Bad day

Drunk Talk
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It was a normal afternoon and the bell echoed through the emptying corridors, signaling the end of another school day. Tiffany slumped into her chair with a heavy sigh, her exhaustion evident.

"Hey, Tiff, everything alright?" Bora, her close friend and colleague, noticed the fatigue etched across Tiffany's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tiffany replied, forcing a small smile.

But her day had been far from fine. It was a series of unfortunate events for Tiffany. It started with a chaotic morning, almost missing the bus and being late to work due to her alarm not working. When she finally reached school on time, hoping for a cup of coffee, the broken coffee machine added to her frustration.

"Rough day, huh?" Bora empathized, pulling up a chair beside her.

Tiffany nodded, "Tell me about it. I almost missed the bus, then the coffee machine decided to break down. And today, two boys in my class almost punched each other if I didn't stop them. It's like my entire day has been cursed."

During the day, she tried to stay positive. The first class began smoothly, but the universe seemed determined to throw obstacles her way. A sudden fight between two boys in her class left her grappling to resolve the conflict, adding to her exhaustion.

"Seriously, today is testing my patience," Tiffany muttered.

Bora chuckled, "Well, maybe your luck will change. You never know," She patted Tiffany's shoulder lightly before standing up and shouldering her bag, getting ready to go home. "See you tomorrow, Tiff."

"Yeah, see you," they bid their farewells before Bora disappeared from the office room.

Left alone, Tiffany sighed for the ninth time, looking at the unmarked English test papers that had piled up on her desk.

Sometimes, Tiffany couldn't help but reflect on her life choices. Why had she chosen to be a teacher when her family's wealth could have afforded her a life of luxury? She was, after all, the daughter of a well-known businessman in Korea. The fact that not many people know even among her colleagues.


"Fighting, Fany-ah" She mumbled to herself alone before taking those papers.

As time slipped away, Tiffany found herself buried in the sea of papers to grade. She decided to not go home yet since there was nothing she could do at home alone.


Tiffany unlocked her phone's screen to read the text.

'Hi. Still at school?'

Tiffany smiled for the first time that day and replied quickly with a sad emoji.

‘Hi! Yeah, I am :'('

'Hahaha. Are you okay? Guess who's here to pick you up?'

Tiffany was surprised.

'You're at my school???'


'You serious?!'

'I am. Take your time, I'll wait at the parking lot'

Tiffany didn't reply anymore as she quickly gathered her things. She rushed out of the school building, scanning the parking lot until she spotted Taeyeon leaning against his car, a warm smile on his face.


"Surprise," Taeyeon spread his arms wide to welcome her.

Tiffany threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness.

"What are you doing here?" she exclaimed, unable to contain her joy.

"I thought I'd surprise my favorite teacher after a long week away," he said, returning her warm embrace.

"I can't believe you're here. I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."

It had been over a week since Tiffany last saw Taeyeon, who had been away on a business trip. His unexpected visit was the perfect antidote to her stressful day.

"Well, the business trip was over sooner than expected, so I hopped on the first flight back," He explained.

He had arrived earlier that morning, finding an empty house as Tiffany was already at work. So, he decided to take a nap first after a long flight, freshen up, and surprise her at school.

Taeyeon gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "I missed you. How was work?"

"You have no idea how much I needed this today," she admitted, her voice revealing a mix of relief and happiness.

"I'm taking a wild guess that it was a long day at work, huh?"

"Nothing went well for me today, unfortunately."

He chuckled, "How can I make your day even better? Anything specific you need?"

Tiffany thought for a moment and then replied with a hopeful grin, "I just want to see the sea. Can we go to the beach?"

"Like right now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Right now."

Taeyeon's eyes lit up, and he nodded. "Okay, let's get out of here and go to the beach."

The couple hopped into the car, leaving the school grounds behind. As they drove to the beach, Taeyeon listened attentively as Tiffany recounted the chaos of her day. The drive was filled with laughter, catching up on the week they spent apart, until Tiffany dozed off in the passenger seat with her hand entwined with Taeyeon's.

While driving, Taeyeon gently caressed the wedding ring on her finger, a smile playing on his lips as he focused on the road ahead.


Tiffany was feeling a bit annoyed. She rested her head on her knees, looking out at the ocean view from the window of the suite's living room.

The white shirt she wore, borrowed from Taeyeon, hung loosely on her frame. She didn't pack clothes for this last-minute trip, but luckily, Taeyeon's luggage in the car had some spare outfits.

A of bad luck again, it seemed.

It was a long drive from Seoul and the weather was so bright and nice when they left the city. However, as soon as they arrived at the beach, rain started to pour heavy like cats and dogs. They stayed in the car, waiting for the rain to stop, only to find themselves waiting much longer than expected.

Tiffany had hoped to see a beautiful sunset, but heavy clouds and rain made it impossible to even catch a glimpse of the sun.

Taeyeon noticed her disappointed expression. Trying to cheer her up, he suggested extending their stay, hoping for better weather tomorrow, especially since it was the weekend, and neither of them had work.

After a shower, Taeyeon walked out from the bedroom, finding Tiffany still seated on the couch in the living room, gazing out at the rain-soaked scenery. He decided to join her.

"Having a beer?" Taeyeon inquired, taking a seat beside her.

"Want some? Found plenty in the fridge," Tiffany responded, handing him a new can from the glass table.

"Sure, I'll have one," he replied, taking a sip.

Tiffany sighed, her focus returning to the sea through the window.

"What's bothering you?" he asked.

"Just thinking about how our plans got ruined by this weather," she sighed.

Taeyeon, glancing at th

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Katara_28 #1
Chapter 1: Next please till they have baby
Chapter 1: you’re back! i missed your stories taeny’s always so adorable! i always feel good when reading your work that i suddenly felt like reading your other stories again ^^
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Another chap authy? 😁😁😁
Chapter 1: Telling me to have a nice day after such an abrupt ending is crazy 😭
Chapter 1: This is too short, I need more author nim 🤣
My goodness this story brings so much flutters in my heart
Such a good fic
Hoping tgere is some continuation hehehehe
Chapter 1: Long time no see author nim
Chapter 1: Awww so short. Can't get enough of this sweet couple.
peacerworld #8
Chapter 1: How cute :)
thegloomy11 #9
Chapter 1: Awww my taeny heart
Chapter 1: Love the story!! Taeny is the best!