yizhuo. She doesn’t deny it when she thinks of how much she certainly missed goofing around with Yizhuo but she had to put her academics first or else she could fail. Nothing was scarier than failing, and Minjeong isn’t keen on finding out just how scary it was.


It was already late at night when Minjeong decided to get some fresh air by walking outside. She knew it was dangerous but she didn't understand why her feet dragged her outside, walking mindlessly with no specific location in mind. Minjeong never realized how much she needed this. From the corner of her eyes, she sees someone crouching down, alarmed by this she hesitates in walking past. 


“Minjeong?” That voice. Her heart started beating erratically when she realized who had called her. Suddenly all her thoughts went haywire as the same name was repeated on her head.


Yizhuo, Yizhuo, Yizhuo. Yizhuo.” She said, with a sigh. “Haven’t seen you for quite some time. How are you?” She asked, her voice barely a whisper as Minjeong takes it as a chance to crouch beside the younger girl. “Barely surviving.” Minjeong jokes, making Yizhuo giggle. This was what Minjeong missed. Being this close to Yizhuo, being able to joke around, being this comfortable. 


Minjeong fears that she had found the answers to all those times where she couldn't begin to understand what she felt whenever Yizhuo was around. 


Kim Minjeong likes Ning Yizhuo.


“What are you doing here so late at night?” Minjeong asked, making Yizhuo shrug. “Felt like I needed to walk around, get some fresh air. What about you?” Minjeong ponders for a bit, she knows the answer to the question but because of how long she hasn't seen Yizhuo, she was awestruck by her beauty. Were Minjeong's surroundings always this bright? Or has it always been like this with Yizhuo?


“S-same reason.” Minjeong felt bashful when a stutter left her lips but with how little to no lights there were, her blush wasn’t visible to Yizhuo. Her heart slammed against her ribs, the realization echoing like a thunderclap in her skull. Kim Minjeong likes Ning Yizhuo. Not in a platonic, friendly way, not in a fleeting admiration, but in a way that made her stomach twist in knots and her breath catch in .


Panic pricked at the edges of her mind. This was dangerous territory, Minjeong knew that. Jimin was still a fresh wound, a throbbing reminder of how messy love could be. But Yizhuo to Minjeong was different. There was a quiet warmth to her laughter, a gentle intelligence in her eyes, a way she fit into Minjeong's world like a missing puzzle piece. 


She couldn't tell Yizhuo the truth, not yet. Not when Yizhuo's gaze was already focused on her, the moonlight catching the soft curve of her jaw and making her seem ethereal. Minjeong felt like a puppet with a clumsy puppeteer for an owner as her strings tangled and frayed, her every move jerky and unpredictable.


The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken words and unadmitted feelings. Minjeong's lips parted, ready to break the awkwardness, to say something, anything but nothing came out. Instead Yizhuo leans in, whispering playfully, “Maybe fate works in mysterious ways, hm?” Minjeong's heart stutters. Is this a hint? Does Yizhuo feel the same way? Before she could reply, Yizhuo pointed towards the sky, eyes gleaming with wonder. “Look! A shooting star!”


Minjeong forcefully tears her eyes away from Yizhuo to look at the sky. A series of emotions swirling within Minjeong. The sky, previously cloaked in the city's glow, has cleared, revealing a breathtaking canvas of twinkling stars. One streaks across the darkness, leaving a bright trail in its wake. Minjeong decided to be impulsive, to act without thinking about the consequences as she threw her arm around Yizhuo, pulling her close for warmth and, perhaps, a little courage.


Yizhuo leans into the embrace, a small giggle escaping her lips. “Make a wish,” she whispers, her voice laced with a hint of shy anticipation. Minjeong closes her eyes, the image of Yizhuo's smiling face etched in her mind. In that moment, her wish isn't about forgetting Jimin, getting over heartbreak, or even finding Yizhuo's love. It's a simple, and yet a profound desire for a new beginning, a chance to explore this burgeoning connection with open arms and an unburdened heart.


She opens her eyes, meeting Yizhuo's gaze. “What did you wish for?” She asked. Minjeong stuck her tongue out teasingly. “If I tell you it might not happen.” Yizhuo rolled her eyes as she playfully slapped Minjeong's shoulder. 


Minjeong wouldn't dare to say it outloud but the wish rang loudly in her head. 


‘I wished for more time with you.’




It felt like war after Minjeong finally accepted the fact that she likes Yizhuo. The night that they spent, gazing at the stars and wishing when a shooting star passed by was an eye opener to Minjeong. How could she have not noticed that all this time this was what she felt? Perhaps she knew, and yet denied it. The longer she denied the more it grew.

In this scenario, denying her feelings was no longer an option. They bloomed within her like a garden in spring, impossible to ignore or suppress. She knew that with each passing day, Minjeong would find herself falling deeper and deeper into the abyss of her affection for Yizhuo, her heart pounding like a drum at the mere thought of Yizhuo.


The temptation to confess her feelings to Yizhuo continued to pester her, despite this Minjeong only continued to hesitate. Fear had gripped her like the emotion and herself were like magnets. She couldn’t bear the thought of rejection and heartbreak, the thought of ruining their friendship, of losing Yizhuo forever.


Although the acceptance to her feelings were there, having her feelings shown was instead hidden away, buried beneath layers of their smiles and laughter. The most she could do then was listen intently to Yizhuo’s stories, memorizing every detail, every laugh and every frown. It lingered inside Minjeong’s memories that she found herself replaying and savoring each precious memory like it was her only cherished treasure.


Her best efforts to conceal her emotions were pointless when there were moments when her facade crumbled, when her longing spilled out like a dam bursting at the seams. It was in the stolen glances, the lingering touches, the unspoken words that hung heavy in the air between them.

“Remember the last time we went here?” Yizhuo asked out of the blue. This pulls Minjeong back to the present. The present, that felt like the past as they were seated in the same place where they saw each other after a month of school beating them in the . “How could I forget? I thought I was going to get mugged if I hadn’t known it was you.” Minjeong jokes, earning a strong nudge from Yizhuo. “Damn okay, rude.” Yizhuo grumbled under her breath. It was always fun teasing her this way. Her eyebrows furrowed, lower lip jutting out, and arms crossed the sight was amusing for Minjeong.


“How long ago was that?” Minjeong leaned back, her palms supporting her as she looked at Yizhuo who’s chin was still resting on her knees. “A few months? I can’t tell specifically.” She shrugged, turning around to find Minjeong who was looking at her with adoration overflowing. 


“Come here.” Minjeong urged, while patting her shoulder for Yizhuo to rest her head on. Not uttering another word, she does what she’s told.
The moment hangs heavy in the air, charged with unspoken words and newfound possibilities. Neither breaks the tension, both reveling in the sweet silence. “You know,” Yizhuo said at first, Minjeong hums, waiting for her to finish her sentence, “the stars seemed brighter when I'm with you. Do you feel that too?” 


Minjeong's breath hitched at Yizhuo's words. What was she trying to imply? Perhaps Yizhuo meant it in a way that she's comfortable with Minjeong to that point. “Yeah,” Minjeong smiles, “I feel that too.”


It felt like an unspoken confession between the two. Minjeong just couldn't decipher whether or not they were in the same chapter. With their current position, it worries Minjeong whether or not Yizhuo would hear her thumping chest, but with how Yizhuo seemed to snuggle further made Minjeong's brain blank out completely. 


A loud ring interrupts their moment making them jolt from where they sat. Yizhuo's phone was ringing. “Seems like I have to go.” She pouted, making Minjeong chuckle before brushing Yizhuo's hair and tucking it behind her ear. “There’s always a next time, just go home for now and let me know when you get there.” She grins before caressing Yizhuo's cheeks. Their eyes locked together refusing to look away as if a magnet had been placed inside them.


“Stop looking at me like that.” Yizhuo was the first to break eye contact, Minjeong could see a hint of red splashed around Yizhuo's features. “Like what?” Minjeong asked, making Yizhuo groan. 


“Like you feel the same way too.”


Minjeong stops her hand completely when she lets Yizhuo's words process. Was Yizhuo confessing? Was that a confession? Gulping she leans closer to Yizhuo, who in return stared clearly confused with what Minjeong is trying to do.


“I guess I don't need words when I have my eyes to tell you how I feel.” The air between them crackled with unspoken confessions. Yizhuo's lips parted in a silent question. In that hesitant moment, the world shrank to just the two of them, ignoring their surroundings all together .


Time blurred as Minjeong leaned further, the space between their lips rapidly decreasing. She could feel Yizhuo's warmth radiating against her skin, her senses on fire with anticipation. Then, like a butterfly taking flight, Yizhuo's hand cupped Minjeong's cheek, a gentle touch that sent shivers down her spine.


And then, their lips met.


It was a tentative kiss, soft as butterfly wings, a whisper of promise in the night air. However, it held the weight of a thousand untold stories, a series of surging emotions blooming into existence. Their hearts start beating in unison, a shared rhythm echoing the thrumming stars above.


As the kiss deepened, Minjeong's hesitation melted away. Her fingers trailed through Yizhuo's hair, relishing the silky texture, the soft scent of Yizhuo's shampoo. Yizhuo responded, her hand finding its way to Minjeong's shoulder, drawing her closer, even closer than they already were.


The taste of hope filled Minjeong's mouth, a sweetness tinged with the tang of uncertainty. For a moment, the weight of her past, the shadow of Jimin, faded into the background. All that mattered was this fragile connection, this whispered promise of something new, something beautiful.


The kiss ended too soon, leaving them breathless, hearts pounding in their chests. Minjeong opened her eyes, searching Yizhuo's face for any sign of regret, any hint of doubt. But all she saw was a mirrored reflection of her own emotions, a mixture of nervousness and exhilaration.


Yizhuo's smile, shy yet bright, broke the silence. “Maybe,” she began, a blush scattered around her cheeks, “fate works in mysterious ways, after all.”


Minjeong grinned, the relief washing over her as warm as the summer sun. “Yeah,” she replied, her voice husky with emotion. “It truly does.” 


Yizhuo's phone buzzed again, a stubborn reminder of the world beyond their moonlit haven.


“I really should go.” She sighed, disappointment lingering in her words. Minjeong understood. There were plenty more memories to be made, this would just become one of her favorite memories. “Of course. Don't worry about it.” She said, her smile tinged with a bittersweetness that mirrored Yizhuo's.


They stood up, their shadows stretching long and thin in the moonlight. Yizhuo hesitated, then leaned forward, her lips brushing against Minjeong's cheek in a whisper of another kiss. It was a promise, a promise to Minjeong that Yizhuo felt the same.


“I'll text you when I get home. Don't stay out too late.” Yizhuo murmured, her eyes sparkling with unspoken words.


Minjeong nodded, her heart overflowing. As Yizhuo disappeared into the night, Minjeong turned her gaze back to the sky, the stars now twinkling with a new, joyous meaning.


Ning Yizhuo likes Kim Minjeong too. The feeling was mutual. Minjeong soon realizes she has yet to utter those words to Yizhuo. 


And while it isn't appealing to say it through a call, she finds herself dialing Yizhuo's number. 


“Hello, Min? Is something wrong? Do you want me to turn arou-”


Inhaling deeply, she closes her eyes. “I like you, Yizhuo.”


A giggle could be heard from the other line, “You couldn't wait till tomorrow to tell me that?” She jokes, Minjeong chuckles. “I felt like I needed to tell you now, while the atmosphere around us is still there.” She explains.


“Well in that case, I like you too, Minjeong.”


Minjeong couldn't stop her smile as she silently screamed into the air. Happiness overflowed as Yizhuo's words repeatedly spiraled on her head.


She likes me? She likes me. She likes me!


“L-let me know when you're home okay?” 


“I will, you better start going home too.” 


“Yes ma’am.” 


The call ends. Minjeong pumps her fist in the air as she makes her way back home. The stars were still scattered across the dark sky as Minjeong hung up the phone, a wide grin plastered on her face. Her heart echoed the triumphant twinkles of the constellations, her chest buzzing with the electricity of Yizhuo's confession. “She likes me too.” She whispered to the night air, a silly giggle escaping her lips.


Walking home, her usual route felt lighter. The streetlights seemed to wink approvingly, the rustling leaves whispered encouragement. For the first time in months, the future wasn't a looming shadow, but a canvas waiting to be painted with vibrant hues of hope. Minjeong couldn't wait to paint the canvas furthermore with Yizhuo.

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kariselleheart 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: oh god this is so good 😭 my heart